The one adorned in the red of heroes had need to finally drop his mask. A funeral for summer, for our youth. Goodbye, those heated days...…
4 mos ago
It seems the long summer, which gouged with fangs and gave us hope, has come to its end...
7 mos ago
Late in it, but happy Kagerou Day!
7 mos ago
"Jesus does not like very many girls." - Grant (GOODTIMESZone)
"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once "Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve) "Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility) "Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC
[hider=A self coup-d'état]
"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC
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