Avatar of Lurking Krog


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
2 yrs ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
3 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
3 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
3 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.


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Most Recent Posts

The Esjour Plains

As you progress along the trail, the grass begins thin and shorten, and the ground becomes more rocky over the next two hours. The size of the spire becomes more evident as Kilona neared. Beings could be seen moving around the base of the spire, and around a few structures now more noticeable.

When Kilona gets to be roughly a mile away, she can hear the sound of a horn being sounded. The beings around the spire pause their work to look toward a tower then out beyond this little settlement. Slowly and starting with only a few the being return to their work, though noticeably keeping their eyes on where Kilona is.

At the edge of the settlement Kilona is met by a band of two halflings, a gnome, a few kobolds, and a dwarf. A grey and black scaled kobold steps forward spear at the ready. "Hold up there. Who are you and where are you from? What business do you have here?"
Starter post is up.
The Esjour Plains

It has been three days since you have left your home of Burrsvane. In the distance you can see smoke that would indicate another settlement of sorts to the north. A narrow track winds through the waist high grasses heading north in a general sense. Another trail continues to the east leading further toward the rising sun and a distant spire. A final path goes west heading back toward home. Which path do you take?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How many years had passed before Kilona went to explore the abandoned warren from when her father passed? Also how many years from getting over the illness she got from the warren to venturing out?
Looks good. I've added a few things to the second post already. I'll be adding somemore, hopefully through out the rest of the day. Should be able to get the first post up in the next day or so tops.
I have heard back from Dark Cloud. They are currently taking a hiatus and do plan to return, just not sure when.

I did let them know we would be here when they returned.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Thread is up now. I'll try to add lore to these sections as I think of it, and remember to.
<One more so I can maybe have a reasonably organized lore system.>
<Also reserved>
Regions, Cities, Towns, Villages, and other points of interest.

Plains of Esjour: Deemed wild lands with no one group claiming rights to it. Beast like folk live in villages scattered across the region and make up the majority of the population. Also deemed free lands as there is no actual governance outside of the villages and towns. Outsiders are welcomed as long as they do not disturb the peace.

While there are some roads, any villages have narrow tracks the lead out and into the grasslands. Most of the settlements use the game trails to move through the plains.

Burrsvane: Village in the Plains of Esjour.
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