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Hashing Things Out

Ganondorf & Primrose

Level: 7 - Total Exp: 47/70
Level: 11 - Total EXP: 243/110
Word Count: 1,542
Exp: +3
Rapport: +3

Once Primrose's immediate plans to clean off and change were done she still deigned not to eat in the mess hall when everyone else gravitated toward it. Or even after that. Instead she went to make her way to the Avenger's Spirit Chamber, finding that though she'd tried to get some rest... it did not come to her easily in the quarters she once shared with Midna. There were spoils of victory to sort through, and the princess would not have let the spirits go to waste - although Primrose didn't intend to use them purely in the other woman's memory or anything quite so sappy as that.

Now dressed in a more simple, casual outfit that consisted of a loose gray sundress and matching slip-on shoes borrowed from the spare clothes on the Avenger, Primrose walked through the ship’s halls with a plain sand colored bag hung over one shoulder. Inside were many little motes of light that she'd figured out what to do with once she arrived.

On her route she passed by many rooms where people came and went, and eventually found that ahead of her was the large silhouette of the Great King of Evil. Primrose did not call out to him at first. She wasn't exactly wary around Ganondorf, at least not anymore so than some of the other men in the Seekers, but ever since he'd joined the campaign there had been people more familiar with the man warning them of what he was capable of. One of those people had been the Twilight Princess, whose disdain for Ganondorf she'd made all too clear. Primrose herself had fought together with Ganondorf a handful of times already, and had even accompanied him in his meeting with Gerudo Town's leadership, and though she still considered Ganondorf to be an ally (if one with both a political tongue and violent temper), now that Midna was gone she couldn't help but recall her friend's words more clearly.

Ultimately though, she would be hard pressed to learn anything more about him from mere observation at this point. After a few more moments Primrose quickened her pace, her footsteps signaling her presence.

"Good timing," the dancer murmured to the man once she caught up with him. She opened her bag, gesturing to the trio of juggernaut spirits she'd taken after their battle together against them in one of the Qliphoth's hollows, among other spirits. "I was headed to the Spirit Chamber with these, but you're entitled to them as well."

The warlord in question slowed his pace a bit when he heard the approaching dancer. ”Ah, those.” he replied, ”I believe the Gravemind gave me more than my fill of spirits for now.” He gave a waving gesture, ”Do with them as you will.” After this he held her gaze a moment longer. Ganondorf wasn’t blind, of course. He knew quite well how wary of him some of the other Seekers were. Due in part to the circumstances in which they found him down in the Under, but also no doubt due to what the Twilight Princess had told them about him as well.

”Midna told you more of my history, didn’t she?” He guessed aloud.

Primrose did not look surprised at Ganondorf's intuition. She merely closed her bag back up, regarding him plainly. Her face was perfectly cordial, betraying none of her thoughts on her face.

"Actually, I never got to speak with her in depth about her issues with you," she told the man. And it was true, she only knew what most others on the team knew. Like her countenance, her voice was mildly pleasant.

"Speaking of the Guardian... I'm sure that some may take issue with your taking such power. Those who know you better, or the other yous." Whether Primrose was one of those people was impossible to tell. She raised a hand casually as she spoke. "I'll judge for myself, though." This elicited a nod of acknowledgement from the Gerudo in return.

”She claimed I usurped the throne of her kingdom.” Ganondorf said offhandedly. ”She didn’t seem to be lying when she said it. And yet…” he paused in brief thought, ”...I have no memory of those actions. Perplexing, isn’t it?”

"Maybe so. If we weren't trapped in a cycle of life and death in a patchwork world..." Primrose pointed out. Of course if it was about Midna's kingdom back in their own world, that was a different story. Even then, the World of Light seemed to make a lot of things seem less perplexing in general.

At that point the pair's pace had slowed so they could talk.

"I wouldn't put it past you though," she told Ganondorf. "You've mentioned conquest before yourself, besides 'reclaiming' your own throne in Gerudo Town."

Once again any personal feelings she had didn't show through in her words. She was merely stating facts.

"Merely words so far, though." she said, turning a curious eye on the warlord.

”I will not deny that I have waged my share of war.” Ganondorf said in response. ”Her kingdom, from what I understood, was of the same world as my own homeland. Ergo.” Ganondorf said theorizing, ”I suspect we may have been brought here from different eras. She, from my future. And I, from her past. Messy business, that.”

Primrose hummed lightly. Messy indeed, but it made sense.

If nothing else, Ganondorf had always been straight forward with the Seekers just like he was now. Normally he plainly stated his contempt and intentions both. If the dancer had to guess, the man most likely considered himself above mere deception and powerful enough to handle any repercussions should they arise. And perhaps he was.

She chose her next words carefully, subtle in her study of the man's response. "Though I suppose you don't need to worry about it anymore."

Ganondorf exhaled a long breath before he spoke again. ”Perhaps not. But it does make me think harder on what that old goat in the Under told us before we departed…”

Primrose thought back to that conversation. Asgore had been the first person to really give them answers about how the world in its current state worked. Although it wasn't that information she thought Ganondorf meant.

"'The King of Evil, born to kill. To conquer, to destroy.'" Primrose quoted, her memory even more unfailing now after one of her more recent fusions. "Feeling remorse at the actions of your previous lives, or the future written in stone?"

”Remorse is a strong word.” Ganondorf was quick to reply. ”A more accurate offering might be… perspective, I think. At the time I wrote the old king off completely. Yet here we are, aboard a vessel crewed by individuals born in Galeem’s world. And they’ve told us the same thing he did. So now I can no longer simply write Asgore off. But at least I have the unique opportunity to learn from the mistakes of my previous lives and ensure I do not repeat them.”

Primrose didn't respond immediately, letting the both of them sit with Ganondorf's thoughts. She found his choice of words interesting, and yet she again sensed no lies from the Gerudo. Was it the effect of his spirit fusions on his personality that made the man called the 'King of Evil' consider the heinous actions of his past lives 'mistakes'? And though built on the foundation of those previous Ganondorfs, was he even the same person now at all? Little did she know that the man had a very different definition for the word “mistake”.

The question went for all of the Seekers, even all of the world's inhabitants save for the few Lost Numbers. It had been brought up by others, and Primrose herself had thought of it fleetingly from time to time. However, like she'd told Ms. Fortune down in the depths of the earth, just because someone had changed it didn't stop them from being the same person. Besides, she didn't really believe that Ganondorf had changed so much that he was no longer the kind of person that would lead armies and take territory, violently if necessary. Not that that was really any of her concern in the first place. Her only real question was if they could continue to put their trust in Ganondorf while they did battle against those that ruled over this world.

And really, trust was a stronger word than remorse.

"I'm sure many would be happy if you see that you didn't," she began, raising her shoulders as if to shrug. "Though now that you're here, destoried and campaigning against Galeem, I doubt you would have much time to make those same mistakes regardless."

Not to mention with the time limit on their souls in place. Who knew how long the warlord had been chained in the Under before they'd found him?

After a moment Primrose continued. "As for myself... I find it a much more sure thing to deal with a villain who is forthright in his villainous ways rather than one who conceals and denies them."

