*downcast eyes like I'm barely acknowledging an insect*
3 mos ago
“Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
3 mos ago
Peak Irony
Hullo, and welcome to my bio! If you’re here, hopefully it’s because you’re interested in my ”Gacha Asian Techno-Arcane Urban Female Utopia“ Interest check. I think the name is quite catchy, and I hope someone finds the the check itself interesting too.
Name: Red Age: 30+ Pronouns: Anything but late for dinner
I don’t write much on the forum, and what little I have written isn’t the most interesting. So here are some writing samples if that’s your cup of joe.
Chadwick looked like a total badass walking into that forest. A massive sword was resting on his skull shaped pauldrons, and its mirror sheen reflected his grin back at him. A long black cape fluttered in the wind as his boots pounded the earth. Someone as cool as Chadwick didn’t need armor, but he wore a breastplate to prevent his abs from getting scratched.
There was just nothing that the man had yet to do. Acquire a legendary weapon? None stronger than Eiskufe. Save the world with said weapon? He drove it through the chest of Albtraum the lich. Amass wealth? He had plundered more dungeons than you’ve had take out dinners. Rescue a princess? Pffft, seemed like he did that once a week. Acquire a harem? His entire adventuring party was made out of woman who adored him. Nothing Chadwick wanted was out of his reach. No price was too high and no battle was too tough. Men wanted to be him, and woman wanted to be with him.
Save for one.
Chadwick had sampled many fine woman from Birkenfeld and beyond, but Weil-Shina had always eluded his fingers. She was the first woman in this world he had laid eyes on. When he woke up in that forest in his bleached hoodie and decade old sneakers, it had been her that put him on this path. She given him a place to stay, food to eat, and money to spend during his lowest moment in this world. He had been with many woman, but Weil-Shina was never far from his mind. Recently she had told him to return to the “Forest of Lost Souls.” This was a special place for the both of them, as it was where they had first met.
With a swing of his sword, the hero cut through at least five trees, and froze a dozen others solid in ice. Some might say it was excessive, but he was a hero. Tree or villain, nothing stood between him and his goal.
“(Noisy as always. Far more so since we first met.)”
He would never forget that voice. Chadwick bolted past the ruined trees to see Weil-Shina. He had seen her many times before, but never like this. Often Shina would wear modest clothing, but today the succubus was showing off. Her modest dress was gone, and she was sporting little more than ribbons and jewelry. None of the gemstones she wore could compete with her eyes. Even the sheen of her hair seemed to overpower the glimmer of her jewelry. Her body was truly the most beautiful thing a mortal could behold. The ultimate prize.
“Weil-Shina.” As taken back as Chadwick was, he couldn’t show it on the outside. Though his eyes likely betrayed him when they wandered over her curves. “(I like the new look. What’s the occasion?)”
She gave him a sideways glance. “(When we first met, you signed a contract. You remember, right? )” A smile crept across her face.
“(Of course! )” He laughed. “(You said that the day would come where I would have to pay you back. Are you here to collect then?)”
She nodded. “(You have everything you need to pay me back. You have the required number of slaves, farmore than two-thousand crowns saved up, and a magical weapon. You don’t mind parting with those, do you?)”
“(Not at all, Chadwick doesn’t go back on his word.)” He stabbed his sword into the ground before producing a pouch of coins. “(But I expect you to keep your word too, Weil-Shina. At the time of payment, you agreed to lay with me.)” After tossing the coin pouch beside his sword, he adjusted his belt. “(That should be about three-thousand crowns, but you can keep the change.)” He reached behind his back and tossed a scroll holder on top of the coins. “(There’s the deeds to all my slaves. Anything else?)”
Shina’s smile grew a little wider. “(Just one thing.)” She turned around and started to untie the ribbons around her neck. “(You can leave your clothes too. You won’t be needing them where we’re going.)” Her entire back was exposed to him as she walked deeper into the forest.
His pauldrons fell to the earth with a soft thud, followed by his breast plate. He walked after Weil-Shina and continued to undress. His cape was cast into a frozen tree, and his shirt was pulled over his head and cast into a bush.
Weil-Shina was practically naked now. Her entire outfit was dangling from a belt she was wearing. She glanced over her shoulder at Chadwick and, with a giggle, sprint forward.
Chadwick had never lost a race, and he wasn’t about to lose one now. Not that Weil-Shina was hard to follow. Even in the darker areas of the forest, her bright pink hair gave away her position. Her ribbons also got tangled up in branches, which acted as a way marker. Chadwick was being driven on by pure desire now. Without slowing up, he pushed his pants below his knees and hopped, letting them clear his ankles before going into a full sprint. His rings of resistance slid off of his fingers with a tug, and he cast them onto a tree. His amulet of piety was whipped into a pond. The hero didn’t remember removing his boots, but assumed he must have kicked them off at some point. Wearing little else, Chadwick ran forth.
This game of hide and seek wasn’t going to last much longer. Weil-Shina ran into a clearing and turned around to see how far ahead of Chadwick she was. Not very far, it turned out, as Chadwick was able to wrap his arms around her in a tight bear hug.
Weil-Shina’s laughing quieted down as the two of them stood there. The mood in the air was changing. “(Is it time to fulfil my end of the contract?)”
