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Cristina Bernardino

While the Prince was busy doing his best impression of ray of sunshine, Cristina took the quiet yet crucial charge of being his bodyguard. Honestly she thought that he will have a royal guardian or something but apparently he wants to be seen not hiding behind his title. A little admirable of him, if also a bit concerning. Well it didn't help that with her skills was suited at getting the prince out of the danger in an instant and that she's now on paper, the prince's second in command.

It didn't mean that she is just wasting her time standing behind him, as tempting the idea is.

Instead she is making sure everything is in order, discouraging violence with a glare. After all no one would like to mess with an Arms Master that can suddenly appear and probably cut your hands. She won't but the implication of such an action is useful.

"I guess the Imperial Court can be a pit of snakes." she spoke as she appears behind the prince for like the tenth time since they started handing food. She is about to leave to stop the brewing fight when she heard the broadcast, turning what was meant to be terrible occasion into something a little more hopeful.

She let out a small smile before the prince, today is not a bad day.

"It seems we're splitting up." Minerva spoke as she listened to everyone else craft the plan. She is many things but a leader is not among those things.

"I'll be taking the center path." she declared to the group as Rose and Elora pick the shorter path.

She then turned to the twins as she deploy her own drones to assist them in their formation.

"Let's try to reach the location in ten." she declared to the twins as she began charging into the middle path. Her weapon taking the form of naginata as she makes the charge.

Now this is more to her element.
<Snipped quote by Digmata>

Nice. Writing something up now, want to clarify--how are you approaching the text convo w/ "Agent Bullshit"? Is Ashley just pretending to be Ray, or doing something else?

She's using her Eidolon so yes to all possibilities without the consequences
@XxFellsingxX's exactly right, I took a weekend trip with my partner lol

@Digmata I've spent some time thinking about it--especially since you've already used your Downtime move investigating the phone, I'm inclined to let that roll ride here instead of having you draw again. That also eliminates the awkwardness of you doing an Uptime move during downtime. You won't find out any deep dark secrets, but you'll get the general thrust of your questions answered. Sounds good?

Sounds good
Akira Yuzuki

Akira looked at the line-up Leopardon Agency before him, between the two 'redeemed' ladies together with his senior. The tales of Spiderman's misadventures during his time in Eirei was a common topic, even a year after he was graduated. Thanks to that and his tendency to keep an eye of things allows him to be substantially knowledgeable about the countless allegations filed against him by a certain American reporter.

Fortunately none are falsehoods, there are exaggerations, misrepresentations or just flat out pointless but one is something...

"Yeah, he's not beating THAT allegation." he spoke referring to the one time that fanatic of a hater warned the girls that Spiderman is planning to make a harem. There is a chance that he is wrong but he will call it a safe bet.

Although could someone please dump Banashi, his ears bled hearing him open his mouth.

Akira watched with concern as he saw Mei slowly get more desperate as time goes on. It started relatively well until Mei slowly began making mistakes that he never thought he'll make. Between the two of them, he knew that Mei has the sharper wit.


He closed his eyes a she tried to utilize her own variant of Prominence Burn.

Something is wrong with Mei and it's not the injuries she acquired that night.

It's an exercise in futility but wonders if there something he could do better when she invited him to a dinner.

Akira is proud to say that he could keep up with what is happening. Probably not at the same detail at Matsuru and his Judgement Gaze but he could easily see who getting the initiative on this fast pace duel between a thief and a knight.

Now that he thought about it, this type of test is his greatest weakness. His quirk has low range, a super move of his lowers his speed and against a teleporter his barrier is just a suggestion.

He hopes that this will not be his test.

Akira let out a subconscious glare to Kyoya both for his protectiveness to Mei and to remind him of their plan

Akira never met Banashi but he already he could already feel loathing inside him. A hero is someone who fought against the odds, someone who should reassure people of their safety.

Someone who at the very least should try saving people.

How did he stay at Eiryuu with his attitude, he may never know.
Sorry for inactivity

Ashley let out a smiled as she opened the phone's screen and decided to mentally file away the 'Jersey Devil' for later investigations. She's on the right track of pulling this technically never happened information heist. Now the only left to do if nothing, at least for the Ashley in real world.

The Ashley's that could be, their game is on. There are technically infinite actions for her to take but she decided to focus on a main three.

The first one will make through search of the phonbe and try to access it's files, there must be something in here.

The second one will poke with 'Agent Bullshit' and try to get a gauge of his or her character, maybe she lull him in a false sense of superiority and make him divulge more than necessary.

The third one is the most dangerous though, a call to this T. Severa by herself. A superior to the agent she managed to intimidate. To be honest if not at the power of her Eidolon she won't attempt pull this stunt but with bootstrap paradox.

Well it's time to see if this man is worthy of any form of respect.

