Avatar of Zarkun


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Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
6 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
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It's the most fattening time of the year!
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There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

{Negative, too dangerous. Fall back and we'll classify the mission as complete as is. Do not, under any circumstances, go after it.} Monroe was watching through the scope of his rifle and the two beasts moved with power and speed, tearing up the clearing. {Believe me, tracking it would be great if it wasn't so dangerous, but orders are to pull all of us back if it shows up. Besides, one of the War Mages should be showing up to lead the hunt for it soon. As I understand it, he'll be meeting with your guild master today and she'll be making the case for you all to help take it down once we found the lair.}

There's a deep breath that comes through from Monroe's end of the VOX unit before he continues. {But I have orders to keep all of us safe and alive, and giving chase is counter-intuitive.} There's a pause and the sergeant chuckles as he lowers his rifle as the two monsters disappear into the trees. {If you were guardsmen, I'd promote you for great initiative and planning, but you aren't, so instead I'll be the first to speak up in your favor for future missions. Wouldn't mind working with you when there's less...red tape involved.}

Outpost Zeta
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

"Yeah, canteen's on the west side of the outpost, hard to miss." The Corporal starts to turn away and then pauses before turning back. "I'm going to try and get in contact with command back in Rembrandt, see if they can get artillery support to do its job and if I can get more information. Reconvene in...two hours?" Meanwhile, Damian was stretching after getting out of the truck, the long ride making him feel cramped before he waved at the two Rising Starborn mages and disappeared towards the Outpost's command center after securing his twin revolvers and his sword.

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

Jenna sighed as she looked out the window towards the group of three mages. "It's not that I don't have faith in them, Zen. Trinity already told me that combat isn't exactly her forte and we don't know anything about the magics of the other two, so I'd...feel better if you went with." She sighs again and turns back to face the chef. "I know you're technically our official chef, but..." Meanwhile, Karma was getting Matthew and Evangeline their marks for the guild, putting them where they wanted them.

The barkeep couldn't help but grin at the trio as they interacted with each other after she was done and she had returned to her place behind the bar, simply observing them all as they talked.

En Route to Ansol
April 13, X903
Rembrandt Train Station

The two cloaked figures had moved their way through the train car and now stood near the door leading to the train car the noble and the mages were on. Ariel calling attention to the shift in murmuring's had Aylin's bodyguard moving to investigate. He looked through the windows between the two cars before his eyes widened in realization. "Lady Aylin, get down!" A powerful blast of wind magic sent the door and the body guard flying back. Aylin screamed in surprise and fear before running away from the now open door to take cover behind a table as the two cloaked figures lead the crowd into the car.

"See," says the figure on the right, a female voice coming from the shadows of the hood, "she's traveling with mages from that guild in Rembrandt! Surely they're planning something!" The crowd murmurs in agreement as the other figure drops his hood to expose a bald head tattooed with intricate knot like designs and a nasty scar across his face, a pair of daggers flashing into his hands as he grins at the mages assembled.

"They look like fodder mages, Gren. Let me deal with them..." The other figure lowered her own hood, exposing her turquoise hair with one side shaven and a pair of nose piercings, dark purple lipstick on her lips and heavy makeup on her face.

"By the book this time, Klein, or the master will have our heads. Now come on folks, surely this isn't suspicious to you at all!"
Jason Connor

Well...I'm fed and I've got some money now. Should probably check on the group I'm supposed to meet up with. Pulling out his dex, Jason shot a text off to Steph to see how they're doing before wandering the streets for a bit, just enjoying the scenery and seeing what Pokemon might be floating around this time of day.
Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

As Adelyn's magic aura flared up, her grimoire becoming something of a lightning rod, though not as effectively as she would have likely wanted, as blue lightning continued to hammer away at clearing, even as the red beast struggled to stand up. However, her efforts weren't in vain, as it bought time for Mark and Kiba to get a feel for everything happening. The only thing that no one properly accounted for, was Adelyn's counter attack as she screamed for someone to shut up, the beam of blue lightning striking with an unexpected ferocity. The impact caused a massive explosion that obscured the Sergeant's view of the beast and he frowned as he looked through his scope.

