Mentions: Emily @LanaStorm Interactions: NA
The Roaches huddled in their base. Word had been sent: The Thorned Roses that leveled their own skyscraper to try and win a fight were now knocking at their door. And they were terrified.
Meanwhile, Matteo smoked a cigarette on the roof of their sorry excuse for a base. There was an air of anger around him, how he bit his cigarette more than smoked it, how he had a permanent scowl on his face.
He stamped the cigarette out and pressed his comms.
”Let's get this done. There's other work we gotta attend to, in light of… everything.” He bit out that last part like a disease. Yes, everything, like the theft of their own headquarters, money warehouses and their jazz bar - the
only worthwhile place to chill. And to add insult to injury, Boss, Joker and Alex were cuffed.
It pissed Matteo off to no end, and he had an idea of what he wanted to do in response.
But first-
”Engage.” Matteo breathed.
In an instance, the charges on the front, back, and roof of the building went off, creating small explosions. In the next instant, men with Tommy guns flooded the front and back. Matteo himself entered the roof with a small team. First gangster he saw, before they had the chance to line up a shot, a knife embedded itself in their neck.
Three gangsters charged up the steps, trying to intercept Matteo and his team. But they only took a couple steps before knives manifested and embedded themselves in their backs. They fell silently, and Matteo stepped over them, focused solely on his conquest, and ending this as soon as possible.
Within ten minutes, the Thorned Roses had cleared the entire building, guns aimed at the boss,who was sweating profusely, trying to bargain for his life. Matteo entered the room, his eyes scanning over the man,before he shook his head.
”You aren't fit to lead. No one is. Not unless it's him.”The boss tried to speak again, but all that came out was a gurgle as he found a knife sticking out of his throat. Slowly, he sank to the ground, and that was it.
Matteo sighed, the knife dematerializing, before he turned to his men.
”Call the clean-up crew to deal with this. And I need a team to head to Gold Rim. I want a chat with a certain Blue Blood.”
Vincent: W -5 P -10, (P -10 for White Pine), W +7 P +13
Mathias: W -5 P -10 (White Pine), W +5.5 P +19 , Bonus: 10 vials of Nyla
Khor: W -10 P -20, W +6 P +10
Emily: W -5 P -10, W +8 P +18
In collaboration with @flux
Mentions: The Doctor's Monsters @SporkoBug Interactions: NA
The infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) that drove through Nocturnia after warzone 13 did so to remind the populace that it would only take the push of a button to re-establish control. As time carried over the years however they became less of a symbol of overhanging oppression and that of repurposed necessity.
Troop and ammo compartments were converted into general cargo space simply because all the other transports were breaking down with age. Now the only action the once fearsome autocannons saw on the donated first generation
BMP-2’s and
Bradley’s were the occasional test fire to ensure bare minimum functionality. Silent reminders of harder, more violent times but nothing more than that alone.
Today though Nocturnia witnessed a brutal reminder of what these machines full of live saving supplies truly were. Bastions of authority and power projection, immune to reprisal from the common man with the firepower to secure entire streets on its own. Machines built from the ground up for the purpose of war. To kill effectively, efficiently, and without mercy.
And today the autocannon did not stand silent as a warning. It did not quietly proclaim its purpose with one precise shot. It did not settle on a singular burst.
Today it roared with endless fury.
The gunner pinned the trigger. “What the fuck are those?!”
The driver’s legs bounced. “Don’t think just shoot! Kill ‘em all!”
The commander leant back from the scope. “Goddamn it- AP ineffective, switch belt to HE, now gunner.”
The gunner flicked a switch before shouting and kicking something in the IFV. “No good we ripped out the autoloader to fit more supplies, we ain’t got shit!”
The commander growled. “Course we fucking did- Coaxil then, hose them down I’ll load manually.”
Crawling down into the vehicle and lifting a hatch the commander dragged the belt loaded with high explosive twenty millimeter rounds toward the cannon breech. Ripping the armour piercing belt out and clearing the gun practiced hands fed the new ammo as the machine gun tacked away at their target.
