<Snipped quote by Frank>
"I'll take one large one, and two small ones." he managed, feeling the blood go out of his face, and his hands tingle as they started shaking.
The coins practically rattled on the counter as he laid them out: 1 silver coin, 60 copper ones.
"Forgive me, but this is quickly becoming a very expensive outing for me. Your associate up the way bled me for 41 copper already."
@wierdw in response to RobertThe bald man swept a gloved hand over the coins and promptly pocketed them. "Say I think I've seen yer before lad. Over inna next town? Lotsa strangers in town recently. The royal lady or some such came and gone disappear inna woods they say. And the soldiers, heh."
He paused to spit over to his side and carefully hauled the selected traps to the front of the store.
"We tryna get what coin we can if there's rich folks in strange garments come walkin' in, I'm sure yer can understand bein' a working man as mineself. But I
gyar-and-tee these be solid traps. I stake my livin' on em."
Seeing panic spread on Robert's face (exorbitantly priced traps being the likely cause) made the bald man feel a twinge of guilt, even as he attempted not to show it.
"Say ya need anything else I'd be happy ta give ya one, I think yer coin should just about cover it."
He waved over to a selection of other tools, some proudly stacked on shelves on display, others dispersed on the floor in disorganized fashion.
"Mind, I think it fool's business to be going inna woods right now... but I won't meddle if yer really want to be going there."