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On early 20s man.

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Oh. She nodded to Arthur. Engi changed her focus. She knew that her rifle had a limited supply of ammunition. She can be able to make one but needs materials and time. She decided to browse from their armory cart. As it was said to be ruins, it is the designated area. She picked a bow for her weapon as her main. Nodded from its quality. The rifle will be for a special case until she gets her materials to make ammunition.

Grabbed the tent and attached it to wheeled storage. It would be odd for everyone around her. But she was able to get heavy stuff to move effortlessly by pushing it forward.
Nearby, a table was set up, where a younger soldier was seated with parchment and ink. With the first signs of the adventurers gathering, the soldier began to declare: "If you are here to join the expedition, please register your full name here at the desk. This is how your contribution to the Duke's cause will be recorded and verified." It was also to manage roll call and headcount.

As it was Engie's turn. She wrote "Frieda von Grau" in Kurrent script on the parchment. She then proceed to the supplied cart where Arthur and Robert was current at.

Close by, a cart was parked, containing the likes of rations, equipment, and medical supplies. At the head of the wagon sat the quartermaster, pipe in mouth, holding the reins to a pair of mules that would be pulling the cart.

As the two remembered. She saw her wearing fully combat-ready attire and concealing her youthful look with the helmet and goggles. Currently, she kept her usual attire except for revealing her youthful visage. She pulled something from her shoulder-carried bag, revealing an unfamiliar long-barreled gun, which is considered a "rifle.". Slinged it on her shoulder to be carried. Checked her ammo pouch and puzzled for a missing round but figured out that she gave it to Jean, which made her sigh with relief. Looked at them and gave her a smile with her beauty.

"Kood morning." Greeted the two burly gentlemen politely and youthful smile.
Jean waited for the moment as his meal would be prepared, finishing his drink in the mean time. “I can’t say for sure what you have packed away in that case of yours, Engie.” said Jean as he placed the empty flagon onto the bar top. Some left over alcohol dripped down the side, slowly racing towards the counter. “But it seems like you’re ready to go to battle against a large monster. Hah, I guess it might be too early to tell. But here is to hoping you’re not going to need everything you may or may not have stored in your luggage.”

"Vell, vo knovs? Ve might pe facing zomezing heaffily Harmored," Engie answered. She pulled out something from her ammo compartment below on her torso. She then showed Jean a clip that fit a pointy, cylinder-shaped five-round bullet. "I sdocked ein punch of zeze pecauze it takes time und material to make zeze. Und mein gun is guite different from ozers zat uze musket palls zat are schtandardised Hefferyvere. I'm from afar; I did haffe ein hapit of backing zings heaffily loated," Engie continued. She pulled out a round from her ammo pouch and give it to Jean. "Take zis und zaffe it. I'm koing to mein room now."

Kood night, Mister Jean." She said. Rose up from the chair and gave Jean an angelic and warmth smile. Proceeded to her room to rest for another day.
Again. With a triumphant sigh, Engie drained the tall mug of alcohol. "Pooses are like vader to us pack home," she said with a sly smile at the other two passengers. "I vill pe zee packline und bick up targets. Mein gun can hit zee target up to more zan ein zouzand yards. Atdached vith ein telescobic zight, zee hit rate vould pe ein eaze," she said.

Lady Kaelara and Mister Jean were examining her bags. Engie sighed. "Acdually, zere are nein pombs in mein lugkage. Zoze are contained vith mein sbare ammo, mein razions und necezidies, und zome berzonal sduff. I made zis condainer myzelf. Fery duraple und eazy to carry as zee veel vill make it ein eaze." she continued.

Aside from the odd bag. Additionally, she has been carrying another one on her shoulder. Many ordinary people thought it was a bag container the size of a musket. That being said, it is actually a rifle.
Once the strange man left the room, she settled back into her meal. She maintained her grace and poise, refusing to eat in a rough or messy manner. Her focus remained on enjoying her food without compromising her elegance. After finishing her plate, she decided to tackle the large mug of ale in front of her. With determination, she lifted the heavy vessel and drank it all in one swift motion. When she finished, she placed the mug back on the table with a satisfied sigh, a sign of her accomplishment. Wiping her mouth with her hand, she felt a sense of contentment.

