Avatar of Shu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Ushi Saru Oo Ne E Tori Ushi Uma Tori Ne Tora Inu Tora Mee Ushi Hitsuji Me E Hitsuji Ne Genne Saru Tori Tatzu Tori Ushi Uma Hitsuji Tora Me Ne Saru Ooh E Tatzu Hitsuji Ne Ushi Hitsuji Tori Ge Ne E Tori
4 yrs ago
Well let’s see... an OP to finish, three 1x1’s to respond to, and two work related reports to fill out this afternoon. I’ll need some tea.
4 yrs ago
Someone took my Microsoft office and they will pay. You have my word.
4 yrs ago
Lavate las manos!
4 yrs ago
Nothing like a good night’s sleep and well brewed coffee to help you forget an unpleasant evening.


A little about me…

• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)
• Pansexual
• Twenty-nine years old.
• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)
• US Central Time Zone
• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.
• My writing interests are manifold in genre.
• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a great group RP.
• Ask for the Discord.

Current Roleplays…

Her Wrestling Dream A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with @Shoopuf.

STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar A Star Wars 1x1 roleplay with @LanaStorm.

FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels A Forgotten Realms roleplay with @Herald.

2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.

Extra bits…

My 1x1 Index.

My catalogue of characters. (The new one.)

My old/original catalogue of characters.

SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.

A Thousand Legends world and lore.

Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;

Most Recent Posts

Compared to the filth of the half-orc Gunalar’s domain what was clearly the bedchamber of Jadarl could be called “refreshingly posh”. Every corner, nook, and floorboard was as clean as could be. The furniture was well-kept and glistened in the cozy lighting and everything from wall ornaments to the books on the shelves was perfectly arranged giving the room an orderly look about it. A single candelabra lined with glowing candles stood between the one window and the bed providing adequate enough light to see by. An entire section of wall was reserved for four shelves of assorted spirits ranging from Cormyrean wines to Sembian champagne.

Jadarl was not present but there were clear signs that he had been and had perhaps not been gone overly long. The sheets on the preened bed were ruffled about such as when someone was roused from their sleep and had tossed aside the covers without bothering to straighten them. A night gown lay crumpled on the floor near the foot of the bed. On the right corner of the small desk across the room there was a single large platter, picked clean of whatever its’ contents were save for stray crumbs. A half-drank glass of some clear liquid sat near the plate. In the center of the desk there were four opened letters casually lain about. On the left corner of the desk there lay a peculiar looking ring that was made of polished iron, atop it was what looked to be an open palm hand - fingers pressed tightly together. The various drawers on the desk were all locked with no key in sight. There were no traps or tricks waiting for Leon, Jadarl seemingly the type of man uninterested in filling his place of rest with lethal mechanisms and wards.
The stairs up to the third floor led Leon up to a small hallway, perhaps one third the length of the second floor hall. It was far less elaborate; no red carpet, no crystal chandelier, no kind of ornamental display. The same golden wall fixtures held lamps like below however they were nearly burned out making the small corridor look dull and forgotten with little light to see by. There were two doors, one straight ahead and one on the right.

The door on the right was made of polished pine and was of a sleek, fine look. A keyhole made it clear that the door was locked. The other door however was the one of real interest. It was metal like a dungeon door and had a massive padlock to keep it shut. A feint hum could be heard as a thin, flickering, red “veil” of magical energy covered the door - a ward.
“You make such a pretty servant girl, Leon.” Iliskra smirked, unable to hold back on making a jape. Iliskra considered a disguise but chose not to, instead slipping up beside the door and pressing herself near the frame as Leon opened the way into the hall. The second floor hallway was long and quite spacious. As well as decorative. A blood red carpet reached the full length of the corridor, paintings of various sizes and depictions lined the walls, and gold encrusted fixtures held burning oil lamps which illuminated the upstairs area brilliantly. A glimmering crystal chandelier hung high over the center of the hall. There were two staircases on either side of the chandelier which Leon and Iliskra could clearly see. The one on the left went up and the one on the right went down. Iliskra counted six rooms in the hall, including the one she and Leon were in. Both directions of the hallway had a room at the very end with a room on each side.

A single figure could be seen in the hall, the same armored guard that Leon’s bat had spotted. A man of average height and build adorned in full plate armor - helmet included - with his weapon resting upon his right shoulder as he rather lazily plodded along. As luck would have it he was walking the opposite direction from Leon and Iliskra.

