Avatar of soren
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    1. soren 11 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Anyone wanna do an amalgam universe RP? OCs and established combinations welcome
5 yrs ago
So I've got some superhero characters I'd love to play in a group rp. Anyone got one I can jump into?
5 yrs ago
Super hero, anime, multiverse, and fantasy based role plays anyone? Seriously pm cause I wanna writing
5 yrs ago
bored af right now
6 yrs ago
Awesome. I've been let down again. Why do I try with anyone? No one in RL treats me with the same respect I give them. To them: next time you want me at a family thing. Then I think I might be busy.


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Before any arrived a chime sounded in the room he was in which indicated a flagged email had just come through. “Sir, you have an email with a name you flagged this morning. Shall I read it out to you?” Athena asked in her slightly robotic voice, Oberon made a mental note to go through the Stark A.I. files that were confiscated by Pepper Potts and S.H.I.E.L.D. “Yes Athena please do so.” Oberon said as he was reading and scrolling through the files that James sent over. As she began to read his eyes landed on the image James had taken of Wildheart. Memories then began to play in his head of the night before as Athena read and a look of shock rapidly took over his face. “No, no, no…this can’t be her. Can it?”

“Athena, please call Miss Blackwood. Encrypt the line, place a digital track on her phone, and record the call.” Oberon stood as the office he was in began to ring out. He then clicked a button on the panel beside the door which locked the room down from surveillance and tampering outside of his own devices.

Ash was stalking across a rooftop when she felt the earpiece she wore chime in her ear. She wasn't one for gadgets but her brother had insisted that he and certain others would have a way to reach her. She crouched on the edge of the roof watching the men below as she tapped her ear.

"Adrian, I'm in the middle of something here." She said quietly. "What is it?"

Oberon’s eyes quirked up as Ashlyn answered and he was almost jealous if the next part of the file hadn’t mentioned her brother. Then for half a second Oberon checked himself and cleared his throat. “I ummm no Miss Blackwood this is Oberon Price from the Gala. I just received your email after my meeting. I’d look to discuss more fundraising opportunities as well as…umm well other future endeavors but unfortunately I can't really discuss those propositions over the phone. Sadly there isn't any telling who might be listening these days. I'd love to discuss things with you in person. Either today or tonight, I leave it to you to decide if you'd like lunch or dinner?” It had all come out sounding more business-like than he intended but then again if she was who his brain was thinking then their meeting might not have been by chance though he hoped it had been.

Ash nearly cursed aloud when she realized her mistake and then promptly blushed. She hadn't really expected him to call, not after how she had left things at the Gala. But she was ridiculously pleased that he had. Keeping an eye on the men below, grateful that tonight she'd decided to do some recon before taking down this particular gang hideout.

"Oh Oberon...I-I mean Mr Price." She wanted to sink into the floor, get ahold of yourself Ash

"I'm glad you called." She said after a deep breath.
"I agree there are too many ways to listen in with technology these days. I'm available for lunch or I could come to dinner." She blushed again. oh this is ridiculous, could you have sounded any more desperate?

"Do you have a preference?" She asked, apparently unable to make the decision herself.

Oberon made an effort to keep the huge smile he had on his face out of his voice. “Well now that you mention dinner might be better. I have a few other meetings today that might run long and I wouldn’t want to miss the chance to talk to you face to face…again.” He said it with a bit more glee than he was used to displaying but he hoped he managed not to be off putting.

“Dinner around say seven thirty? If you are comfortable with it I can host you in the penthouse here. Nothing more secure and I assure your safety as well.” He hid his face in his hands. Smooth move there buddy, again if she was her then he knew she was capable of handling herself. “I can
cook anything you like as my kitchen is fully stocked.”

Yup this just got better. Make yourself sound like a businessman in the beginning then a dork and then to put the cherry on top come off as a smug asshole with your fully stocked kitchen. “What do you say?” He totally expected her to say no and prepared himself for it.

Ash smiled as he offered dinner at his place. It would give her time to finish her recon and she liked the idea of dinner with him. She found herself remembering his smell and blushed again. She really needed to work on that.

"I would like that. Should I meet you there?"

Oberon almost gasped as he had been holding his breath for the answer of no until she said she would like that. LIKE THAT. His brain repeated it over and over forgetting who she might be but focusing on who she was. “Yes, that would be perfect. What shall I prepare for you?” He smiled and without really realizing it he was biting his lower lip.

Ash suddenly felt the need to jump up and dance like a love sick teenager. She did not forget where she was thankfully and settled for a wide smile instead.

"Surprise me." She said, then after a moment she added.
"As long as it's not vegetarian I'm sure I'll enjoy it. So I will see you this evening then."

This time he couldn’t keep the smile out of his voice. “Great! I'll certainly surprise you with whatever I come up with! Oh and just wear something you are comfy in. No need to dress up if you don’t wanna, I'll be wearing an apron anyway.” He paused, then corrected himself. “Well not only an apron but anyway.” He chuckled lightly and smiled again. “I'll see you tonight Ashlyn.” With that he hung up the phone just as giddy as he was with his first girlfriend in highschool.

With that flash of memory though his eyes suddenly flashed blue and in his head he heard the scream then the voice that had accompanied these memories since the final battle of what was now known as the Infinity War. With a slight hiss the voice grew louder, “You know you'll just hurt this one too. You can’t get too close to anyone with your cold touch. No one is warm enough to unthaw that frozen heart of yours. In the end it’ll be just you…and me.”

