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I'm loving everyone's characters! Sadly, I couldn't find any one picture that satisfied me
@DecentlyOkay, I'm sorry, but I think it's time I close this off from any new entries.
@djarin, the crew grows stronger!

This has gotten much more attention than I expected. People are just waiting for the chance to take to the seas and pirate, I guess.
@illirica, certainly! (I'm a newbie here, too :) )
Welcome Aboard! @MrSkimobile, @Hyyde322, @Red Wizard, @AliceInRedHeels- I will be messaging y'all in a teensy bit.
I'm thinking we'd play a crew of pirates in a fantasy world, DnD inspired. Would take place on the seas, could take us to sea caves, coastal towns, and underwater cities. Hoping for shenanigans with an interesting cast of characters. Wanna be a wereshark? Do it! Some oceanic version of a druid? Do it! Just a pirate? Dope! The goal: treasure!

I role-play in 3rd person. I'm m not looking for any commitment to long, in-depth posts, but expect a paragraph, so there's enough to build on. If I get any interest, we can put together our crew, hammer out some general world building, plot, and set sail!

Edit: Feel free to begin working on character sheets! No particular format, just make sure it is clear, easily read, and contains the following:
Character's Name
Race: i.e. human
Physical Description
General Backstory
Special Abilities: i.e. amphibious
Personal Goal: i.e. revenge against the rat-bastard that murdered their father

Their personal goal is noted for the sake of knowing what you want to get out of the role play, whether it's known to other characters or not is up to you.
Hello, it's me, Lu. It's been a while since I roleplayed, but I've recently felt the renewed desire to craft stories with others, so here I am. I'm interested in casual roleplay, pretty much any genre, but especially fantasy or some fluffy, strictly pg-13, romance.

See y'all 'round!
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