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Euryale System, Sarpedon, Capital City Of Hesperia, Outer City Industrial Region, ???

He wore a long, hunter green, and long-sleeved formal jacket over the top of his underlying clothes, with three bars of differing colors (and one that had a pair of gold stars upon it at that) arranged neatly on the upper left side of the chest. It was secured down the center with a strip of hunter green cloth, with a light gold trim neatly found along all of its edges, upon which five large, light gold colored buttons were gleaming and visible and each bore the sun-like insignia found upon the republic's flag as they kept the jacket closed and secure upon his torso. A similar minute flair of lighter-hued gold was likewise to be found upon the (in this case) simple and otherwise unadorned hanging epaulettes on hous shoulders, with a similar shade and border of light golden trim on the ends of his sleeves as well before they ended in a pair of hands covered in formal black dress-uniform gloves. A formal military hat/cap was worn upon his head, being a similar hunter green color, with a red stripe around the midsection of it that had a noticeable but thin light blue border on top and below it. In the center of the hat's midsection was a round light golden circle of metal attached to the hat with the sun-styled insignia of the GER's flag also emblazoned upon its shining front as well, and underneath the formal black brim with light golden laurel leaves on either side of it would shield the eyes of its current wearer from the lights above his head as he walked down the short hallway.

Of all places to be sent to in order to bring word by his superiors, a particularly outfitted Autdoll Corporation R&D Facility wasn't the first place he had imagined. At the same time, however, it acted as one of the two 'offices' of the legendary "First Seat" of the Oligarchs proper. Man was said to be an eccentric sort of person, had founded the company even, but had stepped back from its formal operations after taking his seat among the Oligarchs. Still stuck around to tinker with ideas and parts and such, however, from the sounds of it. He could understand needing a hobby, he had tinkered with old bots himself growing up before joining the military and sometimes these days with his kids, but at the same time that wasn't the part that made him feel slightly odd about things. Indeed, it was the supposed age of the one the Senior Master Seargant was coming to visit, as ordered, that brought him some level of curiuosity and questioning in the first place.

It was said the man was centuries old, though his lack of most forms of public appearance in a general sense made it feel strange and thus made his age in turn somewhat more doubtable (facts aside) in comparison to those among his other six 'compatriots' who seemed to enjoy the limelight and attention from the public or put themselves out there more at least. Sure the first three were known as "The Immortals" for rather good reasons, and he had met the Second Seat before while hearing about the Third Seat from a friend, but not many got to say they reported to the First himself. But given the situation, and his understanding that the First was a scientist of sorts, Senior Master Seargant York felt it made a fair bit of sense that the First had become involved in this matter. Apparently by unanimous decision among the Oligarchs, given his particularly legendary age and potential to help grasp this rather old-world problem they now had on their hands, he was dipping into a couple of matters.

The Olgiarchs had certainly picked uip involvement in current events overall, though, in a general sense. The Fourth had come to help organize the defensive array from the start, as well as drum up morale and coordinate potential diplomatic efforts with the First on this matter overall, while likewise the Third was involved in the matter of "possible foreign technological analysis" and similar things and the First was to be involved in that as well. It made him wonder, even for a moment, if the old and longstanding faint rumor that the First himself was perhaps some kind of A.I. or something of the like was true. Like, some kind of pre-Gateways sapient secret A.I. project that had been installed into the colony ship and provided support across the centuries or something. Hmm.

Even so, York's arrival at the facility had seen him welcomed by the presence of the black and grays-splotched combat uniforms of the Oligarchic Guards upon arrival at the front security gate alongside the usual security guards protecting the grounds. It meant one thing for sure, and that was that the First (or any of the Oligarchs) was most certainly here. He'd been vetted through after a proper scanner trip in his car, which had confirmed both his authenticity as 'the real him' and if anything dangerous was in the vehicle. Etc. Standard high security procedures, in this case done by portable scaners not normal to the facility it seemed. He was familiar with their presence at military facilities in the more permanent sense and likewise in big-political-figure-involved venues where such security was set up proper for events or such as well. Etc.

Now, however, two of the Oligarchic Guards were escorting him (after picking him up on the ground floor) down a long, blue-floor-tiled and white-walled hall on the fourth floor while heading toward the proper head office space of the R&D Facility. Side offices of this 'management level' of the building were seemingly either closed, due to a lack of presence there or use currently, or were in some state of being used by the staff and managers as the flutter of formal work attire and bodies (and the odd repair person or janitor/janitor bot) moved about their routines. Yet the presence of pairs of the same Oligarchic Guards dotted every so often down the hall wasn't a surprise either in this case, though it seemed to be ignored as part of the background by most in this case. Was their presence that normalized here? He raised an eyebrow for a moment, catching the eye of a frantic-looking lab-coat-wearing woman looking in his direction, before a soft sigh escaped his lips and he turned his attention back forward. He seemed to get a glance or two from those moving about more than any of the stationed guards did at that.