The last word then echoed in his mind and the un-natural light in his eyes dimmed and died. Oberon shook his head and sighed as he put his hands over his eyes and pressed them there.
“One day you'll be out of my head. Until then I'll just keep suppressing you.” He stepped over to the bar and made himself a drink while waiting for the two men to arrive.

Location: High Order Facility ->Hell

How many days had passed since the last time the High Order members let her outside? How many months? Years? To Luciana it seemed like a lifetime. All she knew were the white walls and fluorescent lights of the facility she grew up in with the occasional, heavily supervised trip outside. She had long since stopped trying to escape during these times. Though when she was younger it was common for her to try to take off when they let her outside. She was currently locked in her blank white room while the members of the Order did, gods only knew what. Luci wasn’t really sure what the Order wanted with her. Did they want an object to worship, or a slave, or a weapon. It seemed that what they wanted changed on a daily basis. She was thankful for days like this, when they left her alone, although simultaneously she hated them. It gave her too much time to think. Too much time to stare at the blank walls and remember all the awful things they had done to her for as long as she could remember. One would think that she would be able to spend this time, alone, in silence, to sleep but she didn’t get much of that done either. Her mind wandered to what she would do if she ever managed to escape from the Order. Get stronger, come back and take the whole damn organization out? Fly far away and forget any of this ever happened? Luci found herself daydreaming about a world she had never seen, a world she longed to be a part of, a world where the High Order and their need to harness all things “holy” didn’t exist. It was her only escape and one she gladly welcomed.

Lust had traveled through the night to a site she had gained information on that was outside New York City in a rural area. The small farm was a dirt farm that almost looked abandoned if it wasn’t for the lights on near the grain silo. “Still have to keep a light on for air traffic.” She chuckled darkly and landed in a nearby field then set off on foot so she wouldn't be discovered on approach.

An hour later Lust sat at the edge of a field of grass watching the four guards pace. Two were on a catwalk that circled the silo and the other two were walking around it on the ground. From this distance she could barely hear the guards but one spoke about the fiery object that looked like it crashed in a field over. Also that the scout group would be back soon. If she was going to make her move she might wanna do it now. She then got low and moved closer behind some vehicles and then behind a shed. The silo was only a handful of yards away now. Flight would make too much noise and she couldn’t let the men on the top catwalk spot her. Sighing she did something she didn’t like doing and gave herself over to the Sin of Lust even further. Her skin began to shimmer and she became more alluring then she expanded her mind towards the silo and felt the men there and grabbed at them before standing fully and ripping her skirt lightly. “She then ran around the shed and to the men. “Someone please help me! A creature is after me. It fell out of the sky and…and…killed my boyfriend!” she gasped for air as if she had been out of it and running for a while. These men at first readied their guns but then as she got into reach with her ability they dropped them and asked if she was ok. One man told the two up top to keep an eye on the field for the creature. In their minds she looked like a normal girl instead of a blue horned demon, well normal as a busty college girl looked with a ripped skirt and tears running down her face was. She mentally groaned as their lizard caveman brains took over. One even offered his coat to her with his badge attached. With that she begged them to be let inside the silo out of fear then the two men looked at one another and let her inside, but was told to wait. Quickly she went in and smiled to herself. Inside was an elevator with a slot for a key card. She almost cackled before she turned then lit her finger with a white hot flame and began to weld the metal of the door and wall together. Shouts rang out as she did but it would be a while before they could make it through so she went to the elevator and slipped in the card that let her down the access shaft.

Once at the bottom she exited into a stark white hallway. The place looked like a psycheward from the olden days and Lust shuddered. She made her way down a hallway to what looked like a nurses station that was unguarded. Seems they might have sent the people inside to be the search party she guessed as she sat down and began to type at the old computer. After a minute she found what she was looking for. “Project Nephilim, time to go collect that DNA sample.” Just then an explosion sounded from above and she knew she didn't have long. The lights went dim and a red glow accompanied with an alarm that sounded like a tornado siren went off. “Shit!” She ran down the hallway and crashed through a set of doors headed to the end of the complex where she hoped to find the lab or whatever held the sample.

Luci had been lost in thought for a while staring at the blank ceiling. It got to the point that she wasn’t even sure what she was thinking about anymore. Something about space and stars but it wasn’t really anything specific. She liked the stars, at least the one time she got to see them. Since then she fantasized about them a lot. She was sure she made them out to be much better than they actually were, but still, getting to see them again would be nice even for a short time. Maybe she could request that on one of the good days, since sometimes they would let her pick her reward.

As her mind wandered she heard the faint sound of an explosion. It was rare that something like that happened here but it wasn’t new to here. Sometimes things in the labs would explode, or the guards topside would get bored. However the explosion was followed by alarms blaring and the lights going red. Luci scrambled to her feet moving to the back of the room as she had been directed to do when this happened. Someone would be in to collect her if they felt the need to do so and they didn’t like when she was near the door when they entered.

It seemed like forever when a guard opened the door to her room (cell) and roughly grabbed her arm to pull her along. “What is going on?” She asked, her voice strained, she hadn’t spoken in a while so her vocal cords hadn’t had a chance to warm up. The guard said nothing and only pulled her down the hallway deeper into the facility. It seemed wrong to her, if there was an emergency wouldn’t they want to get out? What was happening, why were they not headed toward the exit? “Where are we going?” She asked, panic now in her voice.