“(I’d like to think it’s not just a contractual obligation at this point.)” he slid one of his hands up her body. Over her breasts, her collar bones, and her neck. Once he got to her chin, he stroked the corner of her jaw. He had held many woman in his hands, but knowing he was touching Weil-Shina made it better somehow. She felt softer, and she had a fragrance that was too sweet for any flower he knew. “(You’re not like those slaves. You’re something special to me.)”
“(I suppose there’s a lot of truth in that for me too.)” She turned out of Chadwick’s grasp. Her small wings brushed against his face before she took his hand in her own. “(When I first met you, you were so downtrodden. Innocent, yet abused by the place you had come from.)”
“(To put it mildly.)” Honestly, any world where a minimum wage worker can’t spend their entire salary on videogames isn’t a world he wanted to be a part of.
“(And I could sense that. I’m a succubus after all. I can see the wickedness in the hearts of every soul I meet.)” She straightened out one of Chadwick’s fingers and used it to trace around her mouth. He was already anticipating the feel of her tongue on his finger.
“(So you knew I would be a great hero some day, huh?)”
“(I knew that such a soul wasn’t worth consuming. One so hungry needed to be fed before it was worth eating, like fattening a cow for slaughter.)” Chadwick’s finger came to rest on Weil-Shina’s lower lip. “(Something I’ve learned is there are two types of men in this world: good men, and powerful men.)”
Chadwick had been naked for a few minutes, but it was now that he felt vulnerable. His mind was flooded with all of the awful things he had done as a hero. All of those slaves he mistreated, that dark market opp he did to get a royal servant on his payroll, the king he murdered just so that he could run off with his daughter. He tried to pull his hand away from Weil-Shina, but her grip was like iron. “(We had a deal!)”
“(And I will keep to it.)” Her eyes had clouded over and were totally black, and her teeth were more akin to something a shark should have. “(You will lay with me… in my stomach.)”
Olivia Lund turned in front of a changing room mirror, looking at a vest she was going to buy. She left it open, allowing the gargoyle printed on her shirt to see the world. Her denim shorts ended at her thighs, where her black stockings continued into her belted boots. She shifted her lips side to side. When Olivia tipped her head, her baseball cap nearly dumped the sunglasses she had stuck over her brim. Her wavy amber hair fell in front of her face, She brushed her hair back before examining herself again. With one last look, she removed the vest and put on her maroon hoodie.
Malls in general hadn’t been doing very well since the age of online stores. Why search for that quirky shirt at hot topic when you can find it online, cheaper, and without leaving your home? Gone were the days of discovering things in malls. A new age of finding exactly what you wanted on amazon had begun. This left a lot of malls to close up permanently. However, this one managed to survive by becoming a place where locals could rent out shops. While that might not make the trip to a mall worth it for everyone, half of the mall had been bought up and converted into a super shopping center. So if you wanted to buy groceries, you could also shop at some local stores while you were at it. If you were like Olivia, you would cash that check grandma sent for your twenty-first birthday. If you were really like Olivia, you would race to the nearest thrift store to fill out your wardrobe with deals.
After stepping out of the change room, she made her way to the counter and placed the vest on the counter, along side an empty bag.
“Just the swimsuit for today!” She said a little louder than she had to. “Should I hang the vest up?”
The aging cashier smiled. “That won’t be necessary ma’am.” He picked up the bag and examined it. It was clearly for a swimsuit, but it looked to be empty. “Where did the swimsuit go?”
“Oh! Um, I’m wearing it out!” Olivia tugged on the collar of her shirt, revealing a sliver of the red floral bikini she was purchasing. A wry smile crossed her lips as she showed it off. It was the same shade of red as a butterfly hairpin she happened to own. If she wore them together, it would look stunning.
“Oh.” The man coughed into his hand. “Eager to go to the beach, huh? We have lots of those in Florida.”
“Ah, I don’t know.” she let go of her shirt, and her bikini was hidden from view again. “I love to swim, but I don’t think I could wear this to a beach.”
“Afraid the boys will chase you all over the place?”
Olivia giggled. “Possibly. It would be just as bad if they ignored me though.” She wasn’t ashamed of her body, but she knew she was a bit on the petite side. In her mind, it would probably be best to continue wearing one piece bathing suits that didn’t draw as much attention to her. But this bikini made her feel really powerful. Bikinis were more functional than underwear. If she did need to swim in an emergency, or it started to rain, she’d be prepared. Moreover, it didn’t look bad on her.
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” The old man punched a few buttons on their register.“Thirty-three, seventy-five.”
Olivia reached into a leather fanny pack and paid the man. “There!”
“Here’s your change, ma’am. Have a nice day!”
“Take care!”
Olivia had reached a strange spot in her life. The sun was setting on her youth and rising with adulthood. She had just moved out of her parents house and across state to make use of her years spent at trade school. Elevator mechanics weren’t the type of workers who could set up shop just anywhere. They needed to go where the elevators were, which in this case was a little town called Ohlman. Despite being called “elevator” mechanics, they also worked on vehicle lifts, escalators, and other similar forms of transportation. With all the elderly in Florida, it was a great certification to have. Olivia was interested in helping the elderly and disabled, so it was a natural fit for her. She didn’t have to spend decades learning medicine or tending to the elderly directly, and she had always enjoyed that type of technology when she was younger. The best part was that nobody was doing it. She started her first day of work next week.
