Wild rose bushes suck. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
2 yrs ago
I just found out I passed my boards certification to become an COTA! I am so happy I can't even express it
2 yrs ago
My mom is going in to have a rod put in her leg today. The doctor says it'll be fine but she has bone cancer so any good thoughts would be appreciated
So, I'm Blindwoofer and here for some roleplays.
Writer info: Age: 29 Time zone: Eastern - I have 7 cats. - Married - Work a full time job.
I want to point out now that I am dyslexic so sometimes my spelling and grammar aren't the best. I do sometimes put in wrong words as well because my brain and fingers can't keep up with each other apparently. If you are ever confused by something I post please feel free to ask. I try to be detailed and proof read my posts but sometimes shit happens. I will not be upset if you question something because if I'm ever unsure I will do the same. Thanks for understanding. ^-^
RP info:
- Casual to low advanced writer. I usually write about two paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. All depends on what the RP calls for at the time.
- I only do 1x1 PM RP. I'm not against a group rp so if you want to invite me into one I will check it out to see if I want to join it. I tend to stay away from them because of bad experiences in the past but I am willing to give it a shot.
- I will RP on Discord so feel free to ask for my username.
- I use character sheets and will likely ask for one. I'm forgetful AF and I like having the sheet to remind me of little details with YC or MC's.
- 18+ only. I'm 25+ and ask that my partners at least be over 18, 21+ preferred. I like mature themes in my RP.
- Third person only. I don't like to mix. No offence to anyone that does that.
- No fade to black. I like to write smut and I feel like it can add to the character building and development between the characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With that said I will fade to black if we want to move on with the RP and the smut scene isn't going to add anything. While random smut can be fun I love story and do want to keep the story going because all smut all the time can truly get dull.
-OOC chatting is great. Brain storming and planning out scene ideas is loved. It's fun to come up with different ideas and throw them around.
- I reserve the right to say no to any RP or to end a RP at any time for any reason, and do not have to give a reason. You also have that right. I do ask you tell me if it isn't your thing or you're not interested anymore as I'll try and to the same.
- I am on daily. I may not post daily as I work full time now, so sometimes my brain is fried. I will almost always answer OOC messages though even if I'm not up for posting for the day. I also understand if you can't post daily or every other day. I love several replies a day but I can't always do that myself I get it if you can't either. Real life sometimes sucks, I get it. Don't worry about it. A little heads up if you can't post for a few days is appreciated.
Things I enjoy in RP: 1. Romance: This is a big one and I am always looking for a good romance. Slow burns are the best as I'm not big on the whole love at first sight thing. I like it worked up to. -Attraction at first sight is totally cool though.- 2. Drama: Jealousy, someone trying to kill our characters, daddy issues. I love it all. IC drama is amazing and fun. OOC drama is not. 3. Action/adventure: Love me some fighting and near death scenes. I have a habit of putting my character into danger because I enjoy writing it out. 4. Slice of life: While I love a fast pace RP I also enjoy slower moments too. A simple walk with characters talking and enjoying themselves is fun to. 5. Smut: I truly enjoy writing out smut but it will rarely be the main focus on the RP. Limits can be asked in PM.
Settings I enjoy: Modern Medieval Sci-fi/cyber-punk Steam-punk Western I am not limited to them but those are ones I have done and enjoyed.
Movies/Shows/Books I enjoy and would involve in a RP: Most anything Disney -To big a list to make- The Princes Bride X-Men/Marvel Universe DC -Not as big into this one but still like it.- The Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare The Warriors series by Erin Hunter
I will not RP as canon characters unless they have an original twist. That's just me personally. I have nothing against them and if you want to use a canon character that's fine by me and I welcome it. I'm not comfortable doing it myself.
