Avatar of Skyguard


Recent Statuses

17 hrs ago
Current I am finding that self-condemnation leads me only to misery and tears. Would those in our lives our lives agree with the terrible things we say to ourselves, or would they instead show us compassion?
5 days ago
I am learning, to my horror, that I give far too much power to my anxiety.
17 days ago
I am alive. Time to get caught back up.
1 mo ago
I thought I had avoided the illnesses plaguing my part of the world. I was wrong.
1 mo ago
I have been reading the wisdom of our ancestors in the Articles and Guides section, and I have learned that I have been doing it wrong.


I am a jaded online roleplay writer hoping to give the hobby another shot.

I typically find myself drawn toward fantasy writing, but I am willing to give other genres a shot.

Most Recent Posts

I was hoping to give @kailie (the name change is throwing me for a bit of a loop) a chance to write a follow-up post, but I am guessing she is otherwise occupied.

@leopard and @Bugzzilla I will get out a post today.
In hello 4 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello rad, welcome to RPG!
If anyone else is considering this RP, I would like having another human "victim" to work with too.

That said, I am looking forward to getting chased around by Alistar, lol.
3 lives

Vivi had experienced the strangest dream. She had followed some cat who had stolen her camera into a dilapidated library, only for the cat to then turn into a shadowy red eyed monster, after which she had been confronted by a ghost missing half her leg, who had subsequently taunted Vivi about tricking her into coming. This hadn't been Vivi’s first dream about ghosts (immersing herself in America’s haunted attractions and lore had resulted in Vivi having dreams about supernatural creatures more than she cared to admit), but something about this dream felt more real somehow.

Then she heard the growls. Vivi found herself sprawled on a dusty floor. As she looked in the direction of the noises, she thought she saw shadowy beings and more terrible glowing eyes. Terror seized her. Vivienne had not yet escaped the nightmare. Vivi scrambled to her feet and sprinted in some random direction between shelves away from the eyes. Soon she reached a wall. She could go left or right, but either way, there were dusty bookshelves as far as the eye could see. What now?
I am thinking about proceeding one of two ways.

The first way would be for me to write the next post and have Vivi wake up, hear the coming monsters, and flee in a panic in a random direction.

The second way would be for me to let Isla write the next post, give Lark an opportunity to help Vivi up, and then Vivi will follow Lark away from the monsters.

The second option will most likely result in Vivi and Lark staying together for awhile, while the first option will potentially result in Vivi and Lark separating if Lark doesn't/isn't able to pursue and keep up with Vivi.

@isla@leopard wcue Do you have a preference regarding which option I/we go with, or do you have an alternative plan?
3 lives

Vivienne trembled as she beheld the transformation of the spectre and heard her speak. There was no way this floating corpse could have been the one to inform Vivienne of this place. That was- this whole situation was...

"Impossible," Vivi giggled hysterically, a strange feeling coming over her. She didn't know whether to laugh, scream, or cry. Vivienne staggered away from the creature; her knees buckled and she swooned. As Vivi's senses abandoned her, she collapsed backwards, falling with a thud onto the dusty floor.

3 lives

Vivienne was feeling suitably unsettled by the barrage of seemingly supernatural phenomena that she was witnessing. She had very nearly convinced herself that the transformation of the cat and the appearance of the spectral thing before her were tricks of the light interacting with the dust, when the girl that had followed Vivi into the Library shouted “River!”

The spectre did look rather humanoid now that the girl mentioned it, and Vivi did not see anything else that appeared riverine in the vicinity. However, Vivienne had been to plenty of haunted attractions and had done quite a bit of research on supposedly supernatural phenomena, and however much she sometimes liked to pretend on her YouTube channel otherwise, she knew that ghosts did not exist. There was no way the blueish form in front of her was an actual spirit of a deceased person…

“Do you- do you kn-know each other?” Vivienne stammered.

I will let you lead the response to the latest narrative development.
Vivi, she/her, 3 lives

Vivienne nearly yelped as menacing growls emanated from somewhere in the bowels of the library and the doors slammed shut. She rushed past a girl that must have followed her in and tried the doors, only to have her fears realized. Vivi was trapped. Suppressing her rising panic, Vivi moaned, "This isn't funny!".

Vivienne gulped as she turned back to face the rest of the library, where she saw a faint pinkish glow emanating from somewhere in the gloom. "I'm going to get that cat!" she exclaimed.
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