wordcount: 2697 (+3 exp/+1 rapport)
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(278/140)
Rika: Level 10 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(194/100)
Lvl 14 Geralt (111/140) -> (114/140)
Lvl 10 Roxas (4/100) -> (7/100)
As the ramp to the avenger lowered, the first thing to exit it was Junior’s once again repaired clown car. The machine had had a bit of a retooling as well. Its insides were now distinctly more random weapon free, the assortment of extra gear having been trimmed down to just the balloon launcher, the sentient meat hook, and Padwah's Wheel. As two out of three of these replaced existing components, the device was more or less back to its original weapon load, which when added to the size increase the incorporation of the egg mobile had resulted, had left plenty of space for armor.
Inside coppra and galvanised steel had been used to harden the internals, but it was the outside where the real added durability was found. Despite Tora’s derrision of Jr’s magically produced iron, as it turned out, when you had an unlimited supply of it, it had its uses. In this case this involved adding it as ablative armor to the outsides that acted as a buffer for the real armor below, a buffer could be ever so easily replaced by the prince. It didn’t even sacrifice the aesthetics, because thanks to his magic paint brush, redecorating the replacement panels was a snitch.
Despite Junior’s pride at his ingenuity (which had involved taking a leaf out of Tora’s book using the internet to look up how to make good armor designs) he was, surprisingly, not at the wheel.
Instead he was whooping encouragement while clinging on for dear life as his sister took a turn at the wheel in this low stakes situation. Putting the limited driving education she’d gotten from Kamek during their taxi driving minigame to work, she barreled off the bottom of the ramp and into the scrubland beyond, without even a hint of slowing down.
At the sight of the fleeing Ceratonoths, she turned towards them, a little predatory spark in her pile of fusions giving her the idea to chase after them just for something to do. They did have time after all, it was going to take a while for all the slowpokes back on the ship to file out and get in order, but to anyone watching it certainly looked like they were driving off in the entirely wrong direction, and at great speed too, gradually climbing a slope up towards a ridge, therenting to disappear over it.
For Roxas’ part, he couldn’t say he was particularly surprised that Junior and Rika took off somewhere on their own. They did have a tendency to do that. Still, he didn’t want them to get lost on their own, did he? ”Uh, hey! Wait for me!” Roxas called as he tried rather futilely to run after the clown car. Naturally it was, of course, faster than him. Eventually he ran out of breath and slowed to a standstill. ”Sheesh… those two…”
Watching Junior and Rika, with Roxas following shortly after, barrel out of the Avenger, Geralt merely sighed as he watched them run ahead. Shaking his head and sighing as he descended the ramp, he lazily leaned his head over his shoulder, halfways looking back to the other Seekers. “I'll look after them.” He announced wearily, before turning ahead and taking a deep breath. With little preamble, he burst forth in an inhuman display of speed, gaining on Roxas incredibly quickly.
The kids would have claimed to need no such thing, despite instantly demonstrating why they needed it as the clown car went careening off the top of the ridge and soaring up and over the surprisingly steep drop on the other side.
As they vanished out of sight Jr’s whoop turned into a panicked cry as he lunged for the controls and, moments before they hit the ground below, activated the flight mode to slow their descent.
”phew, close one” the prince sighed, while his sister gave a semi-apologetic ”oops?” before adding ”I mean the dinos got down just fine so I thought…” as they climbed back up the steep but not anywhere close to vertical cliff she’d ramped off of in her race to overtake the stampeding Ceratonoth.
They appeared back up above the ridge line a few moments later, having shuffled around so that Jr was actually in the driving seat as he flew them down for a landing. As a result, Rika had a chance to look back at the valley she’d almost crashed into, and true to Nadia’s later reading about it, it sure was strange.
Plants like seedless avocados slices covered in scales instead of skin floated above a desert landscape hosting scattered metal orbs and large round plants with chimney-like growths. In the distance, a rectangular tower could be seen, a red glow atop its peak.
This wasn’t the only thing that towered over the land however, as, twice as tall as the trees, were creatures that initially looked like three legged giraffes until the front of their ‘neck’ peeled back and revealed itself to actually be a massive maw.
