Avatar of Nani


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9 hrs ago
Current Good news: Autosave saved my life once again. Bad news: it didn't save my new edits so while I don't have to start completely over, I do have to retype it šŸ„²šŸ˜­
10 days ago
Sometimes the heartbreak is inevitable, but you remain hopeful you'll find an RP you'll finish with a satisfying ending. Here's to dreaming, kid ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹
11 days ago
Omg I was SOBBING I thought I lost my post, my well thought out, super long post. Autosave Thank you! šŸ˜­
24 days ago
@DaKittyNinja For the first time in a hot minute, my current song obsession is 'Actually' Part 1 and 2 by Zico and Penomeco They're bangers! youtube.com/watch?v=CWkV6wr…


Holo there! I'm Nani, new to RP forums but always a fan of roleplay.
I'm 29 years old in US Central time. If you are a minor, don't PM me, I will not respond.

I will forever and always love the romance genre so I'll def prefer to have some kind of relationship in my RPs but they're not mandatory. I'm into slice of life, fantasy, adventure, lol that jazz. PM me if you're interested in 1x1 roleplay!

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The night sky was still dark when Haruto woke up with his alarm. It was 6 in the morning, and he had to wake up to make breakfast for his siblings. His mother most likely just came in a few hours ago, so Haru was in charge of getting the morning routine started. He entered the twin room, seeing their trophies and soccer memorabilia. He remembered how they jumped in utter joy when they got a Messi jersey. Though, Makito tried to play it off cool, Haru could see the glint of happiness in his eye. He went over to Chiaki, and gently shook his shoulder.

"Wake Up Chiaki, school starts today.". While he was talking, he grabbed a spare pillow and threw it at Makito, hitting him square in the face. Haru got good enough to throw it without even looking. Makito leaped out of his bed, on full alert, and mumbled something completely incoherent, probably akin to the line of 'morning bro'. Chiaki's eyes fluttered open. "Morning Nii-Chan."

"Good Morning! Go make sure your brother doesn't fall out the window again, I'm gonna get Natsuki and Yuki up. Maki, you better get to the table on time, or else all the omelette rolls will be gone."

He then made his way to his little sisters. Natsuki was easier to wake up as she most likely woke up the earliest, but Yuki needed more time. He turned on the lamp, and stirred her, giving her time to wake up on her own. Natsuki's room was already lit, so he knocked before entering "Morning little sis. It's your turn to bring in the laundry. Natsuki looked up from her book. "Can we trade? I wanna make breakfast this time."

He laughed as the last time she tried to cook, the pan caught on fire, the rice didn't get seasoned until the end, and the fish shrunk in the heat. A true culinary marvel. "We don't want the fire again. Go get the laundry, I'll be making breakfast soon."

After all the kids were awake, he quickly headed to the kitchen and immediately . It was simple, but at least warm. He made omelettes, rice, Miso and some natto. They all got their food, and quickly ran to change to their uniforms. The twins were the first to leave as they had morning practice. He handed Natsuki her backpack and helped Yuki tie her shoes and off to school they went.

As they walked out, he grabbed his camera and looked at the sunset. He pulled out his camera and aimed it at the sky, looking at the purples, pinks, blues and golden rays peeking out from the horizon. The camera clicked and he looked at it, ensuring the settings were right. He snapped more photos after adjusting when Natsuki pouted and tapped her food impatiently. "Haru Niiiii! We're gonna be late!"

He grinned at her, putting away his camera for the moment. "Coming! I just had to snap a pic of the sunrise." He quickly picked up Yuki as they started walking together to school. She was still sleepy and usually woke up when the sun rays hit her eyes, and that's when Haru would let her walk. "You always take a pic of the sunrise. How many of the same pictures can you have?"

"Hey! I don't ask you why you have so many Pom pom Purin stickers and dolls." He stuck his tongue out at her while she gasped.

"It's different ok!" She crossed her arms, puffed out her cheeks and kept marching forward. She didn't really mean it, but Haru knew the two were playing around.

"Ah yes, silly me. How dare I completely forget that Purin is King in this household."

They continued walking to school mostly in the quiet. The early mornings and the twilight were always Haru's favorite time of the day. The beautiful still, the calming quiet, and the amazing pictures he's gotten from those times of days. His goal is to one day capture that feeling in one of his photos. Once Yuki fully woke up, she got down to walk fully on her own. She reached for Haru's hand and kept up with his pace, while he made sure to slow down for her.

As they were walking to Kumoriyama Elementary school, there were a bunch of people of different age ranges, from fellow high school classmates, to adults working at local shops to even pre-school kids, all of them greeted Haru. He beamed at all of them with a smile that matched the sunlight.

Once they arrived to the elementary school, he pat the two of their heads, like he did last year. Natsuki waved "Bye Haru Nii!" She then grabbed Yuki's hand to wave at him as well. Yuki spoke up, "Bye bye." He waved at the two of them before heading off to the Kumoriyama High School.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He just made it on time for school. He probably could have made it here earlier if he didn't talk to some of the people on his way here and snapped more photos for them, but they were such good conversations. He also wished he could have gone to Yuki's entrance ceremony since it was her first day at the elementary school, but alas, he also had school. Maybe Mom will have some time to go. He took out his camera to snap a photo of the entrance, the clouds behind the school looked gorgeous and the garden at the center of the school was just in view at the corner. Students walking around campus framing the school nicely. It would definitely be a good shot for the newsletter.

He didn't even make it thirty seconds before he heard his name called, turning around to see a friend come up. The two were in the same class last year but not this year. The two started chatting, catching up on things that happened over the break before school started. His back was turned to the entrance, leaving him unintentionally vulnerable to any sneak attacks hugs.
@Lemons Lol For sure when they're babysitting and thought. Maybe they both meet at the park frequently or specifically make plans to go there so they can also catch up when Haru's not playing with his sisters?
@Nani Want to get the glomp on the way to school? If you give me an opening I can write it into my post. It'll be a little while though - flu went through my family last week and is still hanging around, so I'm having to catch up with work first.

Absolutely. I was planning on him stopping right before the school so he could interact with anyone who wanted to talk before they headed to class.

Also Hope y'all are feeling better!
@OliveYou@Lemons Lol I love it! I'm a little sick rn so I might be a bit slow but I plan on finishing the post. This is my first RP here and I'm mostly following y'all so it's taking a little time to get used to writing around the same as what's been posted already but I I'm about a quarter of the way done.

But I am so down for sibling playdate, especially since Haru has to take his little sisters with him from time to time.
I can have Haru heading to school if anyone else wants to meet up with him before school starts
In Boo! 2 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome back! Hope you find some new RPs
@OliveYou I'm so down with that, I specifically didn't give him a class number to see how many y'all wanted to be in the same class.
@OliveYou My boi has major golden retriever energy and even if someone doesn't like him, Haru will still treat them like a friend lol And either they accept his friendship or push him too far. (Which the only thing I can think of is if they purposely broke his camera, but I doubt that would ever happen). Even then, he'd never wish them harm, he'd just be sad.
@Yankee Omg I adore him, he's an absolute cutie! Haru would def take him out to places and stuff with the friend group. I think especially after hearing how often he goes to cram school, Haru would for sure invite him to have some fun all the time until he accepts lol.

I lowkey think he might be the event planner like "Hey! There's a new restaurant, let's check it out!" or "I heard there's a new exhibit the art club is holding before they graduate, Let's go!"
Hello and welcome! I noticed a lot of people are older than early 20s which is nice. Even so, hope you find an RP you're looking for!
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