Which was as much of a vote of confidence the man was going to get, whether he grew to regret his other lives' choices or not.
The Warlords Talk

Edelgard & Ganondorf
Word Count: 1,267
Exp: +3
Rapport: +3

During his experimentation in the training center, Ganondorf had made another rather unfortunate discovery about his new abilities. And after a short visit to Dr. Yu, he learned that the solution to this new “problem” was simply that he would have to eat more. A lot more depending on how bad his condition was going forward. Ganondorf carried not one plate, but three. Each one piled with a selection of meat and vegetables. Not because he was starving for food, but because he needed the biomass.

With a low grumble under his breath, the Gerudo took a seat at what appeared to be the least populated table in the mess hall. That table just so happened to be occupied by the Flame Emperor herself. Ganondorf offered a small nod of acknowledgement before he began to eat his food. But while he did this, he appeared to be observing his own body. Or more specifically, his armor which had suffered some damage throughout the battle in the Qliphoth despite the changes made by his recent fusion. And just as Dr. Yu had informed him, the damaged parts of the armor appeared to “regenerate” itself as he ate his food, as though there were some unseen hands performing repairs on it as he continued to consume his meal.

”Hmph.” He muttered, ”This is going to take some… getting used to.”

Edelgard, already about halfway through her meal, flicked her eyes to Ganondorf in acknowledgment when he sat down, but she did not say anything. It was only after she noticed movement inconsistent with a person eating in her peripheral vision that she truly paid him any mind, and the sight of his armor regenerating itself finally caught her attention. ”Self-repairing armor? Given its chitin-like appearance, I take it that this is a result of your fusion with the Guardian?”

”Unfortunately, yes.” Ganondorf answered with a brief chuckle. ”According to Dr. Yu, the armor isn’t really repairing itself. Something to do with it obeying my will, from what she described.” Ganondorf clarified, ”And I can only do this by consuming- what was the word she used? Bio…mass? Food, in other words. And large amounts of it depending how much damage there is. And that’s not even the worst part.” He paused briefly to consume another big bite of food.

”She also told me that the spirit made me immune to most healing powers. If I want to recover then from now on it will have to be by my own power or by eating food. Which means recovering from future battles is going to be… challenging, to say the least.”

Edelgard hummed, mildly disturbed by the implications of what Ganondorf had just said. ”I…see. I will admit, such a dramatic limitation has made me even warier of using these ‘Spirits’ than I was previously. I haven’t always found the greatest rewards from their destruction, but my fighting style already possesses its own limitations that I use magic to counter-balance. To even further limit those options…it would need to be something so greatly accustomed to my own abilities that it would only hamper the areas I am already deficient in, loathe as I may be to admit to weakness.”

Ganondorf offered a low chuckle of agreement. ”Aren’t we all?” He asked. ”Despite how some of us present ourselves in front of others. In the end, we’re all merely mortals. With all the flaws and weaknesses that come with it.” After a pause to eat a bit more of his food, he added, ”But I wouldn’t worry myself too much about the setbacks of using spirits. From what I have observed, it seems the Guardian spirits specifically are the ones that grant the most power with the most drawbacks. Other spirits I have used have not offered nearly such crippling costs to use them.”

Edelgard nodded along to Ganondorf’s proclamation that they were all mortal, though her mind turned to Rhea and Palutena in turn. Was her former master in Skyworld of the same ilk that the Archbishop of Fodlan had been? Pit was as utterly devoted to her as the Knights of Seiros were to the draconic monster, so she did not for a moment truly trust the angelic captain’s measure of her. But their world was so obviously different from her own, so could she judge them by the same lens she judged Rhea and her followers? She pulled herself from her thoughts, replying to Ganondorf’s final thoughts.

”I suppose that is some small relief to hear. Though it has done little to disabuse me of my previous notions. If the severity of the drawback is relative to the strength of the power granted, it would do one well to remain extremely cautious about what they use on themself, unlike that monstrous Geralt fellow. His skill with his many weapons is without doubt, but even his eyes are no longer human.” She lowered her voice to deliver her judgmental words, ignorant of how she was both right and very, very wrong.

”Ah, but that is where the challenge truly lies.” Ganondorf said in response, ”Guardian spirits are unique, in that they must be consumed. Lest the Guardian be reborn and must be defeated all over again.” He said, having moved on to his third plate of food by now. ”So unfortunately for us, that means someone must always use the Guardian spirits in some way in order for the Guardian’s defeat to be final.”

Edelgard nodded slowly at the explanation, humming thoughtfully. ”So then the game becomes finding who has the best synergy with the Guardian’s Spirit, and who among those has the greatest willingness to suffer a drastic drawback. I see.” She took another bite of her food, chewing while she thought. Once she swallowed, she continued. ”Do you know who has the other Guardian spirits?”

”That would be Geralt, I believe.” Ganondorf answered flatly, though his lips had curled into a small and knowing smirk. ”Or rather, he has the lion's share of them, anyway. Sectonia possesses one, as do Susie and now I. Geralt, I believe, has the rest. If I’m not mistaken, that is.”

Edelgard sighed, rolling her eyes at Ganondorf’s smirk. ”Yes, I do believe I deserved that.” She conceded. ”That sounds…almost unbelievable, to be honest. That much power in one man? If he were to die…one Guardian spirit an enemy could take would be terrible, but that many? If my count is correct, that would be four spirits in one man. Four Guardians potentially relinquished to whomever kills him. No matter how powerful he is, that feels the height of irresponsibility.”

”Perhaps that is a question best saved for the man himself?” Ganondorf suggested as he began to wind down on his third and final plate of food. ”There may be some explanation for it all that we aren’t aware of. Otherwise, I am inclined to agree with you.”

Edelgard nodded, returning to finish her own food. While she hadn’t been in much of a mood to converse, Ganondorf’s presence and strange transformation courtesy of the Guardian spirit had been a good distraction. ”Well, it would seem we are both nearly finished here. I must thank you for an enlightening, if brief, conversation.”

”The pleasure was mine, Your Highness.” Ganondorf responded with a nod. He rose from his seat so that he could take away his now empty plates. He also gave himself one more cursory examination to ensure his armor had regenerated as it was supposed to. Then with another nod of acknowledgement, he moved to take his leave of the Flame Empress’ company.

Word Count: 1,051
Level 9 Roxas: 89/90
Exp Gained: +2
NEW EXP Balance--- 91/90

The Final Hollow - Aftermath

Roxas watched for a moment while the Guardian finally fell. But his attention was then shifted to focus on D. His MP was back, so he could maybe try to take the fight back to the vampiric Consul. But then D just… left. He gave a short speech about how they’d meet again before retreating from the Qliphoth. The Seekers won. And yet, it didn’t feel like much of a win. Between those they almost lost, and the ones they actually did lose? The victory was hollow, at best.

”Goldlewis… Midna…” The Nobody whispered to himself. This wasn’t the first time he had to watch friends be taken. But that didn’t make it any less painful by a longshot.

Roxas was quick to offer his Curaga to as many as he could who needed it. And that included himself. Other than that, he didn’t want to stay in this Hollow any longer than he had to. And so when the Fultons were finally offered, Roxas was quick to take one for himself. He - and everyone else he suspected - were going to need time to rest and process all of this.

The Avenger

When he came to, Roxas looked around the hangar briefly. No one was really celebrating. And that was no surprise. Most seemed to be interested in getting some food in their systems. And Roxas could probably stand to do the same. But not yet.

He had his own thing to do first.