As the ship girl watched, the Great Gaaahr inhaled through this mouth, creating a miniature sandstorm as it sucked up something or other into the floating orb of gas that hung above it, one which was presumably letting the absurdly large creature not be crushed under its own weight
Another visible creature floated above the ground, though it seemed to have no gas sacks, and instead was held aloft by a red beam shooting down from the central hole of its body. This beam also seemed to be its preferred method of hunting, as the ship girl just barely spotted a small hapless creature being sucked up it and into the central hole, where the massive tongue-like tail lapped it up and deposited it into the square toothed maw up front.
What else was down there was hard to tell from on high, other than the Ceratonoth that had just fled there, naturally, but from the two megafauna alone it promised to be a land of the strange and bizarre,
Rika, in all her eloquence, thought it was ”Neat”
They touched down a moment later atop the ridge line, just in time for their pursuers to catch up, who Rika greeted with a cheerful ”Hi” as if everything that had occurred was not her fault.
Roxas had been about to say something to Junior and Rika when he finally caught up. Instead he caught sight of the Great Gaaahr and just stared at the creature blankly. ”That thing looks… weird.” Was all he could really say. After another moment he remembered something he’d wanted to ask of Junior. ”Are you out of Poke Balls, too?” Roxas asked as he patted the ball pocket of his trainer. ”’Cause I am. Well, almost. I think I have two left. I was wondering if you wanted to look for materials so Dr. Yu can make more for us.”
Now that he thought about it, he decided to let Scamp out of his Poke Ball. After emerging, the Yamper gave his trademark bow-wark and immediately set out sniffing around in his new surroundings.
”Eh, I’ve got some” Jr replied, but it wasn’t that many, and, given what he’d read about them, it might not be enough if he wanted to catch anything on par with the rest of his team, and so he said ”But if she can make some of the better balls that’d be good”
”More money would be neat, seeing as we’ve got none left after giving it to Tora for that cleaning bot. Oh and more, tapes so we can do more experimenting with em” Rika suggested as she sat herself on the rom of the clown car with her feet dangling out of it, before pointing at one of the tower block sized beasts and saying ”I mean imagine if we could turn into one of those! We could just step on a Consul!”
“Be a sight to see.” Geralt added, looking out over the plains with them “Got a few of those things, myself. Wouldn't mind lending you one or two, Roxas.” He continued, pulling out the great balls he'd snatched from the shop in Gutsford.
”Oh, I didn’t know you had any Poke Balls, Geralt.” Roxas said as he looked at the great balls, ”These ones are blue. I wonder what that means?” Unfortunately, Roxas hadn’t yet learned the difference between Poke Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls yet.
”You not used em?” Jr asked, as he pulled a pokeball off his bandolier, tossing it straight up and then headbutting it like a passed football to release the mon inside into his clown car. Dazzle poked his head up over the side of the vehicle a moment later, flippers pulling him around so he could take in the dry surroundings, before giving Jr a questioning look.
”You can use them to catch a Pokemon like Dazzle or Scamp.” Roxas explained. ”And Dr. Yu said she can make more Balls for us if we bring her the materials. What were they, again?” He scrolled around on his Rotom Phone, relatively sure it could tell him what he needed to know. ”Here we go! We need Apricorns and Tumblestone ore.” He turned his Rotom Phone around to let the others see what was showing on the screen. Apricorns growing on trees, and Tumblestone found in what looked like some kind of red-colored ore deposits. ”I wonder if we can find some around here?”
”Or something like em” Rika added, as she tossed a golden spinner (a device that acted very much like a pokeball) up in the air and then caught it again.
“Hm.” Geralt looked at the Rotom Phone, mentally cataloging the required ingredients. “I'll keep an eye out, then. But no, never got to use these things,” he added as he put the great balls away. “Between helping out with Sakura and Karin's new settlement with Yen and Ciri, and everything else, haven't had much of a chance to. If we see some of them out there, might try and hunt one down myself.”
