Char felt the thrill of this moment of power, but it was different with him. She was used to human men trying to physically demand her presence after a moment like this, thinking it was a game (and it was to her, not so much to them once they tried), but she couldn’t picture Amal doing the same, and, of course, he didn’t. It was like there was some actual respect for her, not just a lust for the exotic.
Not that she didn’t like those with a lust for her kind of exotic. But this was something new and different to her.
She laughed at his sounds of frustration. “A drow, delighting in torture? Unheard of.”
There was a baser instinct that wanted her to forgo the torment and drag him into one of the beds right then, but this was so entertaining. Before she settled on to her cot, she went to him again and pressed one hand to his face, and then planting a kiss on his neck on the other side. “Sweet dreams, Amal,” she murmured into his ear, with what looked like a hint of a smile.