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(in response to Sonia) @Mas Bagus

The demoness's eyes on the bartender raised further discomfort in him, but her smile and friendly demeanor were reassuring. Between the captivating crimson of her gaze and the horns framing the top of her head, it was difficult to look away for even a moment.

"U-uhm, y-yeah! Business has been... good!..." The bartender stammered, not totally knowing the difference between 'good business' and otherwise. It was the sort of question his uncle would ask his father when in town; he himself was more used to the locals airing their latest stresses and grievances.

"A lot busier as of lately – with the arrival of the soldiers at first, and now you all!…" He commented with a sheepish smile. "Feels like our little village has become the focus of attention lately… albeit for the wrong reasons. I do hope you all find the poor missing Lady…"

(in response to Robert) @wierdw

The sturdy, well-aged gentleman behind the counter assessed Robert for a moment, eyes narrowing. "Yer not a soldier. You one of them outsiders?... Ya look a 'lil familiar, but also a 'lil strange…" The uncertainty in his slow, measured voice seemed to soften at the vague recognition of fellowship in Robert. "...Well, how can I help ya?"

(in response to Jean) @Randomness

Wrapped up in conversation, the bartender couldn't offer much more than a simple smile and nod towards Jean. Still, Jean's quiet presence made the bartender feel a tad bit more comfortable in the presence of the others grilling him with questions and queries.

(in response to Engi) @Soldat Elf

The striking accent made the bartender blink, nodding slowly as he registered Engi's requests. "R-right, of course... Our biggest room – that would be our large suite…" He confirmed to make sure he was understanding her correctly. "And a full course meal, got it… and booze. We've got plenty of that!" His wide eyes shone with a glint of unease. If she truly was foreign nobility, he dared not accidentally offend her in any way. And though he was curious about her origins, he refrained from asking.

"...The total would be… 35 copper pieces, please!" He chirped with a gracious smile, straightening his posture like a personal attendant. Following payment, her orders would soon be processed and served, and the key to her room presented to her.

(in response to Kaelara) @JP

Turning back to Kaelara, the bartender mused for a moment in recollection. "Yes, a knight… her bodyguard, perhaps… they seemed close, and kept to themselves for the most part. His armor… it was light in color, mildly decorated. Not like the soldiers who came here recently. Probably had a more personal role? I can't say I know the first thing about knights or soldiers though."

Scratching his head, he gave her an abashed look, before continuing. "His demeanor… he seemed serious, I suppose. Courteous, but also, concerned?... I don't know…" His expression scrunched as he further tried to assess the mood of a man shrouded in foggy memory. Slowly, he shook his head with uncertainty. "...I'm sorry but I can't remember much more…"

To her follow-up request of a flagon of ale, the bartender relaxed with an accommodating smile. "Of course, coming right up!" He reached for a clean mug and filled it to the brim with bubbling beverage, placing it before Kaelara. "That'll be three coppers, please!"

At the softening of her tone, the bartender could feel himself ease up. His smile turned more natural and a light blush colored his cheeks. "H-happy to be of help, ma'am! If you have any more questions, just let me know!"
@KITCHEN GUN Approved, welcome ^^
(in response to Engi) @Soldat Elf

The bartender returned a bedazzled nod at the other strange young woman who had entered. Her exotic equipment and attire was yet another wonderment to his eyes. Some suggestion of nobility, perhaps in the way she dressed, made him wonder if he should be addressing her by some elevated title. Not that he had any idea how.

"U-uh, w-welcome!…" he stammered with the offer of a humble smile.


(in response to Sonia) @Mas Bagus

"Fiveteen coppers for the room," she said, before placing an additional twelve pieces. "And here, for venison stew, mead, and a loaf of bread. Keep the change!"

"R-right, of course!" The bartender collected the coins, before handing Sonia the key to her room. Arrangements were made for her orders, and would soon be served – the large bowl of venison stew was hot and savory, and the barley loaf lightly spiced with herbs. The aroma of mead had already infused the room, but up close the amber-colored drink packed a headier punch. For the price, the food was fresh and abundant - a perk of small villages out in the midst of nowhere.

"Th-thank you for your patronage, we hope you enjoy your food and stay!" the bartender managed with an awkward bow.
(in response to Sonia) @Mas Bagus

The bartender's eyes widened when another newcomer entered and approached the bar to sit down. Immediately his sight fell on the horns protruding from her head. Such was a marvel he had never before seen, and had only heard of in folklore. A small part of him wanted to ask questions, but the better part knew that it would be rather impolite.

"H-hello! W-welcome!..." He peeled his gaze from her horns but could not shake the surprise from his face. Blinking, he was momentarily at a loss for words at her simple question.

"U-uh… erm… y-yes! A vacant room–w-we have!" The bartender stumbled over his words, summoning an anxious smile. "Th-That'll be fifteen coppers for the night, please!"

