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18 days ago
19 days ago
"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
2 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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The lands of dark are a distant and treacherous place. The fogs are plentiful and house a thousand odd creatures. The storms strike the land with lightning like claws and teeth, and the shadows seem to near dance in the moonlight. There is something different and unsaid about the Land of Dark that is enchanted with a evil spell in its very soil; and travels in its air.

Cities and communities are rare here, and its ever huge landscape travelling between the few nests of civil sanctuary is daunting and dangerous. Lesser creatures, like you, either live in the wild and fight, debase and twist into feral and fae like states unrecognizable to anything human given enough years OR...they seek employment by the Masters.



As far as you know, the start of any sensible life of comfort and civility in these lands was here. It's flame lit halls protect from the manic weather outside, it's strange incantations and symbols seeming to halt the invasion of many monsters of the more sinister kind from charging in too deep and if all else fails; the raw power and anger of its ill tempered master ensures that any foolish enough to bring them out of their opulent stupors of indulgence and rest will bring about a swift destruction.

You are a worker here, under the Master's employ. Your options are few, there are no trains, no cars, and no spell attainable to one of your level that will allow you to escape to a different masters keep or hamlet. For you, it's either work here, or return to the constant watching slitted eyes in the great woodscape of the Dark.
















Post once a day - DON'T CLICK AWAY - This is a chill RP. Don't worry about posting something good. It's better you post and chill and have fun, that's the slice of life, play spooky no big deal vibe this RP is aiming for.

1 to 3 paragraphs standard on average.

Your character can be hurt. But generally, this is not a combat focused RP and casual fights between players should be a rarity.

The politics and issues of Earth are not known nor cared about by entities in the Land of Dark. This includes OOC.

Don't be afraid to @ me if you need me to sort out something, or got questions.

Don't be afraid to use the OOC to chill in general. There is no official thing going here.

If you need to PM me because you got an idea or you just want to chill, it's cool. I may be slow though because I'm tired as fuck lately, but you're all welcome to hit me up. This includes if the RP is full and you want a spot. We can wag about it.



Yeah, syndicate of the internet, more color in the, motherfucking, player pallete. I dig that.


I might write up the proper thread, soon kin. We already got some buzz. I'm down with your denizens of the house ideas. I am going to make character sheets needed though, I didn't say that in this IC because I'm used to it being standard MO, just a heads up beforehand. That cool with you two, kin?

Ah, yeah. Pour some awesome,motherfucknig, over here. We already got a kin in this cradle. Nice.


Shit, so, here is the tea with no milk, kindred. I'm vibing for a bit of RP'ing in a casual manner. The theme of our theatre will be about a league of monsters and spooky humans - think evil gardener and paranoid butlers - who live in a alternative universe where evil beasts and fantastical entities are the norm. We all work for a enigmatic monster lord who demands are manic and is rarely ever pleased.

At first there will be 2 spots each for:




I don't want to be the sole GM nor the Game to be dependent on me being there, because I'm a bit unreliable, kindred. Especially as of late, due to alot of RL stress. So, my plan is that there is no active GM for purpose of the plot or life blood of the story. That the MASTER is a hidden figure who sends massive shouts about what he wants and that once a demand has been dealt with - eg: cook me a hobbit pie - another player makes a post for the master after a little while, and they can make the demand anything they want. Maybe unless, everyone is vehemently against it OOCly, I guess. I- or any co-gm we get - will be more there for pre-RP or OOC purposes.

The manor we're in is large as we want it, with many rooms, sections, grounds and so on left to rot, abandoned, barred off or just forgotten by everyone. The monsters are far less, motherfucknig, creepypasta and analog hijinks but dark, humanized cartoony reflections. They're employees first before their implied monstrous instincts and so, are, have always been or been made, softer and humanized. Dark implications and concepts are allowed though. Just not the focus.

The master of the house is sort of considered a natural ruler and can take all of us on with ease. Outside of the house, hamlets and small towns are rare and all belong to other such masters - although of different breeds and natures, are just as tyrannical - with travel times between them being absurd. Transport technology and magic is rare. So, we're sort of stuck unless we decide to hobo it in a monster filled world - many of which are feral or just mischievous - or go to another, far away hamlet/ lone castle or manor for a new master who is probably much the same.


I would like a Co-gm. Just so someone can take over in case I disappear and there is a call for a stand tiebreaker or problem solver. But I'll start if we don't have one. We don't have to have all the roles filled to start - or even half of them -

Post amount on average: 1 to 3 paragraphs

Posting time: preferably once a day.

Leaving: If you want to leave. Let us know in OOC and we can arrange your character quitting or dying, or some sort of exit scene to let you have a dignified end with some closure for yourself and others, kindred. We can talk about adding things like some plots or new jobs later if thing go well and we all have fun.
Here you go, kindred. I haven't,motherfucking, practiced the act in years so excuse any anomalies in the alphabet soup here.

Banned for his avatar staring into my soul.

Sorry I left without a word, kin. Someone close to me passed away and I'm kind of on empty. The RP was really dead despite our efforts anyway.
Hey, kindred. I'm gonna post a reply tomorrow night, just a heads up for the frame to get,motherfucking, lion names word in before I move on the story again.
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