The gray-haired young woman waved to the bar-keeper, a friendly gesture that caught his attention. "Anozer round, bleaze," she called out, her voice clear and confident. "Und pring tvo more peers for mein friends, Kaelara und Zonia. I'll coffer zee tab." She gestured toward her companions.
Ludwig still definitely overpaid, much to his embarrassment, and at this point he didn't have the heart to ask for his change back. Just look at how enthusiastic the barkeep is.
Small-town prices are evidently a wonder to him. Whatever, just think of it as a good deed and move on, he thought to himself.
He had been meaning to eavesdrop but he can't quite make out what the two redheads are talking about in a busy tavern. He'll have to find things out another way.

Within a glimpse, half of his meal is gone before he pauses, distracted by the silver-haired girl beside her. Gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe her, and yet it doesn't overshadow the hints of anxiety abound her. Like scratches on a pristine mirror.

What a coincidence. Ludwig takes his smoking pipe, wipes the tip of it with his sleeve and gestures it towards the silver-haired girl.

"It has a calming effect. Try it. It's not tobacco." @Soldat Elf

Engie saw Ludwig coming toward her. She kept eating her bread roll and mushroom soup. Given the uneasy sensation from the people staring at her, Ludwig offered her a smoking pipe, suggesting that it would help her unwind while she ate. Her face was sweet and innocent as she looked at him. Despite feeling a connection, Engie turned down his offer. She shook her head politely and declined.
Engie sat calmly with two lovely women from her squad. They were deep in conversation about their mission, swapping ideas and perspectives. Engie looked around, studying who was speaking throughout the session. Her thoughts wandered while she ate her dinner loving every bite. She was aware that conversing with food in her mouth was frowned upon, yet she found it difficult to avoid the topic. The discomfort intensified as people observed her beautiful silver hair and beauty. She felt their gaze on her, which just contributed to her anxiety. Despite the attention, she remained focused on her dinner, trying to balance her enjoyment of the food with the seriousness of the meeting.
"So where is that bearded fellow Robert?" She asked when Engie removed her headwear, drawing some more onlookers' attention to them.

"Miss Engie, my apologies, but I have things I need to do before the stores close for the day. If you'll excuse me."

He made a short, but congenial bow of his head with his hand on his chest, then turned and headed down the street, and toward the general store.

"Oh." Engie paused to remember. "He zaid he's koing to do zomezing pefore zee sdore clozes," she said gently to the demoness. Without the helmet and goggles, let alone the natural long gray hair and darker gray eyes. She seems to look attractive and innocent, melting the demoness's soul.

"U-uh, w-welcome!…" he stammered with the offer of a humble smile.

Greeted the young innkeepers with a smile. "Kood Heffening. I vould like to haffe your piggest room, ein full-courze meal, und your taffern's zignature poose. Zank vu." She said to the young with a warmth smiled.

It seems that onlookers glaring as a gut felt. It made her feel uncomfortable.
"Me? --Oh, Yes! My apologies, ma'am. My name is Robert, Robert Barrister. My family owns the Second Chance timber and mill company. We produce and deliver an assortment of raw wood products to interested customers. Some of our firewood offerings are special deliveries for culinary uses, but most are for hearths and fireplaces. We have a selection of timbers in our cut, and can make dressed raw boards and beams to order. --Well figured wood, costs extra. We also produce and deliver wood shingles, for those who use them.. but, I doubt a professional huntress would have much need of such though."

he made a weary smile, nearly invisible behind his mustache and beard.
"But thank you for asking. If you know anyone who would be interested in our wares, we are always interested in supplying them."

(So, he is Robert, huh? A fitting name for a huge physique. Come to think of it, Robert came from my country of origin.) Engie glared at the bearded young man while introducing himself to the new face.

"And you as well, ma'am."

"Sonia Al-Hathya. Glad to meet you."

"I'm Engie." She said as it was her turn to introduced. As she put one of rubber glove her hand flat on heart as a form of salutation.

As the demoness began to make her way off the town hall. Engie followed the young horned woman into the tavern-inn. The young bartender welcomed them as they entered the tavern-inn and Engie gave him a nod. She then eventually removed her helmet and her long hair fell out of place naturally, and fastened her helmet at the back belt section. Then, with both rubber gloves in hand, she snatched her goggles down into her neck, exposing her darker gray eyes. While some may not recognize her appearance, others may know her as a member of the von Grau family, who are all noble and have grey hair. Her real name is Frieda von Grau.
"It is zarcasm. Anyvay, zoze Hexbloziffes do not haffe fuzes yet. Zo it is fine, as like ein candle vizout fire nearpy." Engie said to her fellow party members nearby.

She then looked on demoness huntress. "Anyvay, Miss Zonia. Vould like to schare vith me in zee room? I'm baying up for tvo in room zat to check in. Zince zee ozer voman had peen left Halready..." She said.
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