Locking the gun breech the commander barked orders again. “Loaded! Gunner HE on target. Now!”
The gunner complied, teeth baring as the gun thunked away again. The driver hollered and the commander smiled, reporting on the barrage. “HE is effective. Mop them up.”
Not long after, all that was left down the street was black smoke and charred gore. The gun on top rested silent again. The crew collected themself before the driver turned backward to break the silence. “Bones pointing out of broken bodies in all directions just shambling around. What are we dealing with here cap?”
The commander turned to the radio, now aware of someone demanding a report over the air. “No idea. About to find out hopefully. Keep your eyes forward, I don't want any surprises.”
The driver nodded and began to turn forward. “Copy. Perimeter scan the- HOLY FU-!”
A monster stabbed and clawed at the driver visor, another crawling up to the gun, behind those two a hole that more threatened to pour from. The gunner responded immediately, blowing away the monster on top in a shower of bits. The driver pinned his throttle to crush the first monster before maneuvering the right tread next to the hole. “Die motherfuckers!”
Slamming the gearing and brakes back and forth with throttle held the treads twisted and tore through the ground and bodies alike before collapsing the hole in on itself. The commander corrected himself now the IFV stood still again. “Good instinct driver.” He raised the radio. “Command, are you seeing this? What are we facing? Requesting new orders.”
An officer replied over the line. “No idea, we’re working on that now. New convoy orders are to establish a defensive position before Third armoured QRF arrives to escort you back home. Thirteenth attack rotary wing is already airborne on standby till Third arrives. Whirly birds will hold outside the city for strike missions if required and they’re warming up the MBT’s now, just for you. Thirty minutes, can you hold your position?”
The commander nodded. “Affirmative, we can hold.” He hung up the radio as the gunner responded. “Tanks? They’re sending tanks for us? How bad is it out there?” Before the crew could contemplate their situation another voice came over the radio.
”This is Command Sergeant Major Hawkeye. Men, capture one of those monsters alive and bring it back with your escort so we can study it. If there's a new gyft in the city with power like this, we need to know how it works.” William said from one of the surveillance rooms in the base around the Wall, watching the events in Riverbend unfold live from drone footage.
The commander balked at the order, taking a moment to make sure he’d heard correctly. “Sir? We aren’t equipped for HAZMAT duty, if they’re hazardous, or god forbid infectious we’d-”
”Then I'll have a hazmat detail sent out along with your escort. You're right, we don't know what we’re dealing with. Hang tight until they and your escort arrive, and oversee the collection of one of these creatures.” William said, not missing a beat. His soldiers had every right to refuse an order, though it was unlikely the residue was contaminated. It only meant his scientists had to wait a little longer before they could get to work.
The commander let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. “Yes sir. Thank you sir. We’ll secure the site and keep civilians well away. We’ll get it done.” He racked the radio to the convoy frequency. “New order. Perimeter around the unknown hostile’s remains. QRF and HAZMAT are inbound in thirty. Warning shots at anyone who approaches. If they keep coming.” He nodded at his gunner. “Give them
Meanwhile, back at base, William was looking over the drone footage spewing out of Riverbend. His eyes were narrowed, lost in thought, when the door to the operations room opened. A person dressed in a white coat and fatigues entered.
William gave a nod as the person approached.
”Thank you for joining me, Klemens. I know I'm taking you from your work, but I need your expertise.”He gestured to the drone footage of mutilated monster corpses.
”Any idea what we’re looking at? Is this man-made? Is it the result of a gyft?”Klemens held his hand to his mouth while he watched, his mind a maelstrom of emotion. “Pause there.” He pointed to indicate an area of the frame. “Zoom in. Let me see.”
There was a moment of silence, eyes scanning without blinking. These creatures didn’t just test the boundaries of medical science, they obliterated them. Nothing should be alive after such radical and violent changes to its base biology, yet here these creatures were, flailing forward to slaughter whatever they might find. Following a line where what was once human became monster Klemens eventually found a clean repeating line of incisions.
