Compared to the filth of the half-orc Gunalar’s domain what was clearly the bedchamber of Jadarl could be called “refreshingly posh”. Every corner, nook, and floorboard was as clean as could be. The furniture was well-kept and glistened in the cozy lighting and everything from wall ornaments to the books on the shelves was perfectly arranged giving the room an orderly look about it. A single candelabra lined with glowing candles stood between the one window and the bed providing adequate enough light to see by. An entire section of wall was reserved for four shelves of assorted spirits ranging from Cormyrean wines to Sembian champagne.
Jadarl was not present but there were clear signs that he had been and had perhaps not been gone overly long. The sheets on the preened bed were ruffled about such as when someone was roused from their sleep and had tossed aside the covers without bothering to straighten them. A night gown lay crumpled on the floor near the foot of the bed. On the right corner of the small desk across the room there was a single large platter, picked clean of whatever its’ contents were save for stray crumbs. A half-drank glass of some clear liquid sat near the plate. In the center of the desk there were four opened letters casually lain about. On the left corner of the desk there lay a peculiar looking ring that was made of polished iron, atop it was what looked to be an open palm hand - fingers pressed tightly together. The various drawers on the desk were all locked with no key in sight. There were no traps or tricks waiting for Leon, Jadarl seemingly the type of man uninterested in filling his place of rest with lethal mechanisms and wards.