Did she actually get it? No, we bounded that thing in close range with the heaviest ordinance we had, there's no way- As if to prove the Sergeant right, another beam of concentrated blue lightning arched towards Adelyn, aimed for her chest. Mark arrived just in time though, snatching her and Kiba away just in the nick of time as the giant bolt scorched the freshly abandoned earth. The beast howled and unleashed another storm as the red beast finally managed to regain its feet and howl back. The sergeant didn't move from his scope, though he did hear the call over the ear piece. "Negative, red beastie is up and challenging the lightning one. We're calling the mission, fall back. We didn't think the fucking thing would come looking for trouble."

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

"No, and I wouldn't anyways. This is a direct communications VOX, not a wide receiver model. I only get what I search out or get sent, but any abnormalities would be reported to us somehow. The artillery unit refusing support also has the base on edge and they're recommending we rest up at the outpost until they can ascertain what's going on. However, while we're ready to head straight back, we understand if you need or want to rest. I'm not an expert on magic, but I'm told using it takes a physical toll on you." He glanced over at Ria. "Miss Ria needs it the most I would think."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

Jenna chuckled as the trio set to interacting with each other and the older members of the guild and went back to her office to retrieve the magical stamp that would grant the two new arrivals their own marks. As she walked back towards them, she found herself thinking over the one job on the board and frowning to herself. The fishery is overrun by amphibious monsters, but Trinity said combat isn't her forte and I don't know anything about our two new arrivals. I could go with them myself, but there are matters here to attend to, with the Paladin himself visiting today...Oh wait! Setting the stamp with Karma, the Wolf Takeover mage gently pulls Zen away. "I'll make sure he gets you a second helping, Evangeline. I just need to have a word with him in the kitchen briefly."

Once the pair were in the kitchen and out of immediate earshot, she sighed. "I need you to go with Trinity and potentially our other two new arrivals to the hatcheries."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rembrandt Train Station

Aylin listened to Akemi ramble with interest, having never been allowed to be unsupervised a moment in her life. Though many instances that the young girl described the young noble knew to technically be illegal, the stories were no less engaging or interesting and she knew she was hearing valuable life experience, though how it was valuable perhaps her bodyguard could explain later. The cooking would require investigation, perhaps a request to speak with this 'Zen' Miss Desdemona had mentioned the next time she was in Rembrandt. Meanwhile, her bodyguard watched the object that D'angelo had tossed with suspicion, though it didn't really do anything that he could tell aside from await the smack he mentioned. In the car ahead of the party's, the agitation grew as the cloaked figures moved from person to person, their antagonizing of the occupants into action against the person of import within the car bearing fruit, though the young noble girl hadn't actually done anything.
Jason Connor

When he made the order, he did his best to ignore the grumbles about having to wait even longer for their food and simply followed instructions to sit at a table and wait while the cook and his wife got to work. While time ticked away, Jason messed around on his phone, watching videos, including, but not limited to, funny cat videos and food videos to both help his appetite and and give him ideas of how to power through the meal in the time he'd need to feel like he did it right. By the time it finally came out, a combination of the videos and the smells coming from the kitchen had made him unusually ravenous, though he had to double take at the actual size of the burger. And enough people have tried this to get the pot to 10k? Holy shit...

The cook's wife and her Chansey set the food in front of him and smiled. "Good luck with it." The two went back behind the counter and left Jason to contemplate. After a couple of minutes, he simply shrugged. "Fortune favors the bold, they say." Taking a steadying breath, he started in on the fries, finishing them the quickest and taking a gulp of water. From there, he had to do the burger and, admitting practicality, he picked up a knife and fork and set to it. In its entirety, Jason took about 45 minutes to eat the entire meal, setting upon it as though he hadn't eaten in days. Bite after bite, he worked on the monstrous patty, working like a machine. The entire diner watched on in equal parts impression and concern, a few of the students wondering if this was his first meal in a while out loud. By the end, he simply sat as he swallowed the last bite, sighing in content and looking at the owner. "So about that ten thousand..."
Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