Akira Yuzuki

Akira let out a sigh as he listened to his sensei's lecture, well he tried his best today time to focus on the upcoming test. The Furious Five which is a collective term for strongest second years and arguably the strongest in entire academy according to Erza.

And when the battle happy knight tells you that it is the case, you would tend to believe her of course.

He perked up at the possibility of upgrading his hero license, if he managed to get that the only person in Streetlight Agency that would havea higher license is mom. Showing it off will be a flex to everyone, if he managed to get it of course.

But that's that and this is this, he shouldn't count chickens before they hatch.

Kyoya finally getting the top spot he covets might be a useful surprise to throw at him, he better start making his plans now.

He looked at list of matches flashed before them, so he's fighting the power couple with Kyoya-san and Haru-san. It was quite an uphill battle considering what they have but there is one thing both he and Kyoya will have the same mind on.

They'll enter there with the intent to win.

Meeting the Spiderman however is a huge surprise and he's training with 1A? He'll admit he's little jealous at Mei and Erza now. It like getting a chance to throw hands with All Might.

"Don't worry about setting the bar too high, some of us will aim for the sun regardless." the representative of Class 1B spoke, motioning to his more ambitious friends. It doesn't matter if he finished the course or decided tonleave early since he already knew the path of heroism he wants to follow.

@Megatron @El Gato Naranja

"Alright guys, I have a plan for our match before anybody complains listen to it first it is short and simple idea after all." the representative of Class 1B spoke as Kyoya and Haru finished wearing their uniforms.

He then projected a hologram with his Hawkspad, they are still in the preparation phase after all no need to turn this over yet.

The images of Rin and Matsuru got projected.

"We all know how powerful the two of them are but our battle is unique due to the fact that the threat is higher when they work together." he spoke as the circular icons the two and the three of them surrounding them.

"So we won't let them." Akira spoke as the icons begin moving, one their icons began charging at Matsuru as the other engages with Rin.

The lone icon, the sacrifice of this battle is Akira himself.

[color=yellow][b]"I know what you're thinking Kyoya, there is no way I could beat him and you're likely to be right but I'm not besting him, I'm stalling him."

To prove his point Akira's icon get's covered by a yellow glow as barriers prevent Matsuru's from going past him.

"My quirk aside from making weapons and armor could also make small walls as long as I can concentrate, his Creation quirk will pose a challenge but as long as I remain aggressive and it damage he won't be able to interfere."

He then motioned to their icons fighting Rin's.

"Meanwhile the two of you had viable counters to her quirk, Kyoya, Distance Snap should allow you to keep distance you and Haru to keep at the safe distance initial stages while ability to store kinetic energy runs counter to her kill momentum field. Haru can force Rin on the defensive with his ranged abilities and his Photons can potentially provide him with heat thay might allow you to move. With those in mind, you could be Rin before I was beaten by Matsuru."
<Snipped quote by Digmata>

Emily moved to join her though… ^^”

If that's the case then she could try tailing her whole Ashley is not looking.

<Snipped quote by Digmata>

In that case, your cards are:

The High Priestess - Neutral - The supernatural moves through you
The Chariot - Neutral - You exceed your own limits
The World - Positive - For a single moment, the world bends to your will

The High Priestess is Emily's Resonant card.

If I can make a recommendation--it would actually be better for you to pick a Neutral card in this situation. The way the Gather Information downtime move is written, the polarity and forecast of the card don't affect the quality of the answer, and because you're doing the move alone, picking a Positive will still get you only one question. Plus, if you pick a Neutral with a Positive in the spread, you'll snag an XP point. Up to you, though!

EDIT: Oh, also let me know what question you want answered regarding the badge/phone!

I'll go for High Priestess

I'm honestly going for something Dredge the Undertow but if the question is needed then...

What is the impression of the organization on the group and her specifically.
She will go solo on this one because she thinks she is enough and she doesn't trust them much yet.

Ashley took a look at her surroundings making sure that there's nobody around the secluded park spot that she chose to do this. She is fairly confident that such measures are unnecessary but with things like Eidolons you just simply never knew.

She took a more at the bat on her hand and made a few practice swings, it has been a while since she last used it but it is basically muscle memory for her at this point. A bead of sweat tells that she's actually getting a bit soft. Something that she might get an opportunity to fix soon.

"Ok Ashley the plan is simple." she spoke as the first limit of her Eidolon comes to her mind, she can see the immediate future, which means that the upcoming meeting is far from the range of her premonitions and would usually be useless.

If not for the Crow snagging something from that Agent.

"Hold the phone, don't make a call and use the Bootstrap Paradox to see the futures when you did make a call and gather what you can." she spoke as took the phone from her pocket. She already figured out how to open it earlier by cheating with her Eidolon and to be honest, she will do it again.

Ashley closed her eyes as she opened the phone's lockscreen and let the visions go into her head.
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