I need gay men in my life STAT (someone please lobotomize me)
5 mos ago
Sorry for delays, I haven't forgotten anyone. <3
6 mos ago
No internet :|
6 mos ago
Not feeling the greatest, will get back to RPs by Thursday <3
6 mos ago
I swear to god I can never do a single thing right
⚠️ Currently really fixated on Pokémon trainer rp, so that's all I'll be doing and I'm picky but shoot me a DM if you wanna. I check here now and then but prefer to rp on Discord (Saa8761, feel free to add). Look at my characters on my ToyHouse: Also totally open for making new characters! ⚠️
My name is Saa, I'm 31 years old and I have two dogs and I work overnight. Time zone is EST (GMT -5) but my schedule is kinda flip-flopped and I'm around at some strange hours due to working overnight. I have been absent on here for a while but I finally got back into my account and I'm trying to be good about checking back here often. However, I'm on Discord a LOT more. My name there is Saa8761, feel free to reach out! (Just tell me who you are and where you've found me lol)
I've been writing stories since I learned to spell. I started by writing goofy little children's books and Pokémon stories, then moved on to Warriors fanfiction and stories about animals like wolves, foxes, rats, etc. as well as vampires, werewolves, and all manner of fantasy creatures. Lately I've been writing in medieval fantasy settings (Dungeons and Dragons style) and Pokémon trainer stories. I have been roleplaying since I was in middle school. I started on Neopets and also did some rp on GaiaOnline, as well as passing rp notebooks between my friend group in high school, but now most of mine are on Discord.
I do not like huge groups, 1-3 other members is my comfort zone but I'd probably join something a little bit bigger if it interests me. I always write in third person perspective, past tense, and I typically write a paragraph at the very least, but I generally try to write multiple paragraphs or match my partner's energy, as long as I'm able. I never do one-liners but some of my replies may be a bit shorter than normal if we're in heavy action or a conversation that requires regular feedback from my partner. I don't try to control my partner's character(s) and I try to always advance the plot or at least explain how my character is feeling in case you want yours to pick up on it. I'm mainly looking for a small Warrior Cats group and some romance/erp style fantasy settings, but I'm always interested in 1x1s that are on my list. Feel free to contact me and ask, the worst I can say is no thanks. :p
Main Interests: -Warrior Cats -Pokémon (Trainers or Mystery Dungeon style) -Fantasy/D&D (I love romance here) -Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon type slice of life -Earth's Children (Clan of the Cave Bear series)
Lesser Interests: -Uglies series (idk what the main plot would be but I like the universe) -Animals -Supernatural Creatures (werewolves, vampires, etc) -Animorphs (I'm currently re-reading them for the first time in ages, and I'm on book 23) -Digimon? -Spectrobes?? (anyone???)
All will involve OCs, except I'd be interested in roleplaying one of my SoS/HM OCs with a Canon character. I don't mind canon characters as NPCs for some (like gym leaders in Pokémon) but I don't really get much out of roleplaying as/with canon characters, especially in Warriors rp. It feels fake and uncreative to me. :s I can do any level of maturity rating, just let me know up front how you expect or want it to be. Some RPs will be locked to a specific rating though (Warrior Cats will have mild romance and mild-medium violence but absolutely no ERP, for example. xD)
Though my interest/free time will come and go, I will NOT ghost you, so please extend the same courtesy to me.
(This is a little heavier than my usual Pokémon content because it's the main villain of one of my roleplays, I tend to keep Pokémon lighthearted most of the time, though I would also be interested in something darker if it's planned beforehand.)
Chase sat on his hammock, tossing a Safari Ball into the air and catching it repeatedly, lost in thought. He couldn't stop thinking about that golden Mightyena he had seen. He knew it would fetch a good price if he could just grab it from its trainer without being seen. He couldn't risk having those two kids blabbing to the authorities and having a warrant out for his arrest in another region. He sighed as he caught the Pokeball again. For now, all he could do was wait. He had set his hammock up in a dense part of the forest at the base of the Valley of Steel, up on a hill so he could keep an eye out for when those kids arrived while still being hidden himself. He knew it was too risky to try and swipe the shiny Pokemon in Mauville, especially with the increased security in preparation for the festival. So here he sat, in the hot summer heat in the middle of nowhere, waiting on two slow kids to make it out here for whatever reason. He squeezed the Safari Ball containing his Toxicroak, irritated as he thought about how it had failed capturing the Mightyena last night. Is the Mightyena that strong? Or did Toxicroak just get spooked? he pondered. Just as he was about to toss the ball again, the bushes nearby started to rustle. Chase jumped to his feet, ready for whatever came at him.
The bushes parted and out came a Zigzagoon. Chase rolled his eyes and was about to climb back into his hammock when another Pokemon came rushing out behind the Zigzagoon--a Geodude. And it looked pissed. Chase watched as the Geodude pulled a large rock from the ground and hurled it at the Zigzagoon. The Zigzagoon just so happened to be moving to the side in its strange zigzag walking pattern when the rock crashed to the ground, missing it. The Geodude moved in quickly with a tackle and slammed into the Zigzagoon, sending it flying into a tree and wrenching a pained "zagooo" as it slid to the ground. Something golden and shiny flew from the Zigzagoon's mouth and landed on the ground between the two Pokemon. Before Chase could make out what it was, the Geodude slammed into the Zigzagoon with another tackle, then moved over towards the shiny object. The Zigzagoon slowly rose to its feet and the enraged Geodude turned back to it, holding a rock over its head, ready to throw it. Suddenly, the Zigzagoon's spiky fur stiffened up and a light blue light filled its mouth. "ZIGZA!" it shouted, and let loose an ice beam. The beam hit the Geodude right in the face, sending it flying back into the bushes. The surprised Geodude turned and fled into the undergrowth, deciding it was best to leave the shiny object behind.