Adelyn's spell, pushed to its limits as it were, blasted her and the Vulcan out of the tree, though while she had Kiba waiting to catch her, the Vulcan did not and it grunted loudly, as well as an audible snap of something breaking when it landed. As it picked itself up, Kiba struck himself, the icy blast hitting it full in the chest and giving it a bad case of frost bite. With Mark, his attacks both found their marks, the abyssal explosions sending the red beast sprawling. However, bursts of static came through on the COMs units of the mages. {-oming static -epeat, th- -ming static} It sounded like the Sergeant was trying to tell them something, but the static surge was making it nearly impossible to make out.

However, as the red beast picked itself up and set its sights on Mark while the Vulcan crouched to make another lunge for Kiba and Adelyn, the air became supercharged, smelling of strange and almost sweet scent. Mark would instantly recognize the smell as belonging to ozone, a smell often associated with thunderstorms, cluing him in to what the sergeant was likely trying to tell them. The Vulcan did lunge alright, but not at the two mages, who braced for an attack, and instead at a branch over and above them, swinging away as quick as it could, even with the trail of blood it left behind. This freed Adelyn and Kiba up to help Mark, or would have, if seconds after the Vulcan fled, blue sparks appeared and lit up the areas around them before bolts of lightning of the same color lit up the clearing, barely missing all the combatants that remained. However, it cleared up the COMS long enough for the Sergeant's voice to be heard, even as another red laser blasted over them all, hitting something several hundred yards away loudly. {The lighting fucker is incoming! I repeat, it is incoming hard and fast, get the hell out of there!}

Two more red lasers, two more impacts, and the howl of a massive beast, followed by another barrage of lightning that everyone needed to dodge. The red monster leaps agilely side to side, doing its best, but a direct blow is landed, blue lightning arcing across its body as it roars in pain and falls to its side, panting heavily. The Sergeant fires several more times, practically screaming into the radio. {Can any of you fucking hear me? RUN!} Another voice can be heard nearby as the shots continue, a female.

"There's the possibility that that fucking thing's static build up is interfering with communications. Hopefully it clears up enough for them to hear the warnings."

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

Nolan didn't get a response as the group of Guardsmen resumed their head swivels, rifles slightly raised. Ten minutes later, Corporal Nalen's voice came over the COMs. {We should be within range of the snipers now, you can drop your barrier if you'd like. Once we're ins-} The Corporal's voice suddenly cut out as he shifted his attention to an incoming message that had forced a switch on his COM unit to a different channel. Meanwhile, Damian just whistled to himself as the convoy moved, conversing with his driver.

"See Enold, I told you it would be fine with them all working together. They don't like to admit it, but the Guardsmen adapt well to working around the magics a Mage can bring to the table."

"Maybe so, Mister Pendragon, but we all know how tensions are outside Rembrandt. And I'm p-" The corporal rode over to Damian's window and knocked, causing him to roll it down and the driver to immediately shut up. "Yes, Corporal?" There was a hurried exchange of words, followed by nothing more than a curt nod before the Corporal moved over to Nolan, beckoning Ria over.

"The good news is that the Asterin haven't been sighted near the outpost. In fact, apparently the base's First Lieutenant found it strange. That generally means though..." He trailed off, knowing the two mages could put two and two together themselves.

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

Jenna couldn't help but chuckle as Trinity began asking for clarification on things and, once the young woman had said her piece, she answered everything in order. "Meals are included, part of the 15% goes to cover the ingredients costs, so it only makes sense that you'd eat what is purchased without paying again, and there is no job number requirement. Between Ria's efforts to build good standing with many of the townsfolk and my own putting on singing acts when possible, we bring in enough jewel to not need it. And what doesn't come in as direct jewel is usually something of equal value, such as vegetables. Now, that said, I do recommend at least one small job a day, something like helping with deliveries and the such. Bigger jobs come up occasionally, and we recently got several all in one go, and their pay is always good." Last but no least was her question about the entry phase and Jenna shook her head as the two walked back into the hall. "No tests or anything of the like, though I think the only job left is the fishery...hm?"