“Just shut up and follow me.” Was the only response she got from the guard. He didn’t even look at her when he spoke. Panicked Luci tried to resist his pull causing his grip to tighten and the man to pull her harder along, to the point where she had almost lost her footing. She would bruise from his grip for sure. The two moved down the halls silently for a moment, the only sound being the alarm his booted footsteps and the slaps of her bare feet against the facility’s cold tiled floor. In this time Luci had imagined about a million horrible things they could be planning for her. If something had happened where they couldn’t move toward the exit to relocate her would they kill her? She didn’t doubt it, but she figured if they were going to kill her they would have just done so in her room, there would be no point in moving here. Was there a secret back exit she didn’t know about? It was possible. Once again she struggled against the man’s grip this time with more strength behind it than he could counter. Honestly nothing but fear was stopping her from using her abilities. If she attacked this man, and they captured her again, she would be punished, at the same time, if she managed to escape, she would be free. Was this her chance? She would hate herself if she didn’t try, she would hate herself either way really.

Gathering up her courage she decided to try it. After freeing herself from the man’s grip she caused a flash of light to go off right in front of his face, giving her time to turn around and run. Though she hadn’t thought about what to do after this. There were more people in the facility, surely they were all concentrated near the main doors if they were going somewhere else, surely she would get caught there. It was too late now though, she had made her decision she couldn’t go back on it now. So she ran, she ran as fast as she could until she could turn a corner and bend the light around her to hide herself. If she moved slow enough, and stayed to the edge of the walls, she should be able to stay hidden to anyone who wasn’t paying enough attention. Though she could only hold it for a short while. Eventually she had to stop in a lab near her cell to catch her breath, which she hadn’t realized she had been holding.

Lust ran avoiding hallways with voices and a brilliant light shone around a corner and a guard fell over into view. Lust ran at him and stomped his face to knock him out and took off. Stopping at an intersection she sniffed the air picking up a strange scent and followed it. The lab had to be here but this strange scent smelled divine in nature, which was weird cause a sample shouldnt have that strong of a scent. Stopping, she found the lab doors and the scent came from inside. Lust was now very cautious and slowly opened the door. “Hello? Anyone in here?” She stepped in and slowly walked till she found a girl huddled in the corner.

Luci had only been in the lab for about a minute when the door opened and a voice sounded through it. It was an unfamiliar voice but still she didn’t trust it. She was about to attempt to hide herself again when the woman who the voice belonged to entered the room, spotting her in the far corner. It took a moment for Luci to fully register what she was looking at. The woman in front of her was definitely not human blue skin, horns, pointed ears. Though her skin seemed to be free of any Order brandings, so either they were hidden in areas Luci could not see, the woman had never been branded, or this woman was what put the facility on high alert. Either way Luci stood as quickly as her tired legs would let her. The hospital-like gown she wore did not cover her own scared arms as she extended them in front of her.

“S-Stay back.” She stuttered out her voice betraying her even as she extended her wings to try to make herself seem bigger than she was. She was fully prepared to defend herself, her hand glowing with a faint golden light. Though she had no clue how that would work out against this woman in front of her. She was blocking Luci’s escape route so honestly what would she be able to do? Probably nothing, but she didn’t want to risk this woman working with the Order. Luci would be severely punished for her escape attempt.

Lust took a step or two back as the little girl threatened her then ducked as two high order members ran by. “Put that out girl!” Lust said in a harsh whisper. “This room is dark and your light gives us away!” Lust then took an IV stand, stripped it down to just a bar, and inserted it in the door handles before bending it like it was nothing so the doors couldn't be opened. “My name is Alice. I was sent to get you out of here. Please let me help get you away from this place.” As Lust said this she was scooting closer to Luci and as she had noticed the scars. “These people deserve to burn for what they have done to you…” Alice was in control now as a memory took hold of a few years she had been in a state home. The other girls torturing her and the boys…well they were worse. Shaking away the memory Lust’s energy slid back into place and Alice could feel the calm cool demeanor take back over. “All you have to say is get me out of this place and I’ll grant that wish.” Alice extended her hand towards Luci as the soldiers from before tried the door finding it locked then trying to break in.

“I…” Luci paused as the woman bent an IV pole around the door handles. The action both confused and startled her. Though it stopped to make her second guess her initial thought that this woman was with The Order. She hadn’t fully processed what the woman said at first, but when the Order men started trying to break the doors down she was sure the woman was her ticket out. Why would they go to such an extent to trick her if not? “I want out, please get me out.” She wasn’t sure what would happen after those words came out of her mouth but regardless they did and the light on her extended hands faded as she placed one of her hand’s into the woman’s extended one. If this was her chance to escape she was going to take it.

As Alice took the girl's hand she felt her skin burn at first and noticed that Lust’s influence faded. A warmth had spread through Alice and as it did she felt clear. Outwardly Alice’s horns shrank into her head, the heat that had been in her skin cooled, and while she was still blue she became a lighter shade. Alice then stopped for a second as her mind became wrapped in another memory but this one very recent. A man and a woman stood in a cell pleading to Alice who had been Lust at the time. They had said that all they wanted was their little girl back. They felt like they had only been gone for a second and now their daughter was this person bringing them to the ruler of hell? Pain flared through Alice’s mind as she recognised their faces. Her parents…were alive?

