Waverley Watts
Location: Beyond the Veil
"Looks like we're in luck - not only is someone home, but they've already started fortifying the bar," Waverley stated as soon as her phone pinged with the incoming message telling her to come around back. She didn't waste any time, slipping out of the car and directing the others to the back of the bar. A grin stretched across Waverley's face as the door opened to reveal Ameer. She quickly hurried in, and once everyone was safe, she locked the back door.
"As soon as I realized something was going down, I started looking for Riley - couldn't leave without her," Waverley glanced behind her, gesturing with her shoulder to Kaitlyn and Juniper. "Given that she's missing from the roster here, the search obviously wasn't successful, but I ended up meeting these two. Kaitlyn, Juniper, meet Ameer and Stacy. Aaaaaand, our most gorgeous and underrated employee..." Waverley's eyes slid from her actual human friends to the dingy little ham radio that sat intelligently in the backroom of the bar. She casually plopped on the table it sat on like she'd done it a hundred times before, placing a hand on the radio. "I call her Amy - because FMy doesn't quite have the same ring to it."