Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
3 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
10 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
10 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"
11 mos ago
Gotta love people who comment on your RP just to leave a snarky comment about it. GG, good to see you're using your time well.


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

By the way you said you were going to give us ranks and positions?-@Rhona W

Yes, but I'm waiting on it to see how everyone's characters act and interact first, and then I'll decide. Also want to review a few things first, as I'll have to consider things like character's age and experience as well as their demeanour and behaviour before I decide how high a rank - and responsibility - people should have.
@Chronic, damn; your character must read fast. We've only been waiting for less than a few minutes, and bro can read a whole book in that time? xD

Some recurring friendly NPCs that you'll be dealing with on a regular basis.

Theo Wiseman
Callsign/Nickname: Guru
Age: 55
Slim and athletic. Theo is 5'7" in height. He has calm, blue eyes that sparkle with his intelligence and humour. His face shows age with crow's feet and laughter lines, and he mostly has a calm, approachable smile on his face... but when that disappears is when you know things are serious. He is always very well-dressed and presented, even managing to make a flight suit look smart.

Theo is the Wing Commander for the Tactical Air Wing of Shattered Steel. This makes him Scott's immediate commanding officer. Very experienced and highly skilled, he has a somewhat fatherly, encouraging, warm demeanour at most times and has a wily, clever, sharp mind.
He is English, and formerly flew with the British Royal Navy. He lost his wife during the Heavenfall, and has a son and daughter still in England, working in the civilian world.
He still keeps his flying current and his skills sharp, often surprising other pilots in training exercises by appearing as an adversary pilot, flying his heavily modified and upgraded Sea Vixen.

Lars Nielssen
Callsign/Nickname: Snowman
Age: 34
6'00" tall, rugged and barrel-chested with lanky limbs. He always has a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, only seeming to dim or droop at the corners when he is stressed.

Lars serves as the pilot of the C-130J Hercules multi-role transport plane that supports the Cobalt Haze squadron. Working closely with Lilah, the pair are an inseprable double-act and bounce off of one another in good humour and their personalities in general. He rarely talks about his home in Norway or his family life, but has mentioned a sister from time-to-time and a childhood growing up on a farm.

Lilah Nkosi
Callsign/Nickname: Lily
Age: 27
5'5" and with a fairly athletic build. Lilah moves with an easy, cocky confidence. Her flight suit and uniform are always accentuated by colourful jewelery or bands to keep her full head of hair in check.

Lilah is from South Africa, and was lucky to have grown up after the end of Apartheid. Nonetheless, she still knew how to look after herself, and she joined the SADF after graduating from college. Always fascinated by machines, aircraft even more enthralled her, and she eventually managed to get a role as a transport pilot.
After South Africa's air force and defence forces in general struggled with money to maintain and even fly their aircraft after the Heavenfall, Lilah elected to join the Shattered Steel PMC after working with the N/UN forces and PMCs, and meeting Lars. The two fell into an easy friendship, and after several escapades not long after their first meeting, he coaxed and tempted her into joining the PMC, serving as his co-pilot for the C-130J

Miles Saint Claire
Callsign/Nickname: Traveller
Age: 28
Miles is 5'6", and has a runner's or swimmer's build. He has a disarming, charming smile and moves with a fluid grace.

Miles grew up in France, and served with the Gendarmerie as a helicopter pilot in their air support wing. He became infamous for his daring and confident flying. However, he was forced to leave after an incident where he struck a commanding officer, after finding out about their abuse of someone under their command.
Still wanting to fly, he joined Shattered Steel and resumed his duties as a helicopter pilot, expanding more into military roles, flying a Eurocopter Panther with Brigitte as his co-pilot.

Brigitte Billet
Callsign/Nickname: Showgirl
Age: 28
Brigitte is relatively tall for a woman at 5'9", and has a lithe, slim, dancer's build. She moves with easy grace and elegance.

Brigitte's life was originally set to be very different. She had a successful career as a child star, appearing in several TV shows, and even into her early adult years she had minor roles in several TV dramas, movies, and even released a successful pop single... but then her career took a wrong turn after the Heavenfall. She ended up joining the Belgian navy and became a helicopter pilot, before eventually leaving and joining Shattered Steel, and acting as Miles' co-pilot in the Eurocopter Panther, attached to Cobalt Haze squadron.

