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Just a shark floating through the void with way too many bee's in the brain.

Self taught writer, artist, programmer and whatever the hell else the ADHD demands to be understood.
Still reading? Enjoy a race ship~.

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Forgot to mention when I added before, but canaries have hit the beach~

Just read it, was marvelous haha~.

Also how many rounds of beach time do we want? I have 6 rough themes for rounds up at the moment but do we want less? (Also feel free to suggest your own scene themes if you'd like~!)
- Arrival (current)
- BeachFun (swimming, games, etc)
- Lunch (pretty self explanatory)
- Tournament (volley ball championship, sandcastle judging, water ski survival, who knows!)
- Finale (Last chance for shenighans and to melt martins mind)
- Wrap up (Spare scene to tie up any loose bits)

I'll tick over to the next scene in 2 days and try turn the rounds over every Tuesday~.

@ERode @LanaStorm
If your interested but miss the arrival turn your more than welcome to add an your characters entry in any further scenes ^_^.
@flux Hey, just to keep things smooth for this Beach collab, how would you feel about doing a turn-based posting order? That way, the document doesn't become overwhelming or slow down as more people join in. It might also make it easier for everyone, so we're not constantly reacting to new additions as we're writing our interactions. Whatcha think? :)

I think that's a good idea~. We could make it so everyone gets one scene per round, once everyone has written or 2 days have gone without update we'll start the next round. I was thinking of running it in rounds, like this round is people arriving, next round could be beach games/swimming/activities, round after could be lunch, etc. I'll add a little tracker on the first page~. Also if you want to add more than one scene to a round just PM me and we'll coordinate how to fit it in ^_^.

For the sake of simplicity and encouraging collabs I'll say that if you join in on someone else's scene (with their permission of course) it doesn't count as your go for that round, it only counts for the person in charge of the scene. So if you want to write more reach out and organize ideas or ask if you can jump into scenes~!

Example: Qia is writing a scene for her turn and has arranged a collab with Herald and Sporko. Qia would have directing control of the scene and once finished they would be done for the turn. Herald and Sporko however would still have their turn to add a scene as they were collabing with Qia.

I think this hybrid turn order will keep it manageable for everyone to stay up to date but also allow flexibility for people to write a scene when they're available to. If it still becomes too messy we can try a traditional queue system where one player adds a scene after the other ^_^.

EDIT: Regarding the one scene per turn rule, if your breaking your scene up into multiple parts back to back for multiple characters to get some screen time I think that's ok~. Good example is SporkoBug's bit introducing Blue Feathers, Cult and Morrigan separately ^_^. (I had a ball reading that by the way~!)
To clarify, for the beach episode, this is an AU where none of us know each other right?

Correct ^_^ only exception being if people are collabing together and want their characters to have preexisting familiarity. Example: I'll ask @Yankee if he wants Adel and Khor to arrive together, and whether it was organized between them as characters (they're friends) or Adel picked up some random hitch hiker (they don't know each other).

EDIT: Savant's point is also good! Characters would absolutely be welcome to know things about each other to help interactions along~.
<Snipped quote by flux>

I saw the Doc but are we eventually putting it in a thread or are we just doing it in the doc? Sorry if my question wasn't clear xD

Where we're posting it? I'll make a non-cannon thread to post it all in once it's done ^_^. (Sorry if I mis-read the question again aha, I'm a bit slow today).

Added to Leon's part (you can recruit sand man should you wish haha), Martin mused a little and the AKula's have arrived, shenanigans ahoy lol.

I'll try sort more IC stuff today as well, might be a little busy so I'll do what I can~.
Sorry if this is very stupid question, is the beach stuff going to be in a google doc or are we doing a thread?

Nah it just got a little buried
There ya go~!

The main commitment he has is discussing with his boss what to do with the 3 supervillains that were just giftwrapped and sent on his doorstep.

Good point haha

I could include that as the military demanding them, and they're handed back to Leon once Esty returns. I'll discuss potential pathways with Herald in PM's.
<Snipped quote by flux>

All my next posts had heavy Esty interaction so those will probably have to be discarded for now.

Fair fair~

Might be best to save them for her return then, as far as I'm aware Leon isn't locked down by any commitments with Esty is he?

Beach Day doc is go!

If the intro is way too derpy let me know lol. If you speak or interact with Martin or the Beach Bastards (Martin's minions) I'll reply to those sections as I see them, they won't interfere unless you state your directly getting their attention somehow~. Your welcome to have your characters arrive however you want alone or with other characters. Feel free to use any NPC's you have as well ^_^.

Hope you all enjoy~! If there's any issues let me know and I'll fix them~.
<Snipped quote by flux>

That could definitely be fun. I do not know how others would think about the idea or not. I am someone who enjoys what-ifs and twists, and not official stories and such.

I'll wait for peoples opinions for 2-3 days and if there aren't any serious issues raised I'll put it up. Trick will be to clearly title that it's a dumping ground for non-canon Nocturnia related writing, but I should cover that no issue. Other solution is finding another site to post them on and linking it somewhere in the 0'th post that it's the non-canon works and cut content place. Special features and deleted scenes if you will.
[wiggling Webb gently]
My 8 pages will have to wait for a bit then hehe

If you'd like, I can go over the written work so far with you and we could possibility repurpose it in terms of using different characters if you'd like to complete and post it sooner. You'd be welcome of course though to wait for Esty's return an pick up from there ^_^.

Also again if anyone else has written pieces stuck in limbo they'd like to try finish, PM me with the link and we can see if we can use still available characters to finish it. If you're happy to wait then no drama's ^_^ we'll save them for Esty's return~.
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