@mattmanganonTaivas picked up Dotty and started following Tarzan. “
Idiot.” He muttered to the girl while keeping an eye out for that jaguar. “
So what was that thing that attacked us?” He asked Tarzan, whom he assumed knew what that animal attacked him was. A little part of him felt he had encountered that animal before.
“That Sabor. Been trying kill me since me baby.” Tarzan said while swinging from tree to tree. Taivas shook his head, swinging one hand, keeping Dotty close to his body. The three moved from tree to tree before finally settling on the ground.
So that thing has it out for you eh. Why haven’t you just hunted it down and killed it?” Taivas was confused about why Tarzan hadn’t killed Sabor earlier.
The half naked man just shrugged his shoulders. Telling Taivas that he tried but could not because of how quick Sabor was. “
Looks like I’ve had to do the job for you. Could be nice to have a jaguar rug in the ship.” Taivas said, chuckling softly. When they finally reached the tent, Tarzan was the first to enter. A few moments later, a tall man sporting a mustache carrying a double-barreled shotgun walked out of the tent. Glaring at Taivas, who was still carrying Dotty. Taivas followed Tarzan inside.
Taivas noticed a woman wearing a yellow dress. The woman was fumbling with what looked like a projector. She turned to face Taivas, smiling softly. “Hello, you must be the people Tarzan told me about. My name is Jane. “ She walked over, holding out her hand for Taivas to shake.
The blonde teenager shook her hand before speaking. “
So I heard from Tarzan that you had seen my friends. When did you see them? And what did they do here?” He asked Jane showing her a picture of his friends.
“I did see them, but they weren’t here long since they couldn’t find you here. But I do remember they thought you could have gone to some place with a collisum. I’m sorry i couldn’t be much help.” Jane said sadly while returning the locket. "Although there was someone else looking for you. A man in a black cloak wielded some strange key shaped weapon.
Damn it.” Taivas kicked over a nearby table, scaring Jane. But the mention of the other person did spark his interest. The memory of the old man from before came into his mind. Was it the old man. Why was he looking for him. “
Tsk, thanks.” He said sarcastically while putting the locket back around his neck. “
Looks like we're gonna have to go looking someplace else.” Of course, as soon as he said this, a large female gorilla came running into the tent.
Speaking some sort of strange langauge Taivas couldn't understsnd. Kala, the large female gorilla was looking quite distressed. Tarzan quickly moved to comfort Kala. When asked by Jane what what was going on, Tarzan mentioned his friend Terk was being chased by some shadowy creatures.
Shadowy reatures?” Taivas thought the creatures from before might have infested this world as well. “
Sounds like we got a big problem on our hands. I know how to deal with these things; i can help but for a price.”
“Well, I could give you some items and money if you help Terk.” Jane said, sounding conflicted about whether she should even give Taivas anything. He was a stranger to her. But if he had experience dealing with these creatures, perhaps he could save Terk.
Here, make sure this idiot doesn't get into more trouble. ” Taivas handed Dotty over to Jane while leaving with Tarzan to save Terk.