Name: "Ithiel" Ithi'elna'dan-sourakoru
Age: 67
Species: Inadri
Personality: Ithiel is somewhat shy and reserved, preferring to observe rather than speak up, to watch and wait rather than leap into action. She's endlessly patient and loves nature, spending her vacation time hiking in the wilderness far from civilisation.
History: Ithiel hails from the Inadri colony planet of Kar'siyaervi, a wild and beautiful frontier world with fewer than one inhabitant per square kilometer. Despite its small population, Kar'siyaervi is hugely overrepresented in the Confederation's Ranger Corps, as its people come largely pre-trained for the types of tasks that Rangers are called on to perform - and tend to have the perfect mentality for the job as well. Indeed her parents were Rangers who met in the course of their duties, and it was almost a matter of course that Ithiel would enlist in the "family firm".
Key facts: Like most Inadri, Ithiel is a telepath; in her case, a fairly strong one. She's also trained in the use of the ESPER lens, a device mounted in Inadri-designed mecha that amplifies the pilot's powers to the mecha scale. In the case of telepathy it extends her range tremendously, and also allows the use of thought-controlled drones called Fangs.
Personal Gear: Spike rifle - An unusual longarm that fires projectiles shaved off a block of metallised polymer accelerated to very high velocity by a rail mechanism. Accurate and highly lethal against personnel, it's a long and finicky weapon, which limits its deployment in the field. Usually the mark of a hunter or sniper: Ithiel is very good at both.
Puuk'ko - The everyday carry knife of many Inadri, it's halfway to being a small sword. Distinguished by its single cutting edge on the inside of its dramatic curve, and the deep belly that gives it tremendous cutting power, it's oddly reminiscent of the Terran kukri. A versatile and useful tool, it can be used for cutting, slicing, chopping, hammering, and occasionally even throwing.
Speciality: Long range reconnaissance and direct action. Tracking, stalking, sniping.
Anything Else: In idle moments, Ithiel whittles little knickknacks to keep her hands busy.