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@Jay009 before it was changed to become buying stock, the one guy in Capital City was going to bet on Valheim winning the siege. Just thought it was kind of a funny coincidence, given your post. (Great as usual, btw.)
@Jay009 thanks, you're too kind :) The stuff with Michael Fern hasn't even been entirely revealed, either.

Everyone here is a great writer. I did the list of everyone's strengths a while back, so I won't be redundant and list them again :P

Since you're new though - avap, I really like how you read through the posts to get up to speed and established Alison's background within the existing context of the story. Also, you've not only done a great job with your Rogue, but with fleshing out Kerensa, Pete and Olaf also. I'm really enjoying your writing and look forward to seeing more of it.

Speaking of setups, I wanted to get a few things established and today has ended up being kinda tough, so I got my post out in case the rest of the week ends up being the same. The beginning isn't as polished as I'd like, but it establishes where the unnamed Cleric is, so you all are free to control her however you'd like. And writing Xavier is always fun, of course :P
Elation, then dismay. The former regarding MacKensie being mostly okay and his brief interaction with her, the latter at seeing the much-worse state of most of his other teammates. Zell, especially, was not in good shape. Adam knew he couldn't fix this himself, but he did know how it could get done.

When the tiefling woman was finished healing, the Druid thanked her, then asked her to heal his friends, starting with the Fighter. The woman wanted to object, but the Druid saw the look on her face and asked “do I need to get Michael?”

“Well, at least that one has a sword and armor,” she muttered as she left and headed towards the “party idiot” of the team. The American really couldn't care less if this lady resented him if it saved his friend's lives. He would help them however he could, even if it was only indirectly.

And speaking of that, he had another idea on how he could do so, and more directly at that. It wasn't one he liked though, because of who he needed to ask for help. Needed wasn't really accurate, but it would make the task go by more quickly and preserve his energy, and that would certainly be helpful.

“Xavier!” Adam yelled, “get over here please!”


Over where Silver Arrow was, a certain gnome heard his name rolled his eyes and made a disgusted face. “Pffft, of course Second Rate needs my help. Like it'll happen.”

Vaella shook her head. “Go help him,” she said with more than a little resentment. Then, she whispered something in his ear that made his expression change to horror faster than the flip of a light switch. “Fine,” he responded, indignantly scurrying over to the American.

“What was that about?” Wulrick asked.

With a satisfied smirk on her face, the elf answered his question. “Oh, not much, I just threatened to tell you about how he skipped work at Golden Tree Park.”


“Okay red-eyes, what do you want?”

“Can it. Valheim is more important than your grudge. We need to cast. What I need you to do is…”

After a short less-than-pleasant exchange, the two began their work, using their magic near the bridge to complete Adam's plan.
When I saw @Loksfjoer posted, this wasn't what I expected to see:

"Come on Zell get your lazy ass up we have to go!"

Fun stuff, I enjoyed your writing. Good job!
If anyone wants to use the tiefling woman for Cleric stuff, an idea I have is after Adam is healed, she gets annoyed by his request to heal his friend(s). He then asks her if he needs to find Michael and she gives into his request :P
Adam examined the necklace. It contained the sap of a tree from BlacksReach. This, he knew intuitively. The galactic vision that appeared when looking closer? This, he had no idea about. Why was this like that? Why did the jewelry appear at all? And why did this remind him of the orb?

Too many questions, none of which were probably relevant to what really mattered right now; the defense of Valheim. These would have to be questions for later, he decided, as he slowly walked towards the bazaar. Turns out, fighting a metal monster made movement tough afterward, on account of the pain. And speaking of questions, more popped into his mind, mostly about the creature he just killed. Again, these were mainly irrelevant for now, though one was quite important. Were there more? In Mytheria, undoubtedly, but in Valheim specifically was the Druid's concern. Thankfully, he knew how to deal with them now. That knowledge came at a cost, one which he was glad to have paid since it had saved his - and the city's - life.

Approaching the bazaar, Adam saw a Cleric finishing up work on a soldier of some sort. After the latter left, the red-eyed man approached the healer.

“Please heal me. It's very important that I'm able to fight again, thank you.”

The caster - a middle-aged tiefling woman - looked at the man in his strange clothes and shook her head. “No. I don't have the energy to waste on stupid kids, I have to help actual warriors.”

Adam wanted to speak up, but someone else had walked up and beat him to the punch with two words.

“Do it.”

This was Michael Fern, who stared down the Cleric with an intensity that surprised the Druid. This was someone who knew what price he’d paid, Adam remembered. Of course, how could he forget?

“...fine. Let's get this over with.”

Michael nodded, gave the younger man a smile and friendly pat on the shoulder, then left to resume his own work. The fisherman then sat down, letting the healer begin casting while looking around for any members of Second Chance who might be nearby. Like always, he hoped they were all okay.
@xenon no big deal, things happen! I look forward to seeing why the necklace matters, beyond being really cool :P
@Teyao slightly tempted to have Adam try making an impromptu bandage by using the knife James gave him to cut his shirt, then have him be alarmed for a second because of the holy fire :P He's the only one who hasn't used it directly besides Alison
@AvaP look forward to reading it, and more importantly I hope things calm down for you :)
@Jay009 that is appreciated! I still have stuff to reveal regarding it also, such as lore I've PMed xenon about; it should be fun to reveal.
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