For the first time in her life, Olivia was free. She could go where she wanted to go, work where she wanted to work, sleep where she wanted to sleep, and with who if she so chose. The world was her oyster. If there was a downside to this freedom, it was that her freedoms came with a great deal of responsibility. Anyone who could normally help her was out of state. And even if she had their phone numbers, there was only so much they could do. But this new vulnerability didn’t bother Olivia. She was careful, she knew she would be okay.
And speaking of freedom, she had to decide where to go next. Olivia had a little over sixty dollars of disposable income left, and there were still a lot more stores to look at. Perhaps another thrift shop? Maybe she could get a custom tee at the sublimation place? Maybe she’d cave and buy a head set to plug into her phone? A night stand for her apartment? Maybe she could have an early dinner since there was hardly anyone around? She had enough money to go to any one of those. But one thing was for sure: all of those shops were located on the lower-most floor of the mall.
I don’t like to leave a lot on a public bio. If you have any questions or just want to talk, hit me up!
Did you hear about that new gacha game? You know, the one with all the stylish *anime characters that reside in a technological yet also magical city? And the girls are really cute? If that sounds like almost every gacha game you’ve ever played, that’s kind of the idea behind this interest check. I’m looking for something that catches the same vibes as those games without turning into a money sink.
*Anime face claims (or any face claims) are not mandatory for this RP, but most gacha tends to be anime.
Other than that I’m open to just about everything. We can go on a lighthearted adventure, a dark and moody tale, edgy teenage drama, a silly romcom, you name it. I’m open to just about anything. Otherwise, I consider myself pretty easygoing and open to a lot of things. Here’s a list of details about me to make it easy.
Fast posting speed, long posts, quality writing. Pick any two.
PM Preferred.
Active in OOC, primarily discussing possible avenues for the RP, delays, etc. We can chat if you'd like, but it's not mandatory.
MxF or FxF for romance. I can play multiple characters and enjoy GMing, but am fine splitting responsibilities.
Prefers partners who take an active role in shaping the RP.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk plot. I just have one CYOA style plot at the moment, so just scroll down, select your favorite options, and send me a PM with what you think would be fun to play. You can also roll a D6 for each option and let me know what fate decided for us. The guild's dice system is great for this.
Our story takes place in…
#1) A sprawling city based on modern life #2) A dystopian wasteland that was once a great nation #3) A beautiful fantasy world inspired by European folklore or eastern mythology #4) A futuristic megacity #5) Space! #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
Where magic is…
#1) Actually just advanced technology few understand #2) Tied to critters that people carry around like familiars #3) An innate power you need to be born with #4) Only usable by those with special training #5) usable by those who have artifacts made in a past age #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
And technology is powered primarily by...
#1) Electricity #2) Fuel #3) Steam #4) Aether or other mysterious substance #5) …Nothing? #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
But oh no! We have a central conflict, and it’s being caused by...
#1) Planer entities from another reality! #2) Robots from space! #3) Proffit crazy corporations! #4) Rebels! #5) An angry god/emperor! #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
Who’s primary goal is to...
#1) Take over! #2) Steal an artifact! #3) Harvest the population like a crop! #4) Eradicate life! #5) Take a leader out of power! #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
Standing in their way is our hero, who happens to be...
#1) Someone who got Isakai’d #2) A soldier or commander #3) An adventurer/wanderer #4) A local who’s done sitting on their hands #5) An, amnesiac #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
But our hero won’t battle this threat alone. They’ll have the help of…
#1) A militia or military group #2) Other adventurer/wanderers #3) Androids or cyborgs built to specs #4) Revenge thirsty survivors #5) The friends they make along the way #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
Which consists primarily or entirely of…
#1) Beautiful woman (Please don’t turn this into a harem plot) #2) Kemono #3) Folk creatures #4) Angsty teenagers (PLEASE don’t turn this into a harem plot!) #5) Everyday people who decided to do something extraordinary #6) Wildcard! Think something up!
Maybe the CYOA isn't your style? My preference is to create original worlds, but I don't mind taking inspiration from existing media.
Played It:
Below is a list of Gacha games that I have personally played. I may have stopped playing them years ago, but you can at least expect me to be familiar with some of the mechanics and plot.
Arknights Azur Lane Goddess of Victory: Nikke Granblue Fantasy Honkai Impact 3rd Wuthering Waves
Looks Interesting:
The rest of this list is of Gacha I am less familiar with. It's here because I like the art, am familiar with what the Gacha was based off of, or played it a VERY long time ago. You may need to explain the setting a bit if we end up using these.
Brave Frontier Blue Archive Fate/Grand Order Fire Emblem Heroes Genshin Impact Girls' Frontline Honkai: Star Rail Limbus Company Magia Record Puzzle & Dragons RAID SHADOW LEGENDS! Sword Art Online: Integral Factor Touhou LostWord Tower of Saviors Vindictus Zenless Zone Zero
PM me if you are interested. I’d rather not bump this thread unless I’m looking.
