Character Description
- Name: Osonia Trafiel
Species/Race: Elgafolk (afflicted)
Sex: Female
Age: 103
Court Alignment: White
Role: Spymaster - leads a mostly independent intelligence unit of four similarly afflicted Quinians, Token Elga - despite not seeing herself as an elga anymore Andronika insists on parading her around as an example of "coexistence"

Strengths and Weaknesses
- Skills: Expert in legerdemain and thievery, Osonia is a rogue through and through. She's dexterous and nimble, able to sneak by the most attentive guards. Should worst come to worst, she would make use of an emergency backup single shot wheellock pistol hidden in her left bracer. She also carries a stiletto dagger and a short sabre if the need arose.
Weaknesses: Avoiding detection is her primary goal, as she's not the most physically imposing figure. She doesn't rely on brute strength, or she'd have run out of work a long time ago.
Osonia is also generally apathetic towards the overall civil war, feeling that she'll simply outlive the fighting and loot the corpses of the losers. This leaves her not fully committed to any one side and liable to jump ship if it starts to sink.
- Backstory: What makes someone privileged turn to a life of crime? By all intents and purposes, Osonia Trafiel should be an upstanding member of society; her parents are wealthy bankers and she never wanted for anything as a child, yet she still managed to find the wrong crowd to fall into. Much to the chagrin of her family and anyone else who saw her, she spent more time with the help than with her own kind. At first it was curiosity when gave way to fascination, soon she found herself actually preferring the 'lesser' beings than the other elves. She didn't understand the way they looked at her, with a mix of fear and hate and disgust.
Eventually some of the other kids stopped throwing rocks at her and actually let her tag along on some of their ventures, and found that she had a knack for getting into places that others struggled to. At first this was just simple things like taking food from the bakery so someone could eat, but as things went on they got more and more involved. After a few years, it was breaking into houses and stealing valuables. Most of the kids Osonia grew up with had by this point decided this was too risky and bailed out. A few remained, and they formed a crew that called themselves The Cask Raisers.
The first heist after giving themselves a name did not go well. They'd heard some religious cult had taken up in a house at the edge of town and they decided to hit it at the dead of night when everyone would be asleep. Everyone was not asleep. Upon entering the home, Osonia was almost immediately throttled by someone. She shoved her attacker off, expecting to see a guard dog but was confronted by a gaunt female skultfolk. Incensed by her intrusion on their holy ground, the skultwoman drug the elga before the rest of her cult where they judged Osonia to be a heretic. They sentenced her to the most severe punishment of their kind: To receive the Gift but be exiled from their commune, where they assumed she would go mad and be struck down. All she remembers is them seizing upon her like animals, feasting upon her blood until every drop was gone and replacing it with their own. They cast her out into the street barely conscious, and her instincts alone got her back home.
The pain that racked her body was unlike anything she could describe, as if every part of her was being torn apart at once. By the third day, the pain finally subsided, and the hunger had set in. She was now aware of what she'd become, of what those fiends had done to her. She'd become a vampire. She kept this information from her crewmates, and did everything she could to indulge it on the side away from her professional work. She didn't want them to think she'd changed, to not trust her because of what happened.
In the end, it didn't matter. The fall of The Cask Raisers was born out of a lack of trust that was much deeper than any sudden onset affliction. The final job they did was supposed to be their biggest: rob the bank Osonia's family owned. Everything seemed like it was going well, until they heard the sound of approaching guard. Something was wrong, they'd arrived too quickly. They knew too soon. Someone had tipped them off. As the gang scrambled to make their way out of the bank, Osonia felt a heavy blow on the back of her head drop her to her knees. She watched, dazed and confused as the rest of the gang ran out without her and disappeared into the shadows. People she considered her friends—no, her family—abandoned her to the wolves.