Chase raised an eyebrow, impressed by how resiliant the tiny Zigzagoon was. The injured Zigzagoon realized he was watching, and it looked up at him, panting, waiting to see what the human would do. Chase strode towards the shiny object lying in the grass and picked it up as the Zigzagoon watched. He lifted it and his eyes widened when he saw that it was a golden nugget. It was heavy for its size, and dark in color, probably pure gold or close to it. Chase turned to the Zigzagoon that was still breathing heavily from its battle. "Where did you find this?" he asked, holding up the nugget. The Zigzagoon took a step backwards but continued to stare. "Fine, if you won't show me, I'll make you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a regular Pokeball. This should be plenty, he thought. It's already been beaten up by that Geodude. The Zigzagoon turned and started to run but Chase was faster and judged the angle perfectly. The ball hit the fleeing Pokemon on the back and the Zigzagoon went inside, in mid-stride.
Chase started to walk over to the ball but it suddenly shook violently and snapped open, breaking in half as the Zigzagoon rematerialized, now facing him with a determined expression on its face. "Zagoon!" it growled, pawing the ground. "So that's how you wanna be?" Chase sneered. "Fine." He tossed the Safari Ball he had been absentmindedly playing with earlier, and his Toxicroak appeared in front of the Zigzagoon. It smirked down at the fluffy little Pokemon and turned to its trainer with a look like 'really?' Chase held up the nugget and pointed to the Zigzagoon. "Don't let that little shit get away!" he shouted. Toxicroak leaped towards Zigzagoon and, before the little Pokemon could do anything, it was hit with a Sucker Punch from Toxicroak's clawed knuckle. The Zigzagoon tumbled to the ground, tried to stand up, and then collapsed to the ground, too tired to continue fighting. Toxicroak loomed over it, smiling menacingly, and let out a triumphant "croooak" as the poison in its throat sac churned. Chase tossed another Pokeball and, this time, the capture was a success.
Toxicroak handed the ball to him, and he immediately let the Zigzagoon out of the ball. Its fur was ruffled and its ears drooped. It looked up at Chase with wide eyes. "Listen up, because I'm only gonna tell you once," Chase started. "You're not getting healed until you show me where you got this gold nugget," he held the nugget up to the Zigzagoon's face. It whimpered, took a step, and collapsed to the ground. Toxicroak jabbed at it with its claw, and the little Pokemon stood up and weakly continued forward, leading its new trainer back into the undergrowth of the forest.
(Medicine Cat Apprentice)
“Nine, ten, eleven,” Fennelpaw looked at the neat row of daisy leaves spread out in front of her and narrowed her eyes. She was sure she had picked twelve. She counted again--eleven--and then rose to her feet, flicking her ears disdainfully, and turned back to the patch of daisies that grew just a short distance from camp. The area was mostly barren of plantlife, being mostly hard-packed rocky soil, but a small cluster of the hardy flowers pushed defiantly through a crack in the rock and always flowered this time of year. While the plant was mostly long, skinny stems, several clusters of the narrow, jagged leaves fanned out at the base of the plants. Fennelpaw carefully grasped the largest remaining leaf in her teeth and tugged downward, pulling it seamlessly from the stem without damaging the plant or leaving any leaf behind. She was practically an expert at this, having been apprenticed for ten moons now. If she weren’t a medicine cat apprentice, she’d have already become a warrior by now--the other apprentices she grew up with were, and she was more than a little irritated by this fact. Sighing, she recounted her leaves--twelve now-- and pushed them into a neat stack with her paw before gently picking them up in her teeth and bounding back towards camp, pushing into the well-concealed only entrance.
Strange, he mused, that his last thoughts would be of an Upwalker he had only known for a few seasons. His lungs felt as though they would burst from lack of air, and coughing only brought more of the filthy water rushing into his gaping mouth as he was wrenched through the water, jerked in every which way.
He had only glimpsed the wall of water rushing toward him before it had slammed into him. The impact felt like the time he was run over by an Upwalker's monster, except this time the pain shot throughout his entire body. After the initial impact, he could only gasp for air as his stiff legs worked frantically to keep his head above the water. His weak paddling was futile, he knew. This would be the end of his long life, a life full of regret, but he was not ashamed.
The Upwalker was an elderly woman he knew long ago, back when he was a kit. He remembered her soft voice, her gentle demeanor, warm food, and an even warmer fire contained in her strange Upwalker nest. The day she was taken away in the screeching monster was the day he started fending for himself and the struggle became the only constant in his life. He was glad to finally be able to stop fighting. His vision began to dim and his coughing and sputtering grew weaker. He allowed his eyes to close and his paddling slowed to a halt, then he began to drift downward, the crashing of the rushing water becoming a dull roar that faded with his vision. His aching back and freezing limbs longed for the sweet warmth of his kithood once more.
Suddenly, he was jerked from his near-slumberlike state. Muffled by the roar of the water rushing all around him, he had heard the tiniest of mews somewhere close by. Slowly, painfully, he opened his tired eyes to slits and scanned the murky water for a source. A small shape bobbed just above him and the sound came again.
“Hel-" A tiny squeak called out, drowned out by another crash.
Bruce knew it had to be a kit sharing his fate, swept away by the rushing water that had appeared from nowhere. His yellow eyes closed again and he felt as if he could not move no matter how he tried. It was no use, he thought, the kit would surely die as well. At this, a flame welled in his belly, pushing out the water that had seemingly filled his body. No, the kit could not die. Surely it deserved a fair fight at life, a second chance as he had been given long ago. And if the kit couldn't fight for itself, he would do the fighting.
He snapped his heavy eyes open and, mustering the last feeble bits of strength he had in him, Bruce kicked his legs and managed to break the surface of the water. He took in a huge, rasping breath and water spewed from his mouth. He looked around frantically and just spotted a small scrap of a kit just before its head sank back below the foamy water. Bruce's heart sank but the kit re-emerged a bit farther downstream, tiny paws flailing about and eyes wide with fear. Bruce pushed through the waves as hard as he could with his legs and craned his neck to grab the kit by the scruff, missed, then struck out with his muzzle and managed to sink his teeth into her neck just before she went under again.