He let his breath out. “This here, these marks. This suggests these things were manufactured. Forcefully changed or at least their transformation guided by someone. Or something. In that case I don’t think it’s some out of control Gyft or infection. With that being said we must take every precaution. If there’s a contagion, Gyft or otherwise, turning people into this.” He gestured to the screen. No more words were needed.
Klemens got back to his report. “My only major concern at the moment is if these creatures can replicate the process that created them themselves. If so, if this ever got out into the world.” He stood before shaking his head. “Command Sergeant Major, I regret to say it may be our duty to ensure that never happens, regardless of the cost.”
[Flux add]
William stared at the screen, eyes tightening, before his gaze settled on Klemens.
”A detailed report, Klemens. Thank you.”A light, cruel smirk.
”You know I'm just waiting for a reason to burn it down. Let's see, though.”Klemens twitched. The comment caught him off guard but if anything he just nodded. “If that’s all sir, I’ll return to my post.”
Outside Nocturnia - Military base
Written by @flux
Mentions: All of Nocturnia Interactions: NA
Higgins sucked down the last of a cigarette while staring up at the sky through rusted open hanger doors. He sat there daydreaming of the last few exercises they’d performed. One briefing was the wall being toppled and running rocket barrages over an artificial breach in an abandoned field well away from the city. Another drill was that of a total civil war and assisting an extraction of stranded units. One scenario even included dogfighting with theorised dragons and dodging beams of flames. That was a good one.
He turned to look at the attack helicopter he was deemed worthy to copilot. A marvelous piece of machinery, an apex predator. A tool that ascended him to that of god hood, and it sat there, chained to this hanger. Begging to be let loose, begging for the past thirty years to be allowed to perform its designated purpose. It seemed destined to fade into military play pretend though, never to be allowed to taste its destiny, waiting for its metal heart to seize with rust before slaking in blood.
Higgin’s turned back to the sky, peaceful as it was. Maybe that wasn’t so bad. Maybe this play pretend was the closest he or anyone else should get to the madness of conflict. As much as he enjoyed the aspect of the exercises, he always flinched at the idea of letting its weapons loose all at once in an actual warzone. Fifty four high yield explosive rockets tearing into civilian infrastructure despite being declared hostile. Chain guns ripping flesh away from hoards that spat back at them. He flinched at the thought now. Such mighty and terrible destruction. The machine laid chained, denied its purpose for war. That was for the best, surely.
A man ran down the runway. Higgin’s finished his cigarette enjoying the absurdity of his pace. He was running like he was about to wash out on his PT test. Desperate to make the mark before a sergeant told him to pack up and fuck off for not keeping himself in fighting condition. Higgin’s laughed. Most of them weren’t anywhere close to peak fighting condition. Half of them barely scraped above the fitness requirement. They were a trophy force. A symbol to the world that they
totally had this situation under control. Higgin’s tapped the last of his cigarette away, his smile fading as another man sprinted down the airfield.
One man dead sprinting was funny, two were suspicious. He threw the finished cigarette aside, stood and started to walk to the hanger door to look outside. Before he could reach it a man bursting around the corner almost knocked him flat. Turning to shout something obscene a woman pelted past him. Higgin’s found words this time. “Vicky? What the hell is going on?”
She turned around only to continue running backward.
“War! We’re goin’ to war!”
Higgin’s broke out in a run now as well. Vicky was already suiting up. Higgin’s not far behind. The drills gave them a chance of getting ready in reasonable time but they were well rusty. A lack of regular quick reaction training saw them struggling let alone never being called to the ready line for an actual fight. The two checked each other over before clambering up and into the attack helicopter. The fleet was a
mish mash of designs, anything donated by the nations of the world considered obsolete to them.
