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His breath was becoming quick, erratic.

It wasn't because of the running either.

'A response to the flames' half his mind surmised, not surprising considering his trauma but disappointing nonetheless, especially considering that he was going to see a whole lot more fire before the siege was over. He ran and ran, trying to reach the next point as quick as possible. To be frank, he hated it, running like this without knowing where his friends were or what their status was. But he had to trust in them, in their capacity to accomplish the jobs they were assigned, just like they trusted him to do his job.

So he ran, amidst the flames that looked oh so eerily familiar.


The sound reached his mind and without a second thought, his anchor was sailing through the air, cleaving in twine an enemy poised to strike down one of the mages running beside him. One thing he had found once he became an Adventurer was that, as a rule, most Caster classes were not great at physical combat, oh technique was something they could get and experience, but sheer power was reserved for the Martial classes, self-enhanced magic seemed a very rare niche among Casters, or at least from what he had observed.

There were notable exceptions of course, classes that focused on it or had it as an option but for pure Casters any kind of damage booster was rarely if ever towards their bodies rather than on their magics, even Clerics were better at making other stronger rather than buffing themselves. All in all, it meant he was serving as a bodyguard during their mad dash towards the Bazaar, the militia members fanned and surrounded them in an attempt to safekeeping them, mage support was already scarce as it was and both sides knew it.

He was beyond tired, the only reason he could keep swinging the anchor around was thanks to having cast Source Infusion and Zell lections helping him pace himself, minimizing movement and trying to squeeze as much strength as possible from the spell. For all he liked to pretend the truth was that he wasn't a Martial class, he lacked the sheer stamina that allowed the others to fight for hours. A common weakness amongst Casters that meant they were falling behind, by his estimation they were some of the last groups of defenders.

Could be worse, to be honest.

"Look out!"


A sharp pain on the arm made him drop the chain of his anchor while a big push saw him lose his balance, next thing he knew he was rolling on the dirt, taking a few seconds to gather his wits before a pair of weak arms helped him to his feet.

Marcus's familiar face looked at him, evaluating his condition before urging him forward.

He didn't question it, instead picking his anchor's chain and continuing running, there was some pain each time he moved his arm and he could glimpse what looked like a bloodied knife in Marcus' hand.

Finally he caught a glimpse of the Bazaar, like an isle beckoning castaway.

It also meant he saw the state of his party.

Bruised, battered.


The moment he saw them all other thoughts fled his mind, Zell was unconscious and looked like a big bruise, Kass had several arrows performing his body and Adam appeared like he fought a blender.

Poor Sil was scorched all over.

He took a step in their direction-

And was immediately stopped by someone holding his good arm.

He whirled around, ready to pounce on whatever was holding him but the calm visage of Ghunter stopped him in his tracks. He didn't know the other Cleric before today but even with their limited interactions, he knew the other man as calm and collected, with his rationality shining above it all.

"You ordered the retreat and Vice Commander Jeremiah is missing"

James could feel his chest rise and fall in an agitated rhythm, what he was implying...

"And the Commander?"

A shake of the head was his only response, danmit, danmit. Whatever expression he was doing it was enough to prop Ghunter to speak once more.

"We can heal your friends, go"

He felt anger fill his veins as he looked at the taller man who only looked back at him with a serene expression. He was the first one to look away. His teeth hurt with how much he was gritting them, casting a last look at his mangled party he swung his now free arm and holsted his anchor in his back, moving towards the command center.

"Captains and vice Captains, gather your units and go to your assigned positions! The night is over yet!"

It was strange.

He had grown accustomed to having some division in his mind for so long that having a complete agreement was jarring.

Still, at least he could say he was sure of one thing.

James Sirius hated General Saladin with All his heart.
If anyone wants to use the tiefling woman for Cleric stuff, an idea I have is after Adam is healed, she gets annoyed by his request to heal his friend(s). He then asks her if he needs to find Michael and she gives into his request :P

More healers are always appreciated, also, post should be up tomorrow
Posted too, also, second Blessing used, party weapons are deal Holy Fire damage

The recovery was as miraculous as always, magic was truly a wonder, an injury that could take years if not a lifetime to recover (maybe unsalvageable) was gone in a few minutes, it helped that the Lesser Restore was concentrated in a single limb, yes it wasn't going to restore any of the other wound he could see in her body but at least she was back in fighting order again even if he would rather have her resting and safe.