I know I’m one to talk. A preacher with a black leather jacket is sure to get anyone’s attention. Moreso if he has a revolver and a stiletto tipped cross in either hand. But it’s all functional. The jacket has kevlar woven into it to slow down bullets. I look somewhat normal from behind, and all that black makes me hard to spot at night. But these guys? It feels like they have a new costume for every day of the week. I swear Black Jack adds more spikes to his outfit every day, and Siren is trying to see how much she can show off before someone dresses her properly. But today is a special day and everyone is trying to dress to the nines. Yet I just see ones and twos wherever I look.
The Sect Squad was having a meeting. All of Lord Darknesses disciples were gathered together in the shadow temple’s auditorium. It was formerly a giant cave, but you wouldn’t know that looking at it today. It had been transformed into something more resembling an underground church, if not a castle. Onyx stonework hid anything that resembled a cave, while tapestries and paintings of the squad’s most notable villains lined the main hall. The auditorium, where everyone was now, was at maximum capacity. Hundreds of villains surrounded Lord Darkness as he droned on about the importance of things to come. Everyone was aware of the upcoming test, and everyone wanted the honor of representing Sect Squad.
Except for Preacher.
He continued to write in his journal, even as his lord and teacher addressed everyone.
They say that assassins tend to do well at such events, but is that a surprise? An assassin is someone who can make the most out of having initiative. It’s all rather silly, isn’t it? I would think anyone could make use of such a powerful advantage, but I was wrong. Turns out, people with my level of skill in such matters are hard to come by. But that’s why I keep my head down. I never liked to stick out very much. If someone notices me before I notice them, well, I know what I would do in their position. Villains aren’t known for being honorable. Perhaps that’s why this all seems like a waste of time to me. I don’t care to flaunt my skills and threaten my competition. Let them think I’m meek.
Eyes were upon him. Preacher slammed his journal before shooting Black Jack a glare, only to realize he was looking at the man’s back. That really was too many spikes.
Preacher (21/Academy of Whispers/Shadow Acolyte/Assassin) is a cold, calculating individual that hardly shows much emotion. As far as he's concerned, the title of greatest assassin in the academy belongs to him already, and anyone who claims otherwise is being arrogant. That said, Preacher has never been one to bask in the limelight. That is where his targets belong, while he can plot their downfall from afar. Though his faction has decided that he is to test his abilities against an eager up and coming, and while it's not clear how he feels about the challenge, it's not one he's going to back down from.
Hullo, and welcome to my bio! If you’re here, hopefully it’s because you’re interested in my [url=]”Gacha Asian Techno-Arcane Urban Female Utopia“[/url] Interest check. I think the name is quite catchy, and I hope someone finds the the check itself interesting too.
Name: Red
Age: 30+
Pronouns: Anything but late for dinner
I don’t write much on the forum, and what little I have written isn’t the most interesting. So here are some writing samples if that’s your cup of joe.
[hider=A silly anime adventure post]
Chadwick looked like a total badass walking into that forest. A massive sword was resting on his skull shaped pauldrons, and its mirror sheen reflected his grin back at him. A long black cape fluttered in the wind as his boots pounded the earth. Someone as cool as Chadwick didn’t need armor, but he wore a breastplate to prevent his abs from getting scratched.
There was just nothing that the man had yet to do. Acquire a legendary weapon? None stronger than Eiskufe. Save the world with said weapon? He drove it through the chest of Albtraum the lich. Amass wealth? He had plundered more dungeons than you’ve had take out dinners. Rescue a princess? Pffft, seemed like he did that once a week. Acquire a harem? His entire adventuring party was made out of woman who adored him. Nothing Chadwick wanted was out of his reach. No price was too high and no battle was too tough. Men wanted to be him, and woman wanted to be with him.
Save for one.
Chadwick had sampled many fine woman from Birkenfeld and beyond, but Weil-Shina had always eluded his fingers. She was the first woman in this world he had laid eyes on. When he woke up in that forest in his bleached hoodie and decade old sneakers, it had been her that put him on this path. She given him a place to stay, food to eat, and money to spend during his lowest moment in this world. He had been with many woman, but Weil-Shina was never far from his mind. Recently she had told him to return to the “Forest of Lost Souls.” This was a special place for the both of them, as it was where they had first met.
With a swing of his sword, the hero cut through at least five trees, and froze a dozen others solid in ice. Some might say it was excessive, but he was a hero. Tree or villain, nothing stood between him and his goal.
“(Noisy as always. Far more so since we first met.)”
He would never forget that voice. Chadwick bolted past the ruined trees to see Weil-Shina. He had seen her many times before, but never like this. Often Shina would wear modest clothing, but today the [url=]succubus[/url] was showing off. Her modest dress was gone, and she was sporting little more than ribbons and jewelry. None of the gemstones she wore could compete with her eyes. Even the sheen of her hair seemed to overpower the glimmer of her jewelry. Her body was truly the most beautiful thing a mortal could behold. The ultimate prize.
“Weil-Shina.” As taken back as Chadwick was, he couldn’t show it on the outside. Though his eyes likely betrayed him when they wandered over her curves. “(I like the new look. What’s the occasion?)”
She gave him a sideways glance. “(When we first met, you signed a contract. You remember, right? )” A smile crept across her face.
“(Of course! )” He laughed. “(You said that the day would come where I would have to pay you back. Are you here to collect then?)”