After a quick shared glance with Zenkichi and Sandalphon, Roxas walked toward the lift that would take him up to where the personal quarters all were. He looked for the room that Zenkichi told him to find, and once he had found it? Roxas approached the door and gently knocked on it. ”Akane, are you there? It’s Roxas.” Before anyone even answered, The Nobody could already hear Scamp inside giving his usual excited ‘bow-wark’. That finally got Roxas to smile again.

“Oh! Right! It’s open, come on in!” called a girl’s voice from inside - Akane’s.

After the door opened, Roxas couldn’t even walk two steps inside without getting pounced on by Scamp, who was barking and licking his face excitedly. ”Ah, hey! I missed you, too, buddy!” Roxas exclaimed in between laughs and attempts to wrestle the Yamper off of him. But Scamp wasn’t alone. Titan was nearby, though not as energetic - it still looked happy to see its Trainer. ”Hey, Titan!” Roxas greeted, bumping his fist with the Golett’s. Then he looked at Akane. ”I hope these guys behaved themselves and didn’t give you too much trouble?”

Akane laughed with a shrug, “Oh, they were fine. Titan mostly just chilled, and Scamp spent a lot of the time playing with Maru.” She said, “Roxas, you said? You… you’re the one who got Galeem out of my head, aren’t you?”

Roxas blinked, ”I am?” He asked before recalling a second later, ”Oh, that was me, wasn’t it?”

“Duh.” Akane said in a teasing tone, “My dad held onto me while you did that thing with your weapon.”

”Heh, sorry.” Roxas said, rubbing the back of his neck. ”Feels like forever ago, so I must have forgotten temporarily. Hope that process wasn’t too unpleasant for you.”

“Nah, I’m over it.” Akane said, then her eyes sparkled a bit when she spotted the silvery jackal mask hanging off of Roxas’ hip, “Omigosh, that mask! Are you one of the Phantom Thieves? They’re so cool!”

”What?” Roxas asked, surprised. ”N-No, I’m not-”

“Whaddya mean, ‘you’re not’?” Akane demanded, “You’ve got a mask like they do. You’re the same age. You’ve got a cool weapon and abilities. Are you sure you’re not one of them?”

”I’m positive.” Roxas said in an apologetic, ”Sorry to disappoint you.”

Akane puffed her cheeks out in frustration, “Aw, man, and I thought I finally got to meet one of them!” she huffed, but calmed down a bit a moment later. “Still, even if you’re not a Phantom Thief, you’re pretty similar, you know. Hey, maybe they’d let you join them!”

”I kinda doubt that.” Roxas said with a chuckle, ”Say, what happened to Shocker? I don’t see him around.”

“Oh, you mean your ghost pet?” Akane asked, “He should be here somewhere.”

”Come on, Shocker, stop hiding now. I’m back!” Roxas called out. This got the playful ghost Pokemon to come out of hiding. But he didn’t look the same. No longer did Shocker look like a floating desk fan. Now he looked like a floating mini-fridge with a light purple aura. ”Huh? What happened?”

“Oh, right, I forgot to tell you-” Akane said sheepishly, “We were getting a snack earlier when Shocker decided he wanted to play a little hide-and-seek and… he turned into this after he hid inside the refrigerator.”

”In other words, he possessed a different appliance and it changed his form.” Roxas said with a nod of understanding, ”He can change forms and abilities based on what appliance he possesses. So I guess hiding in that refrigerator changed him into this form.”

“You gonna try and get him to change back?” Akane asked curiously.

”Nah.” Roxas said, ”I’m curious to see what this form can do.”

“By the way…” Akane said, “...did… my dad make it back?”

”Yeah, don’t worry about that.” Roxas assured her, ”I think I saw him heading somewhere to get food or a drink. He’ll be back up soon, I bet.” Roxas exhaled and looked away for a moment.

“Did… something happen down there?”

”Well…” Roxas started to explain, but stopped himself. ”It’s probably better to let your dad be the one to tell you.” He said vaguely. ”Um, thanks for looking after my Pokemon for me, Akane. Maybe we could… hang out properly some time?”

“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Akane said, though she noted the dodgy nature of his earlier answer. “Your Pokemon make good company for Maru.”

”Yeah,” Roxas said, ”they do, don’t they? I’ll see you around then.” He offered a short wave before leaving with his Pokemon in tow.

“See you around, Roxas!” He heard Akane call after him as he made way elsewhere on the Avenger.

Word Count: 1,076
Level 7 Ganondorf: 44/70
Exp Gained: +2
NEW EXP Balance--- 46/70

The Final Hollow - Aftermath

Ganondorf’s breath was ragged and uneven. Even with the full healing he got earlier from Sandalphon’s Angelic Wings and the continued healing he received from Blazermate, Gravemind’s spores and poison attacks had still clearly worn the warlord down. Still, he wasn’t ready to declare victory yet. Not until he confirmed that the Consuls had shared the Guardian’s fate. And from what he could tell, it looked like at least two of them did. D, on the other hand, fled with his tail between his legs.

”Hmph, coward.” Ganondorf muttered to himself. In virtually any other circumstance, he would be advocating for the pursuit of D to finish him before he could recover. But unfortunately the Seekers were in no shape to do such a thing. Not even himself, much to his own chagrin. Moments later, Ganondorf looked down and saw Grimm, the troupe master, offering him the spirit of Gravemind.

”Very well.” Ganondorf agreed. From what he’d learned, Guardian spirits had to be absorbed, otherwise the Guardian itself would simply revive. And there was no way Ganondorf was going to put himself through fighting that monstrosity again. And so he took a breath and pressed the Gravemind into himself to consume it.

The first immediately noticeable change was his size. Ganondorf was bulkier than before. Not necessarily taller, but certainly more muscular. The second most noticeable change was the more sickly green tinge his skin took in color. Well, that and the four tentacles that could now grow out of his back and be used for attacks and possibly as extra limbs in general. That was certainly going to take some getting used to. Ganondorf also felt… eerily calmer than before. But also a whole lot more cold and calculating as well. ”So… this is the power… of a Guardian’s spirit.” He postulated, rolling his shoulders and trying to get himself accustomed with the physical changes.

It came with more powers, too, he knew that. But those would have to be tested later. For now, getting out of this goddesses-forsaken tree was the first priority. To that end, he accepted a Fulton from Sandalphon and prepared to make the ascent back up to the ship.

The Avenger

It was only after he came to, in the Avenger’s hangar, that Ganondorf was able to actually see how much damage that battle had inflicted on the Seekers as a whole. He hadn’t noticed mid-battle how many were gravely injured or outright lost during the engagement. Now he could see it clearly. Unacceptable. Not exactly due to any empathy in the Warlord’s heart, but because he knew that Moebius would only escalate their efforts further. And if this was the result of the current escalation? Then the Seekers - yes, including him - needed to be more prepared than ever.

”Curse you, Moebius.” The Gerudo muttered under his breath, saying nothing more.

And while everyone else filed away to eat or rest, Ganondorf made his way to the Training Center. He wasn’t ready to rest yet until he properly experimented with The Gravemind’s powers. He wasn’t about to be foolish enough to blindly charge into another battle without actually testing them first.

