
Zaraste of House Myndar
Dark Elf
Some one hundred years old, Zaraste is still a young adult among her kind.
Formed from ice and wreathed in star light, Zaraste looks little like a soldier. Concealing her danger, her beauty is a misdirection, hiding the cold touch of the blade that awaits her enemies. Taller than most, Zaraste moves with the otherworldly grace of her elven kin. Her skin is the color of steel, her ashen hair cut short. Her eyes are tranquil seas of violence, lilac waters that glow with a fell light in the darkness.
Order, instead of chaos.
That's what she had fought for. That's what she had killed for. That's what she had believed in…
Now Zaraste no longer knows what she believes in.
Betrayal has poisoned her heart. Bitterness has nourished her. And anger has strengthened her. With the passing of each hellish moment in the Maw, Zaraste has thought only of escape. And of vengeance. Against the Tyrant. Against the Westerlands. Against everyone that wronged her. However, her hatred is no fiery thing roaring with passion, but a chill over her soul that fills her mind with clear purpose. So she bides her time. Zaraste knows that if she is alive, her captors still have a use for her. She learned this long ago. To be useful, is to be valuable. And to be valuable, is to remain alive.
The Maw did not weaken her. It purified her. It revealed the truth to her. Or so she tells herself. It was all just a dream to begin with. She had never been free. Nobody ever had. Resigned to this conviction, Zaraste brims with cynicism, drowning with distrust. Her grim talents have not faded. Ruthless pragmatism now holds sway over her actions. Her words are a tool, a weapon to reveal or create weakness. Affection and intimacy merely means to an end. Joy may have left her. Hope may have deserted her. But Zaraste stubbornly refuses to surrender.
She doesn’t care about honor. She doesn’t care about justice. Zaraste wants to live. Zaraste wants revenge. She doesn’t care what she has to do. And she doesn’t care what price she has to pay to accomplish her dark goals.
"Wake up. Wake up, stranger."
"I am awake," Zaraste hissed, pressing the knife against the throat of the robed man touching her shoulder. The darkness was no hindrance to her. She was used to it. She welcomed it.
"W-Wait, wait. Please wait! I mean you no harm! You are among friends!"
"I have no friends, not any longer."
"T-That’s not true. Please, please! Stay your hand, I beg you. Master Maekir sent me to attend to you. Besides, your wounds have not healed yet. You must rest!"
"There is no time. She’s coming."
"Who is coming?"
"The Warden. Who else?"
"The Warden?"
"I can feel it. The heavy weight of magic. Can you not smell it? The night reeks of magic."
"Forgive me, but I smell only the healing powders and poultices we have applied to your wounds."
Zaraste laughed, "Soon, soon enough you will know."
"Know what?"
"It doesn't matter."
"What doesn’t matter?"
"This, all of this," Zaraste said, gesturing at the darkened room around her. "None of this matters."
"I would disagree, have me at somewhat of a disadvantage.
Zaraste shrugged, "What is your name, priest?"
"I am Brother Umbero."
"I see," Zaraste said as she slid the knife back beneath her pillow.
"And you, what shall I call you?"
"Zaraste? Strange," Umbero muttered, a thoughtful look appearing on his face that Zaraste did not much like. "I remember hearing that name in an old song, one my grandfather used to sing in the tavern with his old friends from the war. It told the tale of an infamous mercenary that ravaged the lands. Bloodying the Westerlands for nearly twenty years, before she vanished with a king's ransom in gold."
"Few are alive who still remember those days. Before the White Tiger. Before the Temple of the Sun. And before the Unification Wars."
"That was you then?"
"I came here long ago," Zaraste began, "I was younger then, when I crossed the Moonsea to reach these shores."
"Why did you come here?"
"My birthright was stolen from me. And I did not want to recover it."
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted to be free."
"Yes, I wanted to be free. Free from the duties that bound me. Free from the blood that chained me. It was a dream, nothing more. No one has ever been free."
"Are we not free, at this very moment?"
"No, I discovered that here. In the Westerlands, I traded my naivety for purpose. I found war, you see. I saw the people suffering with my own eyes. And I knew then that I must fight, for no one else would fight for me."
"You fought in the Unification Wars?"
"I fought in many wars. Such was my vocation. I chose necessity over my conscience. I learned to steel my heart. A choice that ensured my doom."
"Your doom?"
"I trusted him. I believed in him. I fought for him. For years, I faithfully served the White Tiger."
"I take it your service to His Majesty was not without issue?"
"Do you know how many I hunted down for him? How many I killed?" Zaraste laughed bitterly. "And for what? To be cast aside when he no longer needed me? To be named a traitor?"
"And the truth? Surely, you can prove your innocence?"
"It doesn’t matter what the truth is. Because others believe the lies."
"Why would they doubt you?”
"Why not? They hated me. They feared me. I taught them to be afraid of me. I became the monster that the kingdom needed."
"Bounty hunting is said to be a complicated profession."
"To deal in flesh, is to invite condemnation. Mage slayer, the nobles muttered, bristling with disgust in my presence. Witchhunter the commoners named me, making warding signs whenever they saw me."
"They were wrong."
"No, they knew me well."
"I am awake," Zaraste hissed, pressing the knife against the throat of the robed man touching her shoulder. The darkness was no hindrance to her. She was used to it. She welcomed it.
"W-Wait, wait. Please wait! I mean you no harm! You are among friends!"
"I have no friends, not any longer."
"T-That’s not true. Please, please! Stay your hand, I beg you. Master Maekir sent me to attend to you. Besides, your wounds have not healed yet. You must rest!"