Panic-stricken, Bruce now realized that he couldn't see land. Every direction was only more brown water crashing all around so that he couldn't see any other features. He knew his limited strength wouldn't allow him to search for land long. Paddling as hard as he could, he tried to work with the flow of the water so he wouldn't tire and drown the both of them. After what seemed like ages to his cramping legs, the flow of the water gradually started to weaken and finally dumped him unceremoniously onto a sandy bank. Still half-submerged in now-still water, Bruce slowly parted his aching jaws enough to let the kit settle on the beach. Her eyes were closed, sopping body limp, and water trickled out of the corner of her tiny mouth. There was no tell-tale rise and fall of the kit's chest, no sign of life at all. Bruce felt claws of fear scrabbling in his stomach and he heaved, retching up dirty water with bits of plant matter and the remains of his last meager meal.
Ignoring the sick feeling that still remained in his gut, he firmly prodded the little kit's chest. Nothing. Again, he pushed, panic fully gripping him by now. Nothing. Again and again, harder and harder, he pressed on her chest, silently begging for her to just take one breath. He wouldn't give up on this kit, he couldn't. Suddenly, a feeble voice called out in the distance. Bruce's ears pricked at the sound and he began wildly swinging his head to try and find the source. Maybe they could help!
Hey! While I'm mostly seeking Pokémon rp at the moment, your New Planet and Dragon Riders ideas sound interesting! Shoot me a PM with any details you may have if you wanna! :D BTW I am NOT well versed in scifi stuff and am super rusty on dragon stories (I've read the Inheritance Cycle ages ago but still haven't read Dragon Riders of Pern--I know, bad Saa!) but I'm really open to learning about established lore or creating our own. :3 I prefer Discord. My username is Saa8761 if you wanna go there. :D
Currently not looking anymore but will reopen this if I change my mind. <3 If you have a good idea though, go ahead and give it a shot. :p
I want to start this by saying that if we've talked before, or you feel shy/intimidated to talk to me, don't feel bad if you've disappeared for one reason or another, and don't be scared! So long as you can commit and just let me know if things come up, it's all gucci! I also want to say that I heavily prefer to be able to chat with my rp partner ooc because it's weird to me to ONLY rp and ignore each other otherwise? xD
As far as roleplaying style, I would consider myself to be somewhere around high casual or low advanced. My replies will always be at least a full paragraph but can range up to 10+ paragraphs depending on the scene. If I'm writing out an entire Pokémon battle, for instance, it can get quite long, but if our characters are interacting, it'll be much shorter, though I can add in a bit of thoughts and description so it's not JUST the reply. As you can probably see from how long this post is gonna be, I don't like short, boring replies or like asterisk style rp. I can be quite the accommodating rp partner, please don't take this as me not having ideas or being flaky. I genuinely want to pick a character/setting that my partner will be happy with.
I am looking for a Pokémon trainer rp where we play as human trainers (no furry/anthro trainers in this, sorry!) 18+ for all main characters please. I don't have a preference on the region they're in but Hoenn/Sinnoh are my favorites, and I'm more familiar with gens 1-5 but I'm perfectly fine using any region, even those in spinoff games or our own creation! I have some resources saved as far as maps go for Hoenn or Sinnoh but, again, I'm great with any region. :D
As for the main plot, I have an idea I'd love to use, but it's not required if you have a different idea. I have been thinking about a setting where Pokémon have been experimented on by a team (established evil team or something of our own creation! I'm partial to Team Rocket) and given new types, features, enhancements, or even fusions?? Or just mutants created for fun? The details can be hashed out once I get some interest!
I mostly prefer to play male characters for whatever reason, but I can play as/with any gender! My preferred pairing at the moment is MxM, but I also like MxF. FxF is great too, I'm just not as confident with it so it's my least preferred. I like my characters to be in their 20's age-wise, and I can play all sorts of personality types (a far cry from my typical "shy/sweet" bland characters from years past. xD) I tend to discuss the finer details once I've gotten interest, so more will come later if you are interested!
What I like in an rp partner is someone who can communicate well. Please tell me what you are expecting, planning, and thinking about, I love to discuss our characters and the plot ooc! I like someone who pays attention to the details and responds fully to the story instead of ignoring big chunks. Of course I want an adult to rp with but I prefer someone around my own age (31) or close to it. No preference at all on gender lol. I DO need to see character sheets, and will provide one myself. I PREFER multiple replies a day but once a day is great too. Any less than once a week and ehhh I lose interest. I like someone who can write well to keep me engaged, but you don't have to be an author to keep my attention. I've written with people whose first language isn't English, and I've written with people who have never roleplayed, and even a person who doesn't know anything about Pokémon, and all were a blast. It's more about the effort than the perfect details! Just PLEASE don't show interest only to ghost me or flake out quickly. While I get that things come up, I hate to see someone feign interest and waste both our time. I just ask that you think about it if you REALLY have the time/energy to do this. <3
I definitely prefer to have an element of romance/sex in my stories. I know it's probably weird being included in a Pokémon rp but I don't really care lol I guess I just wanna combine my two favorite things into one rp, don't judge me ok?
I don't HAVE to have erp in this type of story but I definitely prefer it. Please let me know up front if that makes you uncomfortable. We can discuss details in a PM if you would like to write smut, I just want people to be aware that I want to include it if possible. I think anywhere from 30-60% smut is my sweet spot, but I'm also a big fan of the slow burn so I'm cool waiting to get to it.
Examples of My Characters: I'd be willing to either reuse a character in the right circumstances (REALLY want to use Loren if he fits) or make a new one to suit whatever I'm doing.
My Discord is Saa8761 and I highly prefer to chat and rp there but it's not a requirement. Feel free to add me to discuss things if you'd like, or even just to chat tbh. :) You have to be 18+ to add me though, please.
No longer starting new roleplays until further notice.
** This is a work in progress **
I'm still pretty new at this website so apologies if anything isn't formatted in the usual way or if info seems lacking. I will probably add to this and change things up as I go.
I'm mainly looking for 1:1. I do not like huge groups, 1-3 other members is my comfort zone, but I'd probably join something a little bit bigger if it interests me. I always write in third person perspective, past tense, and I typically write a paragraph at the very least, but I generally try to write 3-5 paragraphs or match my partner's energy. I never do one-liners but some of my replies may be a bit shorter than normal if we're in heavy action or a conversation that requires regular feedback from my partner. I don't try to control my partner's character(s) and I try to always advance the plot or at least explain how my character is feeling in case you want yours to pick up on it. I'm mainly looking for a small Warrior Cats group and some romance/ERP style fantasy settings, but I'm always interested in 1:1s that are on my list. Feel free to contact me and ask, the worst I can say is no thanks. :p See my profile for more info.
