”Are you going to tell them the level of anxiety this whole conversation caused me?”
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Did I mention Buckethead is one of my favorite guitarists?”

"Box on your brain again, Suki?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Did I mention Buckethead is one of my favorite guitarists?”

"Box on your brain again, Suki?"
Not being a mind-reader, Kiyo wouldn’t know that Tsubomi was questioning her appearance. Similarly, Haruna wouldn’t know that Tsubomi intended to respond to her, with how long it took her to finish her mouthful of sandwich. Just as she was nearly ready to reply, Suki showed her dexterity by juggling her lunchbox like a cat with a freshly caught salmon. Tsubomi had just set down her food when her partner managed to land the proverbial fish, and the emotionless girl clapped twice at the show.
"Now nobody can read our thoughts.”
Tsubomi parsed these words just in time to see Suki lean on her hand, and she turned back to Haruna. Can you read my thoughts? If someone could, they’d have trouble understanding them with how slow they were. Can anyone read my thoughts?
Another thirty or so seconds passed with no answer. Satisfied, Tsubomi went back to eating while her eyes stayed looking in Haruna’s general direction. The transfer student waited for another few seconds, watching Tsubomi expectantly. Her consternation rose by the second, responding to both the conversation about mind reading and Tsubomi’s lack of doing much of anything.
”Um. . .” she began eloquently, pausing for another moment in the vain that Tsubomi was about to interrupt her - something that Tsubomi, of course, was essentially incapable of doing. ”Did you actually. . . hear me?” Her head tilted with confusion as she hesitated for yet another few seconds. Despite her helpful approach, an undercurrent of frustration had begun to move beneath the surface of Haruna’s feelings, though it was being squashed down almost as soon as it arose.
”I said I wanted to help you,” she said, speaking slower this time. Tsubomi could feel her anxiety jump up a bit as she worried about being offensive once again, not that the transfer student’s anxiety jumping was at all an unusual occurrence. ”Since you seemed like you weren’t doing very well. It’s probably weird for me to worry as a stranger, but, well, I like helping people.” Haruna gave a small sort of shrug. ”. . . If you want me to just leave you alone, though, you can just say so.” Tsubomi didn’t need magic to pick up on the note of dejection in her voice at that prospect.
This girl wanted to help her? Tsubomi nodded once. ”Okay.” There was a pause as she took a drink from her juice box at the same speed she ate at. The girl in front of her was being honest, at least as far as Tsubomi could tell, but… what did Tsubomi want help at? And…
Finished with her fifteen-second long sip, she asked what she believed to be the important question. ”How?”
Haruna paused for a moment, having evidently not expected this question going by the cues in her emotions and face. ”Um. . .” How did one politely say that another looked like the sort of person that needed help in general? The transfer student certainly didn’t know. ”Well, like I said, you seemed like you might be depressed, or. . . something, or feeling bad about yourself.” An idea struck her after a moment. ”Maybe I could start by just. . . being your friend? I don’t really know anyone around here yet, except for the landlady and a couple girls I met running errands.”
Another single nod. ”Okay.” Another few moments passed as Tsubomi stared at the transfer student. Then another thought occurred. She glanced, which is to say that her eyes drifted like a buoy on a river, towards Suki and Kiyo. Tsubomi considered Suki her friend. Did she consider… anyone else? The other Club members were the closest to it she could think of.
Blinking like a content cat, her eyes drifted back to Haruna. If she wanted to be friends, and everyone Tsubomi considered even close to one was in the Detention Club… ”Mm. You should join our club.” Another slow blink. ”Mmm…” The girl’s head tilted to the side. ”I don’t know if that’s okay with the leader, but the club is supposed to help people. It’d be a way to be friends and help people like you want to.” Satisfied that she had done the right thing, Tsubomi began to eat once more, starting to finish the second third of her sandwich as Haruna’s expression brightened, a surge of happiness accompanying it.
Kiyo also occupied herself with her food, acting as if the new girl wasn't even there. While in some circles it might be seen as rude, it was an improvement over the last time a stranger had approached her and Suki at a table. It also wasn't exactly one of those circles, either, so when her phone vibrated, she checked it out immediately. Her eyes flicked back in Haruna's direction to finally get a good look at her.
A babe?
You think so?
I guess I was half right, then.

