Regions, Cities, Towns, Villages, and other points of interest.
Plains of Esjour: Deemed wild lands with no one group claiming rights to it. Beast like folk live in villages scattered across the region and make up the majority of the population. Also deemed free lands as there is no actual governance outside of the villages and towns. Outsiders are welcomed as long as they do not disturb the peace.
While there are some roads, any villages have narrow tracks the lead out and into the grasslands. Most of the settlements use the game trails to move through the plains.
Kilona was born in her home in the quiet village of Burrsvane. The village was established by her very own father, a proud but kind man who sought to make a home for all shifters and other beast-like people who simply wanted to live in peace. He was able to do so through trade and his skills as a brewer. His very tavern is a tall and proud building that stands as the heart of the village, where the community can gather and enjoy the nights of performances, drink, and good food, and strengthen their ties and friendships with each other. Of course, there is no denying that he was a powerful man as well. If he needed to fight, then he would stand as victor.
Kilona was born as the third child among six children. She had a few close friends and lived a normal childhood for the most part. Unfortunately, her past was not all roses and good times.
One tragic day came, Kilona noticed her father didn't come to the tavern that night, so she went home to find him. She found him dead, with a weapon in his own hand. She called the guards, and upon investigation, they ruled that her father had committed suicide.
But something about that didn't sit right with Kilona. Her father was a jovial man who was proud of his accomplishments, and loved his family and community. So...why did he kill himself? Some part of her screamed that he had to have been murdered somehow, but Kilona couldn't figure out how he was murdered, who did it, and why.
Years passed, and Kilona stepped up to learn the ways of brewing alcohol to help the tavern and inn her father created to keep going! Thankfully, her mother knew the trade as well, so she was able to teach Kilona. She also approached the Guard Captain of her village and asked her to teach her how to fight. The Guard Captain agreed.
During training, she met her match in combat. A man from a different Leonin family named Terez Silentstride. The both of them were equal in combat, unable to best each other. Outside of battle, she found that Terez was a kind and hardworking young man. She found herself falling in love with him. But she hadn't had the courage to admit it to him yet.
After years of training and learning how to brew, Kilona grew even more restless. She heard the warren south of the village had become abandoned. She decided to take it upon herself to explore the warren with a scouting party. Other than finding that the place was filthy, there didn't seem to be anything there. As a result of that adventure, she ended up falling sick, having contracted a disease from that place.
It took a couple weeks of bed rest, but Kilona was able to recover. As a result of the disease however, her hair became prematurely gray.
After a couple more years of training and brewing, Kilona decided that something needed to change. She wasn't sure what it was, but she decided that going out into the world was for the best right now. Her siblings are capable of running the inn and tavern, and a hired hand, a Harengon named Bristle, also proved that he can help run the place should the siblings be unable to do so.
She wanted to see the world before settling down, and she had a feeling that she'll learn much from the world outside of the village. She had to go...
Had extra time, so I thought I should find reference pictures for at least 3 of the NPCs in Kilona's backstory.
Looks good. I've added a few things to the second post already. I'll be adding somemore, hopefully through out the rest of the day. Should be able to get the first post up in the next day or so tops.
Looks good. I've added a few things to the second post already. I'll be adding somemore, hopefully through out the rest of the day. Should be able to get the first post up in the next day or so tops.
Awesome! Thank you! Looking forward to this game. XD
How many years had passed before Kilona went to explore the abandoned warren from when her father passed? Also how many years from getting over the illness she got from the warren to venturing out?
How many years had passed before Kilona went to explore the abandoned warren from when her father passed? Also how many years from getting over the illness she got from the warren to venturing out?
I would say Kilona’s Father passed away when she was 15 years old. She got sick and recovered from the warren’s disease at 21 years old. She begins her journey at 25 years old.