Avatar of Randomness


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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Jean Bernard

Jean lay soundly on the bed, his blanket long since fallen on the floor. All of his appendages spread in any which direction. If it were not for the soft sounds of his breath, one wouldn’t think him comfortable. The wood creaking, Jean slowly turned over falling straight of the bed. Waking, Jean shot up to his feet. He looked out the window the see the long shadows of the buildings and trees slowly creep. Fearing that he overslept, he quickly gathered his belongings and went to rush out the door.

Jean quickly caught up with the others as they gathered around fresh wagons full of supplies and a table the captain was standing near. A small line of people were walking forward, leaning over what lay on the table and the moving on. As jean approached, he noticed what they were leaning over was a contract or form. Probably something to get a head count and names. Relieved that he wasn’t late, jean joined the line. When it was he was handed the quill, Jean took a cursory glance at what was written. A list of names mostly. A few he recognized, several he did not. No matter, Jean held the edge of the paper with his left hand, quickly scrawling his name with the other. Jean Bernard was written as nicely as he could manage on the rough table surface.

Jean straitened up, resting the quill next to the ink well before moving out of the way for anyone else who hadn’t signed. Several of those he met yesterday were near the equipment cart. Something that was provided for everyone to equip themselves if not already. Jean did a quick pat down of his belt to make sure he remembered to tie his shotel and pouches to his belt. Satisfied, he adjusted his backpack and joined the others waiting for the adventure to begin.

He looked into the wagon to see what was available. There was a decent number of weapons and armor, enough to offer protection, but nothing specialized. To be expected. Jean contemplated whether he should take some greaves or vambraces. When it came to armor, he really only had his torso protected, which had done him well enough on his journey thus far. He paused to see what the others were choosing if at all. The ruins didn’t sound close, so now really was the time to prepare.
Jean Bernard

“Huh, oh thanks.” said Jean. He wasn’t expecting the drink since it was offered to Sonia initially. The bartender must have been hoping to cash in on Engie’s offer and get a few more coins. Not that Jean complained about it. Engie didn’t seem bothered, and Jean did enjoy a good drink on occasion. He thanks the bartender again and took a swig from the flagon. He turned his head as Kaelara stood up, ready to turn in.

“Well met.” said Jean. “so it appears then us three are already prepared for the venture tomorrow. Get some good sleep then, I’ll see you again on the morrow.” Jean took another swig of the amber liquid before placing it on the counter with a soft thud. “Excuse me tavern keep, if I may have the venison as well, thank you.”

Jean waited for the moment as his meal would be prepared, finishing his drink in the mean time. “I can’t say for sure what you have packed away in that case of yours, Engie.” said Jean as he placed the empty flagon onto the bar top. Some left over alcohol dripped down the side, slowly racing towards the counter. “But it seems like you’re ready to go to battle against a large monster. Hah, I guess it might be too early to tell. But here is to hoping you’re not going to need everything you may or may not have stored in your luggage.”
Jean Bernard

Jean sat at the bar not in any real hurry to do anything. He did listen in as the others talked about the upcoming rescue. He was worried that such talk might make the locals nervous, like perhaps there was some kind of threat just living in their backyard, but no one reacted negatively. If anything, they were more disturbed by the sudden influx of outsiders than anything that might already be living close to town. They brought up some interesting points, such as how the noblewoman only came to town and visited the ruins with only the one knight. Something the Captain already confirmed, but it felt different coming from the barkeep. Maybe because he had witnessed the lady first hand and knew for sure just how little an entourage she had. Given her status and how remote the town was, if any ne’er-do-well was prepared enough, holding the lady hostage would not be that unthinkable a task.

Jean shook his head mildly. If something of that nature actually happened, a ransom note or at least some evidence of nature of the lady’s disappearance. But the other point of the Duke’s whereabouts, well, Jean couldn’t understand the responsibilities of a duke. He’s met fathers who would risk their own lives to save their families. He has also met others who would do what they can, but not that far. There are all sorts, some kind, others practical, and few malicious. When the conversations started dying down, Jean jolted as his name was called.

