Avatar of Stern Algorithm


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6 yrs ago
Current Lots of guests coming and going in the next few weeks. I apologize in advance if I lag in posting
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6 yrs ago
Traveling for a week, and may not keep up with RPs. Thank you for your patience.
6 yrs ago
Been busy and scatterbrained this week, and behind on RPs. Please excuse my delay in posting.
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7 yrs ago
Got back from a two-week vacation overseas. Give me some time to catch up with RPs. Thank you for your patience!
7 yrs ago
I'll be going on a two week vacation starting tomorrow and don't know how often I'll have Internet access. Thank you for your patience. I'll try to be more regular when I get back.


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I'd love to hear more about this. Have you read any of the Chronicles of the Avatar books? I haven't myself but I was doing a bit of research on the concept of soundbending after you mentioned it and it's something that apparently avatar Yangchen might have developed well before Aang's era even. My only concern basically is how the whole apostate thing comes about, admittedly I don't know enough on air nomad lore myself.

I have not read the Chronicles of the Avatar, so I wasn't aware that soundbending already existed.

His apostasy happens due to several factors. One of his parents is a toymaker, inculcating him with a desire for 'efficiency of craft'. He didn't realize he had airbending capability until he was a little older than most, so he joined the air temple as a young adult instead of as a child, so he did not absorb their teachings from a young age. he was seen as something of a slacker, since he ignores 'discipline' and 'training'; if he already 'knew' how to do something, he didn't see the point of repeating the same motion a hundred times. He discovers soundbending and starts experimenting with it, which initially amazes his teachers. But when it came time for him to find an air bison partner, he emits a sound that is alien to the air bisons, scaring them. Since air bisons are sacred, this worries the air temples and they ask him to temporarily cease his activities. At this point, he has become obsessed with his new technique and continues developing it in secret. To test soundbending's efficacy as a martial art, he purchases animal carcasses and skeletons and practices on them, while also making 'soundbending tools', ie. musical instruments (using techniques he learned from his toymaker parent) which require animal parts. This violates the airbender's tenet of valuing the sanctity of life; even though he did not kill these creatures himself, he is financially contributing to their slaughter and using their parts in unceremonious and somewhat grotesque ways. This gets found out, which only cements the idea that soundbending is an evil practice in the eyes of his teachers. In an act of defiance, he shaves his head, declaring himself a master of his own school, has a confrontation at the air temple with his former masters, and steals one of the temple bells before apostating, becoming a deviant and hermit.
I might be interested in this. I had come up with a character that I was never able to use, so I'd like to use him here, but I want to make sure it's not too out of line.

He is an air nomad who started experimenting with sound as an aspect of air, developing his own form of bending. But he took it too far and was labeled an apostate for violating certain tenets.
Added some new ideas but still craving Arknights.
Still craving Arknights.
Bump, but overall, really craving Arknights.
Looking to start some 1x1 RPs.

A few notes about my schedule and RP style:

1. I live in America, Pacific Time, though I think my time zone should be irrelevant because I prefer that we post whenever we have time (asynchronous) instead of needing to schedule sessions where we're both online at the same time for rapid back-and-forth posting (synchronous). Doing that gives me anxiety.
2. I live with family, and I spend time with them during weekends and holidays and will probably have difficulty posting on such days. I realize this is counter to most people's schedules, but that's just how it is.
3. I work most weekdays in the day, and I spend time with my family at night. I work Monday-Friday, but I have a lot of downtime at work and this is usually when I'll make my posts.
4. I sometimes take a while to decide what I'm going to post so expect 1-3 posts per week.
5. I hope this doesn't come off as selfish, but I like when people wait for me or give me a gentle nudge. I will try to communicate as much as possible.
6. I have no standards for post length. One-liners are annoying but are sometimes a necessary evil just to push things forward or to have conversations instead of monologues. I much prefer good grammar and spelling. Honestly, if it's not a confusing jumble where I don't know who is doing what, then I should be able to tolerate it. I typically consider myself casual-to-advanced.
7. I prefer RPing either through a 1x1 forum or PMs if we agree to 'saucy' themes. I can do Discord if absolutely necessary.