Characters: I have several characters that I have made for other RPs in the past that I adore and will usually tweak to fit in any RP I'm looking for or interested in. I will also make new characters happily to work in a RP. If you are interested in RPing with me please feel free to ask about my characters. I have Character sheets for all I think at this point, or can make some up. ^-^
I'm not looking for anything specific at the moment besides a superhero type story. I want some romance involved and possible smut -it will not be the main focus but it will happen at some point-. Clearly action and adventure is a must but I also would like some slice of life elements for this, it can't all be action packed. I don't care if it's in a DC or Marvel setting (Marvel is preferred), I like both and I can have my characters fit either one. I am no expert with either setting though so please don't come at me with some random comic book character and expect me to know about them because I likely won't but I'm more than willing to learn about them.
I am looking for MxF pairings. FxF pairings are okay but I rarely look for them. I'd prefer to play the female in any MxF pairings but if you have a female character and want to message me, feel free. We can see if we can work something out. I may add some male characters to this post and would prefer MxM pairings for them but again, never hurts to ask if you got a girl that might work.
Canon characters or OC's are cool. I will only write OC's as main characters but if a scene calls for it I might be willing to write a canon character. That all depends on if I actually know the character enough to write them. I might or I might not, feel free to ask and we can talk about it. ^-^
I'm going to list what canon characters I'd be willing to write against but I am not limited to them. This is just an idea or if you have a character with a personality like any of the ones listed... Just ask and we can totally try to work something out.
I'll add a * next to the ones I like most. The more * the more I like them. Batman**** Deadpool (Anti-hero's can be accepted as well)** Superman** Captain America**** Spiderman** Thor Dare Devil***** Robin or Nightwing (Really any of the Batman side kicks) -over 20 only-******* Hellboy -yes I know he isn't DC or Marvel but I love that setting-**************************** Beast Boy Superboy -over 20 only-*** Wolverine* Cyclops**
Again, I am not limited to the canon characters. I would be more than open to OC's like children/grandchildren of canon characters, listed or not. Even ones that are totally original or a more personalized take on canon characters. I am truly open to most all ideas, just ask. I'm open for plotting something out.
All characters have Face Claims on request.
Evan has a possibly triggering back story, might not be for everyone. Human trafficking, drugs and death very heavy in her back story. She will be clean for the RP but a recovering addict.
Name: Evangeline Marie DeMarco Nicknames: Evan Age: 20 -can make older- Gender: female Hair: Dark brown, almost black Eyes: Green Sexuality: Straight -Mistrustful of men- Height: 5' Abilities: Healing and Health Optimization -sense and heal injuries on another person- Disease Manipulation too -in time- and Enhanced Regeneration -just being able to heal quickly- Injury Affliction -bringing up past injuries like being able to reopen a long since healed cut-, Lung adaptation -can breath in water and gases-, Haemokinesis -manipulating blood-
Name: Danielle Michelle Reid Nicknames: Danny, Dan Age: 24 Gender: female Sexuality: straight Hair: Red Eyes: cloudy/milky white with a green tint. Height: 5’1” Abilities: Think Dare Devil. I cheated here. I can also play Danny as a werewolf but not a must.
Name: Briony Robinson Nicknames: Bri Age: 24 (Can make her a little younger or older) Gender: female Sexuality: Straight -but mistrustful of men- Hair: Red Eyes: Blue -Wears glasses- Height: 5’5” Abilities: Plant manipulation: Able to make plants grow, shrink, and move at will into different shapes. Botanical Communication: Can 'talk' to plants. Matter Surfing: Able to use plant life to move around faster.
Name: Seraphina O'Brian Nicknames: Sera Age: 21 Gender: female Sexuality: Straight Hair: Red Eyes: Green Height: 5’2” Abilities: Can manipulate fire and 'make' fire. A Firestarter
I have a few girls that shift into an animal -felines- that would be free for RP. I also have anthro feline that can manipulate ice/water. If you want to know more about her just let me know. I tend to have her more for sci-fi/cyberpunk rps but I'm open to something new.
I'll put an idea and what characters I think would work best for them.
