Avatar of Shadow Dragon


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current *Unleashes the spiders*
3 mos ago
Solitary confinement is only temporary. After a while, you won't feel alone anymore! *The voices whisper secrets to my overactive mind. I must decode their riddles.*
4 mos ago
*Blasts air raid siren*
5 mos ago
Bologna is just hotdog pancakes
1 like
5 mos ago
Everyone else: *Simpletons with handguns*. Me, a deranged lunatic: *Carries around a GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling


I'm a 23 year old RPer trying to get back into this site lol. Here's a link to my interest checks if you want to know more. If you want to talk to me on discord, msg Shadow_Dragon#0908, though I may take a while to reply. Wer sulta qeelakvi zhincitic



Most Recent Posts

Or not lol
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>
Whose side do you choose.... warrior?

Hum.....which side offers more energy systems?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Because this enemy is now an ally.

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*Readies my knife*
Amaranthine can regenerate quickly. Be wary.

*His hands glow red, eyes flaring*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Are we in agreement?

*He nods* Agreed
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

As soon as Aeron is defeated.

*He rolls his eyes, and his fangs gleam white*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

I can ensure that you get the energy you desire. He cannot.

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

In any case, I am a particularly attractive temporary ally.

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Perhaps, but one of us would last much longer.

Fair point.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Absorbing him would provide substantial, near-limitless energy. As for myself, I have this robotic husk. The difference is quite apparent.

You underestimate my boundless hunger.
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