Though for things to be running like this with a big figure such as one of the Seven Oligarchs being here? It still felt odd to him all the same. Peculiar, even. But given what he had been told of the First before being sent here, it was making more and more sense now as he was being escorted along. The guy was eccentric, driven in his work and tinkering, and while called an 'oddball' for his hobby of pitching in with the company he himself had founded but left formally was also noted as being 'one of the smartest people in history' to him by his superiors.


A faint noise at the edge of his hearing. The sound of welding something, all the way up here? Perhaps he was just hearing a bit of repair work from a nearby office. But, ah, perhaps not now that he looked ahead of he and his two escorts (one in front and walking behind him) as they approached the end of the hall. The silent Oligarchic Guard in front of him stopped in front of two large double-doors that lied before them, before which two more Oligarchic Guards seemed to man them. The one to the left looked at him, then at his escort, and put a hand to an obvious earpiece before lowering it again to rest on the side of the firearm in his hands. The two door guards would then reach over to the door handles, pulling the polished wooden double doors open in a seemingly drilled and synchronous manner.

York, internally swallowing a mild mental moment of nervousness while keeping his best poker face on, looked in side as the guard in front of him stepped aside and gestured for him to enter the office. He nodded in return, before stepping properly inside.

The head office itself was a rather spacious room with a very high-up roof at that, with fancy wide cylindrical lights with a bloated spherical midsection hanging from equally-spaced spots of the white ceiling to light up the room rather comfortably overall. Meanwhile the smoothly-designed floor in turn was lined with a comfortable but perhaps trip-resistant and likely fireproof red carpeting, velvety in its color, while the walls were lined with smooth wooden bookshelves and said bookshelves had a few small amenities like decorative (real or fake he didn't know)plants of green or more bluish colors and so forth interspersed between to break it up a bit and more of the same white wall color the facility seemed to like sporting in the managerial areas sitting above them. A polished wooden rectangular table with six formal chairs sat in an open spot to his left visibly as well, one which seemed as if it was made to host small meetings in the head office proper with its likely built-in office conference holoprojector at the center ready to be used in calls or for presentations or such like things. Meanwhile to his own right a smaller round polished wooden table sat with a singular but seemingly much more plush and comfy chair at it, as if made to sit and enjoy a nice lunch during one's break or while doing overnight work on some fancy mobile office-use holocomputer.

The impressivness of the furniture, light, and other such qualities aside, most of all, at the back of the room, underneath three incredibly talls windows with pulled-back velvet-red curtains to let the golden light of day in, was the biggest thing. A huge and more widely rounded-shaped office desk, made of the same shade of polished wood as the tables and other chairs and bookshelves it seemed, with ornate golden trim on its edges and along certain spots for flair. Yet on its top surface he could glimpse the occasional scratch or such to his left (to the right of whoever was sitting at it) from tools or such like. Otherwise a more advanced-looking holocomputer sat more to his right (the left of whoever was sitting at the desk) already active and turned on and ready for use....or already having been in use perhaps. Meanwhile in the center of the large, the more widely rotund-shaped desk had a chair in front of it for guests to sit in and behind the desk-....yes. This was the person he'd been sent to report to formally for this matter. Or rather, had been requested to come report about in-person in this case?

While he felt usually the messaging and encrypted channels were the normal, he would make a salute as what seemed to be a man in a spinning chair at the center of this huge desk turned around to look at him.

"Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns zu haben! At ease, mein dear fellow, und please come sit und relax for but a moment for our business today. Und it iz a beautiful day indeed too, ja?"

York would lower his salute once more, stepping ever tight and formal in his movements yet still despite accepting the invitation to sit in the chair before the man. When he sat, then, the man offered him a handshake, one which York would reciprocate in turn...hmm. Tight and strong handshake the man had to be sure. Something he'd not expect of, well, a non-military person he supposed.