- Super mundane, random meeting without any superhero-ing or anything, at first. Later on something happens where it becomes obvious YC -or mine- has powers or is a superhero. Could be YC comes in to where MC works, coffee shop run in, party. Something where they meet, hit it off and dates happen. (Bri, Danny, Evan, Sera)
- Could be they meet mundanely but end up meeting again while superhero-ing? (Bri, Danny, Evan, Sera)
- Possibly YC saving MC from some villain or accident after meeting mundanely or it could be a first meeting and later YC wants to check on them, or they meet again randomly in a mundane way. (Bri, Danny, Evan, Sera)
- For Evan specifically she wouldn't know she's a mutant/has powers. They haven't manifested yet but could during an attack on YC and her, or she sees YC hurt badly and they come out so she can heal YC.
Will add more as they come to me.
PM me if you're interested. I will not respond to any reply's on this thread.
Vara had ended up barely making it to the outpost a few days before. The ship she'd had was old and barely working when she'd... acquired it. Being all but banished from her tribe and people on her home planet she had to get out fast so snagging the ship and racing way had been her only option. Landing on the outpost the ship had simply died. The tabaxi had attempted to fix it but the parts needed were not going to be found on the low life crime filled post.
Vara was a bipedal feline, her fur blue and white and her eyes a lovely violet color. It made her look exotic to humans though her coloring wasn't at all uncommon on her home world. When human's had found it and attempted to take tabaxi's as pets it had caused quite a fuss but also advanced the tabaxi's culture quickly. They went from handmade, simple weaponry to blasters and ships. They had learned and adapted quickly. Making the humans and other alien's realize they weren't just something to be taken as pets. Not that some didn't still try but it was mostly accepted that they were beings to trade with.
She had been banished for not supporting a civil war between her kind after just having fought off the poachers and making themselves seen as respectable beings in the galaxy. A civil war now wouldn't do them any good. It was seen as disrespectful and her tribe had cast her out and other tribes refused to take her in. It was why she'd set out on her own. Now she was stuck on some rock with limited credits and no way off. Heading to the bar she pushed the door open and took a look around in the dim room. Her feline eyes having no trouble picking up on the figures there. Mostly humans and other alien's that she didn't know the names of. When her eyes landed on the ginger tom though she paused.
He wasn't her kind she was sure but likely a cousin of sorts. Still she was genuinely surprised to see someone like her here. There was the slightest hesitation before she shook her head and walked to the bar. The blue molly was dressed in what had once been her military battle uniform. Black pants that hugged her body with armor that covered the the tops of her boots and shins to her knees. There was a thigh holster with a pistol in it. There was some armor that covered the base of her tail. The shirt was a matching black with chest and back armor that was a gray and brown like the armor on her legs. Her shoulders, forearms and tops of her hands also having armor and around her neck where a helmet would clearly attach though she wasn't wearing. It was her piloting armor that she'd been wearing when fleeing her planet. She had some other clothing but she felt safer having her armor on in the unknown place with so many beings towering over her. Standing at 3'6 with her boots on she wasn't hard to be towered over.
Not that she wasn't used to it but she was not in her element here and was not going to take chances. Going to the bar she climbed onto a stool and ordered a beer with a heavy accent. Once she got the bottle the tabaxi sat on the stool and turned to look out towards the room. The ginger tom not being stared at but she kept him in her peripheral vision. Having so recently been cast from her people there was an urge to join him but in the same breath she wanted to keep her distance as she did not know if he'd be accepting of her and having a fight in the bar hardly seemed like a good idea.
So, I'm [color=662d91]Blindwoofer[/color] and here for some roleplays.
[color=662d91][u]Writer info: [/u][/color]
Age: 29
Time zone: Eastern
- I have 7 cats.
- Married
- Work a full time job.
I want to point out now that I am dyslexic so sometimes my spelling and grammar aren't the best. I do sometimes put in wrong words as well because my brain and fingers can't keep up with each other apparently. If you are ever confused by something I post please feel free to ask. I try to be detailed and proof read my posts but sometimes shit happens. I will not be upset if you question something because if I'm ever unsure I will do the same. Thanks for understanding. ^-^
[color=662d91][u]RP info:[/u][/color]
- Casual to low advanced writer. I usually write about two paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. All depends on what the RP calls for at the time.
- I only do 1x1 PM RP. I'm not against a group rp so if you want to invite me into one I will check it out to see if I want to join it. I tend to stay away from them because of bad experiences in the past but I am willing to give it a shot.
