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Hidden 1 mo ago 13 days ago
Zeroth Post
Hello and welcome to Wildwood Masters Library, nicknamed The Haunted Library by locals. Many deaths take place here, unexplained ones.
Suffering echoes in it's isles and isles of books. Spirits tread here with dread, forever to read the books and explore the library until they are freed.

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CURRENT DAY: Day One [the first official day of the seven you have to escape. :3]

also, only I will be able to mark the passing of days. sometimes in my posts I will have things like: "River looked out the fogged, dirty windows of the library to watch the sun set" which will mean time is advancing but the day isn't over. above this is the current day. I will also say in posts when I have changed the day, and mark the new day.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by leopard
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Pepper watched some humans go by, in her solid form- a fluffy silver tabby cat. A girl they.. recognized. An old escapee? She spotted another- one with cameras and seemed to be... vlogging, perhaps? Heading toward the library.

They took their chance. Leap, grab belongings, the feline thought. So she leaped, swiping a bracelet from the escapee and one of the filming supplies of the one who seemed to be vlogging.

The feline raced toward the entrance to the library, where dried blood was upon the roof, where a local student was recently found dead.


come, follow that cat in you have no choice if you want your belongings, OoOoh . đź‘»
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Hidden 1 mo ago 30 days ago Post by Skyguard
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Skyguard Learning the Ropes

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Vivi, she/her, 3 lives

A shiver went down her spine as she beheld the structure which had brought her out so far…

The object of Vivienne Rosewood’s fixation was the Wildwood Masters Library, which the locals also often referred to simply as the Haunted Library. The stories she had heard about the place since she had arrived at the town of Wildwood the prior evening were too bizarre to be believed. Two librarians had reportedly been killed before the townsfolk wrote the place off, but apparently people still visited on occasion, and the things those people claim to have experienced were very supernatural in character. Even if those stories were objective tall tales, the fact that the corpse of a local student who had gone missing had been sighted recently on the roof of the structure was a harder claim to simply dismiss as a hoax.

Although the stories had perhaps sufficiently unnerved Vivienne enough to question the wisdom of exploring the Wildwood Masters Library, she nonetheless had a cadre of followers she had come to entertain, and if nothing else, the place sounded like it offered exactly the kind of torment her followers enjoyed watching Vivienne subject herself to. Vivienne was a Youtuber who went by the handle “Vivi the Spooktator”. Her main shtick had become visiting haunted attractions and filming herself getting spooked before providing reviews of the attractions she experienced. Although this dilapidated library wasn't exactly an attraction, Vivienne liked to shake things up to keep her content fresh, so she planned on getting as much entertaining footage out of the Haunted Library as she could.

Vivienne took several deep breaths to calm her nerves and get herself mentally into character before she checked herself out to ensure her appearance was camera-ready. Vivi pulled out a compact tripod from her purse and extended it to full length before placing her camera upon it and pointing the camera toward the Library. Vivi then took several practiced paces toward the library before she wheeled toward the camera and announced “Hello my fellow Spooktators! I am your host, Vivi the Spooktator, experiencing America’s scary things so you don’t have to! Today I am greeting you from the gloomy town Wildwood, which contains perhaps the most haunted site you’ve never heard of, The Wildwood Masters Library…”

Vivienne pressed a button on her watch to stop the take there, and then she returned to the camera and reviewed her footage. She subsequently made some adjustments to the camera angle before she returned to her position for another take. This Vivienne did several times before she was satisfied. She then began new takes in which she described the things she had been told about the place. As she did so, she noticed that folks had begun to take notice of what she was doing, and Vivienne made sure to wave to them between takes. Something of a crowd seemed to be gathering, although this was likely just a consequence of the increased pedestrian traffic due to the approaching lunch hour.

Suddenly, there was a shout from a girl in the crowd, followed by a silver blur that hurdled toward Vivienne's camera. Vivi made out the form of a tabby cat, which subsequently wrapped itself in her camera strap before using it to pull the camera off the tripod. “Hey, get back here!” a bewildered Vivienne cried as she ran toward the feline to recover her device. The cat somehow nimbly evaded her despite having a bracelet in its mouth and a camera wrapped around it, and then sprinted toward the entrance of the library, the door of which was now open. She started to give chase but then froze as the cat disappeared into the ominous structure. Vivienne glanced back at the crowd and her knocked-over tripod. With a sinking feeling, her gaze returned to the gloomy entrance into the library, beyond which she could see nothing. Something deep within her was screaming for her to flee and never come back, but Vivienne’s pride and adoring fans would never allow for it. With a sigh, Vivienne made her way toward the darkness…
Hidden 30 days ago Post by leopard
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River looked up at the two girls standing at the entrance. A blonde one and.. Vivi? So her email sent from the old library computer had lured Vivi. Pepper was standing in the darkness of the library, grasping the belongings of the two girls.

