Avatar of Tally Dor


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12 hrs ago
Current People have started using some of it as a meme template. My favorite one is "Me and boys trying to summon the 10mm from the engine bay it fell into"
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14 hrs ago
Qia! It's like a brain worm that doesnt go away. I've literally been humming it all day.
16 hrs ago
This has been stuck in my head lately. So figured I’d share the brain rot. youtu.be/A6eqWGIvHBs?si=FNo…
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18 hrs ago
That last post is your opinion on John vs Micah? Or still John vs Arthur? I feel like Micah has to have a deadeye of his own with the way he no scoped Sean’s killer then hit 2 more dudes.
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19 hrs ago
Big oof.
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My introduction post is done I am just waiting. Though I do really wanna post it haha!
Mines bright like Morgan’s disposition
Not gunna lie the first post has me quite hyped. I had wondered if there should be a bit of a flashback to Grace and you did sort of in yours so I think I’ll do something similar.

Though Morgan probably won’t have to travel much. I haven’t decided yet but he might have been working in the library on this day. Lol
Chanticleer Malloy

~ Springwood Forest ~

Chanticleer took in a deep breath and sighed with great joy. The air was so much cleaner here, the grass was so much greener. Everything literally reeked of life and a slower pace, and he was all for it. Rubbing his large belly and humming a nonsense tune as he looked around. The bright blue portal he had just walked through that he had found while exploring a mountain was nowhere in sight. This suited him just fine, who wanted to be climbing a smelly sulfur smelling volcano when faced with this? He ran his thick meaty hand through his red hair as he tried to remember why he even had been on that god-forsaken hunk of rock and his brain had nothing useful to report.

Looking around him he did not see any obvious pathways, so he took to the old tried and true method.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe..."

With each word that left his mouth his finger pointed in a different direction and after doing this a few times he finally decided on a direction. As he slowly started walking, he reached into his knapsack and took out a piece of hardtack and raised it to his mouth before catching himself. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Chanticleer was not about to break another tooth. Placing the hardtack in the palm of his hand with some effort he crushed it and began to place little pieces into his mouth to let them soften as he passed tree after tree. Sometimes even having to push his way through bushes and briars.

After walking for quite some time and even dodging stuff moving about in the underbrush something was starting to appear in the distance. Using his hand to block the sun he strained his eyes to see better. It was indeed a town of sorts, but it looked ramshackled and destitute at best.


Grinned Chanticleer as he puffed out his chest and increased his stride. After a few feet he stopped himself and pondered a moment. Last time he went marching out into the middle of an abandoned town, it had turned out to be a haven for a den of goblins. Chanticleer had barely escaped with his life that day. No, this would require some tact and wit for the best-case scenario. So naturally he got to the highest point he could find without actually being in the town and began to yell.


Nailed it thought Chanticleer. Goblins could not resist new loincloths. Once he saw how many goblins were in this village he'd know if he should run or try to fight.

U.S. East here. I usually post in the evening though I can be here on my phone anytime of the day but I only post if I’m at the computer

I am going to be out of town with my fiancé for the day but I will try to have a CS up later tonight. I might pm you with questions though Xalt just due to the nature of my character. Need to know if I need to brainstorm a new one or just fix up my current one.
I humbly present my Character! Feel free to nitpick or give feedback. His reason for joining the watch can change as I threw in a potential romantic interest though that's not necessary.

@Patientbean so are you saying we can use that to make our post/character chat any of those colors and it doesn’t just have to be what’s on rpg?

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