Avatar of The Savant


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12 days ago
Current There is a bigger difference... Punish me mother for I know exactly what I have done. 😏 πŸ˜‰
1 mo ago
Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
1 mo ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
2 mos ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
2 mos ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

Scotti was not sure if he was getting out of this or not – usually being caught meant anything from getting a beaten to being found dead somewhere. Oh, how he hoped the woman was pleasant and wouldn’t murder him. There were plenty of thoughts that were going through his mind, but he found that he wouldn’t allow himself to plead for his life if it came for that. Pleading was pathetic and he honestly didn’t feel scared by the idea. Not yet. The choice wasn’t in front of him, but he hoped that he wouldn’t become a complete mess if it got to that point.

His eyes focused on Selene from the dark curtain of hair that hid them, he was patiently waiting for anything to happen, and he listened to her. β€œWhy? Maybe I thought you were pretty and wanted to talk, possibly get a number,” for how young he was. He was showing that he had a mouth and probably thought a few years ahead of his own age. Innocence wasn’t something that stayed around long in the lower ranks of society. Kids would see and hear too much. Clearly, he had heard too much to be talking like this at his age and attempting to flirt with a girl to distract her from the actual reasons he was following her.

He had no idea how he was supposed to get away from her. She was older, most likely stronger than him, and he knew he was at a disadvantage to quite a few things. Scotti smiled a little at his own thoughts, β€œHas anyone ever told you that you think too much? Maybe you are older than I thought you were,” he chuckled while shrugging his shoulders.

The slight disrespect was natural coming from him – a not monitored teenage boy that ran around in street gangs and wandered around the Gray market. That showed anyone that his life was dysfunctional. That his parents lacked the knowledge of their son or lacked the ability to control him. β€œI’m sorry to bother you, miss, but I really need to get going,” such words showed he was raised semi-decently for being in the lower parts of society. Calling her miss and making a half-ass apology was a lot better than most people would around his parts.

Scotti decided this was when he was going to flee, he backed up and bolted through the crowd of people funneling from stand to stand. Jumping over a stand to get where the seller was before running into the back and disappearing through a door frame. He knew exactly what to do and where to go.

The problem was the way he was running, he was heading towards the old vent ducts before the government in Dominion upgraded anything. If he got into those vents, they were mazes that could go all over, under, and above the city. They were dangerous as well. Plus, depending on the way you went (usually under) was the problem of underground monstrosities appearing.

Interaction(s) @Qia Selene Syn
Situation Scotti the street rat is running for it.
@Andre Valias Who r u..

Clearly the Local lizard wizard. Can you not tell?
<Snipped quote by The Savant>


Thank you. I'll reply when I can.
I'm not trying to be stingy or rude with this statement though I don't believe it's appropriate two have control over two characters that are active heads of different districts as a player and writer in this roleplay.

No one else in this roleplay has multiple active characters in the sense of main characters. Everyone has main characters than NPCs.

I understand that I'm not apart of the judgement making when it comes to characters though I am putting my two cents in anyways.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

This might be better as a shared post.

Link me to it!
@The Savant - So what are the reputations of safety officers? Are they like the Committee for State Security? People you wouldn't want to meet on a bright sunny day in a happy theme park thronging with people, much less some dank back alley behind yet another coffee shop, or at 3 A.M. when they knock down your door and drag you away?

I would say the reputation of safety officers can be anywhere between "friendly conversation" to people disappearing after they visit at times. It really depends on what level of risk the person was at and what they were doing.

Pretty much think of men in black for the most part. The more Crystalline blue they have uniform wise, the more you want to be careful with what you are saying and why you are saying it type of deal. For example, Klay is in full Crystalline uniform. Lupton would only have a Crystalline blue undershirt dress shirt.
Street Rat: Scotti

The movement into the stalls that were selling modified power cores and into tighter alleys seemed to delay the individual following her. Uncertainty. Anyone with half of a braincell would be reminded the deeper you went into the Gray Market the more dangers you were in. Inhaling deeply, he nodded, and continued to follow the woman into the depths of the Gray Market and he was finding himself in a place he had never been before. Maybe he should turn around, give the man in the trench coat his money back, and tell him to get lost – though there was a fear that the man might do something to him if he didn’t continue this path. He seemed weird.

Pushing forward, the young man continued, and he kept following Selene at a good distance. Her sudden disappearance and reappearance caused him to jump out of his skin and he stepped back. She might not have been able to see his eyes through the long hair, but they were wide. β€œI…” he started but he found himself at a loss for words. He didn’t expect her to jump, scare him like that or even interact.

Shaking is head, β€œI was just curious…” he was lying through his teeth but it was hard to tell if he was lying or not at first. He said it with so much natural conviction that most people would have shrugged him off. The young man took another step back so there was some distance between them, enough that she would have to move to try and grab him, and that meant he had a few seconds to try and get away. β€œI’m not looking to lose my limbs.” These words sounded more confident than his last. He really didn’t want to lose anything in all honesty.

He shook his head, not instantly wanting to give away that someone sent him at all or somewhat bullied him into this, β€œNo one,” he shrugged his shoulders. β€œI was just curious. I saw you enter the Market and you looked interesting,” he spoke so plainly and uncaring that it was hard to tell if he was lying or not. Anyone that was familiar with the lower rings of Dominion would know that people had to lie out of their teeth daily to survive or become aggressive to live. It was like wild dogs fighting for the will to live. This kid was no different and being around his age, any other kid living at that age had probably perfected lying and pick-pocketing.

Interaction(s) Selene Syn@Qia
Current situation Street Rat: Scotti is face-to-face with Selene
Safety Officers Klay and Lupton

Safety Officer Klay thought he heard someone say, One moment, while his trainee officer Lupton was explaining that he didn’t think he heard anything. What if the individual inside, Kit, couldn’t hear them at all? They whispered amongst themselves on the other side of the door and was completely unaware of another individual being in Kit’s office as well.

The darker one in complexion and hair smiled, his blue eyes as keen and analytically looking as the Crystalline Council blue suit he was wearing. β€œGood morning, Kit,” he sounded as if he knew the name but they had never met. It was somehow funny that the government always said they didn’t watch or keep an eye on their people though the safety officers and other higher up employees seemed to always know the names of the people they were visiting. He was able to say good morning to the man when he opened the door before he even introduced himself and he knew… he might have messed up a little there but he continued on.

Lupton was about to open his mouth and Klay raised to fingers which seemed to quiet the younger blonde man up right away. β€œWe do understand. You work in private sector and we respect that by all means,” Klay confirmed with a smile and slight glance over to Lupton who forced a smile.

β€œWe are put on the task of surveying today, since there is quite a bit of unrest in Dominion of late,” he explained while putting his hands together. Slightly pointing all is fingers at Kit while explaining this. β€œFirst, I am senior officer, Klay, and this is trainee officer Lupton. Do you have a few moments for us to ask you questions? They are mainly around the subject of the current events of this morning and how you, personally, are feeling in terms of safety and happiness.”

Interaction(s) Kit Galloway @Expendable
Current Situation Senior Safety Officer Klay and Trainee Safety officer Lupton are speaking to Kit Galloway
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

No rush! I fell asleep trying to make my little one fall asleep... Good times.

I ended up coming home, eating, and passing out while I was eating. I'll have something out today!
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Gdocs sounds good. If you'd like to start it up that'd be great since I'll respond hopefully tonight when my little guy goes to sleep.

Awesome! Once I get off work, I'll write something up then I'll send you the link in DMs with a tag your turn comment or something so you know your good to write.
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