Time: Morning,
Location: Town Square
Cassandra basked in Elara's warmth. Friendliness was no longer something she was accustomed to, not from anyone aside from her cat, but it was nice to once again find herself in it's rays. Her reaction to Cass's profession, genuine excitement, pulled up from the depths memories of her littlest brother. His blue eyes had been large and his mouth agape in wonder as she had presented her first creation, a painfully simple hooded, wool-lined moleskin cloak. Cass pushed the memory away, determined to stay in the present, memories from before were no longer a safe respite.
Neither was this warmth meant to stay. A guard. A chill wrapped its hands around Cass's spine as she spoke. Useful information, certainly,
"Thank you." she managed levelly.
Then, an exuberant man. Horribly annoying. She took notice of a moderate magical energy which resided within him. Would he notice if it were drained away? She stepped aside,
"Nobler blood? Where?" she mused privately.
mao"There you are!" she scooped up the orange tabby whose yellow-green eyes, to a knowing individual, displayed the contentment of one who had gotten away with his crime. Turning to Elara,
"Thank you for your hospitality, Elara." Cassandra said with a small nod, offering her genuine appreciation, before making her best attempt to fade into the crowd.
Tensions had risen since whoever he was had arrived. He appeared to be abrasive to everyone, even and especially to the guards. When was this big announcement supposed to happen? Cassandra buried her nose into Butternut's neck fur, breathing in the calming scent of him.
Then, news of the death of her queen settled onto her shoulders like wet wool. Cass had never seen the queen, she had always been like a fairytale queen to her, but the princess's words made her more real in Cass's mind. She looked up to where the princess was speaking, and saw a woman around her age--wounded. Cassandra knew what it was like to know you would never again see someone you dearly love--she sympathized with Princess Amaya, as she clung to her own blissful ignorance which she had been blessed with and assumed her family still alive, continuing as they always had. She took a steadying breath, and curled herself around Butternut, her tether, as a biting wind began to pick up.
"We should find somewhere to stay." she murmured to her cat, scanning the crowd and the horizon.
@Qia, Lady Coswain
@PrinceAlexus, Ayel
@Dezuel, Amaya
@The Muse