Pepper went deeper inside, hoping these would free them all.

Hidden 30 days ago Post by kailie
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Lark pursed her lips as she stared at the entrance. River...she was in there, somewhere. And Lark was determined to find her.

------> @leopard wcue
Hidden 30 days ago Post by leopard
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River looked at the two girls as they stepped inside. Lark, a girl from her school, and Vivi.

A horrendous growl was heard, and the doors slammed and you could hear locks clicking into place. Pepper had shifted to The Tail, and locked the doors. Spirits looked up from their places, dark entities growled in the shadows, pixie entities looked from their own perches. A candle flickered to life, a pearly pink glow coming from it.

@isla @Skyguard
Hidden 23 days ago Post by leopard
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@isla @Skyguard bit of a bump if yall can get back to this^^
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Skyguard
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Skyguard Learning the Ropes

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Vivi, she/her, 3 lives

Vivienne nearly yelped as menacing growls emanated from somewhere in the bowels of the library and the doors slammed shut. She rushed past a girl that must have followed her in and tried the doors, only to have her fears realized. Vivi was trapped. Suppressing her rising panic, Vivi moaned, "This isn't funny!".

Vivienne gulped as she turned back to face the rest of the library, where she saw a faint pinkish glow emanating from somewhere in the gloom. "I'm going to get that cat!" she exclaimed.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by leopard
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ghost (0 lives)

River watched the girls as they appeared shocked at the sudden locking. This always seemed to happen- Pepper turned uncontrollably and locked the newcomers in. She floated her way over to near the girls, and let herself flicker into a blue glow of what she once was, a matted shape, but you could see who she seemed to be.

The Tail
dark entity

Pepper had turned into her cursed dark form, and the fluffy cat was no longer there. Instead, a horrid-looking, cat-like, black, shadowy creature stood in a nearby isle of books. The camera and bracelet had been thrust to the side, the bracelet snapped and the camera's lens and screen shattered. The creature's red eyes glittered.


[finally found time to throw this out lol]
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Hidden 16 days ago Post by leopard
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:3 bump on isla's part! @isla
Hidden 15 days ago Post by kailie
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kailie pfp is primfreeze (ship on wco) by star on wco! ^^

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''River!'' Lark cried as the ghost became visible.

[ @leopard wcue | River ]
[ @Skyguard | Vivi ]
Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Skyguard
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Vivienne was feeling suitably unsettled by the barrage of seemingly supernatural phenomena that she was witnessing. She had very nearly convinced herself that the transformation of the cat and the appearance of the spectral thing before her were tricks of the light interacting with the dust, when the girl that had followed Vivi into the Library shouted “River!”

The spectre did look rather humanoid now that the girl mentioned it, and Vivi did not see anything else that appeared riverine in the vicinity. However, Vivienne had been to plenty of haunted attractions and had done quite a bit of research on supposedly supernatural phenomena, and however much she sometimes liked to pretend on her YouTube channel otherwise, she knew that ghosts did not exist. There was no way the blueish form in front of her was an actual spirit of a deceased person…

“Do you- do you kn-know each other?” Vivienne stammered.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by leopard
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[i'm on ps4 i cant really make her header rn lol] River blinked, and manage to bring her form ore into focus. A blonde-haired girl with a sweatshirt and pants on- but where her right leg should be was a bone sticking out of her leg's place. Her clothes were bloodied and torn. "So.. It actually worked? A creepy email from a totally abandoned library actually convinced Vivi the Spooktator to come here- you have really low standards." The female turned to Lark. "Yes, I know you from school. Lark, is it?" She looked where The Tail was, but the creature was gone, hiding in the shadows now. River stretched, watching for the confused reactions. @isla @Skyguard
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Skyguard
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Vivienne trembled as she beheld the transformation of the spectre and heard her speak. There was no way this floating corpse could have been the one to inform Vivienne of this place. That was- this whole situation was...

"Impossible," Vivi giggled hysterically, a strange feeling coming over her. She didn't know whether to laugh, scream, or cry. Vivienne staggered away from the creature; her knees buckled and she swooned. As Vivi's senses abandoned her, she collapsed backwards, falling with a thud onto the dusty floor.

Hidden 14 days ago 14 days ago Post by kailie
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''It's okay, Riv. You don't have to hide it. We...'' Lark started, then paused, wondering how to word this. ''River and I...we used to date back in school. But then...but then she passed.'' Tears were welling in the girl's eyes at having brought it up, and she lifted a hand to wipe away her tears. She moved to help Vivi up, reaching out to her with a hand. ''I...I only accepted the invite here because I wanted one last chance to see her again.''

