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"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


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Captain Greystone studied the peculiar adventuress standing before him, her curious heritage giving him a moment's pause.

"For what purpose did Lady Myralys go to those ruins?"

"It's uncertain to me the specific purpose for the Lady's unseemly excursion... Based on what is known of her, one could assume she was on one of her explorative fancies." Greystone uttered the words as if all of this could have been avoided had the Lady simply stayed within the bounds of her station.

"How many aides did she bring with her? Was she alone?"

"We believe it was just her and one other - her bodyguard Cristoff, now also missing."

Based on what the Captain knew about Cristoff, he was a decent fighter, though reckless at times.

"They traveled together frequently, and it's unlikely he had any direct involement in her disappearance, though it can't be ruled out."

"You spoke about Dangerous entities, are these entities already common knowledge prior to Miss Myralys' departure"?

"No, not according to the locals here anyway. But none of them claim to have ever ventured that far off into the wilderness -- and for good reason. But some people, like the Lady Miralys..." Greystone sighed, straining to keep his tone reverential.

"Anyhow, these are the circumstances. Any other questions?" He gave a firm look to his questioner, and the rest of the room.

@Mas Bagus
@wierdw @JP @A5G @Mas Bagus @Soldat Elf @Randomness @Einherjar 906

And we're off! This first part will be a bit of a prelude before the real adventure begins. Feel free to get your characters settled in, interact with the Captain / locals / each other, explore the village, and do whatever you like on what's likely to be your characters' last evening in this world. When everyone is ready, we can do a time-skip to the next morning where the expedition will commence.

If you have any OOC questions, let us the GMs know, either here or on Discord!

In the remote outskirts of the kingdom, amidst verdant highlands, nestled the village of Windermere. It was a serene little place surrounded by the natural world, hardly ever noticed on a map. That is, until recently, when the daughter of the Duke had gone missing while traveling in the area, and an urgent search was issued for the young noblewoman. Lady Miralys had a known penchant for venturing to curious places, and would vanish for days at a time, but it had now been weeks. The Duke had sent one of his most tenacious men - Captain Elric Greystone - to retrieve his daughter, yet the task proved more complicated still, and the investigation had begun to turn cold. It seemed that only the hushed mists of the valley knew what had really happened…

The gentle glow of the late afternoon sun shone down onto tiled village rooftops. In the assembly hall, Captain Greystone studied each of the adventurers in attendance, his gaze severe and discerning. The bitter truth was that the Captain had been unable to find and secure the lost Lady Miralys by himself, and had now been forcibly assigned the help of outsiders. Grimly, he swallowed, not letting his scowl show through his uncompromising visage.

"Seekers and adventurers, I welcome you." The words were formal, as forced as the semblance of cordiality on his face.

The Captain was a tall, sturdily built soldier with a mane of dark hair and a darker glint in his gaze. An ornate claymore was sheathed at his belt, its hilt faded from use.

"As you know, you have been summoned here to assist with the search and rescue of the noble Lady Miralys. It should be without question that she is to be retrieved unharmed above all else." Greystone scanned over the adventurers with an edge of distrust. Who was to say they wouldn't be more hindrance than help?...

"...I'm sure each of you is well-experienced and competent in your own right, but mind that during this mission, I will be the one in charge, and you will report to me." There was no hint of concession in his smoky voice.

After a moment, the Captain continued. "So, allow me to brief you all on the situation at hand."

Turning towards an open window, the Captain peered into the distant greenery with absent-minded vexation, his arms sternly fixed behind his back.

"The disappearance of Lady Miralys Blackthorn is unlikely to be connected with the village of Windermere itself." He announced to the group with factual disinterest. The Captain had carried out the necessary measures to confirm that – which the villagers certainly didn't make easy.

"No, I suspect there is a greater mystery at play here…"

Annoyance seethed as Greystone let loose a raspy grunt and turned back to his audience.

"Scouts have discovered a personal item that belonged to the Lady, found near a set of decaying ruins several leagues from here. There have been reports of dangerous entities lurking the area, and a few of my own men have gone missing." The fact that he needed assistance was more than the Captain liked to admit.

"We will leave for the ruins on the morrow. Assemble here, at dawn, if you wish to be part of the expedition."

The announcement was firm and concise. The Captain didn't feel he needed to elaborate, nor did he wish to. He only hoped these so-called heroes wouldn't be more trouble than they were worth.

"...If you have any questions or concerns, express them now. Otherwise, let us reconvene at the ready hour." Captain Greystone concluded with limited patience.

Meanwhile, outside the assembly hall, the locals were starting to get into their evening routines. The scent of ale wafted through the air, and the soft pluck of lute strings emanated from a tavern. The villagers themselves went about their business, shooting the occasional wary look towards the congregation of outsiders. Although the tiny settlement had meager offerings in terms of trade, local establishments were eager for the new influx of potential customers. Among the establishments were a tavern-inn, a general store, a wood mill, an herbalist shop, and a shepherd's market.

As the sun slowly dipped down into the cloudy horizon chiseled by distant mountains, a cool breeze blew through the village square. A pair of children kicked around a ball, their soft laughter coloring the air. A small herd of goats sniffed at the onset of evening, guided by their shepherd, while small lanterns began to light up across the hamlet's cozy residences. The assortment of visitors arriving from across the land made for a livelier atmosphere than was typical for the village, but all in all Windermere remained tranquil and peaceful. For the adventurers forging ahead, it was the stillness before a coming tempest.

@Einherjar 906 Ooh interesting! Yes I think that will work nicely~ Approved! Welcome ^^
@Einherjar 906 Hey there! Yep, we do have a spot! Feel free to submit a character sheet if you'd like ^^

Also we have a Discord server if you'd like to join (optional, though most OOC chatter is currently taking place there): discord.gg/8dGyySVW
@Randomness Approved! Welcome :D
@Mas Bagus Approved! Feel free to... no, bad spiral, no more!

The discord for the game is still being set up; we're mostly using a temporary one at the moment (which may or may not end up being what we stick with), which you can join here: [OLD SERVER LINK REMOVED xP]
@A5G Approved! Feel free to add him to the characters list~ (okay last time I'm repeating the same thing I swear)
@Soldat Elf Approved! Feel free to add her to the characters list~ (oh gosh I'm repeating this line a lot xP)
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Ah, I see, after some consideration I think will sit this one out for the time being. Good luck, and I hope everyone participating will have a great time.

Alrighty, no worries, and thanks!
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