(in response to Ludwig) @KITCHEN GUN
The Captain didn't recall seeing this rather uncouthly dressed fellow at orientation the previous day. He took a lingering gander at the man to size him up, before huffing out an answer.
"The previous expedition consisted of two of my scouting men, tasked with investigating the ruins. They've now been missing for days. Needless to say, they ran into trouble, and can now be counted among the missing."
He hoped he wouldn't have to go over much more than that. Such details should have already been sorted out during the briefing. Anyhow, there wasn't enough time now; any new arrivals adamant to join the expedition would have to fall in line.
(in response to Sonia) @Mas Bagus
Sonia's displays of impertinence did not go unnoticed with the Captain, and he had to bite back his building vexation. But on the cusp of departure there was little time to be entering into conflicts with the volunteers. Reminding himself of the vital importance of the mission ahead, the Captain strove to address the situation in a more constructive manner, even if it meant swallowing his pride.
"Adventurers – I acknowledge that there have been fewer answers than you all might have liked, and that our mission now has you marching to risk your lives. I commend your courage and honor. If only the circumstances allowed for a more calculated approach–yet time is a luxury we cannot afford. For what it's worth, I will be right there with you, risking my own life and those of my men. I only ask that you heed my leadership, for dissent during a moment of urgency can quickly become disastrous."
The Captain took a moment to regard the motley gathering of men and women.
"I do not doubt your competence as individuals, yet success requires cooperation in our efforts. Regardless of your personal feelings towards me, we must establish an understanding of harmony, for the sake of one and all."
He looked to Sonia, summoning a nod of acknowledgement as an extension of an olive branch. It was all he could muster at the moment, and he hoped the speech would engender some sense of unity amongst the group, especially from the more outspoken ones.
And with that, the Captain didn't wish to delay much further, making for a final call.
"Let us steel ourselves now, for Duke Blackthorn, Lady Miralys, and the rest of the realm depend gravely on us. Expeditioners!... finalize your gear and stand ready. We aim to depart in five minutes."
The Captain didn't recall seeing this rather uncouthly dressed fellow at orientation the previous day. He took a lingering gander at the man to size him up, before huffing out an answer.
"The previous expedition consisted of two of my scouting men, tasked with investigating the ruins. They've now been missing for days. Needless to say, they ran into trouble, and can now be counted among the missing."
He hoped he wouldn't have to go over much more than that. Such details should have already been sorted out during the briefing. Anyhow, there wasn't enough time now; any new arrivals adamant to join the expedition would have to fall in line.
(in response to Sonia) @Mas Bagus
Sonia's displays of impertinence did not go unnoticed with the Captain, and he had to bite back his building vexation. But on the cusp of departure there was little time to be entering into conflicts with the volunteers. Reminding himself of the vital importance of the mission ahead, the Captain strove to address the situation in a more constructive manner, even if it meant swallowing his pride.
"Adventurers – I acknowledge that there have been fewer answers than you all might have liked, and that our mission now has you marching to risk your lives. I commend your courage and honor. If only the circumstances allowed for a more calculated approach–yet time is a luxury we cannot afford. For what it's worth, I will be right there with you, risking my own life and those of my men. I only ask that you heed my leadership, for dissent during a moment of urgency can quickly become disastrous."
The Captain took a moment to regard the motley gathering of men and women.
"I do not doubt your competence as individuals, yet success requires cooperation in our efforts. Regardless of your personal feelings towards me, we must establish an understanding of harmony, for the sake of one and all."
He looked to Sonia, summoning a nod of acknowledgement as an extension of an olive branch. It was all he could muster at the moment, and he hoped the speech would engender some sense of unity amongst the group, especially from the more outspoken ones.
And with that, the Captain didn't wish to delay much further, making for a final call.
"Let us steel ourselves now, for Duke Blackthorn, Lady Miralys, and the rest of the realm depend gravely on us. Expeditioners!... finalize your gear and stand ready. We aim to depart in five minutes."