Even so, this was the spitting picture of the First that he'd been shown to let him know who he would be speaking to in this case. His short, blonde hair was certainly combed well enough it seemed, and he looked human outright for the most part despite his rather pale skintone. However, behind the somewhat uniquely-designed glasses on his face, his eyes seemed to radiate the same sense of inviting yet business-worthy calm and collection that seemed to act as if nothing was wrong and things were always on-schedule or to-plan. A presence that in part made him feel somewhat more comfortable on its own, even down to a pleased-looking but formal little smile on his face, aside from....er, well, those eyes of his.

Those eyes of his were unnaturally yellow, and something about them otherwise seemed to carry....something uncanny in them, he felt, that both felt familiar and yet left him unable to pin down the particular memory. As if those eyes of his were running more calculations than the latest supercomputer and could likewise stare into your soul, or hell even the void, and not blink or bat an eye even once at it as if it was a matter of any consequence. Could look a demon back in the eye with those, perhaps, and intimidate it into compliance if need-be. Yes. That felt like the right way to describe it to some extent in the moment here. But the initial cordial question about the day was enough along with those eyes of his to leave York feeling a small lump in his throat even while oddly almost relaxing a bit at the same time.

"I-It is, sir, though I've heard rain is expcted here and around the capital tonight."

The right side of the First's mouth seemed to perk up mildly for a moment, perhaps in amusement, before he spoke again and leaned back somewhat in his chair to a normal position.

"Ja, you are right. Zumtimes zhe sun comes up, shinink brightly and warm before zhe storms arrive both vith regards for zhe weather....un een life as vell for zhat matter, hmm? At zhe same time, zhe opposite can also be true, no?

Ah, but where are mein manners? I vill not keep zhu here long, Herr York, but may I also ask if zhu are hungry after your early and sudden flight here from off-world?"

"I am fine, sir, but-"

A mild grumble from his stomach would interrupt his words all the same, leading to York clearing his mouth as the First's smile grew even a tiny bit more than before.

"Ah, I vill send zhu vith a snack und drink for zhe flight back. I insist~" the First said, tone somewhat teasing yet pleasant even as he would suddenly nod to a guard out of view and York heard the resulting sound of the office doors opening and closing in quick sucession, "Do not vurry about it. Now zhen, to business. I vanted to hear zhis matter in person, so zhey sent someone to tell me vhen zhe arrangements were ready. Zhat is zhe message you have brought to me, yes?"

York gulped, before nodding back at the First in turn. Hadn't even had a chance to try to deny the gift, but...well he hadn't even been able to eat yet before coming here. Such was the nature of bringing this message.

"Yes sir, the arrangements you speak of are complete. The widened defensive array you requested is fully in place under the direct observation of the Fourth, and he wished me to tell you that the diplomatic vessels are also prepared with the additional analysts, particular Old Earth linguists you requested, and sensors you requested go aboard them. The envoys are being shuttled to their prepared military vessels as we speak, and the start of the diplomatic missions should begin in earnest soon thereafter. Project Gaia is also on schedule to be loaded onto the ESS McNamara, as you requested, as it helps escort the Sol diplomatic vessel in addition to the rest of its escort.

And...ahem, he passed on the message to tell you, and I quote, 'The favor I owed you is now most graciously repayed, but Three isn't very happy about the change in sensors but giving him the monkeys' probe after neutering it is keeping him from doing more than griping more about it at least.' End quote."

The First would chuckle for a bit once he finished speaking, before letting out a small but satisfied sigh of his own and leaning farther back in the chair in a more casual and relaxed manner now.

"Wunderbar! Zhat clunky old cog should be satisfied vith zhings for now...zhose sensors he vanted vould be seen as too 'invasive' perhaps in zhe diplomatic sense. Zhe ones on zhem now should suffice until vee understand zhe greater political situation.

Ah, but iz zhat all, Master Seargant?"

"Yes sir."

The First would sit back forward once more, taking back on a more formal posture before extending another hand to shake York's own.

"Ausgezeichnet. Zhen zhat vill conclude our business. Thank you for comink, Herr York, und your snack und drink should be waitink and ready to go vhen you return to zhe entrance of zhis building. Und if zhe Fourth asks you anyzhing about zhis visit, zhen would you tell him vun thing for me?"


"Tell him zhe suprise for zhe Second for zhe next meeting should be arriving at heez doorstep by zhe end of zhe week. Nothink too extreme, but he can call me back himself if he vishes to know more.

Zhat is all~"

In Primality 29 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This is a check-in post.

The roleplay is still active and alive, of course. But we've had some clear drops/ghosts and some people whose status is ambiguous in regards to this roleplay. So, if you're still here, please reply to this message below. I want to see if I need/want to bring more people into the fold to make up the numbers since I'll be working the inactives into NPCs if they don't show up and I don't want the roleplay to stall for posts if a chunk of the cast becomes NPCs.