I will definitely be open to changes in these plots, so don't think they're set in stone!
Warrior Cats I'm looking for a 1x1 or small group (5 or less) to make three clans ideally (two or four is ok too) and populate them with our characters. I love to play multiple characters in these to get that diversity. I'd like the clans and characters to be original, no canon characters, but it works off the same premise and level as the books. (I have read up until book 5 of Power of Three.) Cats only, no weird colors or powers, only things that could happen in the books please. Here's a (very) rough idea:
The three Clans once lived in peace with each other, but for many moons now, there have been ceaseless small squabbles that have been escalating in intensity. Many cats are fearful that this fighting will lead to all-out war between the clans, but the leaders are hesitant to form alliances for fear of provoking the third clan into retaliating. With the sudden and mysterious recent death of one of the Clan's leaders, the new choice of leader could very well determine the future for all three Clans.
Each Clan's leader keeps a secret from the rest of their clans that would shatter the trust and safety of their organized lives if revealed. Was the recent death of a leader a result of this dark secret? Will others be next? With the uprising of a group of loners near the Clan territories, as well as constant escalating border disputes and secret relationships between Clans, the Warrior Code has never been more tested.
(I would ask to play the recently deceased leader, their replacement leader, a medicine cat, a different clan's medicine cat apprentice, at least 2 loners, and some regular warriors, as well as fill any missing positions)
Pokémon Update: I am in the process of starting multiple Pokémon rps so please don't ask me about them unless you have a fully-formed idea. If it's interesting to me, I may still accept even though I'm in uhh...a lot of Pokémon rps now. x)
I'm actually in a few trainer rps but sadly they keep dying because my partners have disappeared. I'd really rather not reuse these characters or plots, so unfortunately I'm kinda out of my best ideas for these but if you have an idea I'm all ears! I'd be down for an extremely wholesome trainer journey (a la the anime) or something darker and more "realistic," or anything in between! I also like the Mystery Dungeon series but, again, all of these have died. The big plot I had for one involved non-canon Pokémon but if I can find a copy of the intro I can probably change it to canon tbh. I'd kind of like to explore the idea of Delta Pokémon, like from the card series, so I may write up an idea for that.
Spectrobes Ok hear me out, I love this series and I wish it got more games and more love. An OC set of characters would be fun since the games always focused on Rallen and Jeena.
All characters will be 18+ (preferably older) and M/M TW: mention of infant/spouse death, possible minor/moderate violence against enemies (but not partner)
I am seeking a partner to write some adventures with, using my male tabaxi character (I'm female) and I'm really only looking for a male human, elf, or possibly tiefling partner. You don't have to know D&D lore or have played to write with me, I just like the type of low magic fantasy and world possibilities that D&D provides.
My character is a 32 year old male tabaxi (cat-folk) who was in a relationship with a woman but his wife and children died (in childbirth) and he went on a long soul-searching journey and has finally found inner peace. He's currently taking work as an adventurer where he can find it, and I'd love for him to find himself attracted to and eventually in love with a male human-like species character, I think a flirty slightly younger (22-30) character would really suit him. My character is a bit socially awkward, has never had feelings for a man, but has recently opened his mind to any positive experience.
RP must be in third person, past tense. It's just the way I am most comfortable writing this kind of thing. I prefer at least a full paragraph, but I understand when things have to be smaller due to conversations and actions. This will be over private messages on here or Discord.
I'm gonna be a little picky about the partner for this rp because I've been looking for this specific kind of match-up ever since I was close to developing this type of rp relationship in a group rp but the person left the group. If this specific dynamic doesn't suit you, I may be willing to do something else with a different character, feel free to ask.
DMs are open! I will be posting more types of rp requests in the future so feel free to ask what else I'm looking for! It's not all NSFW!
⚠️ Currently really fixated on Pokémon trainer rp, so that's all I'll be doing and I'm picky but shoot me a DM if you wanna. I check here now and then but prefer to rp on Discord (Saa8761, feel free to add). Look at my characters on my ToyHouse: [url][/url] Also totally open for making new characters! ⚠️
My name is Saa, I'm 31 years old and I have two dogs and I work overnight. Time zone is EST (GMT -5) but my schedule is kinda flip-flopped and I'm around at some strange hours due to working overnight. I have been absent on here for a while but I finally got back into my account and I'm trying to be good about checking back here often. However, I'm on Discord a LOT more. My name there is Saa8761, feel free to reach out! (Just tell me who you are and where you've found me lol)
I've been writing stories since I learned to spell. I started by writing goofy little children's books and Pokémon stories, then moved on to Warriors fanfiction and stories about animals like wolves, foxes, rats, etc. as well as vampires, werewolves, and all manner of fantasy creatures. Lately I've been writing in medieval fantasy settings (Dungeons and Dragons style) and Pokémon trainer stories. I have been roleplaying since I was in middle school. I started on Neopets and also did some rp on GaiaOnline, as well as passing rp notebooks between my friend group in high school, but now most of mine are on Discord.
I do not like huge groups, 1-3 other members is my comfort zone but I'd probably join something a little bit bigger if it interests me. I always write in third person perspective, past tense, and I typically write a paragraph at the very least, but I generally try to write multiple paragraphs or match my partner's energy, as long as I'm able. I never do one-liners but some of my replies may be a bit shorter than normal if we're in heavy action or a conversation that requires regular feedback from my partner. I don't try to control my partner's character(s) and I try to always advance the plot or at least explain how my character is feeling in case you want yours to pick up on it. I'm mainly looking for a small Warrior Cats group and some romance/erp style fantasy settings, but I'm always interested in 1x1s that are on my list. Feel free to contact me and ask, the worst I can say is no thanks. :p
Main Interests:
-Warrior Cats
-Pokémon (Trainers or Mystery Dungeon style)
-Fantasy/D&D (I love romance here)
-Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon type slice of life
-Earth's Children (Clan of the Cave Bear series)
Lesser Interests:
-Uglies series (idk what the main plot would be but I like the universe)
-Supernatural Creatures (werewolves, vampires, etc)
-Animorphs (I'm currently re-reading them for the first time in ages, and I'm on book 23)
-Spectrobes?? (anyone???)