The Training Center was the same as it always was. There was a small ring for sparring, a range for testing shooting weapons, weights for lifting, basically everything. Ganondorf decided to use the target dummies in the firing range to test his newly acquired back-protrusions. After getting a bit closer, he grew them longer and was able to make them lash out at the dummy. It was similar to the scythe attacks that The Gravemind pieces attacked with during the battle against it.

After some more time experimenting, Ganondorf discovered that pieces of him - even when severed - could still move and be controlled independently. In some ways it reminded him of Nadia. But unlike Nadia, Ganondorf’s separated pieces could apparently infect other lifeforms or biomasses and convert them into Infected Forms that he could then command. Well, that was one way to grow an army, albeit not a very pleasant method for whomever was being “recruited”.

And he could sense something else that had been following him ever since he consumed The Gravemind’s spirit - Brother Moon. That ominous moon-like object that hovered over the previous battle and could have threatened to end more lives had the battle not been won sooner. It was… following him now. He wasn’t sure what fully meant, but Ganondorf did know that he now had the power to call on it just as The Gravemind tried to do in the Qliphoth. Certainly a tactic to consider the next time they engaged with Moebius’ forces.

Ganondorf took a breath, fatigue and even hunger were now beginning to catch up to him. He needed a meal, and rest. So he ended his experimenting for the time being and left the Training Center. His next destination would be the mess hall.

Word Count: 907
Level 7 Ganondorf: 41/70
Level 9 Roxas: 85/90
Level 5 Captain Falcon: 15/50
Exp Gained: 2 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 44/70, 89/90, 19/50

Final Hollow ~ The Dead Zone

D wasn’t done yet. That much was clear. Captain Falcon had a moment of brief celebration, but Roxas didn’t. Unlike the Captain, he’d seen what it looked like when Consuls were actually defeated. And since D wasn’t dissolving or disappearing? It meant he was still able to keep going. And then, as if to prove the Keybearer right, D rose and took off into the air. And after that, all Hell broke loose.

As soon as the Consul flew up, Roxas instinctively conjured a roof of virtual cubes to shield himself from the projectiles he knew were incoming. The cubes wouldn’t hold for long, but they would shelter him and nearby Seekers long enough for Roxas to renew all their Tailwind buffs, including his own. But after that? Even the notion of actually reaching D became a puzzle in and of itself. Falcon tried summoning his Striker Bianca to fire an elemental arrow at the Vampire, but a conjured storm of bats prevented the shot from getting through. And Roxas had no such luck of his with the RockGun, the shots eliciting the same result as the bounty hunter’s striker.

Between that and all the movement to dodge the hailstorm of projectiles D was sending down? There really didn’t seem to be a chance for them. Roxas could use his StepSword to teleport to D for a strike, but would that even succeed? Or would he just get caught by D’s scythe or wings and then sent hurtling down for a painful crash into the ground. But soon it became apparent that D was not their only problem.

Nearby, Ganon’s onslaught against Gravemind actually caused the Guardian to break apart into more individual pieces. And while the transformed Warlord was continuing his assault on as many of those pieces as he could keep within reach, some of them still managed to scatter to other parts of the battlefield. One of them was flying up toward the moon object, and Blazermate was the only one able to pursue it. Two stray pieces also wandered closer to the fight against D.

”Great! That’s all we needed!” Falcon exclaimed as he dodge rolled away from being struck by a pillar of light. Reluctantly he shifted his focus and engaged one of the stray pieces of Gravemind. At least this was something his attacks could actually reach. ”Ryuugeki Ken!” The bounty hunter scrambled as he slammed a close range blast of fiery chi against the Gravemind piece before following that with a blur of kicks. ”Gen’ei Kyaku!”

Nearby, Roxas had also reluctantly shifted his gears. He used the StepSword and vanished just before a sickle from D could slice him and then reappeared to strike the other stray Gravemind piece from behind with his ignited energy blade. ”This is getting on my last nerves!” The Nobody admitted as he began to hack and slash at the piece with his Keyblades. He was still out of MP so he couldn’t even use any of his spells or other techniques right now. But when he saw that Falcon had his target stunned and was charging up a punch, Roxas thought fast and hooked the Gravemind piece with his Keyblades and managed to fling it into the other one just in time.

”Falcon PUNCH!”

Cap’s fiery fist exploded into the Gravemind piece, managing to catch them both and finish them off at the same time. ”Well that’s that solved. But what are we supposed to do about D?”

Meanwhile, Ganon was still hacking away at the remaining larger pieces of Gravemind. He wanted to stop the one that flew upward but it was currently out of reach. He had no choice but to rely on Blazermate to find a way to force it back down. As for himself, he kept the large pieces at bay and even managed to destroy one with a charged Lightning Strike from his weapons. The power granted by Heat Riser was certainly doing its job. But the warlord knew his time as Ganon was running dangerously short. He had to end these pieces and the Guardian before he reverted or finishing this battle off would become a lot more difficult.

Ganon rammed his massive swords into one of the remaining pieces, impaling it completely. Then with a snarl and a roar he hefted the impaled piece up and over himself before crashing it back down onto the third Gravemind piece he was engaged with. It was at this time that Ganon saw the results of Blazermate’s efforts. Somehow she’d forced the flying piece of Gravemind into rocketing back downward. And with only seconds remaining on the clock, Ganon made his move.

With a deep breath, the warlord spat out what would be his final Dark Breath. The beam of dark power spewed from his mouth and lanced forward toward the downed pieces before he swept it upward in order to strike the aerial piece as well. But as the Dark Breath’s attack came to its end, so too did Ganon’s transformation. His body and strength waned as he gradually began reverting to his original Gerudo form. Now considerably more exhausted after all the exertion he had been putting himself through to fight in his transformed state.

Word Count: 717
Level 7 Ganondorf: 39/70
Exp Gained: +1 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 41/70

Vs Gravemind - Ganon’s Fury

What… what was this? Just as he was unleashing fury upon Gravemind, Ganon found himself unable to move - even when he tried to force himself. He was overcome with something, nausea? Sickness? Was that simply the poison he’d been subjected to while attacking Gravemind. No, there was more to it than that. What was this feeling? It couldn’t… No it couldn’t be… fear? Was he, the mighty Ganon, actually feeling dread and terror? Why? It wasn’t possible! He was the King of Evil! He had no fear! His mind was filled with a mix of confusion and rage. In his current state, Ganon could not recall his earlier actions as Ganondorf, and the severe stress damage he had taken from Consul A. Ganon’s body trembled - a combination of his confusion, sickness, and fury. And all the while, his marked enemy was not resting idly. The scythe wound Gravemind’s severed head inflicted still bled and the other severed head of the Gravemind was releasing spore grenades from the stump. And as tough as he was, the Demon King had already been severely damaged before taking on this transformation. Was he truly about to be felled by this… vermin?

Not so. The archangel Sandalphon appeared before the severely damaged Ganon and cast her miracle. The Angelic Wings washed over the Demon King’s battered and sickened body, healing him completely alongside other Seekers who were within its range. But more importantly, it healed Ganon of the stress damage he had suffered from as well. And finally, he was able to think more clearly and remember how it was he got to this current state as well as Sandalphon’s earlier counsel about looking for a glowing spot to destroy the heads. And then? He fixed his furious gaze once again on his chosen quarry - the Gravemind.