In Primality 30 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Elena Charlotte Jäger

Location: Wolkwitz Auditorium, Merryweather Institute

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" Sarah politely asked, motioning to the empty seats beside the two of them.

While she'd been following along with her roommate to get to the auditorium thus far, at the same time the white-haired Primalist felt a certain sense of peculiarity about Sarah's choice of....people to sit next to. Not that it was much a matter to think of, but it was something to be certain.

The first was a girl with likewise oddly-colored hair, whether it was as natural as Elena's own was since her awakening was an unknoown, but given the girl's matching odd eye color she was getting a sense of deja-vu to her own post-awakening situation. Yet the rest seemed to speak volumes in an initial sense, given, between the 'hip'-looking glasses, the tied-up hair, visible undercut, and even the piercings spoke to a "modern 'rebel without a cause'" archetype of sorts perhaps. Or a hipster. Or some form of anti-social sort, perchance? Hmm. But that was all simply poitential anecdotes wrought by an observation of one's appearance, which gave her little to work with and less to assume aside from the basic knowledge that this girl was, as with everyone else there, a Primalist. But there was one other beyond this girl sitting there as well.

A giant of a boy, likely nearly one foot taller than herself to be blunt, whose towering height was certainly among his first most-noticeable visible traits to her eyes. Second was that left eye of his-....or rather stark lack of said eye thereof that was replaced with a scar that looked far less than 'pleasant to have recieved'. Third-so was his right arm, itself placed in a proper sling, and the way about him that seemd to shout 'rough' combined with everything else. Further,, his eyes seemed somewhat 'tired' in way that felt melancholy or depressing, frankly, and beyond this it was easy to ascertain the burnt stench of a cigarette on his person that he didn't seem to be wanting to hide at all to her initial perception. Perhaps someone who grew up in a bad place? Rough life, maybe? Hmm. Again this was only enough evidence to make initial guesses at the nature of this person, but she felt she could rule out 'a very happy ray of sunshine all of the time' out about this person for a surety.

In any case, she didn't want to seem as if she was simply staring at these two peers of theirs like they were oddities at some olden-day carnival exhibit. It was a....'distasteful' sort of approach that would be to make others feel like. Sure she may have raised an eyebrow mildly for a moment, but would return to a 'usual' professionalism of sorts rapid again thereafter as she tried to keep a polite equivalent of a 'poker face' on for the time being. However, one hand did briefly rest closer to her right hip in a more casual manner, admittedly, as her thoughts went briefly back to her stomach. She wanted to get this whole affair over with here well enough, and then at least in a basic manner satiate her stomach and curiosity about the school's cafeteria and how such facilities were. Because it would be good to know if certain times of day and meals they made were of better or lesser quality, though knowing how big the school was it was perhaps certain that it wouldn't be five-star dining of course. Not that she was looking for such at this school as much as she just wanted to get a feel of the food there, mass-produced, frozen and thawed, or potentially more handmade or not as it could/might be.

She meanwhile had a few things stashed for using in the kitchenette back in her and Sarah's room if need-be, or if she simply felt like it, though at this point in time they had remained concealed in her things due to the prior day's tiredness after her arrival there. But part of her couldn't help but imagine trying to sprout up some edible portabella mushrooms and some others to cook with. A nice mixture provided by her, admittedly still vexatiously strange by their nature, new powers that would save potentially a bit on food costs and so forth. Wait. Did they even have a spot to buy ingredients around here? Blast it all, she needed to check that out as well! Or perhaps there was another here who could conjure dairy or something for some in-room cheese ripening at a more rapid pace? Hmm...

Meanwhile, she'd simply give an assenting nod and maybe a breif wave with her free left hand to support what Sarah was asking if they looked to her at all. Nothing much, just enough to get the cordiality out of the way among peers.


Unironically my guys have bio-modded/genetically-modified soldiers, which reminds me of Spartans.....wait. All we need now is some precursor station and the Not!Flood. Lol. XD

So, FINALLY, here is my 30-something-pages-in-google-docs app! It is just a bit under 25k words from the maximum chars limit for a single post on this site (I think? I think.). And it has taken a long time to fix up, but most of the big stuff I bit the bullet on and got done within the last week. Took time to find pics and such too, etc, but it is FINALLY done!