“Oh, uh. If she wouldn’t mind the company.” said Jean to Sonia as the horned woman quickly turned to leave the tavern. Jean raised his hand, and waved her off before he stood from his seat and took the one Sonia was just occupying. “Hey, I’m Jean, and I also plan on joining the rescue attempt. I hope you don’t mind that I was listening to you talk. I’ve got your back no matter what happens.” Jean’s eyes wandered to Engie whom he met before with Sonia. Kaelara asked about the silver haired girl’s luggage reminded Jean of the payload she so nonchalantly declared. So far nothing blew up, so it seemed Engie’s care with explosives was not as explosive as her language when talking about them.
Jean Bernard

“And I’m Jean. Nice to meet all of you.” said the young man from the far valley. Though he got the distinct feeling that no one there was interested in him or anything else he might to say. Robert and their newest acquaintance, Arthur, were talking shop about lumber and construction. Jean realized that he was left with no other commonality beyond being in the same town. Well, that was to be expected. No knowing whether these people would even be around for the mission coming up on the morrow.

Jean stayed for the moment listening to the men talk before he realized that Sonia and Engie had left for the barkeep. Not being a part of their conversation and not wanting to interrupt, Jean also silently left for the bar. He already had a room, so he wasn’t desperate for the keeps attention. He sat at the bar returning any greeting the keep might have said with a wave of his hand and a smile. Jean shifted the stool forward, the wood squeaking against the floor. Jean got comfortable waiting for the tavern keep to finish what looked to be three different conversations at once.
Jean Bernard

Jean turned to Sonia as the group as a whole prepared to leave the assembly hall as well. He paused for a moment giving some serious thought to Sonia’s inquiry. Regular he was not, but he was in town for only a few day already. Probably a few days longer than Sonia was given her lack of accommodations. He reached for and grabbed the door opening it for his newly acquainted female companions.

“Any specialties, no I can’t say they have any. It sort of changes by the day. I saw some deer hanging near by, so we could probably expect some venison tonight. It ought to be pretty good. There is plenty to forage around after all.” said Jean, “I’m sorry if my answer isn’t all that solid. This is actually my first time being out here, and with how far out it was even from the neighboring village, I think it’s safe to say this isn’t really much of a tourist town.”
Osric Griswall

“I didn’t want to ask at the time because we were still recuperating, but are you saying that this Thomas person we’re looking for is dead?” asked Osric. Given the way the group parted from the red stripes fort, Osric got an impression that the talks yielded no results. However, it appeared that Carmen was able to get some answers before everything went into the fire. He couldn’t say he was surprised, they already found the paladin’s colleagues burned at the stake. The chances the paladin would have escaped for long were slim.

“I think before we do anything, lets at least finish patching ourselves up. Even in the fire light, I can see that apple on your head, Carmen. To take a ball to the skull like that, you’re lucky it didn’t knock your head off. That Lynx girl seems to be healing in that, um, ice block of hers. With her in that state, we’re not really going anywhere anyway until she thaws herself out. Lets give it the night and discuss it again in the morning.”
Jean Bernard

“Wait, so you were being serious about having explosives?” said Jean is slight surprise. When Engie first mentioned blowing up the inn, Jean thought the gray haired woman was being protective of her decidedly numerous possessions. However, despite trying to pass if off as sarcasm, she all but confirmed she had bombs within her pack. Jean coughed and closed his eyes, quickly composing himself.

“W-well if she traveled this far with them. I would certainly hope she knows how to pack them away so there aren’t any accidents.” Despite trying to give Engie the benefit of the doubt, Jean’s tone of voice still betrayed some worry. He took a step back, but remained in the proximity of the two other women he was conversing. He had conflicting thoughts trying to justify that Engie probably knew what she was doing, and the fact that she had fused bombs only a couple feet away.

“I already have a room at the inn.” said Jean, somehow the change in topic quelling any uncertainty of their newest acquaintance, “So I’m going to have to pass bunking up with our ordinance expert. However, I’m sure there are others in need of lodging who are opting not to remain in the assembly hall. If finding enough beds is the issue, you could probably bunk with one of them. I think I saw a couple already leaving to the tavern already. Maybe you could catch up with them. Like I said before, Sonia and I were just about to head there ourselves.”
Jean Bernard

Jean smiled as Sonia introduced herself. He could tell from her tone she wasn’t happy. About what, Jean couldn’t say. Perhaps about the accommodations, or maybe even his interjection. However, she still answered him and resigned to going to the inn for the night. Jean opened his mouth to say something as Sonia turned expecting him to follow. He did a little two step getting his feet in order as he walked up to Sonia.