Shaking memories off for the second time as the High order was beating down the door she took a crystal out of her pocket and smashed it on the floor. Where she did, a portal opened, heat and the smell of sulfur drifted through. “Trust me for now this place is going to be alot better and I need you to play along.” Her eyes, different than they were a moment ago, pleaded with open honesty that this was going to be rough but Alice would get her through this one way or another.

Luci watched as the woman seemed to give pause for a moment, her appearance changing ever so slightly as she did so. Her hand heated slightly when it connected with the other woman’s, but only briefly to the point where Luci wasn’t sure it had actually happened. She flinched a little as the crystal was smashed on the floor and pulled back a bit when the portal opened. It was hot, and it smelled, and Luci wasn’t sure where it was, but at the moment it was anywhere but here. She tried to comprehend what this woman meant by needing to play along, and the expression on the woman’s face was one Luci couldn’t quite read, though she made note of the changes in her facial features. Nodding Luci gave the woman a very tentative “Okay.” She wasn’t sure she trusted this person, but anywhere but the High Order sounded like a solid option for now. If she needed she would fight and claw her way to freedom from there, this was only the first step, the hardest one she hoped. She wanted to trust this woman but she couldn’t help but start coming up with back-up plans in case this was an elaborate trap.

Alice grabbed Luci quickly and rolled through the portal as the door burst open. Quickly Alice grabbed with her mind at a medical cart making it tumble into the way of the man that broke through the door. The cart fell halfway through the portal and onto the stone floor cutting part of it in half as the portal closed. Alice quickly grabbed a syringe that had landed on the stone and stood still holding Luci as she ran down a corridor before Mephisto was alerted. “Sorry by the way. My name is Alice, I have a long story to tell but to make it short I was tricked into finding a piece of Divine which I guess is you. I don’t know what you did kid but you pushed my inner demon away and showed me a memory that was used to trick me. I am going to make this right but this is going to hurt.” They came to a very large door and Alice stood Luci in front of her sticking the syringe in her arm drawing blood as the door opened. A servant stepped out and Alice took it by the horns. “Listen this girl is under my protection and therefore under Al’s. She is a prisoner of ours and is to be treated like a guest but isn’t allowed to leave.” As she said this her demonic side began to take over again but it felt different this time as if she was more in control and her horns grew back with her voice deepening. “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ANYONE BUT AL AND I TO KNOW SHE IS HERE!” She looked at Luci and calmed. “Again I am sorry kid but you will be as safe as you could be here and I won’t leave you here. Just give me a while to lie my way out of here and get my parents somehow.” With that she turned as the servant took the girl inside Al’s chambers. Alice looked down as her skin began to glow once more and in her hand rested a syringe filled with blood that pulsed with a white light every so often.

To say that Luci was experiencing severe sensory overload would be an understatement. She could barely take in the woman’s, Alice’s words as she spoke. Piece of Divine, what was she talking about, as far as she was aware there wasn’t a shred of actual Divine power in her. She had constantly been told that she was nothing but a lab experiment. Luci was so lost she didn’t even process the syringe until it was already in her arm. She tried to move away but it was too late, Alice had already drawn some of her blood and was man handling another individual. Her brain however did pick up a very distinct word, prisoner. Great, out of the frying pan and into the fire, the thought frantically looking for an escape. There was one huge problem. She had no clue where she was. Deciding to play along for now, as Alice had instructed she was led into the chambers where she wandered a bit and eventually found somewhere to lay down and stare at the ceiling, unsure what exactly was going to happen next but mentally preparing for the worst.

A single tear dropped from her eye as Alice heard the door close. She had to suck it up now otherwise she'd be no good to her parents or the little girl. Steeling herself she entered the maze like halls and finally got to the torture chambers where she knew Mephisto would be. Entering she marched up to his side as he looked out over the pits. "Took me a little longer but I've found it. It has to be the real deal cause I can feel it weakening me. May I take my leave to recover my lord?"

Mephisto turned his head and smirked. "Finally though I'd hoped for the whole angel. Midnight told me that Cull had a very opposing effect on him. No doubt that is going to set a blaze under the magician. I might have to send you after him. Of course you'll need a bump in power for that.” He took the syringe from her as he spoke and sneered. “Once I have corrupted this blood with the Tear you'll have all the power you need. As will I as I ascend the true throne of hell. We will rule hell and earth once I am finished then we will use the mad titan as our herald into space.” Fear chilled Alice’s blood and for the first time she felt what it was really like to be in Mephisto’s presence. She had been Lust during the other times and had the demonic confidence but she knew now that fear is what Lust should have felt. She smirked and bowed.

“Yes my lord. May I take my leave?” He side eyed her and gave a wave of his hand dismissing her and she walked as calmly as she could from the room, back into the maze of hallways to get to Alistar’s room.
‘The city is in a frenzy this morning as this year's charity event gala was interrupted by some very unexpected guests. Eye-witnesses claim that the glittering affair quickly turned into a bloodied battle ground in a matter of moments as a group of highly trained ninjas fell through the domed glass ceiling of the convention center ballroom. It is unclear at this time but it seems they were after a fairly large creature, possibly a lion of some sort according to the police reports but no evidence could be found and local zoos have confirmed that no lions are unaccounted for. Some witnesses even went as far as to state that upon their exit, they caught the sight of undead corpses rising from the ground though none of that has been confirmed. This has been the first odd circumstance to occur since the fall of our beloved Avengers and many worry about what this will mean going forward. What will the city do without protection? Is this bizarre event just the first in many others to follow? Who were these new masked heroes? And where did they come from? Only time will tell. For now, we go live with Tom O’Connell and our news crew outside DSI where a speech is being held to address the city.’ 