"There is no time. She’s coming."
"Who is coming?"
"The Warden. Who else?"
"The Warden?"
"I can feel it. The heavy weight of magic. Can you not smell it? The night reeks of magic."
"Forgive me, but I smell only the healing powders and poultices we have applied to your wounds."
Zaraste laughed, "Soon, soon enough you will know."
"Know what?"
"It doesn't matter."
"What doesn’t matter?"
"This, all of this," Zaraste said, gesturing at the darkened room around her. "None of this matters."
"I would disagree, have me at somewhat of a disadvantage.
Zaraste shrugged, "What is your name, priest?"
"I am Brother Umbero."
"I see," Zaraste said as she slid the knife back beneath her pillow.
"And you, what shall I call you?"
"Zaraste? Strange," Umbero muttered, a thoughtful look appearing on his face that Zaraste did not much like. "I remember hearing that name in an old song, one my grandfather used to sing in the tavern with his old friends from the war. It told the tale of an infamous mercenary that ravaged the lands. Bloodying the Westerlands for nearly twenty years, before she vanished with a king's ransom in gold."
"Few are alive who still remember those days. Before the White Tiger. Before the Temple of the Sun. And before the Unification Wars."
"That was you then?"
"I came here long ago," Zaraste began, "I was younger then, when I crossed the Moonsea to reach these shores."
"Why did you come here?"
"My birthright was stolen from me. And I did not want to recover it."
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted to be free."
"Yes, I wanted to be free. Free from the duties that bound me. Free from the blood that chained me. It was a dream, nothing more. No one has ever been free."
"Are we not free, at this very moment?"
"No, I discovered that here. In the Westerlands, I traded my naivety for purpose. I found war, you see. I saw the people suffering with my own eyes. And I knew then that I must fight, for no one else would fight for me."
"You fought in the Unification Wars?"
"I fought in many wars. Such was my vocation. I chose necessity over my conscience. I learned to steel my heart. A choice that ensured my doom."
"Your doom?"
"I trusted him. I believed in him. I fought for him. For years, I faithfully served the White Tiger."
"I take it your service to His Majesty was not without issue?"
"Do you know how many I hunted down for him? How many I killed?" Zaraste laughed bitterly. "And for what? To be cast aside when he no longer needed me? To be named a traitor?"
"And the truth? Surely, you can prove your innocence?"
"It doesn’t matter what the truth is. Because others believe the lies."
"Why would they doubt you?”
"Why not? They hated me. They feared me. I taught them to be afraid of me. I became the monster that the kingdom needed."
"Bounty hunting is said to be a complicated profession."
"To deal in flesh, is to invite condemnation. Mage slayer, the nobles muttered, bristling with disgust in my presence. Witchhunter the commoners named me, making warding signs whenever they saw me."
"They were wrong."
"No, they knew me well."
The Warden came as she rested.
A figure cloaked in shattered mirrors and broken starlight. Surrounded by a mist that clouded Zaraste's thoughts, blurring the lines between consciousness and dreaming. She was too slow. Her limbs heavy with impossible weariness. Her blade raged, thirsty for blood. But she could not act. She could resist.
There was no malice or hatred. No mention of an old score to settle. Only sudden confinement and the unspoken promise of grim deeds to come.
A figure cloaked in shattered mirrors and broken starlight. Surrounded by a mist that clouded Zaraste's thoughts, blurring the lines between consciousness and dreaming. She was too slow. Her limbs heavy with impossible weariness. Her blade raged, thirsty for blood. But she could not act. She could resist.
There was no malice or hatred. No mention of an old score to settle. Only sudden confinement and the unspoken promise of grim deeds to come.
Zaraste is a warrior shaped by grim purpose. Once a seeker tasked with hunting down and killing renegade spellcasters, she is a specialist in quelling dangerous magic. Sensitive to the arcane, Zaraste is a gifted tracker, seemingly sensing even the faintest traces of magic. She fights with a sword and shield, wielding magic from the schools of abjuration, transmutation, and evocation to aid her efforts. Zaraste weaves protective magic to create magical and physical barriers, blocking and dispelling magic, and banishing summoned beings. She casts spells that change the properties of creatures, objects, and her environment. Weakening her enemies and rendering them harmless. Bolstering her strength and the strength of her allies. And she channels powerful elemental effects through her spellcasting.
Comprehending her bitter fate. Zaraste is resigned to the inevitable beyond. She does not search the ages. She requires no assurance, no stories of redemption and hope. She is driven by anger. She is afflicted by a bitterness that has poisoned her heart. Burdened by her deeds and marked by her betrayal, Zaraste has become increasingly fatalistic. She holds no expectations of survival. She wishes for no absolution. She wants revenge. She wants to live. She wants to live long enough to have her revenge.
Cunningly wielding her violent passions, Zaraste hides an unwelcome desperation. She longs for pleasure. In moments of quiet, she seeks escape. Accepting anyone or anything that will remove her from herself and allow her to forget her present situation.
Hailing from a distant land, full of places dark and places strange, Zaraste is sensitive to sunlight and prefers to wear covering clothes in daylight. Given her manner of dress and the rarity of drow in the Westerlands, Zaraste is easily observed.
Shrouded in gray, Zaraste wears a suit of half-plate armor beneath a hooded traveling cloak. Strapped to her back is a steel heater shield. Sheathed in a scabbard worn on her left hip is a cursed longsword, an evil blade said to contain the soul of an imprisoned fiend. On her right hip, she carries a long, slender bladed dagger with a needle-like point.