Ganon let loose another furious roar as he brandished his massive swords in a short series of sweeping swings at Gravemind’s severed head. After about four or five swings, the Demon King spewed forth another Dark Breath beam, unwilling to accept anything less than the Guardian’s total destruction. And his attacks were certainly doing their job. Oddly enough, the monstrous Ganon could feel something healing him almost constantly, even as Gravemind’s head was swinging its scythe and continuing to bombard him with spore grenades. It took him a moment to realize where that healing was coming from - Blazermate, focusing her medi-beam on him. This became clear when Ganon heard her voice telling him to tell her which buff he needed and when. To which he only had one reply right now, ”Power! Let me destroy him faster!”

This prompted Blazermate to use her Kritzkrieg on him, which resulted in his attacks now dealing triple damage to Gravemind.

As for Gravemind’s head? It continued wildly swinging its scythe and spewing spores. "WHOLE OR IN PIECES, I AM THE SAME! I AM YOUR END!" And unfortunately, Blazermate’s healing beam couldn’t keep up with mitigating all the damage done to Ganon’s body. There was also the issue of the ticking clock. His transformation’s duration was roughly half over by now, and if he didn’t manage to kill this thing before then? Well, he just wouldn’t let that happen. Which is why it was such fortuitous timing that another Seeker chose this moment to cast a spell of their own on him.

Ganon had no grasp on what Personas were or what Heat Riser actually was. But he did understand the unbridled boost of power it gave him. Suddenly his attacks were faster, stronger, his body much more hardy. And as far he was concerned? That may well have been the death sentence for this Guardian. Ganon renewed his assault on Gravemind, his swords swinging more quickly as if he were his normal size again. After another flurry of five or six slashes, Ganon charged up on a large sphere of dark lightning in his blades that he then hurled at the Guardian. Not one to let up, Ganon followed that up with another Dark Breath beam as well.

”AND I AM POWER PERSONIFIED!” Ganon retorted against Gravemind, ”THE ONLY END THAT IS COMING... IS YOURS!”
The Final Hollow - Vs Consul D

Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (167/140), Geralt, Roxas, Captain Falcon, Therion, Pit
Word Count: 3,935 (+4 Exp (x2))

It hit him all at once. Just like Goldlewis, Ganondorf, and Therion - Captain Falcon was doubled over and overwhelmed with sensations of nausea and sickness. The same Captain who for most everything could keep a straight face and roll with the punches, now looked like he was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack with how much his heart was racing and beating inside of his chest. All of this because of the attacks he suffered at the hands of Moebius A. And losing Midna out of nowhere certainly didn’t help matters, either. He wanted to move a muscle. To get back on his feet and keep fighting. But they just wouldn’t move. He was locked, frozen firmly in place as dread and panic threatened to overwhelm him.

Therion wasn't in a much better place. His body rebelled against him as pure stress took over. His knees buckled, his hands shook, his vision swam, his head pounded and his heart thundered against his ribs. His fur stood on end, puffed up to an extent that would be comical if the situation wasn't so dire. It was hard to tell if it was actually getting more difficult to breathe or if his brain was sending his body into further panic. He hadn't felt like this for a long, long time.

The thief didn't struggle against the stress. Rather, he tensed, inching backward and preparing to flee. If it had gone on any longer he would have deserted.

But just as quickly as it came? It was gone. Like a literal miracle from on high, Sandalphon appeared among the group. She spoke words of encouragement and cast one of her spells. The miracle healed them all completely, and that seemed to also include the stress that afflicted Therion and the Captain. They’d finally be able to get back on their feet and back into the fight, just as Moebius D had transformed and brandished his scythe once again.

Though not to the point of a meltdown like some of her allies, Nadia had been hit hard by what happened. Midna was gone, and not in the sense that Toni and Ace were gone, but gone gone. That, plus the sight of half her allies brought to her knees before yet another intimidating power-up from D, had been a potent enough combination to leave even her in a momentary stupor. How were they supposed to win against foes like these, who could snuff out lives like candles? In that moment of darkness among the Seekers, Sandalphon’s arrival was a godsend. Her miracle brought several allies back from the brink they’d been teetering on, and paved the way for a rally. Though she knew the pain of loss all too well, Nadia had been through worse. With someone to avenge, the Seekers would fight that much harder. “We can still do this! For Midna!”

Geralt, back in his normal form, was healed but mentally reeling. While the Seekers who had been carted away weren’t lost, their absence still made the group more vulnerable as a whole. But then Midna went and sacrificed herself. He didn’t understand. His eyes refocused on Moebius D, now in his ‘true’ form. A giant monster. How fitting. Rising to his full height, Geralt took a deep breath. His hand came up to draw the Sign of Quen, shielding him from the incoming rays of dark energy even as he ducked and weaved by instinct to avoid them. And then he screamed, anger and agony and hate and pain all radiating from his voice, as lightning did the same.

He rushed over to the Hateful Flesh, picking the severed cleaver off the ground and charging Moebius D, Monsoon and the Judicator called to join him. The former hurled barrages of sai, while the latter sent spectral fire at the vampire as Geralt’s weapon lashed out. “No hesitation!” He called out to the others. “Or we die here!” Energy thrummed through his veins, and though he didn’t quite know what it was, he knew it could help turn the tides of this battle.

When Geralt moved, so did D. He ground his scythe’s head in a clockwise arc across the ground in front of him, and the sparks that flew became a wall of flame that snuffed out the incoming projectiles. D then swung his scythe the opposite way, his huge reach allowing him to reach Geralt well before the Witcher could close the distance. Their heavy blades clashed with a tremendous, noisy impact that pushed Geralt back in a spray of sparks that quickly exploded like firecrackers. However, the clash dealt a surprising amount of knockback to D as well, and the vampire took an extra moment to recover. Flame smoldered in his wing-hands as he held them up, then began to toss meteors like fastballs, aimed at the incoming Seekers. He threw four, one apiece at Geralt, Falcon, and Roxas.

Roxas was quick enough after the timely healing from Sandalphon that he easily dodge-rolled out of the way of the meteor that came toward him, but he didn’t immediately go on the attack. Instead he went to work reapplying Tailwind buffs to everyone. And Captain Falcon simply stood his ground and smashed the one coming to him with his fist. ”Falcon… PUNCH!” He too was now back to being fighting fit thanks to Sandalphon’s intervention.

The fourth he held a moment as he spotted Nadia sprinting in from the side, surrounded in a watery aura. “I see you!” He hurled the meteor at her and scored a direct hit, vaporizing her on the spot in a burst of steam. Though alight for a split second with triumph, D’s eyes quickly narrowed. Steam? Then the cloud cleared to reveal the real Nadia farther back, just now dismissing her Oceanid striker while her towering Harbor Demon striker took form beside her, a head taller than D’s new form even on her knees. “Water you aiming at?” Nadia taunted as the crane atop the Harbor Demon’s ordnance platform hoisted her up. “You think you’re a big shot–but I’ve got some of my own!”

Her striker’s huge cannons opened fire, forcing D to shield himself with his wings as the shells detonated against him. After a second or so of high-artillery pounding, he vanished with a snarl, then reappeared right in front of the Harbor Demon. “Idiot girl! I know just how to deal with assists!” In one deft motion, he places his scythe around the Harbor Demon’s pale, slender neck. “Off with your head!” In one cruel twist, he parted the Abyssal’s head from her shoulders, and the next instant the same fate befell Nadia, as well.