“I would put coin on Jadarl’s room being up on the third floor. If you are swift you can be up there before the guard comes back this way,” Iliskra said quietly to Leon, “I can check this floor and try and meet up with Firoz and Willory and-…”
The half-elf hesitated suddenly having realized something, her voice nearly bursting from her mouth before she caught herself. “Say, where did Elthel get off to?” It had dawned on Iliskra that Elthel had not even accompanied herself, Leon, Firoz, and Willory when they approached the house from the courtyard area - which Iliskra quickly pointed out to Leon as the guardsman passed by the respective staircases. Surely Elthel had not taken off or betrayed them. Had she seen something in the snowstorm outside? Or had she shared unheard words with Firoz and Willory when Iliskra and Leon were not paying attention? Iliskra felt the hair on her neck and forearms prickling as the possibilities raced through her mind. How could she have so carelessly lost track of Elthel? How could she and Leon have both done so?
Iliskra took the lead this time, sliding the now open window up carefully, ignoring the snowflakes and icy crystals that rained down across her face and arms. Iliskra checked for any defenses around the window before going inside - a steel claw trap on the floor or a guillotine blade rigged up to fall and decapitate careless interlopers. Whatever there might be. Seeing there was no danger Iliskra crawled inside the mansion, her snow-covered boots lightly plopping down onto a carpeted floor. She waited for Leon to follow her in and then quickly shut the window behind them and pulled the curtains together. The two were in a small bedroom. It had a single bed, a chest of drawers an armoire, and a nightstand on which a lone stubby candle provided a dim light. Iliskra noted the humble dresses and shoes in the armoire and guessed they were in the servants’ bedroom. She doubted this Jadarl or any woman of note associated with him would settle for such an unimpressive abode. The room was welcomely warm and cozy compared to the unforgiving cold outside. Iliskra felt a sudden temptation to lay back on the bed and pull the covers up around her neck. If only. the half-elf thought.

“I take it we should find this Jadarl’s bedroom.” Iliskra stated the obvious in a low voice. “Perhaps you could summon a little mouse to give us an eye of the insides of this fine place?” Though she was somewhat jesting Iliskra hoped her companion had more up his sleeve. If the outside look told her anything it was that this was a large mansion, and while Iliskra welcomed the thrills and finds within that usually came with breaking into such a place she would very much rather not be skewered on the end of a guardsmen’s pike or squashed under a golems’ foot while blindly wandering from door to door.

Iliskra was already up and moving, Willory and Firoz right on her heels - Leon somewhat humorously being left at the rear and having to tow in behind the others. The four waited until the outside guards had made their close pass and then scurried across the snow covered grounds toward the eastern side of the mansion - careful to avoid the burning oil lamps that illuminated the areas around them. The storm would quickly cover their tracks so there was no concern there. Neither of the crossbow-wielding guards were on the eastern side of the balcony so there was no chance that the four had been seen from above. So far luck was with them. They all pressed themselves against the frost-glazed wall, taking a quick deep breath despite the pain it caused in their chests given the cold air.

Iliskra raised her head and looked over the side of the structure. The luck would hold with there being enough ornamentation to give she and the others hand and foot holds to grasp as they ascended up to the second floor. The windows were all encased in a “frame” of swirling protruding stonework and just above them were miniature carvings of mephits of all things, winged little fiends sitting perched on small platforms. Above those was the edge of the second floor balcony and the ornamental fencing that banded all the way around it. So long as no one accidentally kicked one of the windows or let their hand slip causing a fall climbing up would be easy enough.

“Firoz and I will go around to the other side.” Willory said. When Iliskra looked at him the halfling said, “It’s not a good idea to have four people scrounging up the same side of a wall.”

“He is right.” Firoz added.

Iliskra thought about it for a moment and nodded in understanding. “Just be mindful.”

“Of course,” Firoz said, reaching into his bag and pulling something out, “take this.”

Firoz handed a smooth piece of polished flat metal to Leon. It had a slight upward hook at the end of it. It was about a forearms’ length and felt very heavy despite how thin it was. “It is good for opening closed windows,” Firoz explained, “just slide the hook under the eave of the window and gently force it up. If the windows locked, of course, then it will not work. I have a spare, so worry not.”

With that Firoz and Willory whisked away and disappeared behind the house. Iliskra looked at Leon with a raised brow and said, “After you, good sir.”
Iliskra’s response was immediate, “Well then, I say you send your bat friend to look the place over. We can decide on how to get inside after. Fingers crossed of course that your winged lackey can prove a better spy than Willory here.”

