(in response to Sonia) @Mas Bagus
The demoness's eyes on the bartender raised further discomfort in him, but her smile and friendly demeanor were reassuring. Between the captivating crimson of her gaze and the horns framing the top of her head, it was difficult to look away for even a moment.
"U-uhm, y-yeah! Business has been... good!..." The bartender stammered, not totally knowing the difference between 'good business' and otherwise. It was the sort of question his uncle would ask his father when in town; he himself was more used to the locals airing their latest stresses and grievances.
"A lot busier as of lately – with the arrival of the soldiers at first, and now you all!…" He commented with a sheepish smile. "Feels like our little village has become the focus of attention lately… albeit for the wrong reasons. I do hope you all find the poor missing Lady…"
(in response to Robert) @wierdw
The sturdy, well-aged gentleman behind the counter assessed Robert for a moment, eyes narrowing. "Yer not a soldier. You one of them outsiders?... Ya look a 'lil familiar, but also a 'lil strange…" The uncertainty in his slow, measured voice seemed to soften at the vague recognition of fellowship in Robert. "...Well, how can I help ya?"
(in response to Jean) @Randomness
Wrapped up in conversation, the bartender couldn't offer much more than a simple smile and nod towards Jean. Still, Jean's quiet presence made the bartender feel a tad bit more comfortable in the presence of the others grilling him with questions and queries.
(in response to Engi) @Soldat Elf
The striking accent made the bartender blink, nodding slowly as he registered Engi's requests. "R-right, of course... Our biggest room – that would be our large suite…" He confirmed to make sure he was understanding her correctly. "And a full course meal, got it… and booze. We've got plenty of that!" His wide eyes shone with a glint of unease. If she truly was foreign nobility, he dared not accidentally offend her in any way. And though he was curious about her origins, he refrained from asking.
"...The total would be… 35 copper pieces, please!" He chirped with a gracious smile, straightening his posture like a personal attendant. Following payment, her orders would soon be processed and served, and the key to her room presented to her.
(in response to Kaelara) @JP
Turning back to Kaelara, the bartender mused for a moment in recollection. "Yes, a knight… her bodyguard, perhaps… they seemed close, and kept to themselves for the most part. His armor… it was light in color, mildly decorated. Not like the soldiers who came here recently. Probably had a more personal role? I can't say I know the first thing about knights or soldiers though."
Scratching his head, he gave her an abashed look, before continuing. "His demeanor… he seemed serious, I suppose. Courteous, but also, concerned?... I don't know…" His expression scrunched as he further tried to assess the mood of a man shrouded in foggy memory. Slowly, he shook his head with uncertainty. "...I'm sorry but I can't remember much more…"
To her follow-up request of a flagon of ale, the bartender relaxed with an accommodating smile. "Of course, coming right up!" He reached for a clean mug and filled it to the brim with bubbling beverage, placing it before Kaelara. "That'll be three coppers, please!"
At the softening of her tone, the bartender could feel himself ease up. His smile turned more natural and a light blush colored his cheeks. "H-happy to be of help, ma'am! If you have any more questions, just let me know!"
The demoness's eyes on the bartender raised further discomfort in him, but her smile and friendly demeanor were reassuring. Between the captivating crimson of her gaze and the horns framing the top of her head, it was difficult to look away for even a moment.
"U-uhm, y-yeah! Business has been... good!..." The bartender stammered, not totally knowing the difference between 'good business' and otherwise. It was the sort of question his uncle would ask his father when in town; he himself was more used to the locals airing their latest stresses and grievances.
"A lot busier as of lately – with the arrival of the soldiers at first, and now you all!…" He commented with a sheepish smile. "Feels like our little village has become the focus of attention lately… albeit for the wrong reasons. I do hope you all find the poor missing Lady…"
(in response to Robert) @wierdw
The sturdy, well-aged gentleman behind the counter assessed Robert for a moment, eyes narrowing. "Yer not a soldier. You one of them outsiders?... Ya look a 'lil familiar, but also a 'lil strange…" The uncertainty in his slow, measured voice seemed to soften at the vague recognition of fellowship in Robert. "...Well, how can I help ya?"
(in response to Jean) @Randomness
Wrapped up in conversation, the bartender couldn't offer much more than a simple smile and nod towards Jean. Still, Jean's quiet presence made the bartender feel a tad bit more comfortable in the presence of the others grilling him with questions and queries.
(in response to Engi) @Soldat Elf
The striking accent made the bartender blink, nodding slowly as he registered Engi's requests. "R-right, of course... Our biggest room – that would be our large suite…" He confirmed to make sure he was understanding her correctly. "And a full course meal, got it… and booze. We've got plenty of that!" His wide eyes shone with a glint of unease. If she truly was foreign nobility, he dared not accidentally offend her in any way. And though he was curious about her origins, he refrained from asking.
"...The total would be… 35 copper pieces, please!" He chirped with a gracious smile, straightening his posture like a personal attendant. Following payment, her orders would soon be processed and served, and the key to her room presented to her.
(in response to Kaelara) @JP
Turning back to Kaelara, the bartender mused for a moment in recollection. "Yes, a knight… her bodyguard, perhaps… they seemed close, and kept to themselves for the most part. His armor… it was light in color, mildly decorated. Not like the soldiers who came here recently. Probably had a more personal role? I can't say I know the first thing about knights or soldiers though."
Scratching his head, he gave her an abashed look, before continuing. "His demeanor… he seemed serious, I suppose. Courteous, but also, concerned?... I don't know…" His expression scrunched as he further tried to assess the mood of a man shrouded in foggy memory. Slowly, he shook his head with uncertainty. "...I'm sorry but I can't remember much more…"
To her follow-up request of a flagon of ale, the bartender relaxed with an accommodating smile. "Of course, coming right up!" He reached for a clean mug and filled it to the brim with bubbling beverage, placing it before Kaelara. "That'll be three coppers, please!"
At the softening of her tone, the bartender could feel himself ease up. His smile turned more natural and a light blush colored his cheeks. "H-happy to be of help, ma'am! If you have any more questions, just let me know!"