Meanwhile the rest of the tavern was quick to notice Sonia's presence. From the moment she entered the establishment, its atmosphere seemed to quiet down into a subtle uneasiness, ambient chatter turning to hushed whispers. A mix of fear, awe, and mistrust was shot her way from the locals–even more so than towards the other adventurers, who at least looked human enough. Some, however, such as the bard, did not seem deterred by the novelty of Sonia's appearance, interestedly studying her from afar.
(in response to Kaelara) @JP

The young barkeep, whose stature was modest to begin with, seemed to shrink further at Kaelara's intent questioning. He managed a coy smile, hands busying themselves with the cleaning of an already-clean mug.

"N-no, I didn't see her meet with anyone while she was here–other than that knight she had arrived with, of course. No strange visitors, no, nothing of that sort… If anything, she was the strange visitor here."

Meanwhile the bard had noticed Kaelara's curt nod, and the music strummed by his fingers seemed to louden by a slight notch. His song-voice rose to accompany the tune, describing a budding romance between fated lovers.

The barkeep took another moment to ponder Kaelara's inquiries. "Unusual?… I can't say there was anything, no. She just looked, well, determined, I suppose. Maybe that's how nobles typically look? We don't get many of them types around here, I'm afraid..." He gave another coy smile, hoping his answers were satisfactory.
@Rekkuza Your character looks great! Approved, welcome aboard :)

Feel free to jump into IC posting as you like~ I'd recommend catching up with what's happened so far, but a summary would be something like: the adventurers have been asking the Captain a variety of questions, getting acquainted with each other and the locale, and figuring out staying arrangements for the night.

Thinking your character could have either quietly stood through the briefing, or been a bit late to the party. Either way, the real expedition wouldn't be starting until dawn of the next day in game. Whichever way you'd like to introduce him should be fine~

If you have any questions, let us know, either here or on Discord ^^
@Rekkuza Hey there! Apologies about the delay, saw your message only now~ But yes, you're very welcome to join! Feel free to post your character sheet when you're ready and I'll have a look at it ^^. Also if you like you can join our Discord server (discord.gg/3aqTVThJ); it's not mandatory but it's where most of the OOC chat has been taking place~
(in response to Kaelara) @JP

The young barkeep blinked at Kaelara, nodding along nervously as he registered her requests. "Y-yes, of course, a room for the night… and a hot meal – r-right away, ma'am! That'll be twenty copper pieces please! A-and the special today is mushroom soup with venison!"

He offered her a cheery smile, and then gestured to an older, gruffer man peeking out from the back rooms, sternly clutching a spatula. The older man peered at Kaelara with weighing eyes, before disappearing to the kitchens.

[Should Kaelara pay the coppers, the barkeep would present her with a key to her room, located upstairs]

Turning back to Kaelara and pondering her inquiry about the missing noble, the barkeep broke into a sheepish smile. "I-I'm afraid I don't know much about that, milady. We told the soldiers everything we know… which isn't a lot. Lady Miralys stayed here for an evening some weeks ago. She kept to herself for the most part, and I never really got to speak with her. She did seem a bit... preoccupied, though. Th-that's about all I can tell you..."

Meanwhile, Kaelara was receiving a mix of glances from the other patrons, from veiled suspicion to yearning intrigue. From the corner of the room emanated the quaint sound of a lute playing a folkish tune. Deft fingers plucking at strings, the bard playing the instrument shot a playful wink at Kaelara from afar.

Soon Kaelara's meal was brought and placed in front of her at the bar. The aroma of mushrooms, wild game, and seasonal herbs mixed into a savory blend that gently steamed from atop the large serving bowl filled with soup.

"H-hope you enjoy!" The barkeep smiled shyly at her, one hand fiddling with the other.
(in response to Robert)

Disinterestedly, the Captain nodded at Robert's request with a placating wave.

"Yes, yes, do as you deem necessary. Sir Hollister can fill you in on the details of the supplies." The Captain gestured toward a shrewd-looking man in the corner, with tufts of whitening hair and beard jutting from his face in a way that dared to suggest fashion. Sir Hollister's lips parted with the gleam of a smile that was perhaps one touch too gleeful.

(in response to Sonia / Jean)

Captain Greystone was about to address Sonia's latest inquiry, when Jean answered for him, saving him a few precious breaths.

"Indeed, the local tavern would be my recommendation for staying overnight." He commented.

Surveying the room, the Captain did a quick tally of the attendance.

"...I suppose there are also a few vacant spaces here in the village hall, which one could squat in for a night. Just don't expect any comforts here. And don't go snooping around in official areas." He gave the group a severe look.

