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On early 20s man.

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Linceleste York

The back of his right hand should already be facing Linceleste the moment he was in her sights. Evidently the spikes aren't skewering it anymore, neither present were any wounds they would have left. In their place were indented scars, spots of thin skin slightly paler than himself.

『 Ludvig 』 "I'm fine. See?"

"I assumed you use healing magic to recover it fast. That will do." Linceleste seemed to be convinced by Ludvig's treatment of his wound. Magic or treating it physically still leaves a mark because a new tissue has grown back differently from the original one. It was a stab wound rather than a first layer of skin had been damaged; marks are expected.

Linceleste accepted the offer of Ludvig. Having the boiled milk in her hands. She stared at the hot milk and ignored the phrase about him having to accompany her for the further time alone in the current room. After that, she took a sip, savoring the taste of the milk. It seemed fine.

"Leans back onto the cupboard. Takes a final, huge sip from his cup of coffee.

『 Ludvig 』 "You definitely have your mother's hair. Not her eyes though, hers were a lot more... striking."

At that, Linceleste stared at the man as he mentioned her appearances and her mother.

"Most of my siblings have my mother's hair color and our eyes from my father," she replied. "You know my mother?" She continued by asking.

Linceleste York

For Linceleste perspective. It was Ludvig’s fault for diving into his curiosity that led him to get harm despite the warning given by Lady Marielle. She was interested too in that artifact but couldn’t help it just to stare due to how hazardous it was when getting close to it. Despite those chaotic scenes that messed up everyone's meal. Linceleste was just chilling in her seat, done with her meal, and just fully watching the incident.

She decided to pay a visit to that circus man in the kitchen to check his wound as Carmen pointed the way in. 

Upon entering the kitchen. She saw him sipping some coffee instead of going to the infirmary and treating his wounds.

“If I were you, I would go to the infirmary instead of here sipping coffee alone.” Linceste talked to Ludwig. "Sir Friston said. We will depart early morning." She continued.
Linceleste York

Linceleste smiled at the shroom girl. “Indeed. Not everyone who likes discomfort tastes what things serve to them,” she said with a gentle smile at her. 

As shroom girl had her attention on others. Linceleste began to consume the food she had independently selected. While eating with table manners, she is collecting data from the speech form of her surroundings. She doesn’t want to stick to politics, as for geniuses’ standards they don’t really care about. She only wanted to save her uncle and his relatives, that's all. But she expected that this adventure might give her more exploration experience and cultural knowledge. 

Upon completing her meal, she grabbed her empty cup and cast a water spell with her pointing finger. Making clean and drinkable water for her after a meal.

 As the new member debuted. She just examined her by just looking at her while drinking her cup in a manner. Kept her ears to gather more data for the people who are with her on the table.
Linceleste York

Now sitting at the centermost position, Carmen had claimed a plate of soup and a baguette. His eyes darted at the blonde girl who sat next to their strange wine supplier. She had just finished introducing herself, along with some more information Carmen wasn't so sure whether she was bragging or it was just the introduction line she had rehearsed before.

"That's a lot of responsibilities, señorita York. I could only imagine how much effort it took to have you here."

Carmen leaned forward, his attention was still at Linceleste. "I am sure someone like you is very capable, but I have to ask, Senorita, have you ever been to Tretagor before?"

"I did when I was a kid. Unfortunately, it had been a long time already. So I don't remember much, Sir Friston." Linceleste politely responded to the gentleman.

After with the gentleman. Linceleste kept her aware of everyone's conversation. At that time, the conversation about the shroom girl's winemaking caught her attention. She remembered her younger self too about the potion she made. Stick with the basic potion-making. She putted it after inside the magical machinery that enhanced the potion flavor and increased its effectiveness. She wanted the consumer to savor the product without a chance of puking it.

Before joining the conversation. Linceleste helped herself get all the small portions of all the food that are available on the food except the wine. She then focused her attention on the people who were talking about the winemaking method.

"Flavoring, isn't it? I did it too with the potions." Linceleste politely said to the people who were talking about the wine focus her look to the shroom girl.
Linceleste York

As she stepped out of the house. She was stopped by her own mother, Adela. The former ice queen from the snowy country doesn't like how her youngest daughter dresses. Instead of more practical attire for adventuring, the ice queen gave her the custom-made dress. It was enhanced with a magical defensive barrier that can block either physical or magical harm to the wearer and is able to rebuild again by using the wearer's mana. As she fitted with the dress, the ice queen rejoiced at the appearance of her daughter, approaching her little princess and giving her the ice blue necklace. Whatever the ice queen is thinking, the dress might be recognizable from the land of her origin. 

She arrived in Helvetia one day before the meeting. She treated herself from the places when, during the time she spent her time with her uncle as a kid, her father tripped to Helvetia for visits. Alone, she keeps remembering her uncle and also missing him for so long, due to the fact she came here for a reason. She looked at the scenery capturing the heart of the kingdom from somewhere on a higher floor of the building. Missing a person that treated her and her mother dearly despite knowing her mother and herself are not just ordinary humans. 

At the time she arrived at the meeting place, she kept her father and uncle’s teaching in her mind. When the archbishop gestured her to Sir Carmen for the introduction, she made a bow gesture to the gentlemen. Took the prayer heartily and with respect, responding Amen with all of her heart. 

Upon arriving at the meeting table, she sat beside the shroom girl. As the friendly introduction went on, she readied herself as she gave her attention to the people who introduced themselves. She settled in as taking the turn after that full-grown playboy. 

“I am Linceleste York. The new head of York Company, from the spices to masonry and humanitarian services. I am also certified as a magic engineer and an alchemist. I'm willing to save my uncle, that's why I accepted the invitation. I am looking forward to working with you all, sirs and madams,” she said with respect, then bowed for them and sat back to her seat. 

She then gave her attention to the next people who were going to introduce themselves. Also scanning those feasts for the requirements of her energy and health for the next adventure. 
When the Master Shinobi went back to the camp with the party. He automatically go his scanning routine so that he can notify them when a familiar or a foe closing by with their campsite. The shinobi always be present as a late arrival when during eating break.

Roxas moved over quickly to assess Stephan. She helped pull or cut the webbing to get to him easier. She moved him to lay on his back, already looking for serious injuries. If he didn't have any, she would move on to the next cocoon and start getting it open. "Get these cocoons open! If it's still bleeding, it's a serious injury. If not, put some pressure on it to stop the bleeding!"

The shinobi nods to the shorty elven woman healer. He unsheathes the tanto, a small size katana like that is more of a knife variant. The shinobi carefully open the cocoons in surgical way.
The shinobi fades his demonic ki as the giant spider fled the battle, the offensive team was enough for them to pursuit the weakened creature. He sheathed his blade and walks nearby with the elven healer woman.

"I'm staying with Lady Roxas." The shinobi to rest of the remaining crew.
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