She turned her head when Karma whistled at her, looking at the bartender who then pointed at the two new arrivals. Jenna could almost scream in joy. So many new arrivals! This is truly a good day! She nodded to her bartender and friend before approaching the space between the two newly arrived, and showered in case of the pink haired young woman, mages. "Well, it seems two more have come to join us then! First, let me welcome you to Rising Starborn, the only guild in Pergrande, but with aspirations to pave the way for more. I'm Jenna Wolfsbane, guild master. If I could get your names please, starting with you, miss." She paused a moment. "Oh, and Zen, make food for the two of them please, getting here is a tiring journey."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rembrandt Train Station

The girl appraised Akemi first, looking her over as her personal body guard simply observed, watching the entrances to their car and the interaction with the young wizard, a small smile on his face despite his best efforts, before the girl took the offered hand and shook it. "Aylin Blackreach. A pleasure to meet you miss Desdemona. And for now...not yet, but perhaps over time we can become friends. What interests do you have?" This was likely not the kind of response either Akemi expected based on what she'd seen from other nobles who visited the guild hall, rare as it was.

Meanwhile, the two previously mentioned figures both stood up and began to casually move about the train car they were in, talking to various people on it. After each conversation, the persons spoken to would become agitated and glance back at the door to the train car the group was on.
Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

Initially the two monsters remained unaware of any other danger to them besides each other, clashing and hitting each other. For each horrible gash the many claws of the red monster left, the Vulcan pummeled the beast visciously, knocking it around and doing damage in its own way. However, the Vulcan dodged right at the wrong time and stepped directly on a tentacle, immediately becoming entangled by it. The red beast noticed and barely managed to avoid a pair angled to snag it's back legs, lashing out with it's right front paw at the same time and shredding it with it's many claws(read, ten). Before it touched the ground and dodged again as the Vulcan struggled to break free.

Meanwhile, to Adelyn's credit, her distraction was equal parts well-timed and poorly aimed as of the series of bolts, all but four found their mark, dealing a surprising amount of damage to the Vulcan as it convulsed, even a couple arcing to the red monster and shocking it. However, the four that missed fried the tendril that Mark had caught it in, releasing it from it's energy draining prison and allowing it to turn on her, which it did with a monkey yell. Plunging a fist into the ground, it flung a boulder at her position in the tree, though its recent electrotherapy ensured it missed this time, the boulder doing little more than spurring a breeze as it passed her by. However, it wouldn't risk it again and was already running towards her. A red beam lanced through the air towards the Vulcan and it barely managed to avoid in time, though the dodge forced it to change course and bout Adelyn more time to move. As was agreed upon, the Sergeant was watching their backs.

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

There wasn't an immediate answer, but there also wasn't any laughter or mockery as Nolan might have expected. Instead, the Corporal spoke with one of the other guard's via a separate channel before responding. {Typically they'd coral their targets into a small area, keep them from escaping. Usually three or four corral while the pack leader goes for the killing blows, usually the throat. But in hordes, the tactics change immensely. They try and simply swarm prey and no one touches them once they're dead until their Alpha has had its share. There's...} The Corporal hesitates and then sighs before continuing. {These are all unconfirmed reports, but there's supposedly instances of the Alpha setting up ambushes and separating the horde into individual packs that it orders via some kind of low-frequency roar, having them attack in different patterns and groups. The reported instances are so isolated that most biologists are sure it was simply perceived wrong.}

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

"Suppose an orientation of sorts wouldn't hurt. Here on the main floor is my office, the guild hall proper, including bar, kitchen, and stage; guest rooms for our clients, and the job board." Jenna points to a set of stairs leading up. "On the second floor is where most of our members live. Expenses are covered, though we do take a 15% cut of your job pay to help with that." From the hall leading to her office, the Amazonian woman leads Trinity out back, where there's a separate building across a field. The field itself has some adornments that indicate it's used both for training and recreation. Opening the door to the building, however, reveals the actual training hall, including a sparring field, where several mages from the guild were in the midst of sparring and training. "This is the training hall, complete with a specialized field to prevent permanent damage to the training field or harm to those training."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

