The ice riding Calorex charge at Jen throwing an icicle at her but Kirara the Pryoroar jumps in front of Jen and breaths in front of Jen and breathes out air to melt the iceicle. The ice riding Calorex stomp on Kirara and create an avalanche, “flame thrower.” Jen said as Kiara release a stream of fire at Calorex. Kirara escape being pin down by Calorex, “fire Blast,” Jen said as Kiara blast of fire at Calorex and the Calorex is knock out.
Jen pick up a Ultra ball and throws it at the Calorex and the ball Calorex and Glosstrum, to her that is a little shut as Jen is happy to catch Calorex and Glosstrum, as she picks up the ball but did not know what name it. Aura tell Jen you have time. Jen is thinking what