Apologies for the super length on this thing, and I hope the writing of it is cohesive enough throughout. It is late at night as of making this post proper, so please let me know if anything needs fixed or changed! Both for these reason, and if anything needs to be tweaked or such to be approved. Just send me a Discord DM and I'll get on it right away! o7

But....am happy at least to finally get this in. XD

Elena Charlotte Jäger

Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

Turning about, her roommate walked back into their room before returning shortly later with a rather familiar small pink bag. Same zipper. Same look. A small wave of relief washed over the high-class girl's face as she held out her left hand to accept the small bit of evidence of her own prior haste. She wasn't one to put her heart on her sleeve all of the time or kowtow to everyone she met for that matter, or at least that was how she saw it, but she wasn't going to be ungrateful either. It was a small thing, and embarassing at that, but at least her roommate seemed to be a good sport about things thus far.

Perhaps that was good news for later? Eh, if she had to hazard an early guess at least. Though the hesitance in her roommate's handing it back was certainly visible to the upper-class primalist all the same.

"Here. Is this what you're missing?"

"Yes! Thank you, I must've dropped it without noticing the other day after arriving and working on getting my things into the room. I'll try to be more careful moving forward, at least."


The sudden but mild prick of static electricity jumping to one of her fingers as she was given her makeup bag, all as said finger strayed a tad closer to her roommate's hand than the others, was enough to get Elena's hand to lightly flinch in surprise. Though in the aftermath, as it were, she'd simply raise an eyebrow before shrugging things off. The carpets hadn't seemed to be giving her any static thus far. Nor was it a cold enough day. Hmm. Either way it was probably nothing anywho, though her roommate piped up before she could let her thoughts frankly wander any more over such trivial matters as static electricity at that.

"We might have time to grab some food—if you still want to, that is. It'd probably have to be something quick, though."

Elena would respond with an acknowledging nod, following her seemingly eager-to-eat roommate down the hall. Well, follow her as best as she could at a somewhat faster pace, it seemed, as they bobbed and weaved through their peers to get by the farther they went. First the hesitation, and then this sort of haste? It was all certainly something peculiar about the girl, that much Elena felt for sure for the time being. Like she was trying to fight nerves or something....though if so, she could hardly blame her even if she didn't share the same sentiment about being here at this school in general or something. Especially given the other girl's parentage...ouch.

Yet before they could reach the cafeteria-


...How old was this PA system, hmm? The Jagers were not the only non-Primalist donors in the country, she knew that, but perhaps it still worked well enough to save costs for the classes or such. In any case, the crackle of the PA system was enough to get Elena to take pause and stop as others did just as she was catching up to where Sarah was.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS," A booming voice announced over the intercom, echoing throughout the school. "PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE AT THE WOLKWITZ AUDITORIUM FOR THE CEREMONY IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES."

The white-haired girl sighed. As if having to recalibrate her casual attire to things, changed hair color, and all of this wasn't enough? Perhaps she'd slept in too late, though admittedly she had been 'that' tired after arriving the prior day as well. Rest or a bite to eat? Sometimes one chose an option without knowing they had. Alas.

"Certainly earlier than I had hoped they'd begin...well, perhaps we'll be able to last until the ceremony is over then."

Or else she'd attempt to grow edible non-toxic mushrooms where they sat for the ceremony if she got desperate, hmm? Ah, that'd make quite the scene regardless of intent though. Ha. But more seriously, Elena would simply sigh before looking to Sarah and motioning for them to keep moving onward. They had a ceremony to get to, and the food to get thereafter would certianly be even more worth it after all of that according to her own stomach.


Putting this up here while I work out tags and the stuff in this revamped app. Recycling a heck of a lot for it, though, and added a few more pics in the Military section to boot as well (among other things elsewhere). Also tossed in a new flag, new planetary description, etc. The History section is going to be the pain in my head to get hashed out, and lot still has to be fixed up or edited or added in it, but I will get it completed sooner or later dangit! Will edit as updates to this app are made of a major sort, etc, before handing over for round two of the GMs looking over an app of mine.

Elena Charlotte Jäger

Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

It was....a most peculiar matter. To be a primalist. In so many places it seemed people were welcoming and kind enough to them, or at least treated them like anyone else. In others, especially with regards to a certain senator, it seemed like the train of distrust and dissatisfaction with their existence continued to chime along as it had for the past three hundred some odd years she wagered. One one hand, they were just people and it had long showed. On the other, even she had to admit that being able to conjure swaths of fire or to shake the earth was dangerous and could potentially kill someone even if by 'accident' if not being properly noticed, controlled, and trained on the user's part. It wasn't a simple black and white matter to her, at least in her own mind, but the fact that she had been tossed this as her element was a curveball unlike any other she'd had before.