She nodded. “(You have everything you need to pay me back. You have the required number of slaves, [i]far[/i]more than two-thousand crowns saved up, and a magical weapon. You don’t mind parting with those, do you?)”
“(Not at all, Chadwick doesn’t go back on his word.)” He stabbed his sword into the ground before producing a pouch of coins. “(But I expect you to keep your word too, Weil-Shina. At the time of payment, you agreed to lay with me.)” After tossing the coin pouch beside his sword, he adjusted his belt. “(That should be about three-thousand crowns, but you can keep the change.)” He reached behind his back and tossed a scroll holder on top of the coins. “(There’s the deeds to all my slaves. Anything else?)”
Shina’s smile grew a little wider. “(Just one thing.)” She turned around and started to untie the ribbons around her neck. “(You can leave your clothes too. You won’t be needing them where we’re going.)” Her entire back was exposed to him as she walked deeper into the forest.
His pauldrons fell to the earth with a soft thud, followed by his breast plate. He walked after Weil-Shina and continued to undress. His cape was cast into a frozen tree, and his shirt was pulled over his head and cast into a bush.
Weil-Shina was practically naked now. Her entire outfit was dangling from a belt she was wearing. She glanced over her shoulder at Chadwick and, with a giggle, sprint forward.
Chadwick had never lost a race, and he wasn’t about to lose one now. Not that Weil-Shina was hard to follow. Even in the darker areas of the forest, her bright pink hair gave away her position. Her ribbons also got tangled up in branches, which acted as a way marker. Chadwick was being driven on by pure desire now. Without slowing up, he pushed his pants below his knees and hopped, letting them clear his ankles before going into a full sprint. His rings of resistance slid off of his fingers with a tug, and he cast them onto a tree. His amulet of piety was whipped into a pond. The hero didn’t remember removing his boots, but assumed he must have kicked them off at some point. Wearing little else, Chadwick ran forth.
This game of hide and seek wasn’t going to last much longer. Weil-Shina ran into a clearing and turned around to see how far ahead of Chadwick she was. Not very far, it turned out, as Chadwick was able to wrap his arms around her in a tight bear hug.
Weil-Shina’s laughing quieted down as the two of them stood there. The mood in the air was changing. “(Is it time to fulfil my end of the contract?)”
“(I’d like to think it’s not just a contractual obligation at this point.)” he slid one of his hands up her body. Over her breasts, her collar bones, and her neck. Once he got to her chin, he stroked the corner of her jaw. He had held many woman in his hands, but knowing he was touching Weil-Shina made it better somehow. She felt softer, and she had a fragrance that was too sweet for any flower he knew. “(You’re not like those slaves. You’re something special to me.)”
“(I suppose there’s a lot of truth in that for me too.)” She turned out of Chadwick’s grasp. Her small wings brushed against his face before she took his hand in her own. “(When I first met you, you were so downtrodden. Innocent, yet abused by the place you had come from.)”
“(To put it mildly.)” Honestly, any world where a minimum wage worker can’t spend their entire salary on videogames isn’t a world he wanted to be a part of.
“(And I could sense that. I’m a succubus after all. I can see the wickedness in the hearts of every soul I meet.)” She straightened out one of Chadwick’s fingers and used it to trace around her mouth. He was already anticipating the feel of her tongue on his finger.
“(So you knew I would be a great hero some day, huh?)”
“(I knew that such a soul wasn’t worth consuming. One so hungry needed to be fed before it was worth eating, like fattening a cow for slaughter.)” Chadwick’s finger came to rest on Weil-Shina’s lower lip. “(Something I’ve learned is there are two types of men in this world: good men, and powerful men.)”
Chadwick had been naked for a few minutes, but it was now that he felt vulnerable. His mind was flooded with all of the awful things he had done as a hero. All of those slaves he mistreated, that dark market opp he did to get a royal servant on his payroll, the king he murdered just so that he could run off with his daughter. He tried to pull his hand away from Weil-Shina, but her grip was like iron. “(We had a deal!)”
“(And I will keep to it.)” Her eyes had clouded over and were totally black, and her teeth were more akin to something a shark should have. “(You will lay with me… in my stomach.)”
[hider=A more serious modern era post]
Olivia Lund turned in front of a changing room mirror, looking at a vest she was going to buy. She left it open, allowing the gargoyle printed on her shirt to see the world. Her denim shorts ended at her thighs, where her black stockings continued into her belted boots. She shifted her lips side to side. When Olivia tipped her head, her baseball cap nearly dumped the sunglasses she had stuck over her brim. Her wavy amber hair fell in front of her face, She brushed her hair back before examining herself again. With one last look, she removed the vest and put on her maroon hoodie.
Malls in general hadn’t been doing very well since the age of online stores. Why search for that quirky shirt at hot topic when you can find it online, cheaper, and without leaving your home? Gone were the days of discovering things in malls. A new age of finding exactly what you wanted on amazon had begun. This left a lot of malls to close up permanently. However, this one managed to survive by becoming a place where locals could rent out shops. While that might not make the trip to a mall worth it for everyone, half of the mall had been bought up and converted into a super shopping center. So if you wanted to buy groceries, you could also shop at some local stores while you were at it. If you were like Olivia, you would cash that check grandma sent for your twenty-first birthday. If you were really like Olivia, you would race to the nearest thrift store to fill out your wardrobe with deals.