The halfling seemed insulted by this but agreed with Iliskra as did Firoz. The four made sure that no guards or anyone else was near and then Leon began his incantation to summon forth the bat. The spell was quick and in just a few moments after there fluttered a shadowy black bat before them. Leon directed the creature to the house while Iliskra, Firoz, and Willory kept an eye out for anyone that might encroach upon their hiding spot as the winged agent soared in toward the mansion.

Iliskra watched as the bat flew in to the nearest window, clinging upside down to the upper seal and pressing its tiny form against the glass. It lingered for several moments before fluttering free and moving on to the next window, and then the next, and so on. As the bat rounded the house Iliskra refocused on the guards. They seemed to maintain their pattern and there had been no change of shifts - yet. Iliskra guessed there were at least four or five more guards on the inside of the mansion. A handful of servants as well without a doubt. It was possible for the four of them to be in and out of the mansion without tipping off anyone, but it would be a challenge to say the least. Iliskra also thought of the possibility of there being more magical obstacles inside, nevermind whatever this large thing was that Willory had glimpsed. One problem at a time. Iliskra thought sighing softly.

Before too long the bat returned, flapping its’ way back against the biting wind and the snowflakes straight to Leon. The bat relayed quite a bit of helpful information to its master. The first being that the large “thing” that occupied the mansion was an iron golem, Iliskra wincing as Leon shared the information. The bat however had noticed that the golem seemed to patrol in an unchanging routine; going clockwise throughout the first floor, looking over each room before moving on continuing it’s endless cycle. The bat had seen only two servants on the first floor, a maid and a cook. The second floor was tended by a single servant as well with one heavily armored and armed guard patrolling the hallways. Iliskra presumed that there were other guards but they were sleeping somewhere inside the house. The bat had also flown up to the third floor windows but could see nothing as the windows were too high up from the floor.

“If we were too pick just the right moment to go inside we could just walk in through the front door,” Willory suggested after Leon had finished “convening” with the bat, “so long as we mind the guards outside and the servants inside.”

“I say we climb up to the second floor and go in through a window.” Firoz said with a cross of his arms.

It did not take long for Iliskra, Leon, and Elthel to reach their destination. The estate of this Jadarl lay along the southern wall, just west of the main gate. The lingering snowstorm and the fact that the posh abode was somewhat out of the way made reaching it no challenge. It was surrounded by a small, circular grove of trees and an ornamental red picket fence. A single cobblestone path led off from the main road and stopped at the front steps of the larger structure. The estate mansion building itself was three stories tall with a second story balcony and a rooftop balcony. A small courtyard graced the back of the mansion and a humble brown barn sat along the western edge of the grounds. Brightly lit lampposts surrounded the mansion and lined the courtyard, Iliskra could see the moving shapes of guards as she and her two shadowy companions drew near. Elthel had led them around to the east side of the grounds and over the fence where they slinked along among a patch of ornamental bushes which withered and leafless due to the unforgiving winter. It was not long before the three found Firoz and Willory, the Turmish bowman and the halfling ducked low behind a statue of a loosely clothed maiden sprawled against a stone tree.

“I see our new acquaintances agreed to help us once more.” Firoz said shakily under his hood as the three approached.

“Yes,” Elthel replied as she, Iliskra, and Leon moved in close behind the two thieves, “their dwarven friend remained behind while they will be aiding us in our little raid.”

Firoz nodded, “There are two guards that patrol around the mansion and courtyard. There are two crossbowmen up on the second floor balcony.” The Turmish thief got right to business.

“Is that all?” Elthel asked with audible surprise.

“Not quite,” Firoz said flatly, “there is… something inside that acts as a first floor guard…”

“‘Something’?” Elthel asked with a shiver.

“I only caught a glimpse of it,” Willory spoke up, looking over his shoulder, “but it’s big. Lumbering past the windows and talking in a deep rumble of a voice.”

“That does not sound good.” Elthel remarked.

“Not at all.” Firoz said.

“Have you seen anyone coming or going?” Elthel asked.

“Only a servant that left just before the storm really got bad, I assume on an errand.” Willory said. “There is a groundskeeper but he seems to stay around the barn.”

“How would you suggest we go about getting inside?” Elthel asked.

“A window is the best route,” Willory raised his voice slightly as the wind began to howl around them, “the back door and wine cellar door have a magical barrier on them. And the front door is too dangerous to try unless anyone has an an invisibility potion and a nerve of steel to go with it.”
Ibdur grunted in response.