Tom stood in front of the camera as the wind blew lightly and snow drifted. "Thank you newsroom. We will now give the floor to Mister Price, CEO of DSI."

Oberon smiled and cleared his throat as he took the mic. 

"Good evening everyone. As this was supposed to be an event discussing old and new projects we will get to that after my announcement. Due to the events of last night at the Gala I was unable to make my donation and my pledge to the wildlife association to henceforth make my company and its subsidiaries green by the end of next year as well as a task force to help clean up current habitats, relocate animals, and defend preserves with new technology. My donation is the task force plus one hundred thousand dollars to the charity every quarter for the next five years!" Oberon paused as the audience around him applauded. "Now furthermore as I have taken over Stark technologies I want to reassure Pepper Potts that I will not ruin Tony's good ingenuity. All his old projects that haven't been shut down but the federal government will be continuing as well as a new project that he had in the works before his death."

On a screen behind Oberon an image of a satellite zooms out to a view of the earth and then a multiple of the satellites appear around the globe. "This is the Stark Defense Network. These satellites will surround the globe to protect the world from invaders and defend against them if another New York incident were to occur. Each will be powered by an Arc Reactor which has become self-sustaining. This is a government project, however it will be run by both civilian and government officials with oversight from each country around the world. I hope to make this project Starks final gift to the world and my first. My second gift is to open a new bioengineering lab in New York creating jobs. In conclusion I want to leave this world one day better than I found it in hopes of a long future for generations to come. Thank you and have a great New York day." With that Oberon handed the mic back to Tom who stood speechless for a second before turning to the camera. 

"Well folks you heard it here first. Oberon Price pulling out all the stops for his fellow man and animal." The camera stopped rolling and Tom turned around to see Oberon walking up the steps to his building. "Well there goes my exclusive."

Oberon walked into the lobby and then into the elevator heading to the penthouse to go over the files James collected last night if any. Once inside the elevator he opened a panel and twisted a key which activated his floor. 

Once at his floor he stepped out and then locked the elevator to the floor. "Athena please contact James' AI to have him send over the encrypted files so we can get started and have James come. Also contact Theodore cause I'll need him as well."

"Yes sir." Was all the AI said as I Oberon grabbed the bottle of tea from the fridge and took out a small vial. Tipping the vial into the bottle Oberon sighed as he began to shake. The bottle then frosted over and Oberon quickly chugged the concoction. 

Oberon stood there with his finger in the air trying to get a word in edge-wise but the time never came so he put his hands on his hips as a female figure stepped over to him. "Hello, Miss. Seems like we are both being ignored. You fought well back there. Might just have to team up sometime if the need or chance ever arises." He stepped forward and held out his hand to the heroine.

Ash hesitated a moment before taking his hand and shaking it firmly. “As did you. I would welcome you as an ally in a fight.” Ash was trying very hard not to remember that this was Oberon, if she thought too much about it she was sure she would make a mistake. She did not want him to learn that she knew who he was, as it was his secret to tell. She also needed to be careful that she did not give herself away either. As much as her instincts said she could trust him she had been burnt before and had since learned to be cautious.

“I am Wildheart. And you are?”

As they touched a ripple effect ran through his suit as if the nanites or the substance that produced his suit reacted to her touch. Strange, though in the end, he chalked it up to inertia dampeners acting up. "The name is Frost-Weaver." Just then in his ear he heard the police scanners and S.H.I.E.L.D. operations. "One-second Wildheart."

Stepping a few feet away he pressed at his ear. "Director, yes. Clean up. Yes. Demons and Ninjas." And before Oberon turned around the Demons disappeared. "Well, actually they disappeared. There are ninjas on ice for ya though. No clue they were chasing some kind of creature that turned into a man. Gone. Yeah, no clue. Yes, new supers. Might be able to. It would be on my or their terms." Oberon turned back around to Wildheart.

"We need to clear out everyone!" He looked at Wildheart "I'll be in touch. Be safe and steer clear of here and the main road if you can." With that, he turned to War spider and gave him the gesture to move out.

Ash's eyes widened as she felt a frisson of heat from their touch. If she hadn't already known who this man was, this would have confirmed it. She hadn't felt that same attraction to anyone else she had touched here. She hadn't felt such a strong reaction from any man in quite some time in fact and she herself blush. Awkwardly, she nodded as he stepped away.

She did her best to appear indifferent as he conversed through his earpiece. She could, of course, hear every word thanks to her overdeveloped hearing whether she wanted to or not. But she did not want to appear rude and so she acted ignorant of the conversation.

She nodded at his words. "Trust me, I know how to avoid notice when I need to." She had no doubt that he would find a way to contact her even without knowing her identity. Besides, she wanted to see him again and would contact him if she did not hear from him first.

"Watch yourself." She said and the concern in her voice was genuine. She then turned and leapt into the air becoming a small brown bat as she did so, and flew out of the building.

Oberon stood back and looked on in astonishment as she transformed and flew out. With that he and his crew left in a hurry.

[Location: Bar back alleyway]

Lust grimaced as she turned with her hands up. She had sensed who it was. Dragonkin...great. "The name is Lust." Her voice became layered with her power and reached out with her mind, brushing his lightly. "I was almost attacked and I saved myself. Saved many other women too." She stepped forward towards him and brushed a hand lightly against his chest. "Please...you make me feel safe...kiss me?" She leaned in close to him hoping this was her way out. To charm him and blind him momentarily so that she could escape.