After stepping out of the change room, she made her way to the counter and placed the vest on the counter, along side an empty bag.
“Just the swimsuit for today!” She said a little louder than she had to. “Should I hang the vest up?”
The aging cashier smiled. “That won’t be necessary ma’am.” He picked up the bag and examined it. It was clearly for a swimsuit, but it looked to be empty. “Where did the swimsuit go?”
“Oh! Um, I’m wearing it out!” Olivia tugged on the collar of her shirt, revealing a sliver of the red floral bikini she was purchasing. A wry smile crossed her lips as she showed it off. It was the same shade of red as a butterfly hairpin she happened to own. If she wore them together, it would look stunning.
“Oh.” The man coughed into his hand. “Eager to go to the beach, huh? We have lots of those in Florida.”
“Ah, I don’t know.” she let go of her shirt, and her bikini was hidden from view again. “I love to swim, but I don’t think I could wear this to a beach.”
“Afraid the boys will chase you all over the place?”
Olivia giggled. “Possibly. It would be just as bad if they ignored me though.” She wasn’t ashamed of her body, but she knew she was a bit on the petite side. In her mind, it would probably be best to continue wearing one piece bathing suits that didn’t draw as much attention to her. But this bikini made her feel really powerful. Bikinis were more functional than underwear. If she did need to swim in an emergency, or it started to rain, she’d be prepared. Moreover, it didn’t look bad on her.
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” The old man punched a few buttons on their register.“Thirty-three, seventy-five.”
Olivia reached into a leather fanny pack and paid the man. “There!”
“Here’s your change, ma’am. Have a nice day!”
“Take care!”
Olivia had reached a strange spot in her life. The sun was setting on her youth and rising with adulthood. She had just moved out of her parents house and across state to make use of her years spent at trade school. Elevator mechanics weren’t the type of workers who could set up shop just anywhere. They needed to go where the elevators were, which in this case was a little town called Ohlman. Despite being called “elevator” mechanics, they also worked on vehicle lifts, escalators, and other similar forms of transportation. With all the elderly in Florida, it was a great certification to have. Olivia was interested in helping the elderly and disabled, so it was a natural fit for her. She didn’t have to spend decades learning medicine or tending to the elderly directly, and she had always enjoyed that type of technology when she was younger. The best part was that nobody was doing it. She started her first day of work next week.
For the first time in her life, Olivia was free. She could go where she wanted to go, work where she wanted to work, sleep where she wanted to sleep, and with who if she so chose. The world was her oyster. If there was a downside to this freedom, it was that her freedoms came with a great deal of responsibility. Anyone who could normally help her was out of state. And even if she had their phone numbers, there was only so much they could do. But this new vulnerability didn’t bother Olivia. She was careful, she knew she would be okay.
And speaking of freedom, she had to decide where to go next. Olivia had a little over sixty dollars of disposable income left, and there were still a lot more stores to look at. Perhaps another thrift shop? Maybe she could get a custom tee at the sublimation place? Maybe she’d cave and buy a head set to plug into her phone? A night stand for her apartment? Maybe she could have an early dinner since there was hardly anyone around? She had enough money to go to any one of those. But one thing was for sure: all of those shops were located on the lower-most floor of the mall.
I don’t like to leave a lot on a public bio. If you have any questions or just want to talk, hit me up!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hullo, and welcome to my bio! If you’re here, hopefully it’s because you’re interested in my <a href="">”Gacha Asian Techno-Arcane Urban Female Utopia“</a> Interest check. I think the name is quite catchy, and I hope someone finds the the check itself interesting too.<br><br>	Name: Red<br>	Age: 30+<br>	Pronouns: Anything but late for dinner<br><br>I don’t write much on the forum, and what little I have written isn’t the most interesting. So here are some writing samples if that’s your cup of joe. <br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="A silly anime adventure post">A silly anime adventure post [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><span class="bb-i">Earlier…</span><br><br>Chadwick looked like a total badass walking into that forest. A massive sword was resting on his skull shaped pauldrons, and its mirror sheen reflected his grin back at him. A long black cape fluttered in the wind as his boots pounded the earth. Someone as cool as Chadwick didn’t need armor, but he wore a breastplate to prevent his abs from getting scratched.<br><br>There was just nothing that the man had yet to do. Acquire a legendary weapon? None stronger than Eiskufe. Save the world with said weapon? He drove it through the chest of Albtraum the lich. Amass wealth? He had plundered more dungeons than you’ve had take out dinners. Rescue a princess? Pffft, seemed like he did that once a week. Acquire a harem? His entire adventuring party was made out of woman who adored him. Nothing Chadwick wanted was out of his reach. No price was too high and no battle was too tough. Men wanted to be him, and woman wanted to be with him.<br><br>Save for one.<br><br>Chadwick had sampled many fine woman from Birkenfeld and beyond, but Weil-Shina had always eluded his fingers. She was the first woman in this world he had laid eyes on. When he woke up in that forest in his bleached hoodie and decade old sneakers, it had been her that put him on this path. She given him a place to stay, food to eat, and money to spend during his lowest moment in this world. He had been with many woman, but Weil-Shina was never far from his mind. Recently she had told him to return to the “Forest of Lost Souls.” This was a special place for the both of them, as it was where they had first met.