“Right, of course.” he said as the two were about to leave the hall. Before they got far, another of the potential prospects appeared. She was on the shorter side, young looking, yet with silver gray hair. She had a strong accent Jean couldn’t place, but he was able to mostly understand her. This woman, introducing herself as Engie, carried with her a rather large case on wheels. Jean couldn’t help but think even with the wheels, that case would be cumbersome to tote around. Still, she sounded like she needed the inn, as well. She also appeared friendly.

“We were just about to leave for the tavern and inn.” said Jean, “You should probably get a room to drop off that bag before you do much shopping. I know the captain has a decent number of supplies for those opting to volunteer, so there’s that to consider. Though, given the size of your luggage, it’s hard to imagine you would need anything more. Still. You’re more than welcome to tag along with us.”

Jean turned to Sonia. Though Jean just met her, Sonia didn’t seem like the kind to play around. With Engie now, the number of people who seemed more than sure to be for the rescue attempt seemed to be growing before the day was even over. Hopefully that would bode well for the captain’s efforts. “Anyway, Engie, I’m jean. Nice to meet you. And this is Sonia. We’ve only just met. I look forward to working with you. Both of you. So, to the inn we go?”
Osric Griswall

Carmen is a bit of an enigmatic character. In many ways so was everyone else. He would never have expected to be in dire conflict at one moment, and the next it comes to a halt. Perhaps at the time everyone had an epiphany on what exactly was happening. Gathering the wounded, and the red stripes doing the same, the two groups split off, but Osric felt this would not be the last time they’d encounter them. The question remained on how much of a negative reputation this would bring to the party during their search within the Tetragor borders.

The ride to the next camp site, or at least the next clearing to rest was done in relative silence. Osric was curious to know what Carmen had discovered, but his listless gaze deep in thought put him off from asking directly. Instead, he decided to see what he could do if anything for Lynx. That was until she encased herself in ice. Osric’s first thought was to pick at the ice. How could she possibly breathe in there, but as her wounds slowly closed, it became clear. Despite know a little magic himself, he was still amazed by what it could do in the hands of someone much more skilled at it than he.

Osric sat by the fire to keep warm from the cold night and the ice blocked merchant. He looked up as Carmen began to speak. They were close to their next destination, but there was a problem. Just as Osric suspected, the red stripes were probably occupying the town of Katwiz. Osric sat on the ground, his elbows resting on his knee. He watched the shadow of the fire flicker among the rocks that surrounded it.

“The red stripes are probably still licking their wounds. I doubt they would be able to get anyone into town any sooner than we to arrive. We’d have to be vigilant, but I doubt they would have the time or energy to prepare any sort of bounty or even properly inform any authorities that could challenge us effectively. If we go and leave swiftly, gather what we need as quickly as possible, I don’t think we’d face much trouble.” said Osric.
Jean Bernard

“Oh, I can answer that.” spoke up jean as the horned individual asked for a recommendation, “I’ve only been here a short while myself, but I’ve found that this place is a bit out of the way. If I’m being honest here, in a splendid way. The nature surrounding the place makes it feel like a hidden gem. Naturally, I don’t think they get much foot traffic here from anyone not a local, so I found only the one inn. It doubles as the tavern, it’s just up the road. I can lead you there if you’re ready to head out soon.”

Jean bounced a little as he adjusted his pack on his shoulders. He didn’t have any further questions, replying to the captain’s answer with a quick “I see, thanks”. For the moment between the captain’s fielding questions and recommending the only inn in town, Jean contemplated the nature of the ruins. It wasn’t the first “cursed” ruins he encountered. It would be his second. The first was a burned church on a hill that some kids were using as a clubhouse. Some elder wandered by and swore it was haunted by those burned in the fire. Jean got the feeling these ruins would not be so childish in nature.

Jean awaited for the horned woman’s greeting with a grin, oblivious to any undertones her request might have carried, “My name is Jean, from Gale’s Stead. What’s yours?”
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