"Bar is usually a good place as any really for information. If we're lucky maybe it be scored over some of the drinks... or if you're really good at darts. Pool is a bit long of a game, but... think I might be better in that category."
Aread would grin a bit too himself.
Before simply following along with the drunkard.
"Yeah, yeah, off your case soon enough."
He would nod, though roll his eyes a bit in the background.
Although he would keep himself behind the group, specifically not to be seen.
Ignoring the drunkard's nudging, as he was eager to be out of the way.
The dark alleyway wasn't exactly a comforting spot, but it was somewhere.
While Aread wouldn't like the look of the place, it wasn't like their options were bettter elsewhere. Besides the setting of the game itself was dark & mysterious, so alleyways were probably going to be a bit more commonplace. He doubted that a drunkard was going to jump the two of them here. But he still would give Talon a look of apprehension, before following along. His staff held close for how well it would help him.