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"I'll remember that when I'm thinking about my next choice of profession," Leon's voice rumbled from between the illusion's lips as they moved into the hallway. The guard had yet to notice them, but conversation was sure to alert even the laziest of men eventually. He scanned the area, shrugging in a way that didn't quiet line up with the illusion.

He shrugged again as Iliskra asked about Elthel, eyes shifting slightly to look at her as the opportunity for him to sneak by the guard and make his way upstairs was closing, as was hers to begin searching these rooms. "Providing overwatch? Assaulting from a third point of entrance? Selling us all out to Jadarl to secure the end of the Talons? Unless you want to leave now, our objective remains clear. There is always the option of killing them all anyways," Leon muttered, watching the guard carefully.

"For now, we deal with what we know is a problem. I'll send a bird or something if I find something interesting. Have some faith," Leon chuckled, "in me if not in the gods." He stepped away before she could give him a retort, his steps quiet and the movements looking a bit blurred as the illusion struggled to keep pace with his real legs. He trusted Iliskra to handle her own stealth as he stayed just out of the guard's peripheral vision, slowly backing up to the stairs and then making his way up to the third floor. The possibility they were walking into a trap was not a very likely one from what he could feel about their situation, but even if it was all a trap they could hardly extricate themselves now without likely triggering a conflict with the Talons anyways.

If Elthel or the Talons were willing to sacrifice them in exchange for some kind of deal with Jadarl, then there were still only two choices left to him and Iliskra: Surrender and likely die, or fight and possibly kill them all.

Added. My beach bastard turncoat is available to anyone for interaction(or Leon if you want to approach the grill). Spreading the word that the grill is open free of charge.
"I can, but the weakness of such companions is that they can only tell me what they have found if they come back and can exist for only a few minutes. Wonderful for combat or general scouting, limited for true spying," Leon muttered, though the idea still had some merit. It was rare for even wizards to think of every precautionary defense, especially in their own homes. "that being said, I can call on a hound if we can find something that we can confirm Jadarl has had on his person recently. The scent should be enough for a dog to track. I don't believe we'll be so fortunate as to find him snoozing in bed. Perhaps in a study or alchemical room..."

He was talking too much, at least in his opinion. Tactical and magical strategy was important, but unless it was directly helpful he should keep his mouth shut when performing break ins of other people's homes. He quietly palmed a dagger, tucking it into a throwing grip and moved for the door, listening carefully to the other side.

"Unless you care to change your clothes," Leon nodded towards the servants garb and raised an eyebrow quizzically. If she made no move to do so, he unclipped the golden mask from his belt and brought it up to his face, securing it into position and speaking a command word. Light bent and shimmered around Leon, overlaying his taller, sturdier frame with a lighter, thinner one that hade a far more feminine tilt to the shape. His weapons and armor were gone, though his other hand remained in the same position as though holding something that was now invisible. In moments he looked like a serving girl, the garb matching the clothing in the armoire. There were flaws to the illusion, especially with as close as Iliskra was to him, and it would do nothing to alter his voice, but it might cause hesitation if they accidentally stepped into the hallway and found themselves facing a servant or guard... or perhaps even Jadarl himself. Only his blue eyes remained the same, something the illusion could cover if he chose but more often he chose not to.

His training kicked in as he felt the illusion around him. His shoulders slouched a bit and his face became downcast, his eyes averted towards the floor as though he was now one of the most tired, beat down servants in the world simply looking to finish her chores for the day and return to a wonderfully mediocre bed.

He listened at the door again, then took a breath and muttered a small prayer to Mask. As long as he heard no other noise from outside the door he would carefully open it and slip into the hallway. Hopefully they would find something to go off of before he had to speak or interact closely with any person in the house.
It's really not a good place to get a feel for the characters since we are all ignoring our usual methods of dealing with each other and Martin. But if they want to sign up, by all means.
I only brought it up so Leon doesn't go around being like "Wait a minute... I know you. You're under arrest!"

To clarify, for the beach episode, this is an AU where none of us know each other right?
The main commitment he has is discussing with his boss what to do with the 3 supervillains that were just giftwrapped and sent on his doorstep.

Pretty much. We're about... twenty pages in. Finished the first interrogation, but also gave heavy details on the methods being used to secure Gyft criminals in the mysterious 'Warehouse' Esty alluded to in one of their first posts.
<Snipped quote by SporkoBug>

If you'd like, I can go over the written work so far with you and we could possibility repurpose it in terms of using different characters if you'd like to complete and post it sooner. You'd be welcome of course though to wait for Esty's return an pick up from there ^_^.

Also again if anyone else has written pieces stuck in limbo they'd like to try finish, PM me with the link and we can see if we can use still available characters to finish it. If you're happy to wait then no drama's ^_^ we'll save them for Esty's return~.

All my next posts had heavy Esty interaction so those will probably have to be discarded for now.
You get 3 points for every rule you break. I'll decide which player gets the points if multiple people break the same rule based on creative and comedic value with runners up for 2 and 1 points. The player with the most points at the end earns the honor of having ruined martins day.
(Or you can just write your characters doing whatever they want, interacting with whoever, however. Enjoy~!)

Leon(cowardly lion voice): B-b-b-b-break th-the ru-r-r-rules? I could never do that!
This is going to come out of the blue, and I do this with a heavy heart, but a family emergency has come up which will remove me from the site for an unknown period of time. I won't be able to GM for you lovely people anymore. I nominate flux as my co-GM, and hope you can all still thrive without me.

Take care, everyone.

Well... crap.

*offering long distance hugs and support*

Come one back or feel free to message if you just need to talk. You've been an amazing GM in both of the games I've been in and if theres any support I can offer you, reach on out.
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