Captain Greystone studied the peculiar adventuress standing before him, her curious heritage giving him a moment's pause.
"It's uncertain to me the specific purpose for the Lady's unseemly excursion... Based on what is known of her, one could assume she was on one of her explorative fancies." Greystone uttered the words as if all of this could have been avoided had the Lady simply stayed within the bounds of her station.
"We believe it was just her and one other - her bodyguard Cristoff, now also missing."
Based on what the Captain knew about Cristoff, he was a decent fighter, though reckless at times.
"They traveled together frequently, and it's unlikely he had any direct involement in her disappearance, though it can't be ruled out."
"No, not according to the locals here anyway. But none of them claim to have ever ventured that far off into the wilderness -- and for good reason. But some people, like the Lady Miralys..." Greystone sighed, straining to keep his tone reverential.
"Anyhow, these are the circumstances. Any other questions?" He gave a firm look to his questioner, and the rest of the room.
@Mas Bagus
"For what purpose did Lady Myralys go to those ruins?"
"It's uncertain to me the specific purpose for the Lady's unseemly excursion... Based on what is known of her, one could assume she was on one of her explorative fancies." Greystone uttered the words as if all of this could have been avoided had the Lady simply stayed within the bounds of her station.
"How many aides did she bring with her? Was she alone?"
"We believe it was just her and one other - her bodyguard Cristoff, now also missing."
Based on what the Captain knew about Cristoff, he was a decent fighter, though reckless at times.
"They traveled together frequently, and it's unlikely he had any direct involement in her disappearance, though it can't be ruled out."
"You spoke about Dangerous entities, are these entities already common knowledge prior to Miss Myralys' departure"?
"No, not according to the locals here anyway. But none of them claim to have ever ventured that far off into the wilderness -- and for good reason. But some people, like the Lady Miralys..." Greystone sighed, straining to keep his tone reverential.
"Anyhow, these are the circumstances. Any other questions?" He gave a firm look to his questioner, and the rest of the room.
@Mas Bagus