Draku quirked a brow curiously at the woman's name, Who on earth calls their child that?, he would ponder to himself before a very peculiar feeling began to overtake him. A feeling, for matter of fact, he hadn't felt towards another being since Noella.

He would allow a slight smirk to play about his lips before speaking once more, "I know this feeling…" he'd mutter softly, before looking down to Lust's hand against his chest and back to her when she questioned for him to kiss her, "This feeling led me astray once upon a time..." he'd continue, slowly balling his hands into tightly clenched fists, "Cost me everything.." He could feel himself muttering these words as all the while her words echoed in his mind. He wanted to comply to her wishes, hell he could even feel himself slowly leaning in towards her to do exactly that, until the familar scent of sulphur and brimstone invaded his nostrils yet again.

[b][i][color=16F529]IDIOT![/b][/i][/color], came the all too familar roar within his mind.

And with that Draku snapped to, inches before her lips, and growled intimidatingly, "That almost worked, you she demon. Lucky for me, the illusion of that particular spell was broken eons ago." He'd pull away from her, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets, "Had you attempted that in any of my previous lives, we wouldn't be having this pleasant little conversation…" he'd clear his throat slightly as the memory of a large breasted vixen besting him once in competition flashed back to him, "Now… Who are you really and where are the other two demon scum that you came with?"

Lust pushed back from him and hmphed as she crossed her arms. Rolling her eyes she looked over at him, “I am called Lust but I have no issue with you so I think I will take my leave. The other two though? I have no clue if you follow the screams and you'll likely run straight into the two psychos.” Her aura began to glow and she starts to turn from him.

Draku's lip would curl as she stated her name was Lust yet again, gritting his teeth slightly as she admitted to not knowing the other two's whereabouts, "You're responsible for them being here. Just as responsible as I am for letting them get away... So regardless of whether you have quarrel with me or not," he'd step towards her as she began to turn from him, "I most certainly do with you." and as if almost to make his point, a wall of hardened snow would rise before her in an attempt to block her departure.

She turned back to him with a look of really on her face. “Look big guy if you are some hero then you're better off heading in the opposite direction of here. That’s where they were headed…” She pointed to the snow and gave him a look as her eyes flared. “...also do you really think some snow is going to stop me?” The snow melted and as it fell on her it turned to steam which billowed out in a cloud as she ignited her hands and flew off into the night sky in hopes of losing him.

He would growl as he watched her take to the skies, Lucky for you I don't really like fighting chicks...", he'd think to himself before moving in the direction she pointed out to him before doing so.

Sighing as she flew, it had looked like she had lost him but she wasn’t sure how. Using the Sin of Lust’s knowledge the dragonkin weren’t easily escapable. Lust herself had been taken out by one a very long time ago. Focus…got to finish the mission but to do that she was going to have to get to the next safe house.

[Location: Gala Fundraiser]

As the Lion suddenly transformed Oberon’s senses began to tingle and he leapt off at the last minute straight in front of James. “War-Spider?”
He then listened to the man and nodded. He didn't even notice as the lion guy took off.“Yeah I know no good at all. Do me a favor though. If Guardian is up and running take scans of all the super powered individuals in the room.”
Just then two men entered dressed strangely and killing a cop as they did. Frost-Weaver listened to one of them bellow out being the greatest ninja while all the other ninja’s ignored him. So whoever this was he wasn't a part of their group but they were obviously here for a fight. One night, just one fucking night was all he wanted but it looked like that was never going to happen. He hoped that Ashlyn had gotten away and made a mental note to have someone track her contact down so he could send her flowers.

Oberon patted James’ armored shoulder and started to walk towards the man who bragged about being the greatest ninja. “You know, I don’t think your friends recognize you. Can I help you with something though? I kinda need to get…”
He froze his senses going wild like he could be killed at any second. “...b-back to kicking ninja ass.”
His voice broke because this type of sensation only happened around people or things that knew how to kill him. Coffee drove his senses nuts and this was worse than that.

[Location: Outside Sanctum–Bar alleyway]

Lust ran her hands through her hair as she felt the portal close. Midnight had to have escaped as she no longer felt the Tear’s presence on the mortal plane. With that she dropped to the street and walked for a while till she got to a bar. Her powers needed replenishing. Stepping inside she walked up to the bartender and as she went saturated the bar with her power. Men followed her and gathered around her as wives and girlfriends were left sitting or dancing by themselves. She smirked as she took the hand of some lucky guy who didn't want to cheat on his wife that was expecting. He had just come out with the boys to drink a little but this woman was too tempting. Lust revealed in the sin she was going to help him commit. After all her power would have never worked if there hadn't been some desire there to begin with. She read his mind and saw the images there and stopped. A little girl…they were having a little girl. He had read the card before his wife. This was why he was out with his friends celebrating. Fuck…she couldn’t let another innocent girl be hurt like she was, a girl needed her father. So in the moment of taking his hand she turned and slapped him and told him to get off her then quickly grabbed the most eligible bachelor. The side of Lust that needed the sin growled at the weakness that the human/ alien part of her had let slip through. No matter, this one would have to suffice. He was dangerous anyway. His soul could be sent to hell for the sin he had committed in her name. She took the man out back in the alleyway and pushed him against the wall. Kissing him furiously, her eyes began to glow a pale blue. It was already starting. The man then gasped as his excitement came to the forefront but then terror took over as he kept feeling it and it wouldn't go away. Then he felt all the pain he had inflicted on his victims. Lust then took the man by the throat and slammed his head against the wall. With this her eyes flared a brilliant pink as she pulled back from the kiss and stream or white light flowed from his mouth into hers. She dropped him after it was done and stood there snarling at him with her eyes still glowing but starting to fade. “Told you I could suck your soul out.” She smirked and chuckled before she bent down, taking some blood and drawing a symbol above him with it.