(in response to Kaelara)

At the tavern's bar, Kaelara was greeted by the bartender - a scrawny young man of light complexion and modest height behind the counter. He had wavy brown hair and wide brown eyes that watched Kaelara approach with equal parts caution and curiosity.

"Uh, h-hello!…" He uttered, momentarily forgetting how to give a proper welcome. Most of the usual patrons were locals whom he knew by name, and it had been a long while since a stranger had shown up at the bar.

"Uh, w-welcome to the– the uh, th-the Whistling Reed! H-how may I help you?" He managed a smile, struggling to get a grip on his nervousness.
(in response to Kaelara)

A low growl sounded from Captain Greystone's throat. This one seemed like a wildcard… He never did have a taste for working with such unruly individuals. At least her determination gave some promise of discipline. Her evident disregard for the chain of command was another thing though, and he could hardly give his retort before she was out the door, leaving him to stew in indignation.


(in response to Sonia)

There was little that vexed the Captain more than receiving unprompted advice, especially from those he perceived to be under his command. A scowl betrayed his face for a moment, and he huffed down his growing unrest with a grunt. Having to work with these adventurers was quickly wearing on him.


(in response to Caled)

The Captain took a recuperating breath with the departure of the young cleric, who seemed more accommodating in temperament. The Captain could be thankful that at least not all of them had so much to trouble him with.


(in response to Robert)

Logistics concerns were a more tolerable topic of discussion for the Captain, though this woodcutter fellow had quite a lot to say. Greystone idly stroked his chin, taking in the long-winded delivery of questions and concerns.

"Regarding permits – that will not be an issue. The region has been cleared for public traversal by the Duke himself, and the efforts of our expedition shall not be interfered with by the Crown's officials. You have my word on that as the Duke's right hand." The Captain did enjoy mentioning his close accompaniment with the Duke whenever the opportunity arose.

"As for supplies, a small caravan of essentials will be brought along for the journey. This will include water, rations, basic tools and medical supplies. In addition to this sponsorship by the Crown, it is encouraged for each of you to prepare individually, in the case of anything unforeseen."

The next set of questions reawakened the Captain's impatience. It was much easier operating with a direct authority structure, where simple orders and briefings would go unquestioned. It seemed this fellow was particularly meticulous with his questioning, too. Greystone sighed.

"Rest assured, much has been searched. It has been determined that the villagers had little to do with the Lady's disappearance. All signs point toward the ruins, where the most significant clue was discovered – a handkerchief belonging to the Lady, embroidered with the Blackthorn family crest. It is probable that she accidentally dropped the item, or perhaps a struggle took place to cause its discarding."

For a moment Captain Greystone reviewed the circumstances in his head, reassuring himself of his conclusions.

The final set of questions were reasonable, the Captain supposed. These people would be risking their lives, and knowing what they might be in for was fair concern. However, he was also slightly embarrassed to admit that he did not know as much as he would have liked.

"As for the dangerous entities–well–mmm–the matter is–a rather obscure one at the present moment…" Greystone shifted uncomfortably for a moment, hand reflexively coming to rest at his blade pommel.

"...We've sent scouts to survey the area, and two of them have not returned for days now. The one who had retrieved Lady Miralys's personal effect mentioned hearing 'inhuman noises' emanating within the site, and did not opt to venture deeper. As for the fate of the others who did… I cannot say."

The Captain took a quick breath and cleared his throat. "And so, on the morrow we will find out." He lifted his chin, assuming his answers had been satisfactory.


(in response to Volkhart)

Greystone scanned the assembly of adventurers, one elderly individual catching his eye. He chewed on his lip for a moment, noting the eyepatch and cane and wondering how capable a man of such matured age could be. Yet he could also sense an aura of competence from the man that he couldn't say he'd ever encountered before. Intriguing, to say the least.


(in response to Engie)

Meanwhile, another lingered in the background, but did not escape the Captain's appraisal. The young woman with light grey hair hadn't yet made herself known, but the assortment of gear she had on her was enough to draw his curiosity. What a strange lot.


(in response to Jean)

The Captain glanced toward the young man who lastly spoke up, and cleared his throat again.

"The Crown's knowledge of these ruins seems to be very limited. I've not had the chance to consult with experts on the matter, and most of the locals are oblivious to its existence. One particular individual - the local herbalist - did mention that it is a 'cursed' place. Whimsy and superstition, I say…"

There was a slight waver in the Captain's voice, before he resumed. "...We've not had a chance to sweep the place, no. My guess is that outlaws may be using it as a hideout. Perhaps they've captured the Lady and are holding her captive. But whatever the case, we should go fully prepared to deal with whatever threat might loom there."


Clearing his throat for a final time, Captain Greystone eyed over the assembly. "I trust I've provided an adequate overview of the situation. Let us meet at dawn, shall we?" He announced, hoping to conclude the briefing.
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