Michael was sitting in his apartment, in his room, lying on his bed, thinking with his hands behind his back. About what has changed and why he may have a power now. He knows he feels different while in sunlight, not just the good feeling but actually feeling physically stronger, faster, and more, and he has no explanation for it. For what could explain a sudden change in his biology or mental state that could account for this?
You do not get like this on its own, Michael thought, and he has done tests over the weeks since having this feeling. It is not just a feeling but something that does make him stronger, but why does the sun do this to him now? He sighed at the thought as he tried to think. Something has happened to him, and now things are different and so far. Michael has kept this a secret, even from his grandmother. It was not hard, but she could tell something was amiss with him, and he just covered it by saying the late nights at the observatory were starting to get to him. A lie that she seems to believe for now, and while he does not like lying to her, what could he say really? Hey, I have a superpower now, and I am solar-powered... Even though he can show her what he is talking about, Michael does not want to say anything to her about this until he knows more.
Which brings him back to the only thing that has changed in his life in Redstone that could somehow be connected to his power. Grace's Grotto, a place that he and others frequented but suddenly closed as suddenly as it opened. Michael enjoyed his time there and Grace's drinks and her somehow knowing what he wanted before saying anything. A peculiar thing but something that he ignored for the most part.
Could that be the missing link? Grace's Grotto? He knows when he passes by where the place was. It looks like it has been abandoned for years, not weeks.
Still, this is just a guess, a pure speculation on his part. Michael just does not know what it could be, and Grace seems to be the only factor so far. But he may not be alone in this. He checked his watch, and it was getting close to seven, it was now time to get up. Since he had seen that flyer about Grace's Grotto and he had to take the chance with it. There could be others like him, and maybe they can get some answers if this meeting is not a waste of his time, that is.
So he quickly got out of his bed, and before he left his apartment. Michael looked outside from his window and saw the rain as soon as he heard it.
"Of course, it has to be raining now." An annoyed Michael said to himself and put on a green rain jacket before leaving and closed and locked the door behind him.
It did not take long for him to drive to the library and park near the entrance. Limiting the time he had to endure that rain but still had his hood up to cover his head regardless. Upon getting inside and putting his hood down, he was greeted by a librarian, Ms. Winters. "Hello, Mister Dasher.
"Hello Ms. Winters," Michael said with a hint of respect.
She would nod and carry on her business, but he could tell that she was still watching him for some reason. Maybe she was curious why he was here and all.
Either way, Michael made his way to study room c and hoped that this was not some kind of trap and just a waste of his time. But as he got closer, he could hear voices coming from the room. So he is not alone but, still. He took a deep breath as he reached the door. How goes nothing, he thought nervously to himself and opened the door to the sight of three people. One he kinda recognized while the others not so much and stepped into the room and closed the room.
"Hey, and am I late or not interrupting anything? I saw the flyer, and... here I am."