Jean Bernard
Jean lay soundly on the bed, his blanket long since fallen on the floor. All of his appendages spread in any which direction. If it were not for the soft sounds of his breath, one wouldn’t think him comfortable. The wood creaking, Jean slowly turned over falling straight of the bed. Waking, Jean shot up to his feet. He looked out the window the see the long shadows of the buildings and trees slowly creep. Fearing that he overslept, he quickly gathered his belongings and went to rush out the door.
Jean quickly caught up with the others as they gathered around fresh wagons full of supplies and a table the captain was standing near. A small line of people were walking forward, leaning over what lay on the table and the moving on. As jean approached, he noticed what they were leaning over was a contract or form. Probably something to get a head count and names. Relieved that he wasn’t late, jean joined the line. When it was he was handed the quill, Jean took a cursory glance at what was written. A list of names mostly. A few he recognized, several he did not. No matter, Jean held the edge of the paper with his left hand, quickly scrawling his name with the other. Jean Bernard was written as nicely as he could manage on the rough table surface.
Jean straitened up, resting the quill next to the ink well before moving out of the way for anyone else who hadn’t signed. Several of those he met yesterday were near the equipment cart. Something that was provided for everyone to equip themselves if not already. Jean did a quick pat down of his belt to make sure he remembered to tie his shotel and pouches to his belt. Satisfied, he adjusted his backpack and joined the others waiting for the adventure to begin.
He looked into the wagon to see what was available. There was a decent number of weapons and armor, enough to offer protection, but nothing specialized. To be expected. Jean contemplated whether he should take some greaves or vambraces. When it came to armor, he really only had his torso protected, which had done him well enough on his journey thus far. He paused to see what the others were choosing if at all. The ruins didn’t sound close, so now really was the time to prepare.