Maintenance crew swarmed their helicopter like ants, performing checks that should’ve been completed at the start of the day. Vicky started the warm up process. When Higgin’s noticed what she was doing he protested. “Heyhey hey! We’re not clear you could chew someone up in the rotors!”
Vicky spat back. “They dropped a fucking sky scraper Higgy! We’ve got an aid convoy stuck in the city needing support, evac and HAZMAT and we’re already ten behind schedule. The crews can get the fuck out of the way!”
Dropped a skyscraper? What the hell had happened? How were they only hearing about it now? HAZMAT? Was it a bomb? Was the city contaminated?
Higgin’s quieted his mind. He sat in the front of the cockpit and began system checking the weapons. The guns were loaded. The rockets were primed. The cannon below the nose swivelled with his joystick. The top of the hanger opened and the engines began to truly thump into life. Higgin’s stared into his screen now displaying a crosshair in thermal black. He started focusing on his breathing. Taking deep breaths before letting them out in cadence. There was a good chance he was going to kill someone today. Kill a lot of someones. He didn’t know what would go through his head when he pulled the trigger, but he knew there’d be no choice if he wanted his own to make it home.
His comm line seemed to be open as Vicky responded to his breathing. “Just breathe Higgy. We got this. We nailed dragons in the exercise. If we can kill dragons we can deal with whatever happens once we’re airborne.”
Higgin’s nodded. Vicky gave a thumbs up before the helicopter shot into the sky. As they approached their staging point so they’d be ready should they be called in, Higgin’s asked a question that was bothering him. “You think there’s really dragons? That was a joke exercise right? Some bored commander? There’s not really dragons is there?”
Vicky was quiet for a moment as she positioned herself in formation with the other two helicopters hovering on stand by. She half mumbled a response. “From what I heard, let's just be glad it's something we trained for.” She gave a hand signal to the pilots beside her before addressing Higgin’s again. “Lets just hope whatever shit they’re in down there the QRF can deal with. Cause if we’re needed now, I think they’re going to need us for a whole lot longer.”
Higgin’s nodded again. He sat there staring at the wall, the thermal gun sight highlighting the heat of the pillar of smoke from the shattered sky scraper. All the while as the helicopter bobbled in the sky the same thought replayed through Higgin’s mind.
’Don’t make us come in there. Please. Don’t make us kill you all.’

Emergency Broadcast
Mentions: Everyone in Nocturnia Interactions: NA
It was a few hours after the great Arakasa Tower fell. The military was abuzz beyond the wall. Something had to be done. Something had to be
said. So, after a quick meeting with the other heads, William found himself walking to the press room, fully suited in his colours, badges and tassels, complete with a visor cap. Soon he found himself standing behind the podium, flags of the military and the UN behind him.
”Going live in 3…” Said one of the media officials as the camera crew focused their lens on him. The media official gave a hand signal - they were live and broadcasting on all channels within Nocturnia.
William fixed the camera with a steeled gaze.
”Good afternoon, Nocturnia. It has come to my attention that there have been several large-scale gyft-powered wars going on in this city. One such war has resulted in the decimation of the largest tower in Nocturnia, and has resulted in the death of an unknown number of civilians. Estimates are over a hundred in this act alone.
“I have been given the task of ensuring safety within Nocturnia. Throughout this quarantine, it has always been my hope that we could work peacefully together,with open communication and understanding.
“All we asked was for you to behave yourselves peacefully. But, given recent events, I fear that not even that is possible for the people of Nocturnia.”His voice hardened.
”Until the city proves it can conduct itself peacefully, and desist from these wars, all aid into the city will be halted. There will be no convoys going in or out, and the gates will be sealed, not opening for any circumstance.
“We will continue to monitor the situation outside. When the wars have de-escalated, aid may continue. As always, we appreciate your cooperation in this endeavour.”And the broadcast ended.