Karma couldn't help but smile as Jenna lead one of their newest members to the training hall after describing the layout of the guildhall itself. More migrant mages are finding us by the day. Might have to commission a bigger hall here soon... At the same time, Zenith came bursting out of the kitchen with the next set of orders for todays visitors and the mages still hanging around between jobs with no interest in working today. The bartender and Archive mage couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was in the process of finding him help serving, but so far no one quite clicked with the Takeover mages timing, but that would eventually be righted. Shortly after, two more new mages burst in. One a girl in clothes so worn-out and stained it was a miracle they weren't thread bare yet, and the other a young man with Candy? In his hair? Alright then... Zenith was quick to get to the pair and call for Jenna, who had just left. "Jenna just walked one of the new arrivals out to the training field, Zen, I'll get them."

She walked over to the pair and appraised them before addressing them, making note of their mannerisms. "Sir, why don't you have a seat at one of the booths while you wait, maybe get a meal or a drink. Miss, come with me and we'll get you cleaned up while Zen cooks you up a meal and I'll see if Lenna can't do something about your clothes." She smiled warmly. "As for joining, that's simple, but we'll wait for the Guild Master to come back in so you can speak with her."
Jason Connor

Jason read over the menu at raised an eyebrow at the Junkyard Burger. Of course, he was always up for a challenge and...he'd be lying if he said that it didn't also look good. One thing he'd learned about local joints like this was the food was almost always fantastic. Of course, the possibility of loosing meant he'd like pay handsomely. And then there was the rumors about the Dunsparce and the wooden Voltorb, though he'd chase those after he met up with everyone once they had a path forwards figured out. "Before I decide, how much is the pot on the Junkyard Burger?"

"Ten thousand." Jason's eyes widened in surprise and he actually started to seriously consider it. He hadn't actually caught many Pokemon yet and if he was honest, the extra cash would come in handy. Besides, he was sure he could handle the challenge, since he hadn't really eaten since he left Helga's.
Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

Initially, after Mark cast his spell, nothing seemed to change about the beast's behavior, as it continued to keep breathing deeply as though it slumbered. Kiba's blades appeared and all seemed to be going without a hitch. But then something in the forest snapped a twig, rather loudly in the silence, and if any of the mages looked quickly, they'd see a Vulcan trying to sneak up on the monster. The sound would immediately wake it up, the monster surging to its feet and letting out a howling roar before identifying the source of sound. The Vulcan, now caught, would rush in to pick a fight, leaving the mages with a decision to make. Now that it was awake, the odds of taking it alive were drastically reduced and the odds of them getting hurt increased. Was the effort still worth the risk?

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

Silence reigned for a long time as the caravan moved through the woods, the members of the guard sweeping their firing lanes and the mages keeping alert. Now and then an Asterin would try and get to them, see if they'd grown complacent, but it would either it would be stopped by the barrier or the guard watching that lane would gun it down in a burst of blue energy. The pattern repeated for another two hours before Nolan asked for an ETA, which the Corporal was happy to provide. {Edge of the forest should be coming up now, then it's about thirty minutes to the outpost. Aside from the odd lizard, it doesn't seem like the main swarm followed us, so the only real concern is going to be getting back to Rembrandt after the supply drop is complete.}

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rembrandt Train Station
@Cello@samreaper@twave@Joshua Tamashii@LunarLord34

The girl seemed hardly phased by Ariel's questions and simply beckoned the group to follow her. "The train will be taking us to the town of Ansol, about a three hour ride. Once there, some of my family's soldiers will be waiting for me, so your part will end there. Daddy was nervous about the interim though, so he wanted to ensure any would be bad actors would be deterred." The group was escorted to what was clearly a private car meant for use by people like the girl, with seating, food, and other amenities for a relaxing trip. So far the girl was less spoiled and more confident that nothing could happen.

Unknown to the group at large, two people followed close behind, a man and woman in black clothing who sat in the car just before theirs. There was mischief and trouble in their eyes and their energy, to those who could read it, was full of ill intent.