Except the feral leaped from the disappearing crane into the air to catch her severed head in her hands. “I’m a-head of the curve!” Powered up by Fluffy Soft, she passed her cranium under her leg, then brought it down onto D’s in an overhead slam. “Geeeet DUNKED ON!”

The smack didn’t do all that much damage, but it did piss D off, enough to make him forget about the others. He lifted his wing-arms to swat Nadia like a fly, and managed to clap her between them before she could airdash away. Only her head escaped, falling toward the ground. Flames blossomed between D’s palms as he prepared to blow his captive to kingdom come.

Despite the earlier miracle, Therion had remained apprehensive - especially after losing an ally for real. With his BP recharging and a sneak attack not currently in the cards, he once more let the heavier hitters take their shots at D. His own hit and run was focused purely on wearing Moebius down with as many debuffs as he could stack. Tag - a quick tap during the exchange with Geralt with Shackle Foe, weakening D's attack strength. Tag - Armor Corrosive to reduce D's defense while he flung meteors. And tag - Therion reached out to tap D and slow him down with Abate as he trapped Ms. Fortune. As Therion moved he swiped Nadia's head from free fall to keep it out of the danger zone, intending to chuck it back at her body once it was freed. “Nice cat-ch!” she chirped with a smile despite her current predicament. Saving the rest of Nadia would have to fall to someone else.

One person that stepped up to the attempt was Pit. After Midna's sacrifice he was bordering on distraught. He and the Twilight Princess hadn't been close, but she was a friend all the same - and he could hardly just sit back and shoot in safety after losing her, especially when everyone else was putting themselves on the line. The new aspects of his personality demanded he take a pound of flesh in return, and he would have pivoted to battling A if that same feeling hadn't also driven a need to prevent another loss.

Pit darted inside of the scythe's range, trading his bow for the Breaking Palm. Up until now he'd only used Lightstrike to imbue his arrows with elemental light. It just made sense doing it that way. Now he pushed the light through the glowing tattoos that circled his arm, changing their color from shifting rainbow to the warm gold of pure light.

"Let her go!" he said, brandishing his open hand at D and letting the light loose. At close range the power would be amplified, the barrages of light like unending shotgun blasts that would continue to crash against Moebius for as long as he committed to trying to destroy the feral.

With his normal arms still wielding his scythe, D was more ready for a pivot than it might seem, but Pit was fast even by his standards. Closing the distance put the angel too close for D to wield his enormous polearm, forcing him to lash out with the butt of his scythe’s shaft. Pit offered something much stronger: a point-blank fusillade of holy light, weaponized into withering firepower. “GAH!” he roared, recoiling. He retreated to try and catch Pit on the inner blade of his scythe, but his attacker stayed dangerously close. Snarling, D changed tactics, pulling Nadia’s body apart into burning halves that he chucked down at Pit.

“Owwwwwwwww!” Nadia’s head squirmed. “Hurts like a bitch!”

It definitely looked like it did, but Therion replied with a quick, "just be glad it's not worse."

He circled back around to the other two pieces of Nadia. Pit had been caught off guard by the unorthodox attack, bowled over by the halves of her body. He scrambled out from under them so he could stand to fend off whatever D might have in store next until Nadia could pull herself back together, his Orbitars making an appearance as Therion tossed the feral's head towards the rest of her to complete the set.

Thankfully, Pit wasn’t forced to fend off the Moebius alone. Geralt took the opening to rush in, opening with a Demon Fang followed by a pair of swings of the Hateful Flesh. After taking the Demon Fang to his leg, D brought around his left wing-arm to block the follow-up slashes, then stepped forward with an upward slash to launch him. Stepping back and aside, Geralt quickly drew the Sign of Igni to try and drop D’s defenses before lashing out with another slice, horizontal this time. That energy was still bubbling beneath the surface, but he didn’t tap into it just yet. Not concerned with the Witcher’s flames, D snorted and lashed out with a heavy kick which forced Geralt back a few feet.

Charging in at D while he was wielding that big scythe of his was not a good idea. But unfortunately, Captain Falcon had nothing in the way of weapons. So taking D on in close quarters was literally his only option. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t bide his time for what looked like a solid opening. And watched the exchange between D and Geralt, hoping the Witcher might give the Captain a window he could use to get a good shot in. And when he saw their weapons clash in a brief deadlock? It was a small window, but Cap decided he needed to take his shot. With the Tailwind from Roxas pushing him forward, Captain circled around to try and flank D. And hoped that this would work out better than it did last time. But instead of a Falcon Punch, Cap wreathed his arm in flames and dived at Moebius D with a ”Raptor Boost!” That he then tried to follow up with a blinding barrage of kicks in the form of a ”Gen’ei Kyaku!”

At about the same time, Nadia finally pulled herself together. After sticking her halves back together at the midriff, she plopped her severed head back down on her shoulders and turned it both ways as if to tighten it. “This thing screwed on right?” She pulled out her Ripened Heart only to remember that it had been used up already, and put it away with a groan. Nadia watched as the Captain unleashed a flurry of fiery strikes. If she’d been able she would have joined in already to keep D’s attention off Falcon, but with Roxas applying buffs, Geralt pushed back, and Therion lurking, it was just him against the Consul. With a click of her tongue Nadia rushed in, but she was too late.

After blocking most of Falcon’s assault, D grabbed Falcon with his left wing-arm in the recovery of Gen’ei Kyaku, then tossed him into the air so that he could spike him back down with an overhead scythe swing. A harsh cracking noise rang out as Falcon got slammed into the ground–hopefully that was the Qliphoth bark beneath him and not his bones. D immediately rounded on Nadia, who slid to a stop while crouch-blocking. Her flinch earned her a smirk, which instantly rubbed the feral the wrong way. “Together!” she hissed. “Gotta hit him together!”

“You may try!” D stood his ground as both Nadia and Roxas pushed in at two and ten o’ clock. Both went low beneath a horizontal scythe swing, then attacked in rapid succession, Nadia with her claws and Roxas with Oblivion and Oathkeeper. D was obliged to bring both wing-arms up across his body, fingers splayed to form a defensive cage around his head. His scythe vanished as he charged up Demonic Megiddo in both his actual hands, and after a moment he slammed the sorcerous orbs together to create a large blast. Luckily both Seekers cottoned on in time and fell back using their natural agility.

Amidst the explosion D teleported a hundred feet away, his arms spread wide as dark magic circles manifested. “Vermin, heed me!” The next moment he unleashed an enormous pillar of giant bats, packed tight into one fanged, serpentine mass that curved and cut through the air, the red light of their countless eyes streaming behind them in a dark procession that Roxas might find familiar. Nadia, who used Charge to try and close the distance while D cast his spell, took a direct hit from the batstream and went flying, freshly bruised and bleeding. Nevertheless, the feral landed on her feet, then wiped blood from her lip with the back of her hand as she scrutinized D’s latest atrocity. “Guess it’s time to bat-ten down the hatches.” The batstream descended for another strafing run, tearing up the ground as it bore down on the Seekers, and Nadia dove out of the way with a handspring afterward for good measure.

