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Yuna Xu

A few hours ago, Pretoria Bar, Tarxien

"Hmm, about two years now I think? But I would have to check for an exact date."

"Admittedly, I've not done much since joining. Patrols mostly, training pilots for different countries, that sort of thing. It'll be nice to see some real action again."

Yuna sighed in imagined contentment. "Real action would be nice. My last PMC was not good about real action...they were good at having us do absolutely everything but!" She scoffed and took another drink. "But I hear this squadron in particular gets into it a fair bit. I have a feeling we'll find out sooner rather than later."

"I heard that our new team is already down two planes and one pilot, so hopefully Malta turns out to be more exciting than it looks right now."

Yuna chuckled. "Hey, that sounds like action to me! Put us on the back foot, make it interesting. Give me something to dance to, you know?" Yuna had to admit though, downtime outside of a sterile military base is something she had been very overdue for as of late. Make it Malta and put her at a bar, with drink in hand and some good company? Yeah, she was in no hurry to get back to work.

Yuna cleared her beer with a final swig, and the bartender caught her eye at that moment. Yuna ordered a second beer and turned to Ximena as the bartender poured it. She tilted her head to look at Ximena's beer specifically, which still had a good amount left. "Girl, you gotta catch up!" she said lightheartedly.
Yuna Xu

A few hours ago, Pretoria Bar, Tarxien

"Hey there." she addressed the woman behind the bar breezily. "Can we get something local?" Two bottles of Cisk lager were presented, Jefe taking one as she slid onto a stool.

Yuna lazily plopped herself down on the barstool next to Ximena as the Sinomexicana ordered for them both. As promised, Yuna presented her card to the bartender before Ximena had a chance to, saying "keep it open" as she did so.

Yuna was pleased to see a Cisk Lager placed in front of her. "Ahh, Malta's finest," she said, spinning the bottle around to inspect it. "I've never had it myself." She took a sip, then a longer sip, and then a loooooonger "sip". "Mmm. Just what the doctor ordered," she said contentedly.

"So Calico, how long have you been with Shattered?"

Yuna turned to face Ximena. "Not long at all. I pretty much signed the contract and then got sent out here. Didn't even have time to unpack." She looked around the bar, before taking another sip of her beer. "Not a bad first deployment though, gotta say."

Looking back at Ximena, Yuna continued. "What about you?"
Yuna Xu

Present Time, Maintenance HQ

Yuna smiled when Ximena rolled up and started raining lead with her LMG. While Yuna still had some targets to shoot at, the overwhelming suppressive fire from the big gun certainly made an impression on their adversaries, and it didn't take long for Yuna's targets to dry up as Scott pushed in. Not one to shy away from a tactical opportunity to have even more fun, the petite Singaporean shifted her focus. Partially to announce her intentions and partially to give her shell-shocked right ear a moment of reprieve, Yuna ducked back behind the container, reloaded her MP5, and flicked the fire selector to full auto. She turned to face Ximena, yelling over the gunfire pretty much directly in Jefe's ear in order to be heard: "Seems like you got this on lock! I'll leave ya to it!"

It didn't take long for Yuna to find a break in the dwindling enemy fire coming out of the windows, and she took the opportunity to sprint to the front entrance. She slowed up just behind Scott, who had just cleared the main corridor. Heartbreak cut right and seemed to be having no trouble, so Calico cut left to cover his six. She noted that unlike Scott's new friends, nobody was coming out to greet her. She allowed herself a split second to feign a pouty face before focusing up. Maybe there was nobody in there...but maybe they were just waiting. Time to have some fun, she thought, and crept slowly to the door with her left eye trained down her MP5's iron sights. If there were people in there, the slackers hadn't even opened the door, which Yuna mentally scoffed at. How are you going to toss grenades out of a closed door?? No matter; they would learn the error of their ways.