All will involve OCs, except I'd be interested in roleplaying one of my SoS/HM OCs with a Canon character. I don't mind canon characters as NPCs for some (like gym leaders in Pokémon) but I don't really get much out of roleplaying as/with canon characters, especially in Warriors rp. It feels fake and uncreative to me. :s I can do any level of maturity rating, just let me know up front how you expect or want it to be. Some RPs will be locked to a specific rating though (Warrior Cats will have mild romance and mild-medium violence but absolutely no ERP, for example. xD)
Though my interest/free time will come and go, I will NOT ghost you, so please extend the same courtesy to me.
[b]My Plot Ideas Thread:[/b]
Writing Samples:
(This is a little heavier than my usual Pokémon content because it's the main villain of one of my roleplays, I tend to keep Pokémon lighthearted most of the time, though I would also be interested in something darker if it's planned beforehand.)
Chase sat on his hammock, tossing a Safari Ball into the air and catching it repeatedly, lost in thought. He couldn't stop thinking about that golden Mightyena he had seen. He knew it would fetch a good price if he could just grab it from its trainer without being seen. He couldn't risk having those two kids blabbing to the authorities and having a warrant out for his arrest in [i]another[/i] region. He sighed as he caught the Pokeball again. For now, all he could do was wait. He had set his hammock up in a dense part of the forest at the base of the Valley of Steel, up on a hill so he could keep an eye out for when those kids arrived while still being hidden himself. He knew it was too risky to try and swipe the shiny Pokemon in Mauville, especially with the increased security in preparation for the festival. So here he sat, in the hot summer heat in the middle of nowhere, waiting on two slow kids to make it out here for whatever reason. He squeezed the Safari Ball containing his Toxicroak, irritated as he thought about how it had failed capturing the Mightyena last night. [i]Is the Mightyena that strong? Or did Toxicroak just get spooked?[/i] he pondered. Just as he was about to toss the ball again, the bushes nearby started to rustle. Chase jumped to his feet, ready for whatever came at him.
The bushes parted and out came a Zigzagoon. Chase rolled his eyes and was about to climb back into his hammock when another Pokemon came rushing out behind the Zigzagoon--a Geodude. And it looked pissed. Chase watched as the Geodude pulled a large rock from the ground and hurled it at the Zigzagoon. The Zigzagoon just so happened to be moving to the side in its strange zigzag walking pattern when the rock crashed to the ground, missing it. The Geodude moved in quickly with a tackle and slammed into the Zigzagoon, sending it flying into a tree and wrenching a pained "zagooo" as it slid to the ground. Something golden and shiny flew from the Zigzagoon's mouth and landed on the ground between the two Pokemon. Before Chase could make out what it was, the Geodude slammed into the Zigzagoon with another tackle, then moved over towards the shiny object. The Zigzagoon slowly rose to its feet and the enraged Geodude turned back to it, holding a rock over its head, ready to throw it. Suddenly, the Zigzagoon's spiky fur stiffened up and a light blue light filled its mouth. "ZIGZA!" it shouted, and let loose an ice beam. The beam hit the Geodude right in the face, sending it flying back into the bushes. The surprised Geodude turned and fled into the undergrowth, deciding it was best to leave the shiny object behind.
Chase raised an eyebrow, impressed by how resiliant the tiny Zigzagoon was. The injured Zigzagoon realized he was watching, and it looked up at him, panting, waiting to see what the human would do. Chase strode towards the shiny object lying in the grass and picked it up as the Zigzagoon watched. He lifted it and his eyes widened when he saw that it was a golden nugget. It was heavy for its size, and dark in color, probably pure gold or close to it. Chase turned to the Zigzagoon that was still breathing heavily from its battle. "Where did you find this?" he asked, holding up the nugget. The Zigzagoon took a step backwards but continued to stare. "Fine, if you won't show me, I'll make you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a regular Pokeball. [i]This should be plenty,[/i] he thought. [i]It's already been beaten up by that Geodude.[/i] The Zigzagoon turned and started to run but Chase was faster and judged the angle perfectly. The ball hit the fleeing Pokemon on the back and the Zigzagoon went inside, in mid-stride.
Chase started to walk over to the ball but it suddenly shook violently and snapped open, breaking in half as the Zigzagoon rematerialized, now facing him with a determined expression on its face. "Zagoon!" it growled, pawing the ground. "So that's how you wanna be?" Chase sneered. "Fine." He tossed the Safari Ball he had been absentmindedly playing with earlier, and his Toxicroak appeared in front of the Zigzagoon. It smirked down at the fluffy little Pokemon and turned to its trainer with a look like 'really?' Chase held up the nugget and pointed to the Zigzagoon. "Don't let that little shit get away!" he shouted. Toxicroak leaped towards Zigzagoon and, before the little Pokemon could do anything, it was hit with a Sucker Punch from Toxicroak's clawed knuckle. The Zigzagoon tumbled to the ground, tried to stand up, and then collapsed to the ground, too tired to continue fighting. Toxicroak loomed over it, smiling menacingly, and let out a triumphant "croooak" as the poison in its throat sac churned. Chase tossed another Pokeball and, this time, the capture was a success.
Toxicroak handed the ball to him, and he immediately let the Zigzagoon out of the ball. Its fur was ruffled and its ears drooped. It looked up at Chase with wide eyes. "Listen up, because I'm only gonna tell you once," Chase started. "You're not getting healed until you show me where you got this gold nugget," he held the nugget up to the Zigzagoon's face. It whimpered, took a step, and collapsed to the ground. Toxicroak jabbed at it with its claw, and the little Pokemon stood up and weakly continued forward, leading its new trainer back into the undergrowth of the forest.