- I will RP on Discord so feel free to ask for my username.
- I use character sheets and will likely ask for one. I'm forgetful AF and I like having the sheet to remind me of little details with YC or MC's.
- [color=ed1c24]18+ only.[/color] I'm 25+ and ask that my partners at least be over 18, 21+ preferred. I like mature themes in my RP.
- [color=ed1c24]Third person only.[/color] I don't like to mix. No offence to anyone that does that.
- [color=ed1c24]No fade to black[/color]. I like to write smut and I feel like it can add to the character building and development between the characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With that said I will fade to black if we want to move on with the RP and the smut scene isn't going to add anything. While random smut can be fun I love story and do want to keep the story going because all smut all the time can truly get dull.
-OOC chatting is great. Brain storming and planning out scene ideas is [i]loved[/i]. It's fun to come up with different ideas and throw them around.
- [color=ed1c24]I reserve the right to say no to any RP or to end a RP at any time for any reason, and do not have to give a reason.[/color] You also have that right. I do ask you tell me if it isn't your thing or you're not interested anymore as I'll try and to the same.
- I am on daily. I may not post daily as I work full time now, so sometimes my brain is fried. I will almost always answer OOC messages though even if I'm not up for posting for the day. I also understand if you can't post daily or every other day. I love several replies a day but I can't always do that myself I get it if you can't either. Real life sometimes sucks, I get it. Don't worry about it. A little heads up if you can't post for a few days is appreciated.
[color=662d91][u]Things I enjoy in RP:[/u][/color]
[b]1. Romance:[/b] This is a big one and I am always looking for a good romance. Slow burns are the best as I'm not big on the whole love at first sight thing. I like it worked up to. -Attraction at first sight is totally cool though.-
[b]2. Drama:[/b] Jealousy, someone trying to kill our characters, daddy issues. I love it all. IC drama is amazing and fun. OOC drama is not.
[b]3. Action/adventure:[/b] Love me some fighting and near death scenes. I have a habit of putting my character into danger because I enjoy writing it out.
[b]4. Slice of life:[/b] While I love a fast pace RP I also enjoy slower moments too. A simple walk with characters talking and enjoying themselves is fun to.
[b]5. Smut:[/b] I truly enjoy writing out smut but it will rarely be the main focus on the RP. Limits can be asked in PM.
[color=662d91][u]Settings I enjoy:[/u][/color]
I am not limited to them but those are ones I have done and enjoyed.
[color=662d91][u]Movies/Shows/Books I enjoy and would involve in a RP:[/u][/color]
[b]Most anything Disney -To big a list to make-
The Princes Bride
X-Men/Marvel Universe
DC -Not as big into this one but still like it.-
The Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
The Warriors series by Erin Hunter[/b]
I will not RP as canon characters unless they have an original twist. That's just me personally. I have nothing against them and if you want to use a canon character that's fine by me and I welcome it. I'm not comfortable doing it myself.
