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For those who don't know about Shattered Glass, it's basically the Autobots are evil and the Decepticons are good, as well the characters are the opposite of who they are normally. In this Au, another major change is that there are three factions fighting over the Minicons. The two first factions are obliviously the Autobots and the Deceptions, while the third faction does not have a name, but it's just the Humans kids and their Minicons.

The reason for that is that I wanted the Au to be a bit different from the original Armada, I feel it would be too easy to make them sides with the Deceptions. Also, the kids have their own goals which are motivated by their bad home life and in this Au, Rad, Alexis, and Carlos found the Minicons ship as they were running from their homes. Additionally, High Wire, Sureshock, and Grindor can become armors for their respective humans so they can have a chance against the other two factions, however the process is painful and leaves burns mark on their bodies. The Minicons don't help them out of the goodness of their hearts, but they are doing it to manipulate them into helping revive their god. Furthermore, you can also play the regular version of the characters instead of the Shattered Glass version.

Finally, the plot is mostly like the original Armada show aside from the changes I mention earlier, but you can suggest any changes if you want. Also, sorry if I didn't go into more details and how the characters in this Au are different from their regular versions because I don't impose a characterization you don't agree with, so I'll rather we build it together.
Hello, I'm Violetta, you can call me Vio for short. I prefer to do fandoms RP, since my originals OCs are weird and would take too long to explain. The fandoms I would enjoy are Stars Wars, X-Men, and Transformers. I mostly look for Transformers RPs, but I am open to any suggestions. Also, English is not my first language, so sorry if I make any spelling mistakes.
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