Avatar of Exit


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3 yrs ago
I dropped a clear thumbtack on the floor and now my carpet is holding me hostage.
3 yrs ago
Remember: it's important to plug in the appliance you want to use.
5 yrs ago
bbcode and I about to throw hands.
5 yrs ago
Please stop inviting yourself to take lunch with me. I actually enjoy my thirty minutes of alone time.
7 yrs ago
Mahz mentioned me. I can die now.




I'm Exit. I've been a part of the guild since 2009.
I'm not as active as I once was. I mostly dedicate
my time to the one game I GM for: The Last Avatar
and The Last Avatar & The Red Lotus. When I'm
not writing or world building, I'm usually spending
an unhealthy amount of time playing with the site's
bbcode or sharing some of the music I'm listening to.
If you're interested in a 1x1, feel free to send me
a pm. My interests lie in fantasy, romance, slice of
life, science fiction.
I also dabble in some fandoms.
According to the site's classifications, I would
consider myself a casual writer. I work full time
and have a family so I can usually do a few posts a
week. My time zone is GMT +7 or Pacific Standard.
And that's pretty much all there is to know about me. _ _ _ _ _See you, space cowboy.


Most Recent Posts


I'm not sure why this works.It's very strange.

I'm not sure why this works.It's very strange.

Specifically the top table. The line for the first row acts weird if there is an image with transparency above it? What? Normally I have to cover the line with some sub tag combinations but the image itself made it go away. I don't understand.
I told him to get a hold of you, but he's made it apparent he's too shy to talk to someone about his nerdy hobby on a forum based around talking to people about nerdy hobbies.

SIR! I will have you know I messaged Legends shortly after coming to terms with my shortcomings!

Thank you both for your hard work in making this place better!

Have a good day!
003 _
Who are you people?!Who are you people?!
“I know it’s gonna sound a bit crazy, but how ‘bout you stick your whole scaly arm into this ol’ head of mine and, oh, I don’t know, close your hand after its inside? Best do it quick though. Who knows what’d happen next?”
The girl's eyes snapped to the man, the color of hazel washed in pale white light from the flame pouring from his head. Despite his offer of help, her bewildered expression remained unchanged given the odd ask. She was too uncertain of what was happening to her and too uncertain of who this strange man was that she decided in that moment the answer was… no.

”Huh. I think. I don’t. Trust that.” She stated somewhat calmly, framing each pair of words as if it were its own thought. It was clear, however, that despite the effort, she was barely able to contain her rising panic. She pointed with her good hand at the fire engulfing half the man’s face. That looks like it hurts, first of all. And second, I don’t even know who you are or what is even happening to you, okay? Do you need help? What is going on with your face and why do you want me to stick my hand in it?"

There was more she wanted to say. A lot more. Questions and suggestions. Assumptions of his life based on nothing more than his unique facial complexion and his willingness to stick a part of her body inside of himself, but before she was allowed trip and fall into this rabbit hole, she was rescued by the voice of another.
”"Well, I can't quite do it to you here, but if the need arises...”
Bewilderment turned to horror as the woman addressing her displayed a nightmare of a skill. There was nothing, not in her keepsake of a memory or her dreams and desire of the future where anything of what the woman was doing was something the girl wanted done to herself. In too short a time, the woman split her arm, spilled her own blood and then seemingly pulled herself back together, or maybe her body did it on its own. She wasn't sure. She just knew she didn’t like it.
"...I can offer my services. And please do stick your hand inside."
”WHUAT?! W-Who are you people?!”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, that annoyance she’d felt earlier was returning. For some reason everything was starting to feel familiar. Like she was back to a place she didn’t want to be, surrounded by people she couldn’t help or didn’t want to be helped. She disliked it very much.

Character Sheet.
Name. ???
Age. ???
Gender. Female
Race. Curse
Current Appearance. As pictured but her right arm up to her elbow is covered in black scales. She's horrified.

Location. Ruins of Illium
Interactions. ERode & OwO

Summary. A nameless girl is overwhelmed by her arm's sudden transformation and the strange people around her offering to help.

v3 _
Who are you people?!Who are you people?!
“I know it’s gonna sound a bit crazy, but how ‘bout you stick your whole scaly arm into this ol’ head of mine and, oh, I don’t know, close your hand after its inside? Best do it quick though. Who knows what’d happen next?”
Her eyes snapped to the man, the color of hazel drowning in red orange light from the flame pouring from his head. Despite his offer of help, her bewildered expression remained unchanged given the odd ask. She was too uncertain of what was happening to her and too uncertain of who this strange man was that she decided in that moment the answer was… no.

”Huh. I think. I don’t. Trust that.” She stated somewhat calmly, framing each pair of words as if it were its own thought. It was clear, however, that despite the effort, she was barely able to contain her rising panic. She pointed with her good hand at the fire engulfing half the man’s face. That looks like it hurts, first of all. And second, I don’t know who you are or what is even happening to you, okay? Do you need help? What is going on with your face and why do you want me to stick my hand in there?."