Antonia: W + 5 P +5
Ezra: W -5 P -10, W -0.5, W +10 P +18
Asterion: W + 4.5 P + 10
Bella: W + 3 P +9
Adel: W +5 P +7
Webb: W +0.5
Harriet: W +2 P +6
Leon: W +6.5 P +14

Walter Shaw
Heavy Crossguard
In collaboration with @Herald
Mentions: NA Interactions: NA
It was late afternoon when Antonia finally made it to the scene in Heavy Crossguard. She had already contacted Mr. Shaw to meet her here, though she had a strong feeling Detective MacAoidh might have already beat her to the punch, contact-wise.
Regardless, she stood outside the warehouse, her mouth a grim line as she took in the massive holes in the warehouse's structure. It was a miracle the thing was still standing.
Bodies covered in white cloth lined the scene, officers and medics moving here and there, marking evidence and identifying bodies. There was evidence of gyft usage, along with heavy explosives.
Just what on earth happened here…?
Antonia shook her head. Detective MacAoidh would give her a full report. What was more important was continuing her investigation with Mr. Shaw about what on earth Vincent moved from the Irish Pint to here, of all places.
Walter Shaw stepped out of the police car, the escort provided to him on behalf of Nocturnia PD now that he was being called into a bit more sensitive of a scene. His eyes glanced over the ruins of the warehouse, an audible whistle leaving his lips. Someone had screwed this place up good. He would need to use his gyft to try and make sure the damn thing was even still stable.
Under escort of a PD Sergeant, he was brought to where Antonia was standing and took a minute to try and read her face. He wasn’t sure what Leon or Nocturnia PD had stepped into just yet, but this was more than some simple drug bust or gang takedown. This was war.
He took a pack of mints out of his pocket, tossing two into his mouth as he examined the scene. The bodies drew his attention first, but Antonia was standing next to him and Leon had already sent him a text to expect a call earlier on in the evening so the two people he knew were clearly alive and well.
“Shit, Commissioner, that lion of ours leave anything standing?,” Shaw said, a bit of a sarcastic grin on his face.
Antonia shook her head.
”Damned if I've ever seen anything like this.”He dropped the mints, pretending it was an accident and using the excuse to lean over and hit the ground, sending out the echoes and closing his eyes as the 3d image built in his head. He would begin to see the sharp forms of crates stacked upon crates in the warehouse. Some were filled with stolen art, while others were filled with precious antiques, sets of jewellery and gold. Other, larger crates held slot machines, while smaller crates held stuff like tobacco and tea. All in all, these crates that made up the majority of the lobby were undamaged save for the ones at the edges, taking the most of the firefight.
Near the back of the building were the offices, one of which contained the now empty lab filled with various beakers and heat pads. However, the real interest was in the storage closet adjacent to it. It was packed to the brim with boxes of empty vials, filled vials (with Sugarcrush), cocaine, and sealed tubes of pure, glowing, pink liquid (Nyla).
However, what was most disturbing, beyond the empty offices that likely stored paperwork that could incriminate the Wolves and the Thorned Roses further, were two trailers. When Shaw picked up images of these two containers, not only did he see a little movement, but he saw
bodies. Living people with beating hearts, trapped inside.
“Double shit,” Shaw said as he got back to his feet, dusting himself off, “good news, commissioner. Pretty sure you’ve hit the motherlode on evidence… but if you’ve got any shred of a heart in your chest you’re not going to like all of it.”
He gestured with his chin in the direction of the crates. “Money’s in there, but the important stuff is always in the back… getting a shaky feel off it. Probably powder and liquid. And I don’t mean flour or milk from the grocery store.”
“But… you’re gonna wanna tell the EMS boys to start cutting open the trailers in the back,” Shaw said, holding up a hand to forestall any immediate communications, “remember, all I know is that it’s people. I need to get a lot closer to tell if they are armed. Pretty sure we’re looking at a little slice of the flesh market though.”
Wherever Antonia went, Shaw would follow unless she forbid him to tag along. He was armed, a concealed carry .40 caliber handgun tucked under one armpit in an easy to draw holster. He’d only ever fired it on the range, but he was still used to trouble as a private investigator.