"If you are going to fight again then be careful, your arm is going to be fine but the healing was focused on your arm so don't expect a sudden recovery" He didn't have another Restore so the next injury would have to be addressed with increased healing. A whorty trade to get Mac back into shape "As for the retreat is going well, I am afraid we may be playing straight into Saladin's hands but there is not much else we can do at the moment" It irked him to say it aloud but if there was someone he could trust with the reality of the situation was the person in front of him.

"You should be going too, no?"

He gave her a shake of the head.

"Maybe but there is still work to be done"

He wasn't being dramatic either, the enemies were overwhelming, and retreating all support while leaving the defenders would lead some squads to be overrun. Any dent in their defense could and was already being exploited, to show their injured side without a trap prepared would end in a bloodbath.

"I can wait no longer. Adieu, mon amie."

"Good Luck!"

It felt like too little but for the moment that was the best he could do.

Once Mac was out of his field of vision his attention focused back on the walls, the fighting was gruesome and every second his worry for his party members grew, he was still conscious enough to make decisions with a detached head but he feared the longer the battle went the more his affection would cloud his judgment, already he had disregarded everything to heal Mac, leaving other mages to be picked off by enemy forces.

The situation was dire.

Despite whatever was happening at the enemy camp they were still getting slowly overrun, every one of their fighters was worth five of theirs but for each one Valheim had the enemy had ten. The walls were slowly becoming traps, kllboxes were being turned around and used against the defenders.

There was only one true option, for now, it would be costly but it would allow their forces to regroup and it could be what they needed to turn the tide of battle.

"Marcus, send the flare, I am ordering a full retreat to the Bazar"

His fellow mage complied, using one of the spells carved into his soul to send a Red Flare high in the sky where it exploded into a red explosion with a distinctive sound. A distraction for the enemy and a signal to their allies at the same time. It was time to abandon the walls.

But he still had a card he could play.

"I beseech thee, Mother Iris, thou who are radiant and wise, ruler of the skies and bearer of the sun, Guide us with thy luminous light's gentle sway so that in thy name victory may be attained!"

Again the faith surrounding him gathered but where Undaya's pressure created waves Iris's light was dazzling and warm, light a ray of sunlight peeking through a tree's shadow.

Even without being able to see it, he knew that the weapon of every member of his party was alight with Holy Fire.
I will post tomorrow, I had to cover another guy's shift at work cuz he got sick
Reading (and writting) medical procedures is fun


Multiple lacerations all across the torso, most shallow but a few had managed to penetrate deep in the Adventurer blessed flesh, forcing warm blood to soak into torn gambeson and gleaming mail. Were this man a mere normal warrior he would be already dead like so many others, instead his vitality forced him awake even as his life force seeped into the ground. The man spasmed in agony even as a few others helped him pin him down as some of the clerics cast their spells on him, the poison flowing from open wounds as the man cried, he was lucky to have received Ascension enough times to deserve this treatment, there were many others already on the solid underneath who weren't as lucky.

After a small eternity, the wounds of the man were fully closed, and without a word, he rose and went to rejoin the fight. Already he could see the next patient entering the small area they had set to tend to the few lucky wounded that were valuable enough to be considered assets.

He grunted as he lifted his anchor again and went to observe the situation again, the retreat had been sounded and they were engaging in retreat, it was... irking to yield ground but he was aware of the plan, already he could see some of the retreating mages preparing the next stage. The worry in his gut was staggering, like an empty abyss that ate everything else and threatened to split him right down the middle, but he swallowed it down like old bile. Doubt was a slow poison, and he had no time for it. The battle had no time for it.

“James!” She hung on to the platform with one hand, using her feet to struggle up and get her elbow and forearm on, then she got help from some mages who pulled her up. “James. Can you fix my arm?” Perhaps she would have joked and asked for a few pints of blood too, but she was struggling to keep conscious now that she was out of immediate danger. “Please hurry, my friend." She was panicking, aware that she was fading quickly and might be forced to retreat without the Rabbits. "I need to get back down there.”