Gunther Wolfman
Callsign/Nickname: Wolf
Age: 57
Gunther has a sturdy, muscular build that matches his relatively compact height of 5'5". He has a greying full beard and hair, though he often wears a worn, stained baseball cap covering his head. His mechanics' overalls likewise show their use and experience.
He often looks gruff and miserable... and often comes across that way, but has been known to smile.

Gunther was a mechanic with the German Luftwaffe for many years, and worked on a variety of aircraft and vehicles there. He cross-trained with numerous air arms around the world, as well as spells in the civilian world.
He was head-hunted for Shattered Steel due to his reputation and experience, and became the maintenance crew chief for Cobalt Haze squadron. While he comes across as gruff and grumpy, especially when it comes to the pilots causing damage to 'his' planes, in reality he drives himself and his crew to give nothing but the best performance and work for the aviators he supports, so that they can do the best jobs they possibly can.

Callsign/Nickname: Skywatch
Age: ??

"Skywatch" is the female operator that provides and feeds information to the Cobalt Haze squadron pilots from the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye AWACS plane that often accompanies them or is in the same area for their missions and operations.

Valerie 'Val' Glass
Age: 35
A fit, trim woman of 5'5" in height, Val looks as professional as she is... most of the time. Due to her role mostly being an official liason, she usually is dressed in a well-tailored N/UN air forces uniform.

Val enlisted in the US Navy out of college, intending on becoming a career officer, following in the footsteps of her father before her, and his before him. She was never interested in aviation, and instead pursued a career commanding vessels. She met Scott during both of their academy days, and they formed a strong friendship, that later bloomed into a tempestuous, on-again, off-again relationship.
Eventually, Val got her wish and became captain of a Frigate, carving herself out an admirable career, before later being promoted into a 'shoreside' role with the N/UN, where she was part of the N/UN military department responsible for managing and liaising with PMCs, and specifically with Shattered Steel.
Shattered Steel PMC - An Overview

The PMC Shattered Steel is one of the largest and most well-equipped PMC's in the post-Heavenfall world, and especially of the small number of legitimate ones working for the N/UN.

Shattered Steel is organised along the lines of any military force, with a military-style commander structure and ranks, and a number of divisions handling all the necessary infrastructure supporting the forces in the field.

The main thrust of forces are the Air Wing, which consists of fifteen Tactical squadrons of combat aircraft, supported by ten Logistics Squadrons, which are dispersed and their aircraft and personnel attached to the Tactical squadrons for support. Three squadrons are exempt to this; one personnel transport flight that shuttles people between facilities worldwide as necessary with a mix of varying sizes of personnel transport aircraft, and two aerial refuelling squadrons; one naval-oriented and one heavy land-based, both of which are dispersed between various facilities world wide as needed for various contracts and operations to support other aircraft.

One squadron of Airborne Warning and Control System - AWACS - aircraft split between navalised and land-based types are also dispersed to support contracts, missions and operations worldwide.

The tactical and logistics squadrons also have some squadrons devoted to helicopter support, as well as light, medium, and heavy transport planes in the case of logistics. The Tactical Squadrons also feature a single squadron of Heavy, land-based strategic bombers, as well as specialised submarine hunters/maritime patrol aircraft. A single tactical squadron also deals solely in strategic and tactical reconnaissance missions, with a mix of light and heavy aircraft for various specialised recon roles.

Other combat forces include the advanced aircraft carrier, Iron Maiden, otherwise known affectionately - and otherwise - by Shattered Steel personnel as the 'metal bitch', 'rusty wench', and the 'tin tub', among other titles. The ship was purchased unfinished from a French shipyard, and then finished jointly by the N/UN and Shattered Steel.
A small flotilla of escort ships protect the carrier, in the shape of a refitted and modernised ex-Royal Navy Type 45 Destroyer and a MEKO 200 class frigate, suitably fitted for the role, along with suitable logistics support ships. All of these are crewed by mixed N/UN and Shattered Steel crews, and the ships are under Shattered Steel control, while being part-leased from the N/UN, and serviced and maintained by their shipyards and facilities.