[hider=Warrior Cats]
(Medicine Cat Apprentice)
“Nine, ten, eleven,” Fennelpaw looked at the neat row of daisy leaves spread out in front of her and narrowed her eyes. She was sure she had picked twelve. She counted again--eleven--and then rose to her feet, flicking her ears disdainfully, and turned back to the patch of daisies that grew just a short distance from camp. The area was mostly barren of plantlife, being mostly hard-packed rocky soil, but a small cluster of the hardy flowers pushed defiantly through a crack in the rock and always flowered this time of year. While the plant was mostly long, skinny stems, several clusters of the narrow, jagged leaves fanned out at the base of the plants. Fennelpaw carefully grasped the largest remaining leaf in her teeth and tugged downward, pulling it seamlessly from the stem without damaging the plant or leaving any leaf behind. She was practically an expert at this, having been apprenticed for ten moons now. If she weren’t a medicine cat apprentice, she’d have already become a warrior by now--the other apprentices she grew up with were, and she was more than a little irritated by this fact. Sighing, she recounted her leaves--twelve now-- and pushed them into a neat stack with her paw before gently picking them up in her teeth and bounding back towards camp, pushing into the well-concealed only entrance.
[hider=Warrior Cats 2]
Strange, he mused, that his last thoughts would be of an Upwalker he had only known for a few seasons. His lungs felt as though they would burst from lack of air, and coughing only brought more of the filthy water rushing into his gaping mouth as he was wrenched through the water, jerked in every which way.
He had only glimpsed the wall of water rushing toward him before it had slammed into him. The impact felt like the time he was run over by an Upwalker's monster, except this time the pain shot throughout his entire body. After the initial impact, he could only gasp for air as his stiff legs worked frantically to keep his head above the water. His weak paddling was futile, he knew. This would be the end of his long life, a life full of regret, but he was not ashamed.
The Upwalker was an elderly woman he knew long ago, back when he was a kit. He remembered her soft voice, her gentle demeanor, warm food, and an even warmer fire contained in her strange Upwalker nest. The day she was taken away in the screeching monster was the day he started fending for himself and the struggle became the only constant in his life. He was glad to finally be able to stop fighting. His vision began to dim and his coughing and sputtering grew weaker. He allowed his eyes to close and his paddling slowed to a halt, then he began to drift downward, the crashing of the rushing water becoming a dull roar that faded with his vision. His aching back and freezing limbs longed for the sweet warmth of his kithood once more.
Suddenly, he was jerked from his near-slumberlike state. Muffled by the roar of the water rushing all around him, he had heard the tiniest of mews somewhere close by. Slowly, painfully, he opened his tired eyes to slits and scanned the murky water for a source. A small shape bobbed just above him and the sound came again.
“Hel-" A tiny squeak called out, drowned out by another crash.
Bruce knew it had to be a kit sharing his fate, swept away by the rushing water that had appeared from nowhere. His yellow eyes closed again and he felt as if he could not move no matter how he tried. It was no use, he thought, the kit would surely die as well. At this, a flame welled in his belly, pushing out the water that had seemingly filled his body. No, the kit could not die. Surely it deserved a fair fight at life, a second chance as he had been given long ago. And if the kit couldn't fight for itself, he would do the fighting.
He snapped his heavy eyes open and, mustering the last feeble bits of strength he had in him, Bruce kicked his legs and managed to break the surface of the water. He took in a huge, rasping breath and water spewed from his mouth. He looked around frantically and just spotted a small scrap of a kit just before its head sank back below the foamy water. Bruce's heart sank but the kit re-emerged a bit farther downstream, tiny paws flailing about and eyes wide with fear. Bruce pushed through the waves as hard as he could with his legs and craned his neck to grab the kit by the scruff, missed, then struck out with his muzzle and managed to sink his teeth into her neck just before she went under again.
Panic-stricken, Bruce now realized that he couldn't see land. Every direction was only more brown water crashing all around so that he couldn't see any other features. He knew his limited strength wouldn't allow him to search for land long. Paddling as hard as he could, he tried to work with the flow of the water so he wouldn't tire and drown the both of them. After what seemed like ages to his cramping legs, the flow of the water gradually started to weaken and finally dumped him unceremoniously onto a sandy bank. Still half-submerged in now-still water, Bruce slowly parted his aching jaws enough to let the kit settle on the beach. Her eyes were closed, sopping body limp, and water trickled out of the corner of her tiny mouth. There was no tell-tale rise and fall of the kit's chest, no sign of life at all. Bruce felt claws of fear scrabbling in his stomach and he heaved, retching up dirty water with bits of plant matter and the remains of his last meager meal.
Ignoring the sick feeling that still remained in his gut, he firmly prodded the little kit's chest. Nothing. Again, he pushed, panic fully gripping him by now. Nothing. Again and again, harder and harder, he pressed on her chest, silently begging for her to just take one breath. He wouldn't give up on this kit, he couldn't. Suddenly, a feeble voice called out in the distance. Bruce's ears pricked at the sound and he began wildly swinging his head to try and find the source. Maybe they could help!