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

"No audition necessary, and I've seen you tinkering with your magic, so if you'll just follow me..." Jenna lead the way to her office on the main floor, stepping into it briefly before stepping back out with a stamp in hand. "Just tell me where and keep it's color pictured clearly in your mind."
Jason Connor

Finding the food hub wasn't too hard, especially in an entertainment district, but as Jason checked his wallet, he realized he really didn't have as much as he would have liked. Looks like a steak is out of the question for me...damn. Gonna need to step up getting some money coming in. Appraising the various eateries, he decides to try out the Junk Burger, maneuvering his way inside and getting in line to place an order for a burger and fries while listening to the students around him. Maybe someone's seen a rarer Pokemon running around...
Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

The only sounds the three mages heard for a distance were those of the forest, birds, beasts, insects and the like going about their lives, most unaware the mages were even there. However, as the indicated clearing grew closer, the distance going from two miles, to a mile and a half and even less, the sounds eventually disappeared entirely as signs of territory marking grew more apparent, mostly in the form of large and deep gouges in the ground and larger trees. Eventually, they would reach the edge of the clearing and see a large canine like monster, red in color and currently curled up and sleeping, it's deep breathing just loud enough to barely be heard.

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

The Corporal seemed to be coming to the end of his argument as Nolan approached, as he was able to catch the tail end. "If you weren't going to make good on the promise of emergency artillery if the Asterin issue was greater than anticipated, then you shouldn't have fucking made it! I'll be reporting this to my captain! Over and out." He flipped off the radio and seemed to glare at the Ash mage, though it was clear that the anger wasn't at the mage so much as the situation. When he was done, the Corporal weighed in. "The artillery call is normal, as swarms of Asterin like this happen if an Alpha gets big enough and beats enough others, so the Pergrande 86th Artillery unit agreed to shell areas where such swarms are identified. It usually doesn't kill the alpha, but the damage it does to the swarm is enough to break it up and force the Alpha back to normalcy. The last time they kept that promise was ten years ago. I was trying to get a suppressive salvo so we could all move together, but they said our report was too much of an outlier to engage." He sighed in frustration, giving Ria her chance to chime in.

The other guardsmen listened to Ria's idea and once more, it was Tanson who spoke up. "It would be in poor taste for us to let you do that alone though. There's four of us and if we can get close enough, the station's snipers can help provide cover, so two of us could follow with you two, support you for the spells that take longer to cast." The corporal nodded.

"This is supposed to be a joint operation, let us do our part." The other two Guardsmen looked nervous but nodded in agreement. The lead driver leaned out and looked at the Corporal who waved him on, and soon the caravan was moving again, though not before handing the two mages earpieces for communication that was less loud. The Corporal near the lead vehicle and the other three space appropriately to cover approach vectors, leaving the two mages to fill the gaps they felt needed them.

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rembrandt Train Station
@Cello@samreaper@twave@Joshua Tamashii@LunarLord34

About twenty minutes after the group reached the train station, a young girl, looking about 15 with bright red hair, sparling blue eyes, and skin just dark enough to appear she never burned in the sun arrived, escorted by a singular, though intimidating, Pergrande Soldier in infantry armor, rifle stowed, but hand resting on the pistol grip. She approached the group and appraised them all before nodding. "You all will do fine, since I'm just going home from a trip to my cousin's. Don't make any trouble for me and my daddy will make sure you all get paid handesomely."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

Each indicator that the new arrival gave only made Jenna's smile grow wider, minus the comment about D'Angelo, who was merely an observer and not yet a member, though she hoped that he would be soon. "Well, in order, the two with the caravan are indeed members of my guild, though D'Angelo is not yet one. He's gone with a group to observe what should be a rather dull job and I hope he does join us when all is said and done. But as for work...that's a bit up in the air. Rembrandt is something of a...unique situation within Pergrande and even that took years to build up. So work will vary heavily. We've had a slight increase in jobs working with guards after the recent lightning monster attack, we're helping to fill some of those holes, but most of the time, we help with gathering and deliveries."
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