[ @leopard wcue | River ]
[ @Skyguard | Vivi ]
Hidden 13 days ago Post by leopard
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ghost (0 lives)

extra- @Skyguard (Vivi)

River sighed, remembering the day she died. Lark had tried to grab her- but the doors had shut. She could still feel the pain from loosing her leg. "I actually might know a way of revival. I heard of it once, in one of the books here." They recalled what they had once read. "There's a book with a hidden spell thing of sorts somewhere. Get Pepper to perform it, and there's a likely chance you could revive someone." Her eyes rolled back in her ghostly head, searching her memory for such. "Something like that, at least." She floated closer to Lark.

XD such a random lore input but I'll go with it sure lol
Hidden 13 days ago Post by kailie
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kailie pfp is primfreeze (ship on wco) by star on wco! ^^

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''Do...Do you think you can get Pepper to perform the ritual?'' Lark asked, her eyes thoughtful. ''I know that she's...The Tail...right now. I've been here before. But if there's even the slimmest chance...''

[ @leopard wcue | River ]
[ @Skyguard | Vivi ]
Hidden 13 days ago Post by leopard
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ghost (0 lives)

extra- @Skyguard (Vivi) , @isla (Lark)

"If we get the chance. But, if it does bring me back- there's no guarantee i'd be healed completely. I'd probably still be missing a leg-" A tear sparked in the eyes of her ghostly form. They eyed the confused Vivi, before looking around the library. "I'm gonna go look for the book." She floated off, into the long, faded-feeling isles of the haunting library.

A growl was heard from nearby- the creatures were ready to play.

Hidden 7 days ago Post by Skyguard
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Skyguard Learning the Ropes

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Vivi had experienced the strangest dream. She had followed some cat who had stolen her camera into a dilapidated library, only for the cat to then turn into a shadowy red eyed monster, after which she had been confronted by a ghost missing half her leg, who had subsequently taunted Vivi about tricking her into coming. This hadn't been Vivi’s first dream about ghosts (immersing herself in America’s haunted attractions and lore had resulted in Vivi having dreams about supernatural creatures more than she cared to admit), but something about this dream felt more real somehow.

Then she heard the growls. Vivi found herself sprawled on a dusty floor. As she looked in the direction of the noises, she thought she saw shadowy beings and more terrible glowing eyes. Terror seized her. Vivienne had not yet escaped the nightmare. Vivi scrambled to her feet and sprinted in some random direction between shelves away from the eyes. Soon she reached a wall. She could go left or right, but either way, there were dusty bookshelves as far as the eye could see. What now?
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Bugzzilla
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Bugzzilla Silly Nilly

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Light Entity

Alistar was lurking in the shadows of the bookshelves, occasionally dashing past Vivi, making noises. He did that about 2 times before knocking down a few books. Alistar's hooves made a small clunking noise as he walked. The books that he knocked down had a black dust residue in the shape of three claw strikes, like someone or something with sharp claws scratched the book.
Hidden 2 hrs ago Post by Skyguard
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Skyguard Learning the Ropes

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Vivienne had started to calm down from her earlier panic as she wandered around the first floor of the god forsaken Wildwood Masters Library which she had so foolishly entered. The sources of the growls that had so spooked the Spooktator seem to have let her escape in peace. Perhaps they had gone after the other hapless girl who had followed Vivi into the library. Vivienne never had learned that girl’s name. With a shudder, Vivi realized that learning her name might have become a moot point if the beings she had heard had reached the girl.

Vivi began to consider her situation; none of her observations were comforting. She had assumed that this situation was some kind of nightmare, but her sense of self awareness was inconsistent with the way she typically felt when she was dreaming. Furthermore, she couldn't make herself wake up, which was her usual solution to such wretched dreams. That meant that she had to find a way out of this terrible place, and the only route she knew of was locked and potentially guarded by terrible beasts.

Vivienne was broken from her reverie by a series of sounds. She heard some kind of motion, followed a few moments later by several impact noises, as if multiple objects had fallen to the floor. With no small amount of trepidation, Vivi moved toward the sound to investigate. She found several objects laid out on the floor ahead, and as she approached them through the gloom, she could make out that they were books.

Then she thought she heard footsteps nearby, and though she looked around frantically for the source, she could not make out any figures through the gloom. Although Vivienne wasn't convinced that the sound of footsteps had been her imagination, when she heard no more, she cautiously resumed her inspection of the fallen books. What she saw only freaked her out even further. A dark dust on the cover book she had lifted made out the form of a slash as if from a clawed beast. In this place, it didn't take much for her imagination to run wild in all the worst ways. Vivi didn't believe in werewolves, but then again, she didn't believe in ghosts either, yet she had seen the latter with her own eyes. If there were ghosts here, why couldn't there be werewolves as well?

Vivienne felt panic rising within her again; her trembling hands were unable to retain a grip on the defaced book, which fell to the ground with a thud. Vivi backed away, searching and listening for any sign of whatever creature had done this…
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