The only reaction Antonia gave to the news of
people in the trailers was a slight downturn of the corners of her lips. Swiftly, she pulled at her walkie.
”I need a team of officers and EMS at the trailers in the back. We're gonna pop ’em open. Be advised there might be people in them. We don't know if they're dangerous, so be prepared.”A pause, before she lifted the walkie to her mouth again.
”And I need another team of officers to go through the offices and rooms on the lower level. We’re looking for drugs, powder and liquid.”She then nodded her head to Shaw.
”There may be more yet to uncover.” And gestured for him to follow with a sigh.
Soon, Antonia and Shaw were to the side of the containers as EMS busted them open, officers using cover and issuing commands as they edged closer. From within the containers, there was muffled whimpering, and the officers quickly secured the scene, confirming that none were armed.
With the scene safe to venture on, Antonia watched as people, women, and children, were escorted out of the containers, gags being removed and zip ties getting cut. Officers began their questions as EMS tended to any wounds, leaving the containers empty to be investigated further.
There was one more secret here, hidden behind the steel somewhere.
Antonia looked to Shaw, wondering if he'd be able to pick up anything else.
Shaw casually stepped over and slapped a hand against the trailer door, sending out another wave of pulses. He frowned a bit, almost disappointed that there wasn’t some kind of looney tunes esque secret hatch to another room or something. What Shaw would begin to see were two folded papers hidden in the vent of each container. If this was anything like last time, they might be shipment papers.
He struck the container again, likely drawing an odd look from the nearby officers, but a sheepish grin just gave him the look of a private eye that was getting a little too eager to play with the big boys. Inwardly, he felt the pulses sound out checking again for traps or some kind of protection mechanism.
Using the door as a makeshift ladder he hauled himself up to the top of the trailer despite a call or two for him to get down from there. He moved to the vents, carefully wedging them open and fishing around until he could carefully remove the papers. Once they were retrieved he would casually walk back over to the commissioner and hold them out for her to take.
“Another lab?,” he guessed as to the destination of these trailers.
Antonia raised an eyebrow, an impressed look coloring her face briefly. Before she read what what was on the papers,
”If he sends me on another goose chase, Mr. Shaw, I swear-...”She trailed off, reading the papers once. Twice. Then three times, her lips pursing.
”Not another lab. Two locations. One to the busted White Pine Arakasa Tower. One… to the military outside.”Indeed, the papers stated that one container was destined to a Mr. Accardo in the flesh. The other? A subtle arrangement between Jackson and a Division Omicron. Shaw paled at the implication.
Antonia stared a little longer, before she glanced at Shaw.
”This is more than enough. Mr. Shaw, what is your fee? I will take care of it instead of Detective MacAoidh today.”“Aside from keeping my name out of whatever you lot just stepped in?,” Shaw muttered, looking genuinely worried. He had a thousand questions about what the military could possibly be doing wrapped up with gangsters -inside- Nocturnia… and they were the kind of questions that led a man to an early, unmarked grave.
“My talents let me charge a premium for my services on most contracts. Leon gets the ‘he scares the fuck out of me but is otherwise a good guy’ discount of two thousand dollars a call out,” Shaw said, clearly unafraid of charging for his services, “you scare the fuck out of me too if you don’t mind me saying ma’am. Not sure how you manage to wrangle Nocturnia PD together, and I probably sleep better not knowing.”
He popped another mint into his mouth, chewing it nervously with the crunching habit of a man who used to have a different kind of vice and was compensating with the mints. “My phone is always on for you, Commissioner. Just keep in mind imminent danger ups my rate.”
Antonia nodded, pulling out her phone. Shaw would soon see a deposit of $5000 in his account.
”Noted. I've added a little extra to your fee this time. If you would do me the solid of keeping this under wraps until my teams have done their investigations proper. We need every edge we can get.”
Leon: +100 Sugarcrush, +20 Cocaine, +20 Nyla vials, Bonus +5 W, Antonia: -0.5 W