Her lips curled in a playfully smug grin, the kind she usually had on when she said something that shouldn't be taken too seriously. In the meantime, though, she was pondering Suki's thoughts. She pondered and shrugged. Tsubomi was an interesting specimen, and Kiyo had her theories on the girl's unique strangeness, but even she had enough social awareness to know that Suki was probably not interested in all that techno-babble. She was just worried about her friend, or some approximation thereof, and nothing Kiyo could think to say was going to help much.
Kiyo was only giving Haruna and Tsubomi's conversation about a quarter of her attention, until the topic of her joining the Detention Club came up. This, she couldn't ignore. "Hey." She looked at Haruna with narrowed red eyes. A swell of emotion came forward, a confused blend of annoyance, distrust, and protectiveness. "I don't know if you're trying to do a high school debut or whatever, and I'm not really interested, but let me save you some time. You won't become popular at this school by hanging out at this table. Whatever you're really after, I'm sure you can find it elsewhere." Haruna’s expression fell as quickly as it had risen.
Kiyo's posture was defensive, arms crossed and cradling a cane propped against her shoulder. Though it appeared so on the outside, her strongest desire in the moment was not for Haruna to leave, but to protect the other girls from some other heartache she'd experienced before and was trying not to think about. It was making any details difficult to pick out for the erstwhile light girl.
”S-sorry,” she stammered in response to the unexpected hostility. Tsubomi’s passive acceptance had lulled her into a sense of complacency about her approach, one that Kiyo had quickly dismantled. ”I’m not really worried about popularity or anything, though. Honestly I’d rather people mostly left me alone.” A seemingly out of place pang of guilt came from Haruna in response to that, as if the girl were scolding herself. ”I just honestly wanted to be nice, since. . . well, especially going off what you said, you don’t really seem like a group of people that others bother being nice to.”
Kiyo scoffed. "That's true. Nobody does. That's..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes widened as a feeling of déjà vu came over her. "why I..." she continued, the wind well and truly gone from her sails. "I help oversee this club. Because some of the 'nice people' in this town aren't so nice," she explained in lieu of an apology. She tapped on the table with her finger impatiently, thinking. "Especially the schoolgirls. The popular ones are the worst," she said with a smile, finding her footing as she usually did, with a joke. "If you're really the type that likes to be left alone, then this is a good table to be at. Just don't be boring." She locked eyes with Haruna and tilted her head. "Are you a fun person?"
Something seemed to click into place on Haruna’s expression, her face lifting for an almost imperceptible moment as Kiyo explained herself. ”I don’t know if I’d call myself ‘fun,’ honestly. I’m kinda boring.” She gave a sort of self-depreciating shrug. ”I’ll also try whatever, though, if that’s what you mean.” Haruna paused for just a moment. ”Does that mean you’re going to let me in the club?” Her hopes soared again for the moment as she glanced at Tsubomi again. ”I don’t have a club yet this year, and if it’s supposed to be about helping people and stuff, that sounds perfect.”
Haruna's response left Kiyo with a feeling somewhere between wistful and nostalgic, but she broke eye contact with Haruna before it could show on her face. Did she want Haruna to join the club? The desire came and went, and came and went again. She seemed to have complicated feelings about it. "I don't know if I'd call our club a club about 'helping people,' but it's at least not boring. ...The meetings are boring though," she added regretfully. She tapped her finger a bit more. "It's like Tsubomi said. Gotta talk to the boss lady." Abruptly, she stood up and started packing away her leftovers. "I'll talk to Roche about it. See you around, girls."
Suki had been pretty quiet, only “occasionally” looking up from her phone while the others talked. She eyed Kiyo as she left the table, then back to Haruna once Kiyo departed.
"Well… Maybe some people aren’t ‘nice’ to us, but they aren’t all that bad either. The Detention club’s members are given a lot of slack by faculty and students alike.“ She slipped her phone into her pocket, still not bothering to remove the metal lunch box from her head. "That said, uh, isn’t offering to help random people kind of weird? I get that it makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but aren’t you opening yourself up to be taken advantage of?“
Haruna elected not to point out the girl contradicting what Kiyo had implied. ”I guess it's kinda weird, yeah.” She shrugged as she spoke, looking to the side a bit at nothing in particular. ”I'm just happy if other people are happy because of me.” Her eyes shifted upward as she thought about her next words. ”I don't really care if people take advantage sometimes, I suppose. I'd rather someone be crappy to me than miss helping someone who really needs it. I'll be okay, but that other person might not be.” Her gaze fell back to Tsubomi as she said this last.
