I'm mainly waiting for Emily to respond so I can find out whether the Crow can go ahead on his revenge scheme.
That's two sets of mythical creatures I've added to the canon now.
Zahavel (They/Them): An Orphan on the Path of Trials. They were raised by angel society rather than dragon society. Quillfeather, a good friend to the angels of New Nicaea, brought Zahavel to the Moonlit isles around the same time Skobeloff and his siblings left the Hatchery. This caused some of them, Skobeloff included, to see Zahavel as something of an adopted sibling. The Seers have foretold a prophecy that Zahavel will discover a dark secret of the Moons and uncover a shadowy, dragon conspiracy. Zahavel eagerly seeks to bring about this prophecy and Skobeloff helps them where he can.
...Krog, are you sure you want to pick up the hat? ^^"
The Crow:
Yeah...I would not be surprised if the Crow reacted with "...So?" in regards to the plagiarism/theft. ^^"