Iliskra and Leon hastily equipped themselves and gathered their things, following Elthel back into Iliskra’s room. The three slipped through the bedroom window out into the cold, Elthel pulling the window shut behind them. Iliskra stiffened as her first draw of outside air was sharp and piercing in her chest. It was snowing, quite heavily so, and a notable wind was whistling through the city. Ibdur would not be pleased. Iliskra thought as she pulled her hood up taut around her head. Like Leon she was worried when it came to Ibdur and his continued loyalty to them. More than worried. She had in fact grown fond of the dwarf and had no desire to see him part their company, or worse she and Leon be forced to kill him. But… if it comes to that-…

Iliskra’s thoughts were interrupted by Elthel who told them that the estate was not far. “It lies on the right side of the south road near the gate. We can stay on the streets so long as we not draw any attention to ourselves. The snow will make for good cover.” Elthel hopped the short distance down to the ground followed by Iliskra and then Leon. The snow on the ground was soft and powdery, Iliskra noticed, so if they needed to run for it at least they would not need to worry about slipping and falling. The accompanying wind in the small storm blew in out of the east meaning it would be against their left side all the way to the estate. The streets were less occupied than the day before but not totally deserted. Like Elthel said, so long as the three remained inconspicuous they could freely move through the open.
“Firoz and Willory are casing the estate as we speak,” Elthel replied, “if anyone can find a way inside that place it is Willory. As for this Jadarl himself… well, I am most interested in what we will find inside his abode. If we have an opportunity to kill him then we shall take it. That said I would not mind questioning him if we could. But I’m not counting on that.”

Elthel gave Leon a sideways smile, “As for your payment, you will get a fair share of any treasures we might find inside Jadarl’s estate. And I have more precious gemstones that I think you would all like.”

“I assume we are going to break in tonight?” Iliskra asked.

“Yes,” Elthel said, “but if it is all the same I very much want you two to come with me now and have a look at estate.”

“I take it you are staying here then?” Iliskra asked Ibdur, indicative that she planned to oblige Elthel.

Ibdur groaned quite loudly as he planted his backside on his bed, “Of course I am. I… will re-rent our rooms.”

“I apologize Ibdur,” Iliskra said in a meaningful tone, “I…”


Iliskra gave Leon a curious sideways look, keeping her eyes upward of course.
“As much as the latter might please me in your case that is not why I am here,” Elthel said, turning away from Leon as she spoke with obvious annoyance at him, “I do in fact have a job for the three of you. Or at least you and your elven companion.”

“Half-elf.” came the expected input from Iliskra.

“Yes, pardon me.” came a rather genuine response from Elthel.

“More skulking about I take it.” Ibdur said with obvious disdain as he slid on his breastplate.

“Yes,” Elthel said with a smirk, “hence my admitted preference for your two comrades over a dwarven berserker.”

Ibdur opened his mouth to retort when Iliskra interjected asking pointedly what the job was exactly. Elthel went straight into the details - she and Iliskra both avoiding looking at Leon and focusing on each other.
“Last night Firoz and I tracked someone we believe to be a very high ranking lieutenant of Shagarm’s to a particularly prominent estate on this side of the river. We had seen the man before but never had the opportunity to follow him to his place of residence. He usually is accompanied by a heavily armed contingent and all of Shagarm’s men seem to answer to him. He may even be Shagarm’s right hand, but we cannot say for absolute certain.”

“How did you finally have an opportunity to follow him?” Iliskra asked.

“Well, we had originally followed a close associate of his that Firoz had marked. He frequents this district. The associate in question is a mage and seemed to have some standing among Shagarm’s men out in the streets. He met with the aforementioned man yesterday morning before parting his company. Realizing we had been lead to a ‘bigger catch’ as they say we shadowed this man to his estate which is heavily guarded. By armed patrols and magic alike.”

“This ‘associate’ - the mage - is he a human man of average size with thick, golden hair?” Iliskra immediately questioned.

“Yes,” Elthel replied with raised brows, “you have seen him then?”

“He is staying at this very tavern in fact,” Iliskra grinned, “I eavesdropped on he and some of his men yesterday afternoon. They mentioned serving a ‘Jadarl’ who apparently tasked Gunalar with wiping out the last of your guild in exchange for being allowed to join Shagarm’s ranks.”

“I see.” Elthel nodded slowly, her blue eyes lighting up with consideration even as a glower tugged at her brow. “So… this Jadarl was the one approached who Gunalar… or perhaps it was the other way round. Either way, between having the position to bring people on for Shagarm’s forces and holding authority over so many of Shagarm’s men I dare say that we indeed know now who Shagarm’s right hand is. This Jadarl that Firoz and I followed last night.”

“I take it then that the job in question is that you wish Leo and I to partake in infiltrating Jadarl’s estate.” Iliskra queried.

“Yes indeed.”
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