Just as every night had its dawn, every vacation had its end. Be it relaxation on the beach or recreational activities at sea, there would come a time when all had to return home. Tensions were much lower on the trip back, and everyone rode inside the van this time. That included a familiar face they had encountered by pure happenstance.
Upon returning to Hibusa town, Oros hopped out of the van and approached Nyxia before she could escape return home. "Hi, Nixie!” She waved like they hadn’t just been riding in the same vehicle together.
“Hello?” Nyxia deadpanned, already inwardly cringing at the thought of what the perverted pinkette might wish to speak with her about.
Oros waddled her way up to her before bowing forward enough that their eyes were level. "Remember how earlier I asked you if you wanted to come to the theater with me? You didn’t seem too interested in going.” She laughed, then snorted. "Well, I found someone else to go with! So unless you changed your mind, you don’t have to come with me. Not that you had to before, but you know what I mean.”
“So, you managed to find someone who actually enjoys being violated, huh?” the Neon Tempest sneered. “Good for you. Anyways, if that’s all, I have other places to be,” she added, turning to depart.
"Take care!” Oros watched Nyxia depart for a few seconds before turning away. She reached back into the van, pulled Tsubomi out, and started walking towards her home.
Oros had seen Tsubomi’s home a few times, but she never went inside. Not because Tsubomi had forbid her or anything. She just didn’t have the best reputation as a student, and she knew she had family around occasionally. It was also annoying to be transformed if there were potential targets nearby. If her uncle walked into Tsubomi’s room and he was a UILF, well, could she really be expected to not try to kiss him? She hadn’t seen a lot of uncles in real life, but in the shows she watched they were always depicted as being really charismatic. They were probably second place under light magical girls. Totally S tier.
All suburban homes had at least two stories, and the girl of any house always had their bedroom towards the back so that teenage boyfriends (or girlfriends) could sneak inside unnoticed. So Oros was not surprised to see that there was a bedroom located in the back corner of the house. Could it have been her uncle or another family member? Maybe! But she didn’t plan on sticking around too long. The few times Tsubomi got like this, she was usually left at the club room. But a weekend was coming up and she didn’t feel like explaining anything to Rei.
Oros laid Tsubomi on top of the bed. She was unsure if she should tuck her in, but she might overheat since she was still dressed. Unless… No, there was no reason to do that.
Oros was about to turn around to leave when she looked over her shoulder at Tsubomi. She approached her and prodded her shoulder.
Magic was weird. Not only did Tsubomi's transformation turn itself off when she hit the sand, but once she was in the van, her little internal world shifted. Gone were the waves of sand, replaced with clouds that she and her unwanted companion now lay upon. Fortunately, these didn't hinder breathing the way the sand had, making Tsubomi much more comfortable.
The two sat in what to observers might seem like a companionable silence, though the reality would have been betrayed by their positioning, with Acid Drop sitting on Tsubomi's back. Though she couldn't see it, Tsubomi had the nagging (and correct) feeling that Acid Drop was on her phone. She did not know what, if anything, that was supposed to represent, nor if it had an analogue to the real world around her unconscious body.
Though the ride was peaceful for the duo, Tsubomi couldn't manage to fall asleep in this space the way she had wanted, and so was aware of the passing moments. She tried to count the seconds but couldn't bring to bear any interest to fuel it, and so she allowed her mind to stay empty. Eventually Acid Drop stood and turned around to face her human self.
"Weeeeeelp, it's been fun, but it's time to go, now." She began to wind back her leg, and after a short moment, swung it into Tsubomi's shoulder as hard as she could, right where her partner had just touched on her real self.
"Wake up."
Tsubomi's eyes slowly pried themselves open at Oros' contact. After a moment, as if they were confirming they were open, they blinked and lazily drifted towards the partner of their owner.
Oros also blinked, but was wide awake and had a smile painted on her face. "Are you okay?”
"Think so. Tired."
"Yea, I’m going to leave so that you can sleep.” Oros kneeled beside the bed and folded her arms under her chin. "I’m sorry I got mad at you the other day. You’re still the best partner I could ask for.”
Tsubomi went to try nodding her head, but only succeeded in dipping her chin somewhat and returning it to its starting position. "Emotions. Kind of suck. Right?" She paused. Something felt strange, but she couldn't pin down what it was, nor could she truly describe it if she had been asked to. She wasn't even sure where it came from, or where it was that felt so odd.
"Maybe I. Should try. Think more." The apathetic girl had to admit to herself that her usual blasé attitude towards people's emotions often led to trouble down the line. While not knowing what other people were feeling might be a fine excuse for most people, for her it didn't fly, given her magic's method of manifesting. If she could act well enough when there was magic in her veins as Acid Drop, surely she could do a little more of it more often...
Besides, even from the most selfish of the viewpoints that she could consider, it might be good training too. Though this thought was fleeting, quick to be replaced by another, which itself was quickly followed by an additional thought. 'Why isn't the whole club training?' was almost instantly replaced with 'I could have died in that fight.'
"Thanks for. Bringing back." Tsubomi's eyes drifted to look at the ceiling. "Better. Next time."
"We’ll both be better next time, and not just because we figured out how to get stronger!” Or at least, they had discovered a way to get stronger. They would have plenty of time to work out the specifics later. "I uh, I have tickets to the kabuki theater. It’s not for a few days, but if you wanted to bask in some emotions. I have plenty of tickets.”
Tsubomi tried again to nod, but couldn't bring herself to do so. She was, however, able to look back at Oros. This was a good chance to start the advice she'd given herself a moment ago; to try to avoid potential conflicts. Besides, Suki was cool. Tsubomi was as close as someone with her 'condition' could be with her, so why not? "Okay. Good idea."
"Would you like anything before I go?”
It took a bit of effort but Tsubomi was able to smile slightly, perhaps creepily, but at least she managed. "Be safe."
Oros’s eyes twinkled as she fixed her face with a smile of her own. "Will do!” She chirped, right before turning around and diving out the window. A tree branch snapped as she tumbled to the ground and presumably sped off.