<br><br>With a swing of his sword, the hero cut through at least five trees, and froze a dozen others solid in ice. Some might say it was excessive, but he was a hero. Tree or villain, nothing stood between him and his goal.<br><br>“(Noisy as always. Far more so since we first met.)”<br><br>He would never forget that voice. Chadwick bolted past the ruined trees to see Weil-Shina. He had seen her many times before, but never like this. Often Shina would wear modest clothing, but today the <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">succubus</a> was showing off. Her modest dress was gone, and she was sporting little more than ribbons and jewelry. None of the gemstones she wore could compete with her eyes. Even the sheen of her hair seemed to overpower the glimmer of her jewelry. Her body was truly the most beautiful thing a mortal could behold. The ultimate prize.<br><br>“Weil-Shina.” As taken back as Chadwick was, he couldn’t show it on the outside. Though his eyes likely betrayed him when they wandered over her curves. “(I like the new look. What’s the occasion?)”<br><br>She gave him a sideways glance. “(When we first met, you signed a contract. You remember, right? )” A smile crept across her face.<br><br>“(Of course! )” He laughed. “(You said that the day would come where I would have to pay you back. Are you here to collect then?)”<br><br>She nodded. “(You have everything you need to pay me back. You have the required number of slaves, <span class="bb-i">far</span>more than two-thousand crowns saved up, and a magical weapon. You don’t mind parting with those, do you?)”<br><br>“(Not at all, Chadwick doesn’t go back on his word.)” He stabbed his sword into the ground before producing a pouch of coins. “(But I expect you to keep your word too, Weil-Shina. At the time of payment, you agreed to lay with me.)” After tossing the coin pouch beside his sword, he adjusted his belt. “(That should be about three-thousand crowns, but you can keep the change.)” He reached behind his back and tossed a scroll holder on top of the coins. “(There’s the deeds to all my slaves. Anything else?)”<br><br>Shina’s smile grew a little wider. “(Just one thing.)” She turned around and started to untie the ribbons around her neck. “(You can leave your clothes too. You won’t be needing them where we’re going.)” Her entire back was exposed to him as she walked deeper into the forest.<br><br>“Heh!”<br><br>His pauldrons fell to the earth with a soft thud, followed by his breast plate. He walked after Weil-Shina and continued to undress. His cape was cast into a frozen tree, and his shirt was pulled over his head and cast into a bush.<br><br>Weil-Shina was practically naked now. Her entire outfit was dangling from a belt she was wearing. She glanced over her shoulder at Chadwick and, with a giggle, sprint forward.<br><br>Chadwick had never lost a race, and he wasn’t about to lose one now. Not that Weil-Shina was hard to follow. Even in the darker areas of the forest, her bright pink hair gave away her position. Her ribbons also got tangled up in branches, which acted as a way marker. Chadwick was being driven on by pure desire now. Without slowing up, he pushed his pants below his knees and hopped, letting them clear his ankles before going into a full sprint. His rings of resistance slid off of his fingers with a tug, and he cast them onto a tree. His amulet of piety was whipped into a pond. The hero didn’t remember removing his boots, but assumed he must have kicked them off at some point. Wearing little else, Chadwick ran forth.<br><br>This game of hide and seek wasn’t going to last much longer. Weil-Shina ran into a clearing and turned around to see how far ahead of Chadwick she was. Not very far, it turned out, as Chadwick was able to wrap his arms around her in a tight bear hug.<br><br>“(Gotcha!)”<br><br>Weil-Shina’s laughing quieted down as the two of them stood there. The mood in the air was changing. “(Is it time to fulfil my end of the contract?)”<br><br>“(I’d like to think it’s not just a contractual obligation at this point.)” he slid one of his hands up her body. Over her breasts, her collar bones, and her neck. Once he got to her chin, he stroked the corner of her jaw. He had held many woman in his hands, but knowing he was touching Weil-Shina made it better somehow. She felt softer, and she had a fragrance that was too sweet for any flower he knew. “(You’re not like those slaves. You’re something special to me.)”<br><br>“(I suppose there’s a lot of truth in that for me too.)” She turned out of Chadwick’s grasp. Her small wings brushed against his face before she took his hand in her own. “(When I first met you, you were so downtrodden. Innocent, yet abused by the place you had come from.)”<br><br>“(To put it mildly.)” Honestly, any world where a minimum wage worker can’t spend their entire salary on videogames isn’t a world he wanted to be a part of.<br><br>“(And I could sense that. I’m a succubus after all. I can see the wickedness in the hearts of every soul I meet.)” She straightened out one of Chadwick’s fingers and used it to trace around her mouth. He was already anticipating the feel of her tongue on his finger.<br><br>“(So you knew I would be a great hero some day, huh?)”<br><br>“(I knew that such a soul wasn’t worth consuming. One so hungry needed to be fed before it was worth eating, like fattening a cow for slaughter.)” Chadwick’s finger came to rest on Weil-Shina’s lower lip. “(Something I’ve learned is there are two types of men in this world: good men, and powerful men.)”<br><br>Chadwick had been naked for a few minutes, but it was now that he felt vulnerable. His mind was flooded with all of the awful things he had done as a hero. All of those slaves he mistreated, that dark market opp he did to get a royal servant on his payroll, the king he murdered just so that he could run off with his daughter. He tried to pull his hand away from Weil-Shina, but her grip was like iron. “(We had a deal!)”