[color=662d91][u] Characters: [/u][/color]
I have several characters that I have made for other RPs in the past that I adore and will usually tweak to fit in any RP I'm looking for or interested in. I will also make new characters happily to work in a RP. If you are interested in RPing with me please feel free to ask about my characters. I have Character sheets for all I think at this point, or can make some up. ^-^
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hey! <br><br>So, I'm <font color="#662d91">Blindwoofer</font> and here for some roleplays. <br><br><font color="#662d91"><span class="bb-u">Writer info: </span></font><br>Age: 29<br>Time zone: Eastern<br>- I have 7 cats. <br>- Married<br>- Work a full time job.<br><br>I want to point out now that I am dyslexic so sometimes my spelling and grammar aren't the best. I do sometimes put in wrong words as well because my brain and fingers can't keep up with each other apparently. If you are ever confused by something I post please feel free to ask. I try to be detailed and proof read my posts but sometimes shit happens. I will not be upset if you question something because if I'm ever unsure I will do the same. Thanks for understanding. ^-^ <br><br><font color="#662d91"><span class="bb-u">RP info:</span></font><br><br>- Casual to low advanced writer. I usually write about two paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. All depends on what the RP calls for at the time. <br><br>- I only do 1x1 PM RP. I'm not against a group rp so if you want to invite me into one I will check it out to see if I want to join it. I tend to stay away from them because of bad experiences in the past but I am willing to give it a shot.<br><br>- I will RP on Discord so feel free to ask for my username. <br><br>- I use character sheets and will likely ask for one. I'm forgetful AF and I like having the sheet to remind me of little details with YC or MC's. <br><br>- <font color="#ed1c24">18+ only.</font> I'm 25+ and ask that my partners at least be over 18, 21+ preferred. I like mature themes in my RP.<br><br>- <font color="#ed1c24">Third person only.</font> I don't like to mix. No offence to anyone that does that. <br><br>- <font color="#ed1c24">No fade to black</font>. I like to write smut and I feel like it can add to the character building and development between the characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With that said I will fade to black if we want to move on with the RP and the smut scene isn't going to add anything. While random smut can be fun I love story and do want to keep the story going because all smut all the time can truly get dull.<br><br>-OOC chatting is great. Brain storming and planning out scene ideas is <span class="bb-i">loved</span>. It's fun to come up with different ideas and throw them around.<br><br>- <font color="#ed1c24">I reserve the right to say no to any RP or to end a RP at any time for any reason, and do not have to give a reason.</font> You also have that right. I do ask you tell me if it isn't your thing or you're not interested anymore as I'll try and to the same.<br><br>- I am on daily. I may not post daily as I work full time now, so sometimes my brain is fried. I will almost always answer OOC messages though even if I'm not up for posting for the day. I also understand if you can't post daily or every other day. I love several replies a day but I can't always do that myself I get it if you can't either. Real life sometimes sucks, I get it. Don't worry about it. A little heads up if you can't post for a few days is appreciated. <br><br><font color="#662d91"><span class="bb-u">Things I enjoy in RP:</span></font><br><span class="bb-b">1. Romance:</span> This is a big one and I am always looking for a good romance. Slow burns are the best as I'm not big on the whole love at first sight thing. I like it worked up to. -Attraction at first sight is totally cool though.-<br><span class="bb-b">2. Drama:</span> Jealousy, someone trying to kill our characters, daddy issues. I love it all. IC drama is amazing and fun. OOC drama is not. <br><span class="bb-b">3. Action/adventure:</span> Love me some fighting and near death scenes. I have a habit of putting my character into danger because I enjoy writing it out. <br><span class="bb-b">4. Slice of life:</span> While I love a fast pace RP I also enjoy slower moments too. A simple walk with characters talking and enjoying themselves is fun to. <br><span class="bb-b">5. Smut:</span> I truly enjoy writing out smut but it will rarely be the main focus on the RP. Limits can be asked in PM.<br><br><font color="#662d91"><span class="bb-u">Settings I enjoy:</span></font><br><span class="bb-b">Modern<br>Medieval<br>Sci-fi/cyber-punk<br>Steam-punk<br>Western</span><br>I am not limited to them but those are ones I have done and enjoyed. <br><br><font color="#662d91"><span class="bb-u">Movies/Shows/Books I enjoy and would involve in a RP:</span></font><br><span class="bb-b">Most anything Disney -To big a list to make-<br>The Princes Bride<br>X-Men/Marvel Universe<br>DC -Not as big into this one but still like it.-<br>The Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare<br>The Warriors series by Erin Hunter</span><br><br>I will not RP as canon characters unless they have an original twist. That's just me personally. I have nothing against them and if you want to use a canon character that's fine by me and I welcome it. I'm not comfortable doing it myself. <br><br><font color="#662d91"><span class="bb-u"> Characters: </span></font><br>I have several characters that I have made for other RPs in the past that I adore and will usually tweak to fit in any RP I'm looking for or interested in. I will also make new characters happily to work in a RP. If you are interested in RPing with me please feel free to ask about my characters. I have Character sheets for all I think at this point, or can make some up. ^-^</div>