Geralt charged in after Nadia, Quen shimmering around his body, dodging with a dive similar to the feral’s. Quickly pushing himself to his feet, he rushed for the Consul with his enhanced speed, each stride carrying him further than would be expected from his size. The Hateful Flesh was still in hand, and his pupils were narrow slits as he approached D, but he did not close the distance, instead grabbing and tossing a Dimeritium bomb to try and prevent D from using any more magic until the others approached. And one of those others was Roxas, who had barely managed to stop himself from being caught up in the batstream by generating a last-second wall of virtual cubes that shielded him long enough to put some distance between himself and D. Except now, he noticed his MP had finally returned. And with Geralt nearby and Moebius D still giving them trouble, he decided he’d better use it now while he could.

”Let’s show ‘em why he’s our prey!” Said Roxas with a glance toward Geralt before he then shouted, ”Light!” Roxas shared his Light with the Witcher to channel a Holy Lance spell, conjuring five lances of holy light around D as well as a sixth lance directly above him. The five lances began crashing into the Consul in rapid succession before Roxas used his StepSword to teleport to where the sixth lance hovered. He aimed his Keyblade and fired a beam of light into the shaft of the lance as it made its descent, causing it to not only strike with its usual tremendous force, but in a way that also generated a shockwave of holy light upon impact as well.

The sensation of Roxas’s light was…strange, but he could feel the power enhance his spell significantly. As soon as the final lance dropped, he rushed forward, leaping in to take advantage of the situation and landing with an overhead swing of his cleaver.

Though he prepared to launch a counterattack when Roxas and Geralt made their move, D did not anticipate the form their team-up would take–nor the intensity of their combined power. Incorporating his elemental weakness, each lustrous lance left him reeling for a moment longer than it would have otherwise, meaning he couldn’t put up an adequate defense. The final luminous ray pierced the vampire’s body in a dazzling display of synergy, and as the holy shockwave spread around him he sank to one knee, only kept upright by the shaft of the scythe he recalled to his hand. D was hardly beaten, though, and the moment of weakness he presented to Geralt was as much a trap as it was an opportunity.

With a sudden snarl, D reached out, his arm lunging like a serpent. Geralt’s cleaver sliced to the bone, but the enraged Consul’s grip still closed around his neck. When his talons pierced the skin, blood began to drain from the Witcher’s body, but not for long.

Even with D’s wing-arms in play, his lowered posture meant that the team's rogues had a clear shot at his back. After circling around, Nadia slid to a stop next to Therion, who was naturally in position already. “Let’s cut to the chase,” she grinned, leaning forward with her legs tensed beneath her.

Catching her drift, Therion nodded once and swapped out his weapons quickly. With nary a moment to lose before their opening was gone, they prepared to move. "Let's go."

The two launched forward swiftly even by this team’s standards, Nadia with her twin Athame daggers, and Therion with his Last Laugh sickles. Little more than blurs of blue and purple streaked by white, they slashed again and again and again, targeting joints and gaps in the Moebius armor. An unhealthy dose of Armor Corrosive plus Fluffy Soft and Athame’s Dagger Seven shredded D’s physical defense, and after a moment, the flurry ended with the feral sinking both blades beneath the shoulderblades of D’s wing-arms – or rather, it was only the feral’s upper half. “‘Rear’ its ugly head!” she called gleefully upward.

Overhead, Therion had springboarded off of D and leaped into the air. Thanks to a lucky proc of Excitatory Gland, he had enough BP to enhance his arm power, both to lift Nadia’s lower half up and powerbomb it down toward D as a living projectile, further enhanced by Silver Bolt, Precision, and his Basilisk Boots. For once he begrudgingly indulged Nadia, saying hollowly. “...Butt out!”

Clad in a white-silver glow Nadia’s bottom half crashed down on D’s noggin from above, delivering a butt slam and a Mantread all stomp at once in a tremendous impact. “Thick-ass Thieves!” Nadia sang, calling out the tag-team’s name. When Therion landed safely on the ground a moment later his tail twitched at the feral's inflection. "Why do you have to say it like that...?!"

D roared as Geralt and his scythe flew from his grasp. The two team-ups left Roxas, Geralt, Therion, and Nadia winded enough that they had to relent when D’s batstream circled around to whirl around him in a black cyclone, but if D expected a moment of respite, it would only be because he counted Pit and Falcon out too early. The latter, despite the heavy hit he took from D’s scythe earlier, managed to recover enough to get back into the fight. Those cracks earlier had indeed been the Qliphoth’s bark, it seemed. After using his shield technique to protect himself from the batstream, the bounty hunter apparently decided it was time to stop pulling his punches.

Between this fight and his earlier exchanges with A’s doppelgangers, the Captain had built up a couple of Power Gauge stocks he could now use. He spent one, not only triggering his Vesicle boon restoring some of the damage he suffered, but also making his body flash blue for a split second before he lunged for the now-disarmed Consul. ”Shift into high gear!” He exclaimed as his fist collided with D, leading into a high-speed flurry of punches and kicks that culminated in a spiraling uppercut that launched D straight upwards, ”Ryuuko Ranbu!” And just for good measure, Cap spent his remaining Power Gauge stock to leap up in pursuit and juggle the Consul further upward with a trio of backward somersault kicks, ”Kuzuryusen!”

Pit initially had the same idea, piercing the dark whirlwind with his Orbitars. Being a beat behind the bounty hunter meant the man's combo was already well underway, but it didn't stop Pit from diving in to help out. He followed D and Falcon up, bouncing off of the wall of bats and beating his wings to take him higher. His Orbitars disappeared, replaced by his bow as he shot arrows at Moebius that added insult to injury until he could catch up.

"I got him, Cap!" Pit called once Captain Falcon had reached the apex of his height with D. In one more push Pit was above the both of them, his wings spread out wide. The air wasn't truly his domain despite how much he wanted it to be, but thanks to the mysterious boons they'd received in the Qliphoth he was still about to get a huge damage boost from his Mid-Air Strike and Arrow Shades Bow. It wasn't his actual bow that he had in his hand anymore though - the Upperdash Arm encased his limb, the red-blue head spinning so viciously that the weapon trembled, and its colors blurred into glowing golden light. "It's game over for you!"

Pit brought the Arm down hard, cracking against D's head. The weighty blow ended the Captain’s combo with a bang and sent the Moebius vampire flying. He smashed clean through the batstream behind him and tumbled back down to the ground with a loud crash, still trailing cinders. With its summoner’s focus broken the batstream soon dissipated, and for a moment as the five weary Seekers regrouped, the transformed Consul did not rise.

Word Count: 613
Level 7 Ganondorf: 37/70
Exp Gained: +1 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 39/70

The Final Hollow - Vs Gravemind

Rage. Pure, unfiltered, seething rage. That was what boiled in Ganondorf’s blood after the heavy attack he took during the battle against Moebius A. And even he had begun to feel the stress inflicted on him by A’s attacks. And that? That was about to be Moebius’ gravest mistake. Stress did not make the King of the Gerudo afraid or anxious like it might for other warriors. No, it made him angry. Even more so than he was already. And an angry Ganondorf? Was a very dangerous thing.

He heard Sandalphon’s words and commands on the glyph over his ear. Normally the King of Evil would never suffer another being to give him commands. But the archangel was not wrong in her assessments, nor was she incorrect in the suggestions she gave to the Seekers - Ganondorf included. The warlord pushed himself angrily to his feet as Captain Falcon limped himself away to join another battle. And then?