There was more she wanted to say. A lot more. Questions and suggestions. Assumptions of his life based on nothing more than his unique facial complexion and his willing to to stick a part of her body inside of himself, but before she could trip and fall into this rabbit hole, she was rescued by the voice of another.
”"Well, I can't quite do it to you here, but if the need arises..."?!”
Bewilderment turned to horror as the woman addressing her displayed a nightmare of a skill. There was nothing, not in her keepsake of a memory or her dreams and desire of the future where anything of what the woman was doing was something the girl wanted done to herself. In too short a time, the woman split her arm, spilled her own blood and then seemingly pulled herself back together, or maybe her body did it on its own. She wasn't sure. She just knew she didn’t like it.
"...I can offer my services. And please do stick your hand inside."
”WHUAT?! W-Who are you people?!”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, that annoyance she’d felt earlier was returning. For some reason everything was starting to feel familiar. Like she was back to a place she didn’t want to be, surrounded by people she couldn’t help or didn’t want to be helped. She disliked it very much.

Character Sheet.
Name. ???
Age. ???
Gender. Female
Race. Curse
Current Appearance. As pictured but her right arm up to her elbow is covered in black scales. She's horrified.

Location. Ruins of Illium
Interactions. ERode & OwO

Summary. A nameless girl is overwhelmed by her arm's sudden transformation and the strange people around her offering to help.


Exit's notes.
- Table in table code. If the nested table is placed in the
last cell, previous cells in that row will not force bold text.
- Quote code makes nice borders.
- itsverypretty
- Final image measurements:
Top 1791x400 (1760 image, 2e2c2c pad 15x400 left and 16x400 right.
Side 400x402
- I don't think I can improve on this any further.


It's still bold! I trusted you!
You were the chosen one!I have a family!

              Exit's notes.
              • Since I'm here. Taking a look at something Mae did that might present a solution.
              BrokenPromise is telling me to tell someone but talking to people anywhere
              is spooky.

bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble popblah blah body of post blah blah





at the wedding (single)
nine more?
002 _
What is happening to me?!What is happening to me?!
”What the-...?!” The girl had been positioned just a little behind the others in such a way that her own transformation had gone mostly unnoticed. By the time the woman had given her warning to the girl, her arm was nearly identical to the complexion of the guard holding the spear. She immediately dropped hers and took a few steps back, bringing her hands up in front of her so she could better see the affliction that was further spreading.

It had begun earlier as a subtle sensation crawling across her arm, but was quickly dismissed as her having fallen asleep on it while unconscious. The ice needles prickling under her skin was nothing more than the blood returning to her fingertips and her nerves firing off, she thought. But while standing there addressing the others and watching events unfold, she realized her arm never stopped feeling weird. More than that, the spear in her hand, which had earlier felt cold to the touch, was still just as cold as before. It felt as though she were holding a rod of ice. It had refused to warm to her touch the entire time she’d been holding it and the needles in her fingertips never went away. Only now, she understood why, or at the very least understood why her arm felt the way it did. She did not understand what was happening to it.

...Um… Was my arm always like this?... No. No no. I grabbed the spear with my hand. My hand. A regular human looking hand. I know what those look like because I’ve seen hands… I have a han-...

Images flashed in her mind’s eye once again. Stills from the one memory she had. She thumbed through each frame of a disconnected life and focused on the things she could recognize: A forest of blue roses. A hat shaped like a cloud. An avian dressed in streaks of fire. A large man with a name, the shape of which she couldn’t quite make out. But what stood out to her most above all else was in the foreground and tucked away in the corner. Just barely out of focus were three appendages. Green tipped and gloved.

...Okay… what…?

Her left hand was indeed a hand. Although not what she remembered her hand to be, it was something she did recognize. Proportionally shaped. All fingers accounted for and in their proper place. All fingers working properly, attested to the fact that she could sign a rather common expletive. The right hand however was not a hand she recognized. Black scales protruded from her skin like oblong plates of obsidian. Jagged and cut like natural rock formations that were just casually growing out of her and continuing to do so as it crawled up the length of her arm. This was not something she considered natural at all.

”Yeah. Hi!” She turned again to the others. ”I don’t even… what is happening to me?!”

Character Sheet.
Name. ???
Age. ???
Gender. Female
Race. Curse
Current Appearance. As pictured but her right arm up to her elbow is covered in black scales. She's visibly distressed.

Location. Ruins of Illium
Interactions. Everyone

Summary. A nameless girl realizes she's made a mistake. Holding one of the spears has resulted in her right arm transforming.
Great entries. I went back and forth between two and while one was great in its handling of the sometimes mundane nature of luck and how a streak of bad luck can really derail an entire day (I really liked this entry), the other used the prompt of 'the meeting' much better. I cast my vote for Superstition Kills.
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