If that hasn't scared you away, here is a list of themes I prefer:

Superheroes, superpowers, supervillains
Super sentai
Giant monster genre

As for fandoms:


When it comes to adult themes, I really have no aversions to anything (I may object to certain types of adult content in real life, but I can separate real life from RP), I'm an adult and can handle my gore and sex and other R-rated stuff. I've been to some of the weirder places on the internet, but if you want to RP a kink, ask first and I'll think about it. If you approach me with this, then please be 21+. I am over 21 myself. I'm not 'looking' for adult themes, but I won't say no.

As for what I'm looking to RP, approach me and we can worldbuild together. if you have an idea fitting any of the above themes or fandoms, feel free to pitch it to me. I have some ideas myself which I can vaguely describe:

1. Arknights - I've been playing this tower defense gacha game pretty much since launch and am deeply immersed in the world and lore. If you want to do an Arknights RP with me, I would love that. I am fine with using canon characters, though I would prefer we come up with our OCs and maybe have canon characters as side characters/cameos. I have a few ideas for this, whether it be an Indiana Jones style treasure hunt in Sargon, or a band of misfits all betrayed by people tied to the same global organization organize a continent-hopping adventure carrying out their respective vendettas. Pitch me your idea if you have one.

2. I love superhero media, but existing canon universes can be cumbersome to engage with. I would like to do a superhero RP set in our own universe. Being something of an armchair socialist/anarchist myself, I want to explore what it means to be part of a premier superhero team that cooperates closely with the government (specifically the US government), finding fault with the organization, and possibly becoming 'villains' to topple it. Of course, I'm also open to other suggestions/ideas.

3. I like the Ultraman series, but it is not a cohesive canon franchise. Ultraman, giant robot media, Super Sentai, and some Godzilla media can be very campy. But fighting monsters should be serious business. I want to do an RP that takes a somewhat somber look at the process of fighting monsters, specifically exploring how far humanity is willing to go to survive, what parts of themselves are they willing to sacrifice, and what comes of taking too deep a look at the origins of these otherworldly creatures. I think a setup where multiple branches/approaches are formed to find different ways to combat giant monsters would allow most of the above genres to be combined into a single RP, which also creates tension between the different branches competing for recognition.

4. Overall, I do just love mecha anime, having been a huge Gundam fan, though I've sort of fallen out of love with the franchise as I've matured. Still, I wouldn't mind a mecha RP. It's actually where my username comes from; I had an idea for an RP where talented pilots get evaluated via an 'algorithm' designed by a scientist whose last name is 'Stern'. The algorithm determines the best type of mecha that the pilot should use, and creates a 'blueprint' to make the pilot their ideal, personalized mech. I don't have a strong idea for this though.

5. I see a lot of fantasy, but not a lot of sci-fi that isn't post-apocalyptic or Star Wars fandoms. And by sci-fi, I don't mean a sci-fi aesthetic, I mean actual exploration of certain 'what-ifs'. I mean, I'm a sucker for space exploration and the idea of different alien races meeting and unlocking the secrets of the universe together, but I don't have a concrete idea for this. I'd be happy to hear you out if you do.

6. Don't have a firm idea for this, but if fantasy is your craving, I'd like to create a world together that is inspired by a Middle East aesthetic.

7. Similarly, I also wouldn't mind going for something with an medieval China aesthetic, focusing either on martial arts/wuxia or taking ancient Eastern alchemy and dialing it up to 11.

Well, that should be it. I hope I get some hits. You can reply below or PM me.
<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

Oops, sorry about that.

No worries! While I could maybe try to come up with a different character, I think the cast is already big enough and diverse enough. And there's a bit of inertia for me when it comes to changing gears with respect to character creation.
OK, so I'm going to rescind my application. Since I was picking based on what hadn't been picked yet, my character and mech ended up a lot like Digmata's.
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