Suki lifted an eyebrow. "You don’t say?“ There must have been something going on in Suki’s head, as all she afforded those around her was a long, steady, stare. "Whatever works for you I guess.“ She inhaled deeply before going back on her phone.
The apathetic girl’s eyes drifted back up from the last third of her sandwich and towards Haruna. After finishing chewing her current bite for a few moments, she spoke. ”What if you get permanently hurt though? If you…” Tsubomi paused for around seven seconds as her mind turned, trying to figure out what she meant to say. ”Pull someone out of danger but lose an arm. Is that okay? You can only do it twice. Is it okay for the future people you can’t pull out? Because you did twice?”
Haruna frowned. ”That question doesn’t really make sense, though.” She tilted her head a bit as she thought about it, one finger lazily drifting up to her chin. ”If they’re in so much danger that it’s better for me to lose an arm than to leave them where they are, isn’t it unfair to them if I don’t save them? I don’t know if anyone in the future will need me to give up an arm for them, but I can see the person right in front of me that does.” Something about the question bothered Haruna. It didn’t show much on her face, but it was easy for Tsubomi to pick up on the gust of consternation in her mind. ”Besides, even if I lost both arms, I’d find a way to keep saving people if I had to. I could get a cool prosthetic, or something.”
”What about your head, or your heart? Something you only have one of.”
”I don’t know.” The lanky girl shrugged in a way that made her look smaller, somehow. ”I guess I wouldn’t be able to do much helping if I died, but I don’t want to abandon someone else either if I can help them. So. . . I guess I just have to be good enough at it to not lose my head.”
Though nothing went through her mind, Tsubomi seemed to be lost in thought. A strange feeling, thinking hard about nothing. A full minute of this passed before she nodded twice. ”Good luck. If the boss is okay with you joining, everyone is weird enough to fit you in.”
"We’re not ‘weird,’ we’re just quirky!“ Suki said as she set the lunchbox on her head aside. "Though you don’t seem normal so that should be fine.“ Her eyes wandered between the two seats adjacent to her. The one Kiyo had been sitting in was empty, and Tsubomi was sitting to her right. "It doesn’t really matter though.“ She looked across the table at Haruna, then averted her eyes and pushed her fingers together. "We can still be friends and stuff even if you can’t join.“
”Am I really that weird?” Her tone didn't sound bothered, although the statements had still thrown her off. ”I thought I was mostly pretty normal.” The transfer student scratched at her head, laughing a little at herself in the process. ”I guess walking up to a stranger and asking if they need help with depression is pretty weird, yeah.” She was happy with what Suki had said, regardless of questions about Haruna's oddity, though the emotion was overshadowed by concern once more as she looked at Tsubomi once again. ”Um, while I'm being weird, do you guys like stuffed animals? A girl gave a bunch to me to give away so they could ‘see the town.’ She was weird too, I guess, but I kinda get it?” As she spoke, she pulled her backpack off her shoulders, unzipped it, and placed it on the table.
There inside were many soft, plush animals. They all had round edges and non-threatening facial expressions. Anything that could be dangerous looked too silly to be taken seriously. There was a jowly bulldog, a happy squid, a startled pufferfish, a tired lion, and many more. Pushing aside one plush revealed two more, and the bottom of the bag was never visible. Each one had a name stitched onto its paw, fin, or tentacle in an inconspicuous place.
Suki stood up so that she could look inside Haruna’s backpack. Without looking very far, she picked up “Lazy Larry” and looked straight into his eyes. "Hah!“ she pointed the Lion’s tired eyes at Tsubomi. "This one kind of looks like you!“
The girl only nodded once as her partner told her about the Lion’s resemblance. She didn’t have the interest to look at the others, but she reached out for Larry with her trademark slowness. ”I wonder if he’ll be friends with my other one.”
Once Tsubomi slowly, painfully removed the lion from Suki’s hands, she shoved her face into the backpack and began pushing things around. Her head was entirely inside the bag with her pigtails draping out the side. It was hard to believe she could see like that. Haruna blinked in startlement, not anticipating her backpack being invaded so.