Yuna reached the door and heard muffled voices behind it. She smiled and forcefully kicked the door in, squeezing the trigger of her MP5 at the same moment. The door gave way with little effort, which allowed Yuna to see who was inside waiting for her immediately. Not that she was waiting for visual contact; the rounds had started flying out of the MP5's barrel before the door had even finished swinging out of the way. Yuna sprayed in a quick arc across the visible room before quickly ducking out of the door frame and back behind a wall. She had caught them by surprise - even though they had been lying in wait, the sudden door kick startled them and they reacted too slowly. She knew she had tagged at least two of them, but she hadn't reached the third one before ducking out of the way before he could get a shot off. She had no time to wait around now; she knew the remaining assailant would give chase and she needed to reload.

Yuna sprinted further down the corridor and rounded a corner, letting her MP5 fall and be held at her chest by its sling while drawing her sidearm. When she peeked out of the corner, the remaining assailant was already out of the room and running at her. "Shit!" Her training and fighter pilot reaction time came in clutch as she reflexively rattled off three quick shots with her P226. The first got the assailant in the leg just as he pulled the trigger, causing him to buckle and his rounds to fly everywhere. The second and third shots got him center mass, and down he went - but not before Yuna was almost hit by the stray bullets as she frantically ducked back behind the wall. Yuna breathed a sigh of relief, muttering "Jesus..." Thankfully, Yuna didn't hear anyone else running at her, so she quickly reloaded both of her weapons and drew her MP5 once more, pushing back up to the room. This time she saddled up to the door frame and then whirled around with her MP5 pointed into the room in an instant. She had no opposition this time; the two men she had tagged were down and out and there were no further targets inside. Yuna cased the room completely, ensuring no further danger, and yelled out "CLEAR!" in Scott's direction.

With imminent danger to her and Scott eliminated, Yuna took up a defensive position in the room behind a large desk the assailants had conveniently already pushed on its side to use as cover. Either more targets would come to Yuna like moths to a flame, or her C/O would have new orders for her. In the meantime, she had found an H&K G36 assault rifle lying next to one of the bodies and decided that she wanted to take it for herself. This engagement had taught her that while her MP5 was perfect for CQC, this squadron apparently saw enough ground action that it would benefit her to improve her mid-range capability, just in case. She was all too happy to accomplish that goal with a gun she liked, taken from an enemy she killed, with no money spent. It was even on a sling, so she slung it on her back, leaving room for her MP5 slung the opposite way in front. More weight? Yes. Worth it? Even more yes.

@Rhona W @Smike
Yuna Xu

A few hours before the meeting

"I forgot you speak Mandarin in Singapore." Ximena noted, retrieving her lighter and a half-smoked cigarette. She paused to light the stub, taking the smoke into her lungs before letting it pass through her nose. "Guess that means I can't shittalk behind your back."

Her own crooked grin had widened, Jefe already moving for the door.

"I've never been here before, but Google tells me we're four klick away from the biggest city on the island so I'm sure we can figure it out. You wanna walk, or see about renting scooters?"

"You can just shit-talk to my face instead," Yuna replied with a smirk. "It's more fun that way."

Yuna thought for a moment as she followed Ximena to the door. "Four klicks? Eh, let's get some scooters. It'll get us to the drinks faster."

Half an hour and a couple of scooters later, the pair found themselves entering the town of Tarxien. Calico spotted a promising bar to the left ahead of them and pulled over. "Pretoria Bar," she said, checking on her phone. Looking back up at Ximena, she continued. "Looks good. I think this is our stomping ground tonight. I got the first round?" She said as she gestured towards the door.

Yuna Xu

A few hours before the meeting

"Hey Calico." she greeted casually, fishing in her pockets for a lighter. "You trying to hit the town?"

The faster she got started drinking the better.

As if on cue, Yuna's solitude was interrupted by an arrival. Yuna recognized the face from the personnel files - Ximena Huang, another new arrival. The sunglasses-clad woman was a welcome sight for Yuna's sore eyes, and Calico immediately detected a potential drinking buddy. It seemed she may not have been alone in that assessment.

Yuna turned to Ximena and grinned. "You read my mind," she said in Chinese, slightly cocking her head to one side as she did so. She continued in English. "You know Malta at all? Otherwise, I vote we start walking and hit up the first bar we see. I got at least a couple drinks with my name on them."

Yuna Xu

March 13th 2014
Late Evening
Malta International Airport


Ahh, Malta.