Avatar from the Pokémon anime.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">⚠️ Currently really fixated on Pokémon trainer rp, so that's all I'll be doing and I'm picky but shoot me a DM if you wanna. I check here now and then but prefer to rp on Discord (Saa8761, feel free to add). Look at my characters on my ToyHouse: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href=""></a> Also totally open for making new characters! ⚠️<br><br>My name is Saa, I'm 31 years old and I have two dogs and I work overnight. Time zone is EST (GMT -5) but my schedule is kinda flip-flopped and I'm around at some strange hours due to working overnight. I have been absent on here for a while but I finally got back into my account and I'm trying to be good about checking back here often. However, I'm on Discord a LOT more. My name there is Saa8761, feel free to reach out! (Just tell me who you are and where you've found me lol)<br><br>I've been writing stories since I learned to spell. I started by writing goofy little children's books and Pokémon stories, then moved on to Warriors fanfiction and stories about animals like wolves, foxes, rats, etc. as well as vampires, werewolves, and all manner of fantasy creatures. Lately I've been writing in medieval fantasy settings (Dungeons and Dragons style) and Pokémon trainer stories. I have been roleplaying since I was in middle school. I started on Neopets and also did some rp on GaiaOnline, as well as passing rp notebooks between my friend group in high school, but now most of mine are on Discord.<br><br>I do not like huge groups, 1-3 other members is my comfort zone but I'd probably join something a little bit bigger if it interests me. I always write in third person perspective, past tense, and I typically write a paragraph at the very least, but I generally try to write multiple paragraphs or match my partner's energy, as long as I'm able. I never do one-liners but some of my replies may be a bit shorter than normal if we're in heavy action or a conversation that requires regular feedback from my partner. I don't try to control my partner's character(s) and I try to always advance the plot or at least explain how my character is feeling in case you want yours to pick up on it. I'm mainly looking for a small Warrior Cats group and some romance/erp style fantasy settings, but I'm always interested in 1x1s that are on my list. Feel free to contact me and ask, the worst I can say is no thanks. :p<br><br>Main Interests:<br>-Warrior Cats<br>-Pokémon (Trainers or Mystery Dungeon style)<br>-Fantasy/D&D (I love romance here)<br>-Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon type slice of life<br>-Earth's Children (Clan of the Cave Bear series)<br><br>Lesser Interests:<br>-Uglies series (idk what the main plot would be but I like the universe)<br>-Animals<br>-Supernatural Creatures (werewolves, vampires, etc)<br>-Animorphs (I'm currently re-reading them for the first time in ages, and I'm on book 23)<br>-Digimon?<br>-Spectrobes?? (anyone???)<br><br>All will involve OCs, except I'd be interested in roleplaying one of my SoS/HM OCs with a Canon character. I don't mind canon characters as NPCs for some (like gym leaders in Pokémon) but I don't really get much out of roleplaying as/with canon characters, especially in Warriors rp. It feels fake and uncreative to me. :s I can do any level of maturity rating, just let me know up front how you expect or want it to be. Some RPs will be locked to a specific rating though (Warrior Cats will have mild romance and mild-medium violence but absolutely no ERP, for example. xD)<br><br>Though my interest/free time will come and go, I will NOT ghost you, so please extend the same courtesy to me.<br><br><span class="bb-b">My Plot Ideas Thread:</span><br><a href="" title="">…</a><br><br>Writing Samples:<br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Pokémon">Pokémon [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">(This is a little heavier than my usual Pokémon content because it's the main villain of one of my roleplays, I tend to keep Pokémon lighthearted most of the time, though I would also be interested in something darker if it's planned beforehand.)<br><br>Chase sat on his hammock, tossing a Safari Ball into the air and catching it repeatedly, lost in thought. He couldn't stop thinking about that golden Mightyena he had seen. He knew it would fetch a good price if he could just grab it from its trainer without being seen. He couldn't risk having those two kids blabbing to the authorities and having a warrant out for his arrest in <span class="bb-i">another</span> region. He sighed as he caught the Pokeball again. For now, all he could do was wait. He had set his hammock up in a dense part of the forest at the base of the Valley of Steel, up on a hill so he could keep an eye out for when those kids arrived while still being hidden himself. He knew it was too risky to try and swipe the shiny Pokemon in Mauville, especially with the increased security in preparation for the festival. So here he sat, in the hot summer heat in the middle of nowhere, waiting on two slow kids to make it out here for whatever reason. He squeezed the Safari Ball containing his Toxicroak, irritated as he thought about how it had failed capturing the Mightyena last night. <span class="bb-i">Is the Mightyena that strong? Or did Toxicroak just get spooked?</span> he pondered. Just as he was about to toss the ball again, the bushes nearby started to rustle. Chase jumped to his feet, ready for whatever came at him.<br><br>The bushes parted and out came a Zigzagoon. Chase rolled his eyes and was about to climb back into his hammock when another Pokemon came rushing out behind the Zigzagoon--a Geodude. And it looked pissed. Chase watched as the Geodude pulled a large rock from the ground and hurled it at the Zigzagoon. The Zigzagoon just so happened to be moving to the side in its strange zigzag walking pattern when the rock crashed to the ground, missing it. The Geodude moved in quickly with a tackle and slammed into the Zigzagoon, sending it flying into a tree and wrenching a pained "zagooo" as it slid to the ground. Something golden and shiny flew from the Zigzagoon's mouth and landed on the ground between the two Pokemon. Before Chase could make out what it was, the Geodude slammed into the Zigzagoon with another tackle, then moved over towards the shiny object. The Zigzagoon slowly rose to its feet and the enraged Geodude turned back to it, holding a rock over its head, ready to throw it. Suddenly, the Zigzagoon's spiky fur stiffened up and a light blue light filled its mouth. "ZIGZA!" it shouted, and let loose an ice beam. The beam hit the Geodude right in the face, sending it flying back into the bushes. The surprised Geodude turned and fled into the undergrowth, deciding it was best to leave the shiny object behind.<br><br>Chase raised an eyebrow, impressed by how resiliant the tiny Zigzagoon was. The injured Zigzagoon realized he was watching, and it looked up at him, panting, waiting to see what the human would do. Chase strode towards the shiny object lying in the grass and picked it up as the Zigzagoon watched. He lifted it and his eyes widened when he saw that it was a golden nugget. It was heavy for its size, and dark in color, probably pure gold or close to it. Chase turned to the Zigzagoon that was still breathing heavily from its battle. "Where did you find this?" he asked, holding up the nugget. The Zigzagoon took a step backwards but continued to stare. "Fine, if you won't show me, I'll make you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a regular Pokeball. <span class="bb-i">This should be plenty,</span> he thought. <span class="bb-i">It's already been beaten up by that Geodude.</span> The Zigzagoon turned and started to run but Chase was faster and judged the angle perfectly. The ball hit the fleeing Pokemon on the back and the Zigzagoon went inside, in mid-stride.