<br><br>“(And I will keep to it.)” Her eyes had clouded over and were totally black, and her teeth were more akin to something a shark should have. “(You will lay with me… in my stomach.)”</div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="A more serious modern era post">A more serious modern era post [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Olivia Lund turned in front of a changing room mirror, looking at a vest she was going to buy. She left it open, allowing the gargoyle printed on her shirt to see the world. Her denim shorts ended at her thighs, where her black stockings continued into her belted boots. She shifted her lips side to side. When Olivia tipped her head, her baseball cap nearly dumped the sunglasses she had stuck over her brim. Her wavy amber hair fell in front of her face, She brushed her hair back before examining herself again. With one last look, she removed the vest and put on her maroon hoodie.<br><br>Malls in general hadn’t been doing very well since the age of online stores. Why search for that quirky shirt at hot topic when you can find it online, cheaper, and without leaving your home? Gone were the days of discovering things in malls. A new age of finding exactly what you wanted on amazon had begun. This left a lot of malls to close up permanently. However, this one managed to survive by becoming a place where locals could rent out shops. While that might not make the trip to a mall worth it for everyone, half of the mall had been bought up and converted into a super shopping center. So if you wanted to buy groceries, you could also shop at some local stores while you were at it. If you were like Olivia, you would cash that check grandma sent for your twenty-first birthday. If you were really like Olivia, you would race to the nearest thrift store to fill out your wardrobe with deals.<br><br>After stepping out of the change room, she made her way to the counter and placed the vest on the counter, along side an empty bag.<br><br>“Just the swimsuit for today!” She said a little louder than she had to. “Should I hang the vest up?”<br><br>The aging cashier smiled. “That won’t be necessary ma’am.” He picked up the bag and examined it. It was clearly for a swimsuit, but it looked to be empty. “Where did the swimsuit go?”<br><br>“Oh! Um, I’m wearing it out!” Olivia tugged on the collar of her shirt, revealing a sliver of the red floral bikini she was purchasing. A wry smile crossed her lips as she showed it off. It was the same shade of red as a butterfly hairpin she happened to own. If she wore them together, it would look stunning.<br><br>“Oh.” The man coughed into his hand. “Eager to go to the beach, huh? We have lots of those in Florida.”<br><br>“Ah, I don’t know.” she let go of her shirt, and her bikini was hidden from view again. “I love to swim, but I don’t think I could wear this to a beach.”<br><br>“Afraid the boys will chase you all over the place?”<br><br>Olivia giggled. “Possibly. It would be just as bad if they ignored me though.” She wasn’t ashamed of her body, but she knew she was a bit on the petite side. In her mind, it would probably be best to continue wearing one piece bathing suits that didn’t draw as much attention to her. But this bikini made her feel really powerful. Bikinis were more functional than underwear. If she did need to swim in an emergency, or it started to rain, she’d be prepared. Moreover, it didn’t look bad on her.<br><br>“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” The old man punched a few buttons on their register.“Thirty-three, seventy-five.”<br><br>Olivia reached into a leather fanny pack and paid the man. “There!”<br><br>“Here’s your change, ma’am. Have a nice day!”<br><br>“Take care!”<br><br>Olivia had reached a strange spot in her life. The sun was setting on her youth and rising with adulthood. She had just moved out of her parents house and across state to make use of her years spent at trade school. Elevator mechanics weren’t the type of workers who could set up shop just anywhere. They needed to go where the elevators were, which in this case was a little town called Ohlman. Despite being called “elevator” mechanics, they also worked on vehicle lifts, escalators, and other similar forms of transportation. With all the elderly in Florida, it was a great certification to have. Olivia was interested in helping the elderly and disabled, so it was a natural fit for her. She didn’t have to spend decades learning medicine or tending to the elderly directly, and she had always enjoyed that type of technology when she was younger. The best part was that nobody was doing it. She started her first day of work next week.<br><br>For the first time in her life, Olivia was free. She could go where she wanted to go, work where she wanted to work, sleep where she wanted to sleep, and with who if she so chose. The world was her oyster. If there was a downside to this freedom, it was that her freedoms came with a great deal of responsibility. Anyone who could normally help her was out of state. And even if she had their phone numbers, there was only so much they could do. But this new vulnerability didn’t bother Olivia. She was careful, she knew she would be okay.<br><br>And speaking of freedom, she had to decide where to go next. Olivia had a little over sixty dollars of disposable income left, and there were still a lot more stores to look at. Perhaps another thrift shop? Maybe she could get a custom tee at the sublimation place? Maybe she’d cave and buy a head set to plug into her phone? A night stand for her apartment? Maybe she could have an early dinner since there was hardly anyone around? She had enough money to go to any one of those. But one thing was for sure: all of those shops were located on the lower-most floor of the mall.</div></div><br><br>I don’t like to leave a lot on a public bio. If you have any questions or just want to talk, hit me up!</div>