Fire? She could at least do cooking without need for a stove, if she had the supplies at least. Water was useful for not having to run up the school's water bills, frankly, and Earth or even more specialized Metal would at least be useful in making ad-hoc tools for cooking or working on potential class project or such for all she knew. Most things seemed to have a good and versatile use, even some of the more specific stuff, but.....fungus of all things, really[/b]?! Really? Yes, really. She was stuck with something that felt so very unbecoming of someone like herselfto enough of an extent, even if she'd been putting in the time to read about different types of fungus and such in trying to, desperately more or less, get a grasp on what in the world she'd be able to do using this element.

And, as it turned out, those uses seemed to be a bit better than she'd initially though. Fire-resistant char layers protected some species when exposed to flame, and naturally things like the 'white mushrooms' people got in grocery stores as well as edible portabellas or oyster mushrooms were among the edible kinds (and there was even one edible kind she'd seen a video or two called 'chicken of the woods', apparently?). Yeast could be stimulated to make bread without having to buy tiny packs of the stuff either to reconstitute or such. Some were also toxic and harmful, should the need frankly ever arise (persish the thought), or produced psychadelic substances like psilocybin in the case of certain species. Etc, etc.

It wasn't enough to make her feel fully happy about the matter, but at least it wasn't worse! She could have gotten far worse, like 'poop' or 'oil' or 'bacteria' or frankly even a highly volatile chemical or something inane or outright even more dangerous like that.

Yet beyond this, and since she'd arrived and learned where she'd be rooming...well...

"Elena. I'm heading out. Don't forget the opening ceremony is today; they're expecting us all to attend it, so make sure you're not late."

As Sarah opened the door to make her way out, however, she'd find the silver-haired Elena standing there just outside in the dorm hallway before her. The fashionably-dressed girl was seemingly rummaging through the bag she'd normally carry on her back, as if looking for something. Or...making sure something was there?

Elena paused as Sarah came out, her head half-turning toward her for a moment of somewhat 'awkward' silence on her part.

How was one supposed to feel about rooming with the daughter of a politican who'd sound like someone that would rather make an internment camp for their 'kind' than tolerate seeing on on the street? Had people not learned after two world wars, and the incident 300 years ago when a primalist had gone the way of 'total violence' after people had tried to kill him and others like him in witch-hunts (well, primalsit witch hunts and not the other kinds she supposed). Beyond that, she couldn't fathom or truly process the thought of being the child of that sort of person and be a primalist as well. It sounded 'maddening' at the very least, so she'd designed to at least try not to say anything to her roommate.

Well, depending on how her roommate acted and was like at any rate. She hadn't even so much as interacted with her properly as of yet, not even in a proper introduction of all things. It felt strange, just as much as the situation of being a Jager roomed with someone from a certain senator's family felt given the utter irony in that, at that. If she was someone with her head just as far up her own arsehole as her father was, then, oh she'd have words and then some for her. If she was reasonable enough, then, certainly they could at least get along as roommates or such. No way to know for sure, really, until she talked more to the girl or saw her 'in action' or something of the sort...even if they did certainly have differing fashion senses as far as she could tell.

"A-Ah! Yes, Sarah, I had been hoping to, ah, get moving before this point in time. I was hoping to go for some brunch at the dorm cafeteria, perhaps, before looking into one or two things. All of the travel from the other day was...a tad exhausting.

But I seem to have miscplaced my travel bag of makeup. Just a small thing, in a pink-colored zipper pouch. Er...have you seen it fallen on the floor near the doorway of our room or such by chance?"

While she aimed to keep her tone of voice as clear and professional as she could, the awkwardness of asking somone of Sarah's seeming 'fashion choices' was not lost on her either. Nor was the awkwardness unable to be kept fully out of her tone of voice while asking. Such a trifling little thing, she hoped she hadn't lost it on the way out of the room. She'd tried to be stealthy about leaving as well, at that, hoping to give her roommate space or more to to avoid a potentially awkward first-contact scenario like...well...this.

Ugh. Today was just going to be starting on a brilliant note, wasn't it?

@Tortoise@Enigmatik So, unless I have forgotten something after days of working on this, my app for the GER should be done and ready to review!

If I need to fix or clarify anything, just let me know! Am happy to oblige and work things out, discuss here or over Discord DMs or on the server proper, etc.

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