His breath was becoming quick, erratic.
It wasn't because of the running either.
'A response to the flames' half his mind surmised, not surprising considering his trauma but disappointing nonetheless, especially considering that he was going to see a whole lot more fire before the siege was over. He ran and ran, trying to reach the next point as quick as possible. To be frank, he hated it, running like this without knowing where his friends were or what their status was. But he had to trust in them, in their capacity to accomplish the jobs they were assigned, just like they trusted him to do his job.
So he ran, amidst the flames that looked oh so eerily familiar.
The sound reached his mind and without a second thought, his anchor was sailing through the air, cleaving in twine an enemy poised to strike down one of the mages running beside him. One thing he had found once he became an Adventurer was that, as a rule, most Caster classes were not great at physical combat, oh technique was something they could get and experience, but sheer power was reserved for the Martial classes, self-enhanced magic seemed a very rare niche among Casters, or at least from what he had observed.
There were notable exceptions of course, classes that focused on it or had it as an option but for pure Casters any kind of damage booster was rarely if ever towards their bodies rather than on their magics, even Clerics were better at making other stronger rather than buffing themselves. All in all, it meant he was serving as a bodyguard during their mad dash towards the Bazaar, the militia members fanned and surrounded them in an attempt to safekeeping them, mage support was already scarce as it was and both sides knew it.
He was beyond tired, the only reason he could keep swinging the anchor around was thanks to having cast Source Infusion and Zell lections helping him pace himself, minimizing movement and trying to squeeze as much strength as possible from the spell. For all he liked to pretend the truth was that he wasn't a Martial class, he lacked the sheer stamina that allowed the others to fight for hours. A common weakness amongst Casters that meant they were falling behind, by his estimation they were some of the last groups of defenders.
Could be worse, to be honest.
"Look out!"
A sharp pain on the arm made him drop the chain of his anchor while a big push saw him lose his balance, next thing he knew he was rolling on the dirt, taking a few seconds to gather his wits before a pair of weak arms helped him to his feet.
Marcus's familiar face looked at him, evaluating his condition before urging him forward.
He didn't question it, instead picking his anchor's chain and continuing running, there was some pain each time he moved his arm and he could glimpse what looked like a bloodied knife in Marcus' hand.
Finally he caught a glimpse of the Bazaar, like an isle beckoning castaway.
It also meant he saw the state of his party.
Bruised, battered.
The moment he saw them all other thoughts fled his mind, Zell was unconscious and looked like a big bruise, Kass had several arrows performing his body and Adam appeared like he fought a blender.
Poor Sil was scorched all over.
He took a step in their direction-
And was immediately stopped by someone holding his good arm.
He whirled around, ready to pounce on whatever was holding him but the calm visage of Ghunter stopped him in his tracks. He didn't know the other Cleric before today but even with their limited interactions, he knew the other man as calm and collected, with his rationality shining above it all.
"You ordered the retreat and Vice Commander Jeremiah is missing"
James could feel his chest rise and fall in an agitated rhythm, what he was implying...
"And the Commander?"
A shake of the head was his only response, danmit, danmit. Whatever expression he was doing it was enough to prop Ghunter to speak once more.
"We can heal your friends, go"
He felt anger fill his veins as he looked at the taller man who only looked back at him with a serene expression. He was the first one to look away. His teeth hurt with how much he was gritting them, casting a last look at his mangled party he swung his now free arm and holsted his anchor in his back, moving towards the command center.
"Captains and vice Captains, gather your units and go to your assigned positions! The night is over yet!"
It was strange.
He had grown accustomed to having some division in his mind for so long that having a complete agreement was jarring.
Still, at least he could say he was sure of one thing.
James Sirius hated General Saladin with All his heart.