T h r ou g h a W a y wa r d G l im m e r

Attention! All Adventurers, Heroes, Seekers of Fortune,
By decree of His Grace, Duke Roland of Blackthorn, an urgent mission calls upon those willing to take up a noble and perilous cause.
The Duke’s cherished daughter, Lady Miralys, has gone missing under mysterious circumstances.
She was last seen traveling through the village of Windermere, a remote settlement on the outskirts of the province.
There has been no word of her in weeks.
The realm thus commissions all valiant heroes and adventurers to travel to Windermere to investigate Lady Miralys’s last known whereabouts.
It is of utmost importance that she is returned safely to Blackthorn Keep, or, in the direst case, definitive evidence of her fate is provided.
Those who succeed in this mission will be rewarded generously:
A sum of up to 1000 gold crowns to be rewarded upon Lady Miralys’s safe return;
An additional bounty of up to 250 gold crowns for information or actions leading to the apprehension of those responsible, if applicable;
Titles and lands may be granted to those who prove to be instrumental to the cause.
All interested parties should make haste to Windermere and report to Captain Elric Greystone, the officer in charge of the investigation.
Captain Greystone will provide further details, coordinate efforts, and assist in uncovering the truth behind Lady Miralys’s disappearance.
Let all who possess courage and skill answer these summons! Lady Miralys must be found!
The Duke’s cherished daughter, Lady Miralys, has gone missing under mysterious circumstances.
She was last seen traveling through the village of Windermere, a remote settlement on the outskirts of the province.
There has been no word of her in weeks.
The realm thus commissions all valiant heroes and adventurers to travel to Windermere to investigate Lady Miralys’s last known whereabouts.
It is of utmost importance that she is returned safely to Blackthorn Keep, or, in the direst case, definitive evidence of her fate is provided.
Those who succeed in this mission will be rewarded generously:
A sum of up to 1000 gold crowns to be rewarded upon Lady Miralys’s safe return;
An additional bounty of up to 250 gold crowns for information or actions leading to the apprehension of those responsible, if applicable;
Titles and lands may be granted to those who prove to be instrumental to the cause.
All interested parties should make haste to Windermere and report to Captain Elric Greystone, the officer in charge of the investigation.
Captain Greystone will provide further details, coordinate efforts, and assist in uncovering the truth behind Lady Miralys’s disappearance.
Let all who possess courage and skill answer these summons! Lady Miralys must be found!
By the authority of His Grace, Duke Roland of Blackthorn

Hello, and welcome to Through a Wayward Glimmer, an experimental roleplaying game set in medieval fantasy. In this game, the investigation of a noble's disappearance will be taking player characters to realms far beyond the familiar. Engulfed into a haphazard portal, the group will find themselves inevitably transported to a strange, otherworldly place, where things start to get rather wild and twisty. Who knows what sort of wonders and horrors lie in the fantastical unknown?... But before we get to all of that, the story will begin in a quiet little village on the outskirts of civilization, where the adventurers have gathered, unaware of their bizarre journies ahead.
Participation in the game will be fairly free-form and relaxed. There will be a Discord server set up for OOC game discussion and chat, which will be optional to join. On the management side of things, the game will be co-GM'ed by myself and Frank; please refer to us for official operation of the game.
If you’re interested, feel free to sign up by posting a character sheet. You may use the simple template below, or use your own custom sheet.
(Note: The setting we are starting in leans towards low fantasy, so a somewhat reserved approach regarding character creation would be preferred. For example, your character knowing some magic would be fine, but being a giant land-squid with time traveling capabilities, not as much. If you're unsure, just ask~ ^^)
Additional Info / Bio:
Looking for around 6-7 players! Currently ~4 spots have been reserved, which leaves ~3 spots open. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!