Three days...
It had been three days, and Kilona already felt a sense of homesickness. She had bid her mother, her siblings, her friends, and her father goodbye before she left for the journey. She had left another bouquet of flowers at her father's grave before leaving. Hopefully, he was watching over the village now. Of course, now that she had said her goodbyes, going back wasn't an option.
She had decided to go and see the world, and she was going to follow through on it. She couldn't help but feel that sense of having butterflies in her stomach. She was both excited and nervous to see the world outside of Burrsvane and outside of the Esjour Plains! The ideas of seeing distant lands and meeting new people was exciting! She's bound to learn more than she could staying in Burrsvane.
The journey had been simple and easy enough. She was glad to have packed everything she could need for camping outdoors. Now, she came to a crossroads in the trails. Looking to the north, there seems to be another settlement there, while a distant spire continues to the east.
Kilona is curious about the distant spire. So she decided to start heading there.