<br><br>Chase started to walk over to the ball but it suddenly shook violently and snapped open, breaking in half as the Zigzagoon rematerialized, now facing him with a determined expression on its face. "Zagoon!" it growled, pawing the ground. "So that's how you wanna be?" Chase sneered. "Fine." He tossed the Safari Ball he had been absentmindedly playing with earlier, and his Toxicroak appeared in front of the Zigzagoon. It smirked down at the fluffy little Pokemon and turned to its trainer with a look like 'really?' Chase held up the nugget and pointed to the Zigzagoon. "Don't let that little shit get away!" he shouted. Toxicroak leaped towards Zigzagoon and, before the little Pokemon could do anything, it was hit with a Sucker Punch from Toxicroak's clawed knuckle. The Zigzagoon tumbled to the ground, tried to stand up, and then collapsed to the ground, too tired to continue fighting. Toxicroak loomed over it, smiling menacingly, and let out a triumphant "croooak" as the poison in its throat sac churned. Chase tossed another Pokeball and, this time, the capture was a success.<br><br>Toxicroak handed the ball to him, and he immediately let the Zigzagoon out of the ball. Its fur was ruffled and its ears drooped. It looked up at Chase with wide eyes. "Listen up, because I'm only gonna tell you once," Chase started. "You're not getting healed until you show me where you got this gold nugget," he held the nugget up to the Zigzagoon's face. It whimpered, took a step, and collapsed to the ground. Toxicroak jabbed at it with its claw, and the little Pokemon stood up and weakly continued forward, leading its new trainer back into the undergrowth of the forest.</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Warrior Cats">Warrior Cats [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">(Medicine Cat Apprentice)<br><br>“Nine, ten, eleven,” Fennelpaw looked at the neat row of daisy leaves spread out in front of her and narrowed her eyes. She was sure she had picked twelve. She counted again--eleven--and then rose to her feet, flicking her ears disdainfully, and turned back to the patch of daisies that grew just a short distance from camp. The area was mostly barren of plantlife, being mostly hard-packed rocky soil, but a small cluster of the hardy flowers pushed defiantly through a crack in the rock and always flowered this time of year. While the plant was mostly long, skinny stems, several clusters of the narrow, jagged leaves fanned out at the base of the plants. Fennelpaw carefully grasped the largest remaining leaf in her teeth and tugged downward, pulling it seamlessly from the stem without damaging the plant or leaving any leaf behind. She was practically an expert at this, having been apprenticed for ten moons now. If she weren’t a medicine cat apprentice, she’d have already become a warrior by now--the other apprentices she grew up with were, and she was more than a little irritated by this fact. Sighing, she recounted her leaves--twelve now-- and pushed them into a neat stack with her paw before gently picking them up in her teeth and bounding back towards camp, pushing into the well-concealed only entrance.</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Warrior Cats 2">Warrior Cats 2 [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">(Loner)<br><br>Strange, he mused, that his last thoughts would be of an Upwalker he had only known for a few seasons. His lungs felt as though they would burst from lack of air, and coughing only brought more of the filthy water rushing into his gaping mouth as he was wrenched through the water, jerked in every which way.<br><br>He had only glimpsed the wall of water rushing toward him before it had slammed into him. The impact felt like the time he was run over by an Upwalker's monster, except this time the pain shot throughout his entire body. After the initial impact, he could only gasp for air as his stiff legs worked frantically to keep his head above the water. His weak paddling was futile, he knew. This would be the end of his long life, a life full of regret, but he was not ashamed.<br><br>The Upwalker was an elderly woman he knew long ago, back when he was a kit. He remembered her soft voice, her gentle demeanor, warm food, and an even warmer fire contained in her strange Upwalker nest. The day she was taken away in the screeching monster was the day he started fending for himself and the struggle became the only constant in his life. He was glad to finally be able to stop fighting. His vision began to dim and his coughing and sputtering grew weaker. He allowed his eyes to close and his paddling slowed to a halt, then he began to drift downward, the crashing of the rushing water becoming a dull roar that faded with his vision. His aching back and freezing limbs longed for the sweet warmth of his kithood once more.<br><br>Suddenly, he was jerked from his near-slumberlike state. Muffled by the roar of the water rushing all around him, he had heard the tiniest of mews somewhere close by. Slowly, painfully, he opened his tired eyes to slits and scanned the murky water for a source. A small shape bobbed just above him and the sound came again.<br><br>“Hel-" A tiny squeak called out, drowned out by another crash.<br><br>Bruce knew it had to be a kit sharing his fate, swept away by the rushing water that had appeared from nowhere. His yellow eyes closed again and he felt as if he could not move no matter how he tried. It was no use, he thought, the kit would surely die as well. At this, a flame welled in his belly, pushing out the water that had seemingly filled his body. No, the kit could not die. Surely it deserved a fair fight at life, a second chance as he had been given long ago. And if the kit couldn't fight for itself, he would do the fighting.<br><br>He snapped his heavy eyes open and, mustering the last feeble bits of strength he had in him, Bruce kicked his legs and managed to break the surface of the water. He took in a huge, rasping breath and water spewed from his mouth. He looked around frantically and just spotted a small scrap of a kit just before its head sank back below the foamy water. Bruce's heart sank but the kit re-emerged a bit farther downstream, tiny paws flailing about and eyes wide with fear. Bruce pushed through the waves as hard as he could with his legs and craned his neck to grab the kit by the scruff, missed, then struck out with his muzzle and managed to sink his teeth into her neck just before she went under again.<br><br>Panic-stricken, Bruce now realized that he couldn't see land. Every direction was only more brown water crashing all around so that he couldn't see any other features. He knew his limited strength wouldn't allow him to search for land long. Paddling as hard as he could, he tried to work with the flow of the water so he wouldn't tire and drown the both of them. After what seemed like ages to his cramping legs, the flow of the water gradually started to weaken and finally dumped him unceremoniously onto a sandy bank. Still half-submerged in now-still water, Bruce slowly parted his aching jaws enough to let the kit settle on the beach. Her eyes were closed, sopping body limp, and water trickled out of the corner of her tiny mouth. There was no tell-tale rise and fall of the kit's chest, no sign of life at all. Bruce felt claws of fear scrabbling in his stomach and he heaved, retching up dirty water with bits of plant matter and the remains of his last meager meal.<br><br>Ignoring the sick feeling that still remained in his gut, he firmly prodded the little kit's chest. Nothing. Again, he pushed, panic fully gripping him by now. Nothing. Again and again, harder and harder, he pressed on her chest, silently begging for her to just take one breath. He wouldn't give up on this kit, he couldn't. Suddenly, a feeble voice called out in the distance. Bruce's ears pricked at the sound and he began wildly swinging his head to try and find the source. Maybe they could help!</div></div><br><br>Avatar from the Pokémon anime.</div>