“Mephisto I will not be returning tonight. I have discovered the angel is under protection by the Vishanti. It seems Midnight was successful but Cull might be dead as he didn’t make his exit. I am following up on a lead about the angel. Something is up with the High Order and this being. I will investigate further and report back when able.” The spell ended as the symbol burned away signaling that the message had been sent.

[Location: Hell]

Mephisto after receiving the communication from Lust cleaned his cane and dabbed the corners of his mouth as he sat before the mad titan. “You know they say you can't find good henchmen these days but I have to say I rather enjoyed Midnight. Absolutely delicious as she screamed once she realized she wouldn’t be taking her place at my side.” Thanos shifted slightly mumbling through swollen lips. “What's that? Oh well yes I guess she wasn’t all that good to you. After all she took the chance to betray you instead of save you. Pathetic really.” Standing he smirked up at the purple man then turned and started walking out of the room. Just as he shut the door the tortured wails began again as the demons began their next round. Mephisto walked to the throne room and sat upon the throne then took out the gem he had coveted. “Ah, one step closer to my plans. With this I can finally unbind the chains as well as convert some humans to find the next relic.” Cackling laughter began in his throat then bellowed from him as the scene faded to black.

[Location: Sanctum-Transit to Hell]

Midnight moved in her shadow form through the sanctum as Cull took his beating. Mephisto had been clear that he was expendable but she would rise through the ranks and take on a full spirit of Sin to increase her power. Not only that but she would be his knight and expand the boundaries of hell to the stars bringing with her hellfire and brimstone to the far away planets that she had visited with Thanos. What a glorious new purpose for her after the mad titan had fallen so low. Finally she had reached the vault down below the sanctum itself and rose from a puddle of shadow on the floor. “Time to go to work.” She produced a signet ring from her belt and put it on, power then flooded her and she cast a spell that the ring had just given her. The door in front of her, heavily spelled as it was groaned as sparks flew and threads of magic became unbound. Within seconds the ring on her hand disintegrated and the door swung open then collapsed with a heavy thunk to the ground. “Better hurry.” The sounds of battle seemed like they had faded upstairs which meant someone probably heard the door crash. She darted inside and started looking through all the metal containers and glass display cases. She remembered that she was told to take a couple of things then grab the Satan’s Tear Ruby. The ruby was a part of a relic that had been broken long ago. It on its own just emanated an aura of hate and contempt but when coupled with the scepter of the abyss it would turn peoples rage and anger up to eleven and allow them to be controlled by the wielder.

Smashing a few cases she grabbed an ancient tome, the front of which had a stylized M on the cover but was bound by a lock on each side but the spine. Quickly she also grabbed a bracelet from a shelf that looked as if it had an eye embedded in it. Then finally she smashed the case with the Tear and grabbed it just as a bolt of energy whizzed by her head. Turning she saw attendants of the sanctum. Preparing more spells. “Time to go!” In her belt she grabbed a small crystal as she dogged to the side behind a large statue of a gargoyle. Pressing the crystal into the air a small tear in the fabric world opened. Spells whizzed in and a few shouted as they ran in but just as they reached where she had gotten to she was jumping through a portal to hell. One brave soul jumped through as it closed.

On the other side Midnight’s smile widened as she drove a blade into the man who had followed her as he turned to get his bearings. Twisting the knife she kicked the man backwards and he fell to the ground dead. Turning she came face to face with Mephisto. “I take it you were successful?” His eyes flared with power and still the yells of the mad titan could be heard.

[Location: Gala Event]

As Oberon was about to say “...a private showing.” his spider-sense went apeshit and just as he was about to kick Ashlyn’s chair out…she was already moving. Eyes going wide his spider-sense buzzed again and he moved as a shard of glass embedded itself into the table. Hearing Ashlyn barely he nodded to her as she ran, then Theo was there as he got up. “No worries Theo. I am going to make for the back and test out my new invention. Go!” He broke from Theo in the confusion, giving a look back slightly slipped into a back door into a service hallway where no one was. “Alright time to see if this thing works…two inventions in one night.” From his suit jacket he produced a vial and a syringe gun. Loading it quickly it punched through the cap and the liquid glowed pale blue. Quickly again he jabbed the gun into the side of his neck and pressed the trigger. It took seconds and his body felt the chill power rush through his body. His body plumbed as he let out a breath. Then with a swift movement he twisted his watch face and tiny nanites flowed out of it that began to spray a fluid that wove together forming his new suit

Going invisible he moved back through the doors into the chaos. “Time to go to work.” From there he ran and jumped shooting webbing at the ceiling then hung upside down getting spider’s eye view of the chaos. From there he saw the players in this game and sorted the pieces. THWIP THWIP!! Two ninjas pinned against the wall that were about to attack a group of civilians. Then looking up at the skylight he noticed more ninjas. “Nope, don't think so! All the tables are full at this party! How about I put something on ice for you though!” He then flipped up in the air losing his invisibility and willed his slime into his hand and his suit began to expel it towards the skylight as the ninjas jumped in. The slime caught them as they fell and it expanded. As it did it hardened and froze them, halting their momentum then reversing it as the large chunk of ice flew up and lodged itself in the skylight. As Oberon did this he had turned in the air and shot the ground and pulled himself into another ninja with barreling force. Looking around to see who needed help he jumped over to the giant lion thing then onto its back. “Hello there! Want some more help getting these guys to chill out? He laughed at his own pun and crouched on top of the creature.