Yuna's career travels had taken her through the island nation once or twice before, but never long enough to really enjoy it. Perhaps this time she would get that chance? Either way, there were far worse places to go on a first deployment with a squadron, so Yuna was in good spirits as she lined her Flanker-D up to the ILS approach. The preliminary briefing she had been given back at the Forge told her that spirits may not be so high in the existing squadron members, but she'd cross that bridge when she got to it. At the moment, she was too distracted by a) landing her plane, and b) marveling at how large the Malta airport was relative to the size of the country. With runway 13 at nearly 11,000 feet in length, no carrier-like landings were necessary here.

Yuna had led a four-plane flight from the Forge across the Atlantic - three fighter jets, and a large cargo plane carrying supplies. The other two fighter jets made her Su-33 seem, were it not for its upgrades, a bit out of date. Those were the other two new squadron members completing their little trio of fresh meat, and it reassured Yuna that she would be fighting alongside aircraft of that caliber. No more sharing the sky with rustbucket MiG-21s and F-4s held together with duct tape and a prayer. Yuna was sequenced in first to land, so she made sure to put on a show. She brought the Su-33 down smoothly, with a light chirp of the wheels on the tarmac and a quick exit onto the taxiway.

A little while later, Yuna had left the apron and made her way to the women's barracks, and was now getting her things in order after having changed out of her flight suit. It seemed she had found a time to enter the barracks when everyone else was gone, but no doubt that was only temporary. Unless...they all went out to town? She had to admit, she was itching to see more of Malta and to see a cold beer in front of her, but was also eager to rest up after the long trans-Atlantic flight. Either way, she was in no rush.

a few hours later...

Well, so much for rest!

An urgent meeting so soon, with multiple firearms no less, was certainly one way to get familiar with a new squadron. Yuna chuckled as she knew from experience that this was far from the worst way. In any case, it seemed proper introductions would have to wait. Brandishing both her MP5 and P226 as instructed, along with several extra mags for each, Yuna walked in to find her squadron leader wearing a very serious look on his face. And certainly, the information Scott and Wolf presented was a very serious situation. They had just lost a pilot and almost lost the C/O to a maintenance saboteur that meddled with half the squadron?? Did she hear that right? I think I'm getting an idea what these guns are f- Her internal monologue was cut off by Scott confirming it.

Yuna also noted a younger squadron member looking absolutely furious at the news. What's this guy's problem? she thought. Yuna understood as well as anybody that emotions run high after you lose a squadronmate, but this...this was not normal behavior. He seems like he might be a handful. Might even be fun to poke...but not right now. Her judging eyes didn't have too much time to dwell on him though, as Scott beckoned the squadron out towards a confrontation with...whoever the culprit was.

Doing an urban foot raid in a fighter pilot squadron? What could go wrong? This squadron is spicy. I like it.

Yuna stuck close to Scott as the squadron made their way towards the maintenance area. When signaled to fan out, Yuna quietly moved herself wide left, posting up behind a small shipping container saddled up against the next building over. From her corner she had a good sight line to the front door, with coverage of the windows to the left of the door, should things get hot. And get hot they did; Yuna was not expecting much gunfire, if at all, and certainly not anywhere near the volume of gunfire that erupted from the building. Yuna moved back behind the container, but only for a moment; Scott was extremely vulnerable being right in front of them, and they needed to draw the fire away from him. She was totally pinned down when they were firing at her, but she noticed that there seemed to be only a few shooters with their attention on her, and they weren't staggering their reloads, causing breaks in the fire that was directed towards her. When the tracers stopped coming, she leaned out with her MP5 drawn and shot at the gunmen closest to the door and Scott. She figured the ones focusing on her would catch on to her strategy quickly, so she (and the rest of the squadron) needed a more permanent solution, and fast.

@Rhona W @Letter Bee @Smike @Kensai @Damo021
I'm into this!
Wow, I don't know how I missed that when I combed through my profile settings before. Sorry for the unnecessary thread!
Hello! Longtime member here, who has a very antiquated alias on here that I no longer use anywhere else. I didn't realize you could request a name change here.

I would love to have my username changed to "Finetales" if possible. Thank you!!
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