Ground Combat elements also exist. Some serve as security forces for deployed Shattered Steel forces, guarding airfields and bases, and carrying out other such roles. Some also act as forces to take-and-hold objectives once the air forces have done their work.
Not heavy forces, or able to sustain long campaigns, they are intended for swift, decisive operations to take-and-hold an objective until other forces can relieve them, much like the US Marine Corps amphibious brigades, and similarly equipped to be mobile, flexible, and self-contained, albeit on a much smaller scale, having no heavy armour and only light artillery, and all air support and mobility provided by the Air Wing.

Shattered Steel has few permanent bases worldwide, deploying as needed to various territories and facilities for their contracts as needed. However, their main base is an otherwise unnamed island in the Bahamas, leased from the N/UN and Bahamian government. Part of the agreement was to develop the island's infrastructure, and to employ locals in the operation of the base and its' facilities, as well as providing security, search and rescue, disaster relief, training and air traffic control for the local region.
The Forge, as it was dubbed, is a modern, newly-built facility with hangars, housing, support and administration facilities for the majority of Shattered Steel's combat personnel as well as the support personnel to run the base. A small 'village' of civilian operated businesses supports the base as well with R&R facilities such as bars, shops, businesses, restaurants and so on, as well as civilian-run schools to support families on the island.
The island has its' own power grid, supplied by a mix of tidal, solar and hydroelectric power. A port as well as the airfield itself provide logistics and transport between the various islands and further afield. The island is also protected by several fixed and mobile air and surface defence weapon emplacements.
You come up with a IC yet?-@Rhona W

Thank you @TokyoPewPew, I appreciate that!

But to answer, yes! The first IC post is up. A slow start to get everyone introduced and in the same room, rather than diving straight into the action, and a little bit of world-building first as well.
March 12th, 2014
Shattered Steel Headquarters, 'The Forge'
Unnamed island in the Bahamas
10:30 Hours Local Time

Scott paced back and forth in front of the large wall-mounted monitor again, his boots squeaking on the flooring of the meeting room. Anxiously, he glanced toward the door to the room and back at the laptop on the desk for the umpteenth time. His pacing was interrupted by an annoyed sigh of breath, and he glanced to the end of the front row of seats, and Kat 'KK' Kane, his RIO. She scowled and him, her single ice blue eye giving him a stern, disapproving look that he momentarily bristled at, before deflating, a wry smile creeping on his lips, matched by an amused one from her.
"All right, fine; I'll stop pacing. I'm just... nervous. It's been a long time since I've been responsible for anyone else. Well, in a professional capacity anyway. Command always seemed... out of my reach"
Kat sighed again and gave him a slight, sympathetic smile, speaking up in her rough, ragged, hushed voice.
"If the higher-ups didn't think you had what it took, then you wouldn't be standing there, ready to handle the briefing. And you and I both know you've got the experience and the record to back it up"
Scott sighed himself and nodded, leaning on the desk, and gazing the screen of his hardened laptop without really seeing it as he pondered.
"...Yeah, you're right. I've done as much preparing as I can do; I've read all of their dossiers and records, and I've reviewed the mission brief and intel. All I can do now is wait for them all to turn up". He frowned and checked his watch, and then glanced at the clock on the wall of the classroom-like briefing room.
"Speaking of which... where are they, they should be starting to arrive now...
A neat party trick the F-111 can do that looks more impressive/dangerous than it is - dumping fuel and then igniting it with the afterburners.
It works because the fuel dump nozzle is between the engine exhausts.


I love them both, and the choice of aircraft as well. And the colour scheme for it! Also, nice formatting on the sheet.
Enthusiastically approved, please feel free to post them in the characters tab.
@Rhona W I’ve edited it better. It’s on page 2. Dropped the Girl.

He's looking good to me. I think I get the main jist of his background, although some of the wording is a little bit confusing to me. Nonetheless, feel free to post him in the characters tab

We have enough characters to start, and I know that we're probably expecting at least one more.

However, that gives me enough to start working on the IC.
I'll aim to have something up by tomorrow evening (GMT) to get us all started!
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