"Oh I like this one!“ She pulled her head back and held up an octopus named Chad. It had a “serious” look on his face and was wearing sunglasses. "He looks really cool! Thank you very much!“
Haruna’s bemusement became a smile as she seemed to have genuinely brightened the dark girl’s day. ”I’m glad you like them. I’m sure the girl I got them from will be happy to hear that people like her friends.” She moved to sit down in a free seat across from Tsubomi and Suki, almost immediately falling into a slouch with her elbows on the table. Just as quickly, she stood halfway up. ”Oh, crap, I just realized. I never actually asked your names.”
"Oh! I’m Suki! And that’s Tsubomi!“ The delinquent decided to save her partner the trouble of saying her own name. "And your name?“ After thinking for a bit though, Suki realized she had heard her name. It was hard to recall the past few seconds with all the secret oogling and having Kiyo scare the shit out of her. "Wait, no! It’s Haruna! I remember it!“ And Suki was totally expected to hear her name too. Yes, there was no way that introduction was meant only for Tsubomi, and she didn’t come across as a total stalker for recalling it. She giggled nervously. "Well I’m going to go and put this guy away before-“ Suki’s eyes shot open. Her pigtails had gotten caught in the backpack zipper.
Haruna had started to sit down again, and was once more stuck in the liminal space between seated and standing. Her eyes followed the hair down to where it’d been trapped. ”Oh dear. . . um, just hold still for a second.” She made a placating, theoretically calming gesture at Suki. ”We can probably get you un-stuck if I hold the bag and you tug on your hair just right.”
”Be careful. Ripping out hair hurts.” Feeling the need to state the obvious, it seemed.
"...Thanks Tsubomi.“ Suki took a few steps back to release the tension on her hair. Then she grabbed a fist full of her stuck ponytail. "Okay, on three?“
”I was thinking something a little gentler than that, but, uh, sure?” The transfer student did her best to angle the zipper such that it would provide the least resistance to Suki’s exit, hurrying a bit as she anticipated the latter doing this faster than was advisable or necessary.
"Wait!“ Suki raised her other hand. She had the plush tucked under her arm. "There’s a gentler way? Because I feel like this is going to be painful.“
”Y-yeah, if we get your hair slack and pull toward the inside, we might be able to get it to come loose without ripping out a ton of your hair. Probably.” She glanced to the side. ”Still might have to rip a little though.”
The delinquent looked side to side. "...Does anyone have scissors?“
”Here, let me just-” Haruna released her grip on the bag to grab one of Suki’s pigtails with both hands. Before the other girl could protest, she was already holding the part close to Suki steady while she pulled at the rest of the length. She had to put a bit more force into it than she’d like, force which transmitted back to Suki despite Haruna’s best efforts, but with one last tug, she freed it from its metallic prison. Only a few torn black hairs were left behind, at least relative to cutting the whole piece free. ”See? Now hold still while I get the other one.”
Suki held her freed pigtail in her hands, eyeing the (mostly) intact strands. "Th-thank you.“ She closed her eyes and blushed. Haruna went for the second tail with a bit more finesse, though she wasn’t able to get it completely clean either.
”You should be a little more careful if you wanna wear your hair like that. I know the plushies are cute, but they probably aren’t worth me yanking hair out of your head.” She moved her hand to rub at her own hair, belatedly realized that she was still clutching a pigtail, then paused for a moment in consternation before releasing Suki. ”I hope you don’t mind me going and just touching your hair like that.”
The delinquent was hugging her octopus against her face while twisting her shoulders side to side. "N-no, I think it’s great that you can take charge like that. I’d have a lot less hair if I tried to free myself. It’s fine that you touched it. I hope it wasn’t too greasy.“ She giggled. Her pitch sounded a little higher than normal. "Now that I’m free, I think I’ll put Chad away. But I do hope we get to talk again, even if it’s not as club mates.“ Suki proceeded to take tiny steps away from the table, not unlike a ballerina.
Haruna sat back down, hopefully for real this time, as she watched Suki skitter off. Her gaze lingered for a moment, watching the other girl retreat in a way that she would probably overinterpret if she saw. That girl definitely has ulterior motives. It took her a few more moments to realize she’d left her lunch behind in her hurry, which prompted a sigh. ”Do you mind if I run back and grab my food? It might be nice to finish eating over here.”
Tsubomi gave a thumbs up to Haruna as she finally finished her sandwich with her other hand. Now that it was gone, she began on the apple she’d brought. The interaction between her partner and the new girl was ripe for picking out feeling, but she chose not to touch it. She couldn’t help but think that Suki would be mad if she did.