Ganondorf’s roar was booming, deafening, and filled to the brim with pure rage and hatred. How dare they? How DARE they manage to push him this hard? They would pay. They would ALL pay! Ganondorf’s heartbeat felt deafening in his ears as he felt a familiar burning sensation coming from his right hand.

The Triforce was glowing.

Not just glowing, but radiating - burning with power fueled by the Warlord’s rage and malice. And then? The mutations started. Ganondorf’s muscles began to grow and bulge. His red hair began to ignite into a fiery mane as a snout grew from his face and sharp tusks began to protrude from his mouth. Even his very swords began to change and grow in size with him. He became overflowing with dark magic and the raw power of the Triforce burned onto his hand. And before long? Ganondorf was no longer standing there.

Instead, Ganon towered in his place - and let loose an even more mighty and deafening roar of rage. And the first thing Ganon locked his searing evil eyes onto? The Guardian itself. The Gravemind. The other monster in the room that had taken a new Floodform while Ganondorf was transforming.

And then Ganon went on the attack. With massive swords brandished, the giant boar-monster that was Ganon charged through the battlefield straight toward the Gravemind. He gave no mind whatsoever to what or who he was crashing through. Whether it was one of the walls or fences conjured by O, or even D’s conjured blood rain. The Demon King simply didn’t seem to care. His sights were locked onto the Guardian, and there was nothing that would stop him from unleashing his fury. Even as Gravemind’s tentacles attacked Ganon on his approach, or its smaller creatures tried attacking, many with poison - Ganon still didn’t seem to care. Not because the attacks weren’t damaging him - they were. But Ganon was just so blindly enraged that he ignored all of that as he tunnel visioned into a bull charge against Gravemind. And also perhaps because Blazermate was also in the area and could focus her Healing Beam on him when needed.

And so the Seekers fighting the Gravemind would hear the thundering footsteps of Ganon’s charge and were surely agile enough to know it was coming and to get out of the way of it. And after his massive form crashed into the Guardian? Ganon wasted no time in opening his mouth and unleashing a powerful Dark Breath, spewing out a searing beam of dark energy right into the Gravemind’s body like a dragon’s breath attack.

Word Count: 287
Level 9 Roxas: 75/90
Exp Gained: 1 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 77/90

The Dead Zone

Consul D’s Dominus Hatred was something Roxas didn’t see coming. He wasn’t expecting the vampire lord’s green ray to come raining back down on everyone. He was fast enough to dodge the first ray while under Tailwind, but the buff wore off right in time for the second one of the green blasts to catch him. After that, D summoned an oversized scythe that he hefted on his shoulder. ”I’m guessing that’s not a good sign.” Roxas muttered, having brief flashbacks of a certain scythe-wielding member of Organization XIII. While he wasn’t sure if D’s powers were anything like theirs, usually scythes were a pretty good indication of attacks or spells that could inflict instant death. Plus the two wolves that now flanked him were certainly not helping matters either and would keep Roxas from launching a StepSword slash.

But the Nobody couldn’t let himself get deterred now. He joined in on the attempts to jump Consul D. Not much was accomplished apart from Geralt getting thrown into the boiling blood while Roxas himself only managed to clash with the scythe a few times before it caught him and sent him sprawling back to the floor again. Roxas was about to use a Curaga on Geralt when the Witcher instead downed a healing item of his own that got him back onto his feet. ”Man, this guy isn’t messing around.” He muttered.

And then, he heard Sandalphon over his own glyph telling him and the other Seekers what D’s weakness was.

”Oh yeah, definitely our prey!” Roxas agreed with Geralt, brandishing his Keyblades with renewed vigor. ”He can boast all he wants about this being his dominion. But light can shine through even the tiniest of cracks!”

Word Count: 755
Level 9 Roxas: 71/90
Exp Gained: 2 (x2)
NEW EXP Balance--- 75/90

The Dead Zone

In the time it took for Roxas to shake off being thrown through the blood rain, a litany of crazy things happened around him. Nadia was seemingly taken under D’s control and began fighting against Juri. And while that was going on a big zombie hippo of all things came crashing into the scene from some other part of the chaotic battle only for D to become mist and the improvised projectile phased right through him. ”You’ve gotta be kidding me.” The Nobody muttered to himself as he tightened his grip on his Keyblades. He knew just rushing D wasn’t going to get him anywhere, he needed a strategy.

As he pondered one, he saw Roland exchange a few attacks with the Consul before he had a wine thrown in his face that apparently had more power behind it than it looked. He also saw Geralt, Zenkichi, and Edelgard all rush forward to launch a coordinated strike of their own. He chipped in by casting a quick Tailwind on Edelgard to help her move faster in that armor of hers, then he hung back to let the trio do their thing. And from the looks of it, Geralt actually managed to finally overwhelm D enough to land some hits. But he backed off after that and unleashed a lightning attack instead.

”Alright, no more messin’ around!” Roxas said, hyping himself up for what would be his own next attempt to take on the Consul. He surged into a sprint with his Keyblades in hand. When he got closer he hurled them both like swirling boomerangs aimed right for where D was standing. But he wasn’t expecting that attack to hit. He figured D would use mist or a teleport to avoid it. And he was right, the Consul vanished before the Keyblades could hit their mark. But then Roxas himself vanished. The nature of his StepSword teleported him right to his target as they reappeared and came at him from behind with his ignited energy blade. ”Gotcha!”

The only problem for Roxas was that this clever ploy didn't work as well as he hoped. Pillars of hellfire erupted around D's body, catching the Keybearer and knocking him back. Roxas was spry enough to land on his feet, "Ugh, seriously? Waterga!" he used magic and hurled a dense orb of water to go flying into D, hopefully dousing the flames and finally getting some kind of damage on him. After that instant he summoned Poltergeist, who used The Sun Is Not Gentle is cloak him with a litany of buffs that would last for ten seconds - Defense Up, Healing Up, and also Stealth to hopefully give Roxas a means to finally surprise D. On the flipside, Poltergeist also granted him Taunt, which if it worked well enough would goad D into focusing more of his attention on the Nobody, for good or bad.

When confronted by water magic, the Consul shrouded himself with his cape. It splashed harmlessly against his arcane garment, but the steam that rose from the fabric suggested that its affinity for fire magic would be dampened for a time. By the time D dropped his cape, though, he could find neither hide nor hair of his young assailant. Though immune to crowd control, the notion that his opponent might have outwitted him rankled D more than enough, and with Roland nearby, he wasted no time in attempting to prove Roxas wrong. At his bidding a swarm of bats took wing, flapping around him in a bloodthirsty cyclone. "Try what you like," he sneered, preparing another magic spell. "I will not be denied!" He lifted his hand as if dismissing a servant, and a ray of green energy flew upward.

Luckily, Roxas’ Stealth status gave him a moment to watch for D’s incoming move. And unfortunately the cyclone of bats and the ray of green energy weren’t going to let him attack up close. So Roxas opted for a more long-ranged option. Without approaching too closely to the cyclone, Roxas used his Phantom Ruby and summoned a full cluster of Virtual Cubes around the Consul to impede his bats and maybe inflict some touch damage as well. But the Nobody didn't stop there and proceeded to summon Kayano, his second Striker. The Spirit manifested and used her power to summon a powerful geyser of dark water from beneath where Consul D was standing.
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