_______________________________________________Identity Full Name - Shinomiya Koharu 四宮心春 Nicknames - Kocchi Age - 16 Gender - Female Year - Second
Personality Loud Koharu is both literally and socially loud. She's got an amazingly powerful voice that she's not shy about using, and similarly strong opinions that she's not shy about sharing. She's the one who'll shout the quiet part out loud.
Ditzy Koharu is scatterbrained and disorganised. Constantly late, always forgetting stuff and having to borrow textbooks, you get the drill. She's also that friend who'll blurt out the fact that you have a crush on someone right in front of them.
Savvy Koharu's a lot smarter than she comes across. Sure, she's a hot mess most days, but she also has a mind like a steel strap when it counts. That's how she juggles school and living alone with multiple part-time jobs, while keeping up test scores that put her in the top 10 of her grade. And a lot of the time, her apparent gaffes aren't entirely unintentional....
Plucky Koharu's dealt with a lot in her life, and she's still dealing. It's a struggle just to get out of bed some days, but she's not going to let anything make her give up.
Character Relationships Morioka Haruto Haruto-kun is a darling! He was so kind to me even back then, and you know what? He was the only one who recognised me from the get-go! Everyone else was like, "Who are you?" and he was like, "Oh yeah, that's totally Koharu from elementary school, don't you all remember?" Also he totes appreciates my cooking so I stuff him with katsudon every chance I get.
Chihara Takaya Takkun! Heh heh. He's totes adorbs. Hasn't changed a bit since elementary school. I don't get why people don't like him better - he's smart, responsible, and helpful. If only he'd stick up for himself a bit more! Oh well, he's got me to stick up for him, right? He's super cute when he gets going on his hobbies though, I wish more people could see that side of him.
Arashimaya Junko Ju-Ju-senpai? Totes awesome, right? It's like she walked right out of a manga or something! She's super serious like all the time but she's hella fun when she lets her hair down, yanno? Yeah, bet you didn't know that! She can pack away a whole rice cooker's worth of onigiri at a sitting too, I know cause I made a batch for the gang one time and she was hungry so I told her she could get started first, and by the time I turned around it had all gone down the hatch! She thought it was all for her! She was so sweet and apologetic though, and it didn't matter cause I had a ton of other stuff ready to go.
Isshiki Mikako Isn't Micchan the cutest? I love her style, and that hat is the best! And her hair too, it's so smooth and fine and silky - ugh, I get so envious of it sometimes! And she's like, super sweet too. She could be an idol if she wanted to, especially now she's filling out. She gets so flustered when I grab her while we're changing for gym, lulz! I worry about her a little though, she's usually so put together but I can see all the stuff she does gets to her sometimes? Maybe I ought to drag her to karaoke or something, huh?
Other Information Koharu is an excellent cook, especially with the homestyle dishes and bar snacks she used to help her grandmother make. She's secretly torn about her plans for the future - she'd love to go back and reopen the shokudo, but she also wants to make something more of herself and go to Todai. She doesn't dream by halves, it's either the top or the slow life for her. Ideally she'd become prime minister or something and then quit and go back to the village to run the diner.... | Physical Description
Koharu's "Japanese chubby", which just means she's got healthy curves and isn't stick-thin. She's a gyaru but not a hardcore one - pink hair with a quirky side ponytail, coloured contacts, cute earrings, and flashy nail art are the usual for her. The cute protruding canine is all natural though. She's a hot mess most days, but on the rare occasions when she dresses up properly she can be a knockout. This is all quite different from how she appeared six years ago, when she was a slender, mousy little thing. Most people wouldn't guess that this is the same girl from back then.
Personal Story
Back in elementary school, Koharu was a nobody. Her parents were busy with work and their own lives, and she learned early on not to make too many demands on them. Nothing seemed to make an impression on them, and they were happiest - or at least not overly angry or upset - when she spent her time quietly and raised no fuss. This was the Koharu that most of the gang knew back then: meek, easygoing, studious, helpful, pleasant enough to be around even if she didn't bring much of her own energy. Then her parents died in a car crash, and she had to move to go live with her grandmother over in Minamikawa. Despite her frailty and incipient senility, Obaa-san was kind and warm where her parents had been distant, and Koharu blossomed. Helping out at Obaa-san's shokudo (diner) whenever she could, she developed her character and confidence, as well as a quirky personal style. Hanging out with the gruff rural clientele also taught her to give as good as she got. Good food and hearty living filled her out, both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, this happiness wouldn't last long. Obaa-san had a fall one day and broke her hip, and her other son decided she couldn't run the shokudo any more. This uncle didn't have the werewithal to take Koharu in either, so he was pleasantly surprised when the young girl came to him with a proposal - she'd already been accepted at Kumoriyama High, and got a partial scholarship. If he'd act as her guarantor, and help her a bit with the remaining fees, she'd pay for her own rent and living expenses. He hemmed and hawed a little for form's sake, but gave permission in the end. So Koharu finds herself back in Kumoriyama, juggling her studies with regular school life and several part-time jobs that she cycles through with the seasons. She's held positions as a cleaner, waitress, delivery person, even beer vendor at a ballpark, so her days are pretty full. She's technically not supposed to be doing all this, but the school authorities have turned a blind eye given her circumstances, and a couple of teachers keep a particular eye on her, so she's not doing too badly. She managed to get the eighth ranking in the first year, so everyone's concerns were alleviated - in fact, some of the staff think she could have been the top student if she'd been in a better situation. She's currently living in a share house with a varied group of other tenants, but she has her own room and free use of the living area and kitchen, so it's not bad at all in her books. Koharu's conversation colour is FFD319. |