”Then we’ll keep an eye out for Pokemon, too.” Roxas suggested, pocketing his Rotom Phone. ”If we find one you think you’ll like? We’ll show you how to capture it.”
”Yeah for sure!” Jr agreed
Rika meanwhile had hopped off of her brother’s clown car, and was peering down the cliff she'd driven them off of, eyes spying the Ceratonoths down below. She then took a few steps back from the edge, before saying ”See you down there” before sprinting forwards and leaping into the open air.
”Hey wait up!” Jr called as he moved to go after her, not seeming the least bit worried about this other than a concern that he might get left behind.
Rather than plummet, his sister used a double jump and then a tap of her feather fall rune to slow her descent, while using maneuvering thrusters and a vault breaker to gain distance from the base of the cliff. Just as she approached the ground, she then launched out her grappling hook, snagging the three prongs on the back of the largest Ceratonoth, reeling herself towards it.
The beast, naturally, freaked out about this surprise presence on its back, but the ship girl merely told it that she’d ”Caught you” in a cheerful tone, before jumping back off of it. She touched down lightly, and then waved up to the others to come join her.
“Well, alright then.” Geralt muttered, taking a few steps to the side before transforming into his Ardor Blossom identity, draconic wings unfurling from his enlarged form. He found a path that wasn't too steep and stepped down, beginning a slide down the ridgeline, wings opening wide to catch as much air as they could and slow his descent. As he slid down the dusty, rocky ridge, clouds of dust and dirt kicked up in his wake, but after a short while, he reached the bottom. Rolling his shoulders, Geralt transformed back into his normal identity, approaching Rika casually.
Roxas, meanwhile, had to recall Scamp back into his Poke Ball before he got moving. But once he did it was a simple matter of using Flow Motion to quite literally run straight down the cliff face until he reached the bottom where the others had gathered. ”Apricorn trees sound easy enough to find.” He said, ”But I’m not sure about the Tumblestone, though. Think we might have to find a cave or something for that?”
”Yeah, probably” Jr agreed, the prince having just flown down in his clown car the same way he’d flown up.
Once they where all down, Rika said ”Get ready to heal me, please?” to her brother.
”huh? Oh right, yeah” the prince replied, grabbed his bush, just in time for his sister to grunt in pain as she summoned a fresh whale using her life force, which her brother rapidly restored.
After sighing with relief as her wounds closed up, she declared ”Alright, let's ride” as she hopped up onto one of the turrets of the great sea creature, as it half sank into the ground, ready to swim through the sand like it was water.
Geralt had to take a moment to mentally remind himself that yes, Rika summoning a giant whale that could swim through the ground was normal. Once he did, he climbed aboard the cetacean with the others and readied himself for the ride. “I'll keep an eye out for any of those trees or a cave that looks promising.” He informed the others.
”Whoa!” Roxas exclaimed just before he, too, climbed aboard the whale. ”I didn’t know you could do that. Cool!”
”Yeah. Good thing too because they keep getting exploded” Rika replied cheerfully, before adding ”we’ll be good tho” as something of an afterthought. Jr gave a little nod of confirmation to this, but did not climb aboard, mainly because it would be somewhat redundant given that he had a ride of his own.
“Ready when you are.” Gerralt grunted simply. “Oh, right.” He added, lifting a hand to his ear and activating the glyph to contact Sandalphon. “Sandalphon, this is Geralt. Just wanted to let you know that I'm with Junior, Rika, and Roxas. We might be out here a while.”
”Oh oh, and I can get us over too hammerhead, if we still wanna go or its faster or whatever, with a portal” Jr piped up to add, before explaining this was ”coz I’ve been there”
”Sounds good to me.” Roxas agreed, ”The others know we’re heading out now and we’ve got a quick way back in case we get lost. I’d say we’re good.”
“Oh, right, you do portals too…” Geralt grumbled, sighing. “Alright, let's get going.”
”Neat” Rika replied simply to that info, before pointing a finger forwards and commanding her white whale to take them ”Onwards!” setting them sail upon the sandy sea.