In the back if his mind Oberon was cursing himself as he didn't give his last name and she had hers, but he followed it up by taking her hand and lifting it to his lips kissing it in a gentlemanly manner. "Oh no the pleasure is all mine. Honestly you are a refreshing vision as most here are old enough to be my parents or grandparents." He laughed lightly and cursed himself silently again. Then he noticed her body language, slightly moving closer, then her skin was very warm, and was that a slight purr that almost escaped her throat? He was enthralled in the moment and smiled once again before giving a slight turn to the dance floor as they began a slow song. "I ummm...Miss Blackwood, would you do me the honor of a dance and a seat at your table if no one has claimed either beside you?" Extending his hand again with his body slightly turned to the dancefloor his heart sped up so fast that he was sure it would through the musicians' tempo off.

[Location: Outside the Sanctum.]

As luck would have it Lust had come across a building that had been raided or was in the process of being raided rather. The High Order was everywhere it seemed and Lust could bet that they had info on Angel Boy Wonder. As she landed outside of the building a woman had ran out and straight into her. The sudden shock to see a blue demon in front of her was almost enough for the woman to faint it seemed but before she was rendered unconscious Lust probed her mind lightly and found fear and images of an angel...and a demon boy? This night was getting interesting and what luck indeed. Throwing the woman to the side Lust headed inside to see if the angel was still there or if she could dig up an info on why Mephisto actually wanted him. After entering the building it was clear to her that the building would be engulfed. Finding the source of the fire and outstretched her hand absorbing the flames. After she began to rummage through the wreckage finding an intact computer, she then began to use skills she had tucked away that her dad had taught her. Once she was in it was an easy thing to find the files and her eyes widened. Angel boy was for real part angel. Interesting, the family line seemed to have celestial DNA mingled with the human. Seems the angels weren't all celebate or ken dolls as everyone is led to believe. This explained alot, cloning celestial DNA was a huge feat and Mephisto wanted that knowledge. More than likely he wanted to know how to control them. That was another reason for the relic he was trying to obtain she figured. Seems her Master had grand schemes..."I mean all he would need is the horn of Gabriel and..." She trailed off and her eyes widened further. That was his plan! Quickly she got the address of the place she would need to go next to obtain samples which would be far batter than some failed experiment with wings. "Raphael..." She chuckled darkly, should have changed his name to Michael, after all he was smiting down evil. She then got up and threw a fireball that the computer, not caring if the place finally burned or not as she walked out of the facility. Springing up she took off again trying to get a view of the angel. It was but a few minutes till she saw the target. Strangely he was at a door knocking and someone answered. This wasn't right he was supposed to be alone first of all and secondly...shit...she knew where this was and what was about to happen.

Dwarf and Midnight had been taken and tortured till they gave up and Mephisto put them back together again, filling in the cracks of their broken bodies and minds with choice pieces of the spirits of Sin. They were more deadly than at any point they had been with Thanos. Midnight crept above the skylight of the sanctum carrying a tiny Dwarf, then produced a slight claw and cut a hole in the glass. Spells and wards tried to block her entry but they all failed as the Sin of Envy power kicked in. Once the hole was made she placed Dwarf at it. "Now go and make a nice distraction for me so I can get what our Master wants." A tiny growl issued from the creature and he jumped down to the floor making a tiny impact crater into the marble floor. From there Dwarf moved quickly and saw attendants moving about as a man with wings and a demon looking child were taken to separate rooms. A man that seemed to be the head of this place went into both rooms and finally exited going off to do Hell knew what. Dwarf moved then and ran into a room that seemed to be a memorial for the late Dr. Strange. Suddenly Dwarf was filled with memories of that prick of a sorcerer and rage grew in him and as it did so did his form. He grew so large he barely fit in the room. Letting out a bellowing roar he hefted his ax and began swinging. He tore through wood and stone grabbing a hapless attendant and swallowing him whole as he burst through the room his eyes ablaze with fire and brimstone as his anger seethed from him. Wholly unintentional he was creating a great distraction and into the foyer he went. Destroying the stairs then art work and finally a picture above the mantel. It was of the sorcerer and his young apprentice who he had saved and trained. The very man who was about to find that his home had become the aftermath of a warzone.

Midnight heard the screams and the explosion of wood and metal next as Dwarf took action to make the distraction. She then melted into shadow slipping in the sanctum herself hiding as long as her ability would let her while the people of the house would surely be about to chase after Dwarf.

Lust knew her luck couldn't last as she watched the angel go inside the sanctum. She swore heavily and noticed on the roof cloaked in shadows that Midnight and Dwarf were about to make their move. There was literally nothing she could do. She had strict instructions to not interfere with the plan at the sanctum so for now she would have to wait and watch and maybe in the aftermath she could grab the angel. Landing on a roof across the street she dimmed her aura and waited in the cold for what would be her bad luck unfolding.
@Mintz looks good on my end
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