The scream forced the blood in his veins, the only reason she could be here...

He forced himself to look anyway and was drowned in relief and worry in equal measure, the damage was bad, but it was also mostly concentrated on the arm, so while she was at risk of losing too much blood it was an easily solvable problem.

He still reacted appropriately.

"Shit! Mac!"

He was by her side in a second, listening to her blabbering (A concussion? No, blood loss) with one ear but mostly focusing on her arm. It was a mess, but a fixable mess, no broken bones, and the lack of strong smell (Besides the blood) suggested a lack of poison. Not that he was going to risk.

"Leave it to me!" Immediately he directed his attention to one of the mages he recognized "Ghunter give me a red and a green quickly" For a moment he feared the other cleric would bring up the fact that those supplies were meant for the mages but thankfully the other men complied.

The following treatment was harrowing, the first point was the application of the tourniquet to stop the blood loss and prevent hypovolemic shock, he ended up needing help to restrain Mackenzie as it was applied, luckily one of the nearby clerics had some numbing agent but it was still an agonizing if quick procedure. The next was the cleaning of the wound, a grotesque necessity interrupted only by the direct application of blood production and anti-poison potions. Once the limb was clean the next step was the recordation of the limb, he had to be aided by some of the most experienced clerics to make sure the arm was properly aligned as they proceeded to bandage it, one of the special bandages produced by the Druids in preparation for the siege, its hardening properties were meant to help guide healing bones but Mackenzie's arm was so ruined the extra help was needed.

Then, and only then could he finally cast his Lesser Restore, had he skipped all other steps they would have run the risk of shock happening or worse, the arm healing wrong. As it was the arm would be close to unusable for at least a few minutes, but by that point, he hoped the potions would have helped Mac regain enough of her vitality.
it was good! In hindsight, I maybe should've had Adam tell James a part of his plan, though the way you handled it works quite well. Maybe the guards and mages formerly under Adam's command can help James somehow, I dunno.

Don't worry dude! Also I am in the edge of my seat reading Adam incoming confrontation

ps, I am writting but If I don't finish my post tonight tommorow should be up
A little short but I didn't want to delay any more, thanks for the patience.

Where was Adam going?

The thought kept repeating again and again as the man ran away from the platform, the explosion earlier! Was he directed or was he acting on his own? Did it matter? He had half expected that something like this would happen, backstabbing was one of the Marquis's favorite moves for a reason. But now with Adam going there... should he support him? Unbidden his hand went to the handle of the anchor before he tore it away.

No, not yet.

Instead, he refocused on the battle, Kass was holding but Zell was worrying, they hadn't managed to get the materials for the ritual again and the sword was obviously affecting him. It made him angry, now it would be harder to separate him from that fucking thing.


He felt himself flinch as the man closest to him was downed in an instant, an arrow sticking from one of his eyes, still open in horror. The bile rose from his stomach but was pushed down thanks to the experience half of him possessed, distraction was death and he couldn't afford to lose more people.

Then it happened in an instant, some unseen point tipped and more towers made contact, melee units advanced and the fighting became furious. Now the lives of his friends were being targeted.

It was time.

Both hands went to the handle of the anchor with his holy symbol grasped tightly.

"I call to you Lord Undaya, Ruler of the seas and King of the ocean, bestow upon us your blessing, to be as cold and unwavering as you are in the deep below!"

Once, twice the anchor hit the platform, a simple tap but he could feel the ripples of faith, similar to throwing a rock in a lake. It was the third trap that saw his anchor striking the floor of the platform with considerable force, sending the generated ripples of faith towards each of his party members, he hadn't noticed it before but with the last days learning of Hacking some things started to make sense with context, now he could guess the party system ingrained in their Crystals was helping guide his Blessing towards his party members almost effortlessly.

He just hoped they received it in time.

His attention returned to the fighting, and his Light Beam joined the magic being thrown around, they were close to another tipping point, he could feel it.

Now they just had to resist.
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